On My Nerve!

1111 Words
**Romick (POV) ** [Kaarmanet, Academy] "Wow! She couldn't defend herself, so she went out complaining about other students, using her family connection no less!" I couldn't help but mutter under my breath as the blind princess passed. I'd seen her run to Professor Dasha as he was entering the classroom. The sight of Kyrah darting towards Professor Dasha, her cloak of vulnerability billowing behind her like a tattered flag, churned a tempest of emotions within me. Helen had only thrown harmless flames at her (not that I support bullying) but the bitter reality gnawed at me like a festering wound. Kyrah, swathed in the silk of privilege, was shielded behind a mask of helplessness concealing her true nature. "Romick," Prof. Dasha's call pierced the air, dragging me from my seething thoughts. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" "But Professor, I did nothing to her!" I protested, my words dripping with frustration. What had Kyrah whispered to Prof. Dasha? All I did was make a comment about her not defending herself and yet, this girl went ahead and spewed nonsense at Prof. Dasha. I HATED that entitled bit*h. "Did nothing?" Prof. Dasha asked with furrowed brows, "I asked you to come with me to talk, so, will you?" Prof. Dasha stated authoritatively. "You bit*h! What did you say to Prof. Dasha against my Rommy?" I heard Helen growl under her breath as I followed Prof. Dasha, out of the class. The air crackled with tension as I followed Prof. Dasha to a secluded corner, while his gaze pierced through me like a blade. What had that bit*h told him, making him act this way? Everyone knew Prof. Dasha had to be stern with the academics, but at that moment he looked ready to kill. "Profes..." I began, only to be cut off even before I could say something. "Do you know someone named Sherman?" His inquiry cut through the silence like a thunderclap, his tone grave and foreboding. "Sherman is the head warrior in my father's pack... but why do you ask, Professor?" I asked, drowned out by the weight of uncertainty that hung heavy in the air. "Can he be trusted?" He probed. "Honestly, he's loyal to my father and my brothers. In fact, my brothers rely on his advice on many important decisions. They say he could be named the next beta." I answered truthfully, "But he avoids me like a plague," I said, lowering my head. "So, you can be of no help." Prof. Dasha muttered irritated, "Alright, I'll have a word with your father. You can go back to the class." As Prof. Dasha departed, leaving me adrift in a sea of confusion. What did she say to him? My father was probably going to be furious at me, all while I had no clue why! I shook off the tight knot forming in my stomach and went back to class. The specter of impending consequences loomed over me like a storm cloud on the horizon, casting a shadow over my already troubled mind for the entire day. "I have a bad feeling" Arsa grumbled in my head as we headed to the dorms after classes. I didn't respond as I walked in grabbing my magic mirror that lay on my nightstand. Just as I expected, my father had tried to reach me at least a hundred times since that morning. I was about to cast him back when he reached out yet again. I picked it up, took a deep breath, and prayed to the Moons to save me from his wrath. "Why the fu*k is your Professor meddling in my pack's business?" My father's accusation thundered through the room, the moment I saw his face. "I..." I stammered, my feeble attempts at explanation drowned out by the storm of his wrath. "Don't you dare give me a flimsy excuse! I've told him to mind his business, and you had better mind yours. Because my pack is not your business! Am I clear?" He thundered. With a heavy heart, I resigned myself to the impending tempest, knowing full well the bitter truth of my life that wouldn't change. I changed for dinner as I made my way to the dining hall. As I entered the hall, Helen, fragile and tear-streaked, dashed into my arms, her vulnerability a stark reminder of the injustices that plagued our world. Her hair was disheveled, and fresh tears stained her pale face. "Rommy, thank the Gods you are here!" She cried, shivering in my arms. I looked up to find Kyrah standing behind Helen, her face morphing in anger while extending her arms to reach a scared Helen. The rest of the golden children were right behind her. These entitled brats were now tormenting Helen for no reason, adding fuel to my already raging temper. I growled, pushing Kyrah with my left hand while pulling Helen behind me with my other hand, protecting her from the entitled brats ready to pounce on her. "You better watch it, Woodwind!" Vivan roared in my face as he caught Kyrah, saving her from falling to the ground. "I'd say the same to you, Frost! She keeps getting away with everything just because of her parents and hides behind her blindness" I snarled back. "Rommy, please save me, she's making a scene for no reason. I accidentally spilled my food on her. I swear it was an accident. I even apologized but she wouldn't budge!" Helen whimpered in dread as her entire frame shook like a leaf against me. "This is what happens when you don't report bullies like her, Kyrah!" Divit spat, looking straight at Helen, "But if you refuse to do it, then I'll gladly deal with this bit*h my way!" Divit summoned light shadows ready to attack. With claws bared and resolve hardened, I defied their entitled faces, shielding Helen from their venomous assault. "Not on my watch!" I said, determined, taking a stance. "Woodwind, you know nothing! Stay out of it!" Divit snarled. Divit's light shadow was ready to pounce as I stood in front of Helen blocking her from the upcoming attack. Just then, Kyrah turned to put a hand on Divit's torso, shaking her head, and walked away from the chaos she'd created in the first place. The golden kids huffed in unison before following her. Vivan, however, stood behind and looked at me with his arms folded, "You'll regret this very soon Woodwind, trust me, very soon! Until then, I'll just stand back and watch." "Vivan, leave Romick alone!" Kyrah's voice reverberated through the air, grating on the last of my nerves like nails on a chalkboard.
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