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"You're so great at this." Luna Margaret complimented me when we entered the pack house. I ignored her and focused on my nose. My mate is upstairs. I followed my senses and it brought us in front of a closed door. Lex growled furiously at the sounds that were coming from inside. I gritted my teeth and made a close fist. "Get a hold of yourself,Lex." I told her. Knock!knock !knock! I almost banged the door loud enough but I didn't care. I am pissed. "Who the hell- f*ck it's too early! What is it!?" I heard Wayne cursed inside. I banged the door this time. He opened. Gasp. "You." He muttered. "I need a phone." I said coldly. "Come with me." He stiffened when he spotted Luna Margaret with me. We entered a room that looked like an office. He pointed me to the landline. I dialed and waited for Alpha Trex to pick up. "I have her. She's safe." I said the moment the line was picked up. "You said you'd bring her here safe." I heard him complain. "I've set off the rogues into a hunt. It's no longer safe to bring her outside for a joy ride. So I'm putting the decision on you. I take her there but you have to pay extra or you pick her up yourself and still pay me the money. I was expecting ten people holding her hostage not forty!"I told him, I was a little bit pissed when I remembered him saying it may be a small group of lousy rouges. Forty isn't small. "I'll pick her up. I'll bring the money." I heard him say. "Silver Moon Pack." I gave him the place. I heard him gasped. "Wayne's pack?" "This is the only place rogues would think twice before entering. I masked our scents well. But the moment we step out of this place. They'll pick it up again. You need to bring extra wolves with you. I won't be helpful if they ambush you on the road. It'll cost you extra. Again." I told him. "I understand." He said, before the line was cut off. I breathe in relief. Finally the running was over. My eyes caught Wayne giving Luna Margaret a blanket and a glass of water. She looked cold. I feel guilty for making her run without giving her extra cover. My bad. "He'll be here soon." I told her when our eyes met. "So this is your job?" Wayne asked. He was not impressed. His face was in a complete frown. "Do you know her?" I dodged the question. I don't feel like talking to him right now. He smelled like a wet p*ssy. "She's Luna Margaret. She's been missing for a couple of days. Everybody knew she was abducted." He answered. "Rogues will be close to your borders. You need to alert them. Your patrol wolves suck." I said in a mocking and hurtful way. He growled. "You need to learn respect." "I will when it's earned." I growled back at him. "Please. Don't fight each other." Luna Margaret pleaded. She was on the verge of crying. She must be traumatized. I sighed. "My bad. You've been through enough already." I told her. "We didn't mean to scare you,Luna Margaret. Forgive us." Wayne apologized for our behavior. "I entered your pack, if some rogue we're skilled like me. Your pack will be dead in a heartbeat." I told him. He didn't answer. He might be busy mind linking his people. I feel sorry for his people if they died because of my risky job. I can't let that happen I need to be there and help. "Stay here. It's safe." I told Luna Margaret. "Where are you going?" She asked, worried. "Yes, where are you going?" I heard Wayne repeat her questions. I sighed. "I don't trust anybody to keep me safe. I'll have to assist those patrol wolves, they don't know what they're dealing with." I said in dismissal, never looking at any of them. I don't need their approval for my decisions. I know what's good for me. "Alpha Wayne. Please don't leave me here alone." I heard Luna Margaret plead. I smirked. Now he's stuck with baby sitting. I made my way to patrol wolves near the border. They were expecting me,I guess. None of them growled at my arrival. "Who is in charge here?" I asked. "I am. Beta Chester." Beta answered me. I started counting his men, not enough. If twenty rouges survived and came here hunting us down. His twelve young patrol wolves wont hold. I sighed in disappointment. "You're men will not hold." I told Beta Chester. He wasn't pleased with my words but he didn't answer. "There may be twenty or more coming here." I informed him. He looked shocked at the information. He wasn't expecting this,I'm sure. "I need to tell the Alpha. Wait for his command." Beta Chester told me. I chuckled. Ridiculous. In this situation, the Beta should deal with this now and not wait for orders. "You won't need him. He's busy. I'll take care of this. You stay here and not let any rogue pass. Kill them on the spot. You hear me?" I ordered and left. Not letting him respond. I went back to the woods. It'll be sunrise soon. I need to make use of the dark. Wayne's POV "Chester,I need reports. Tell me what the situation is." I ordered my Beta through the mind link. "The woman went back to the woods. She said she'll be taking care of it, Alpha. And we are not to let any rogue pass." He responded. "WHAT!" I roared. Is she insane? "Why the hell did you let her do that!?" "She doesn't listen to anyone,Alpha. She left before I could even stop her." Beta Chester replied. I growled so loud it shook the whole room. Luna Margaret was scared of her wits. I almost made her cry. I apologized again. The door opened. Shienna entered. "Is everything ok,love?" She asked. "Watch her. Don't let her out of your sight." I ordered her. I'm so pissed right now I couldn't feel any affection for anyone. My mate just threw herself into another grave hole again! If I had known this was her job I wouldn't have let her go. Forty rouges! She was playing hide and seek in the middle of the woods! What if something happened to her!? I growled at the thought of those rouges touching my mate. She will never leave my sight from now on. NEVER! "Alpha." Everybody bowed their heads in submission. "Should we go after her, Alpha?" Beta Chester asked. He looked worried. "I'll go after her. You stay here and guard the borders." I ordered them. "Alpha!" I heard my warrior called me. He was pointing in the woods. My mate was walking out. Blood! She was with her blades. A rogue was chasing her. My eyes never left her. I jumped to my feet to get to her but before I could reach the rogue that was chasing her, she stopped running and caught the rogue off guard. The rogue's head came flying towards me. She chuckled. "I got it, big guy." She said and ran past me. She never changed into her wolf. She should have! Her wolf can run faster and fight better. I made my way back to the border with the others. She was having fun with this? She was clearly enjoying the chase and the fighting! She went back and gave my Beta a heads up for what's coming. Encourage them to fight in their comfortable form. Told them to change into their wolves if they needed it. I've never seen someone like her. So brave. And so stubborn. "Are you with us, Alpha?" She asked me. I was so busy sizing her up I didn't notice she was already talking to me. "Yes. I am. How many?" I asked. I heard her discussion before. I pretended I was listening. "Just ten. Nothing we couldn't handle." She answered. "They're here." Beta Chester informed everyone. Three wolves were spotted coming our way. Followed by more. Ten, just like she counted. The nerve of these fools to come to my border! My wolf was enraged, the rest followed me and we started the fight. It felt so lively until it was over. The last rogue died and everybody was howling their success. My eyes wandered and there was no sign of her! I growled at her absence. "Where is she!?" I asked Chester. "I don't know, Alpha." He replied. My mate's absence brought me a different wave of pain, making my body tremble in anger and grief. My eyes wanted to see my mate's face. Her beautiful face and cold blooded eyes. One that murders me in my sleep. "She left us again." Zyre said, whimpered in our mate's absence. "Baby, is everything ok there?" I asked Shienna through the mind link.
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