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Avery's POV My mate went after Shienna, his chosen mate. I was glad I found Gilly and she was chatty. Now I don't feel like they're a bunch of strangers. So Wayne was his name. "Are you okay,Lexy?" I asked my wolf. "No." Was her simple reply. I could feel her pain. I'm hurt as well but I don't like showing it. I pretended to be okay and tried to be honest that I understand the situation but it still hurts. "Let's put our personal problems aside,Lexy. We've got a job to do." I encouraged her. She didn't respond but she didn't block me either. I'm a bounty hunter every summer, sometimes I take small time jobs if the price was good enough for me. Sometimes just out of boredom. Packs have never ended their rivalries and some attacks aren't supposed to be bold or obvious. That's where I come in. This time I need to rescue a Luna. She was abducted two nights ago but no calls,no ransom, nothing. This may be a personal attack if you look at it in a different view but I need to know more. Only rouges have the guts to do this dirty job and I'm sure my Luna is in these woods. I've gathered information about her whereabouts and now I have the leads of who took her. I just have to get her home safely and figure out who is behind all this unless she has already figured it out herself. Some masterminds are foolish enough to show themselves to their captives. It'll be easier if that happens. "Did you mean it, Ave?" Lexy asked me after a long hour of silence. "Mean what?" "Meet him again." She answered. I can feel she was sad and I don't want to make it worse. Lexy has been the only one I've had in my whole life after I was orphaned. I can't stand her like this. "Yes. I mean it. He's our mate. Let's give him a chance to redeem himself." I told her. She was alive again after hearing what I said. I can feel her energy rising. "You made me happy again,Ave. Thanks." She told me. "But don't get your hopes high,Lex. Don't forget he's mated to someone else." I reminded her. "I know. She was a bad replacement for Luna. Doing that to Gilly over a plate? I say, we should teach her a lesson,Ave." Lexy started being chatty and devious again. Ha! That's my girl. She's back. I chuckled. "We will,Lex. It's a promise." I told her. Lexy howled in excitement and I joined her cheerfulness with my laughter. The sun started to rise,no proper sleep and no proper bath. Great way to stay a day. I thought to myself sarcastically. This is not the first time but I don't recommend it if you're in the middle of nowhere full of rouges, always hungry for a fight. My nose twitched after it picked up a scent. It's coming from my left side. Another scent hit my nose. Rouges. Too many of them. The mixture of their scents says it all. Rouges don't form a pack that big unless... They're up to no good. I smiled. "We've hit the jock pot,Lex." I held my head high enough to catch more scents and a unique scent hit me. I pulled a hair tie in my bag. One I took with me to pick up her scent. This was hers.Luna Margaret. Her scent is here. She's here though I don't see her. Three tents. She's inside one of them. I started counting the rouges going in and out of the tents. Forty to fifty rouges is too much to handle. I need to lure them away. "Time to set up some traps,Ave." Lexy was smirking excitedly. This was her favorite part of hunting. After sizing up the surroundings, the traps were placed properly and our scents were masked and so no one would notice us. I'm fighting the tiredness I'm feeling right now. I found a small cave well covered with hanging leaves. My nose didn't pick up any scents around it so I went to check it out. My instincts never abandoned me. This place is unnoticeable to the naked eye, I started exploring inside the cave and found a shortcut. This could be a good escape route but before I use it. I have to give it a day to see if this really is a safe place to plan an escape. "We have to be sure,Ave. Your traps aren't enough. We still need to kill some to lessen their numbers." Lex coached me after sizing the situation. I agreed to what she said so I stationed myself not so far from the cave to see if it was a safe passage for me. Rouges don't patrol their spaces, they don't think like a pack wolf. They do what they want and move separately from the others. I watched them morning,noon and night. I have noticed some of their patterned behaviors. Like they bring food to the third tent near the shrubs, less people get access in that tent and the same rogue brings and takes out the same plate. That rogue takes his own meal elsewhere after that. It means he was feeding someone inside. Night came, no signs of movement in the cave. Good sign. "Past twelve in the evening. We move in." Lex gave her a go signal. Feeling the same safety but I don't think I have to rush it. "I think we need to set up more traps. We can't rush this." I told her. "Okay,fine." She agreed but I can feel that she didn't like the idea. "I know you want to see him again that's why you're rushing things here. This could be dangerous for us,Lex. We need more time here." I explained to her. Sighs. "Yeah, you're right. My judgement was clouded with my own personal agenda. I just want to see him again." Lex confessed. I feel sad for her. For us,really but I have more focus than her. She's purely acting on instinct now because of the mate bond. I went my way into making more traps. The deadlier the better. I placed more around the escape route so that there's less chance for rouges to catch up on us. It took me three long hours to finish. But sometimes opportunity knocks in your door unexpectedly. "They're all asleep?" I muttered to myself. Unbelievable! Yet it's true. No guards, no patrol, no rotation? "They don't behave like a pack,Ave. They feel safe in these woods." Lex reminded me. I smiled. "When an opportunity comes knocking at our door what do we do?" Lex grinned."You answer." The next check up call is at six. I've got enough time to get her out of here. I slowly entered their territory, not making any unnecessary sounds. I took a peek inside the tents and my guess was right, She's in the third tent. Tied up in chains. Now that's another problem. I slowly woke her up. I covered her mouth. "Shh." I described my question using sign language. She pointed at the man sleeping outside the tent. The key was hanging on his side pocket but now it's not, I smiled sheepishly while retreating back with the key on my hand. In a matter of seconds, we're both running away from the rouge tents. We've made past the traps and into the cave before I heard a commotion and my traps started to set off one by one. "We need to hurry." I told her and she followed me out into the darkness of the cave. I made sure our scents are well masked. Good thing she was well fed. She got the strength and the speed for the long run. "Thank you." I heard her say while we're in the middle of escaping. "Thank me later." I told her. My mind was racing. The woods are more dangerous now that I've set the rouges on a hunt but there's only one place they won't come looking for. Pack territories. "Let's go see our mate." I told Lexy. She was jumping in pure joy and excitement. She couldn't wait anymore so I think I should give her something to cheer her up a bit. I needed a car anyway and a phone call. My eyes scanned the place for patrolling wolves, I kind of remembered where they came from when they picked up Gilly. I felt her tug my sleeves. "This is a pack. We're trespassing!" She hissed in a low voice. "I know the Alpha of Silver Moon Pack. We're safer here than there." I said, pointing the woods outside the border. She looked hesitant. "What about the patrol? They might kill us on the spot." I chuckled. "Let me worry about that." I told her. She nodded and followed me silently. No patrolling wolves spotted us. Lucky. To be honest, I feel a bit disappointed with their patrol system.
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