Whose Birthday?

1175 Words
**Kyrah (POV) ** [Kaarmanet, Academy] It took my entire family in my room at the castle to calm me down after my vision. You can call me whatever you want, but I was an open book to my family; I never felt the need to hide anything from them, except the part about being bullied at the academy. I did not exactly hide it 'cause Dasha knew who he never mentions it and lets me deal with it on my own. Not that he doesn't care, he cares a lot and has always protected me like an elder brother. But he is the only one who understands that I'm capable of handling myself around mean kids and don't need extra protection just 'cause I'm blind. Dad on the hand... well... let's just say he's the constant worrier of my life! I unpacked my bags for the semester before heading to the dining hall for dinner. Usually, it was a pretty mundane task that I never really thought about just did it 'cause I must. But that day, I felt the weight of a rock in the pit of my stomach as I made my way to the dining hall. Why? That's simple, I'd have to bear the one and only Romick Woodwind's presence! I had no interest in being around him even before the vision and now I absolutely want nothing to do with him. Why bother when I already know he's going to reject me? Why invest emotions in an inevitable heartbreak? While the reality is, the vision already broke my heart, when I saw him in the vision, I knew my heart was his. Once, Dasha had said, when I saw something similar happen to him, that his heart was Kiah's, to begin with, and if she breaks it he'd let her. Back then I thought he'd lost his top floor but I felt the same during and after the vision. My mind snapped back to the present as I smelt Helen's irritating perfume. She was the granddaughter of the Elveian councilman at the court and her father made up his mind that she'd be the next High Queen for she had the magic to communicate with mystical creatures like Momzy. I mentally sighed as I heard her feet walk in my direction, she was, definitely, going to try getting me in trouble. As expected, Helen walked to the left side of the corridor and stopped a few feet away from me; then she made the mistake of thinking I was gullible and stretched her leg in my way... dumb girl, I'm blind, not stupid! I had already angled myself during my walk down, when I smelt her, in such a way that I'd just be half an inch away from her out-stretched leg and pass her by as if nothing ever meant to happen. "Hi, Helen! How have you been?" I greeted her just as I passed her by, with a smile. "Better than you, I suppose, being blind and all!" She snickered and her minon joined her. Typical, Queen-B you can never get rid of them no matter what! "Oh! That's good for you!" I retorted with a smile, "Didn't think you could handle it, anyway!" I went back on my way to the dining hall, when Vivan and Divit Frost walked to my side, laughing hard, evidently having heard my recent interaction with Helen. Yep, they're my cousins and we're all only months apart from one another. That meant we got to be classmates like our mothers and many times wreak havoc but never get caught! " 'sup super sis?" Vivan quired still snickering, he was a fire-ice dragon, like Uncle Rebh but I felt his aura closer to that of Aunt Vira's. "Awesome as ever!" I chimed happy to have them around. "We saw!" Laughed Divit, he was a hybrid mage and Uncle Jay along with Dasha were still trying to figure out his actual powers to teach him better, and he was not a ladies' man unlike Uncle Cahan because that was Vivan's forte. I'd never say Like Father like Son! Trust me! I heard Momzy and Aunts joke that they got exchanged at birth. We entered the dining hall as the boys caught up on everything that happened since we last met... last night! Believe me, they never rest... always up to some nonsense. We sat at our favorite table, oh no, you got the wrong idea... we don't have any segregation at the academy, our ranks or identities meant nothing in here that was Uncle Jay's rule, greatly supported by our family. It was just a table to the extreme left corner of the Dining hall where we sat. A few of our friends joined us and we chatted waiting for the customary announcements by the Dean at the beginning of the year. A few guys, dark elves also Helen's playmates, threw rockets at me made of used napkins on the tables. Roocky move, idiots! I heard them come my way as soon as they were shot so, I simply blew them away with a basic Breeze spell and went on with my conversation with my cousins. The food had been served with the information that the announcements would be made after the feast; so, we dug in when I heard the one set of feet, I was hoping not to. Romick Woodwind, the only werewolf of the academy, walked in along with the sighs and giggles of girls. He started at the academy 2 years ago which took everyone by surprise as werewolves usually preferred to educate their children in their own territories. It was odd for a wolf to be sent away from the pack because it weakened them, or so, we are told... I've never seen any such effects on Romick to date, his aura strength remains unaffected the entire year. He, apparently, had a tall and bulky personality and pumped muscles that had girls going crazy over him. I've heard girls pray to gods that he was their fate-bound! Not me! But guess what? I am his fate-bound! That means from here on, I will avoid being in the same room as him until after his 18th birthday; so he wouldn't feel the bond and I can stay at peace until mine! "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" Came the chorus of girls from our class on other tables. Birthday? Whose birthday could it be on the first day of the academy year? I thought my brows knitting... please let it not be his! This is the one day we cannot skip the feast! Oh, Gods! Please let it not be his birthday! Please! "Happy birthday, Rom!" Squealed Helen and the worst of my nightmares were coming true. "What nonsense, Helen?" I heard him shrug her off irritated. "What happened, baby?" She said trying to sound cute. "What happened is that it is NOT my birthday but my dead mother's!" He snapped and sat down on the table next to ours. Oh, thank the Gods!
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