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I wanted to ask about my mate but I know Shienna will not be happy. She was jealous. "Alpha Trex is here." She informed me. Fuck! "I'll be there soon." I told her. If Alpha Trex was there then that means she already took off with her payment. I was like chasing time, getting clothes on before going inside the office. Alpha Trex was calming his mate who was crying. "Where is she?" I asked Alpha Trex. "You mean Hunter?" Alpha Trex answered. "Is that her name ?" I asked. Hunter? Is that even a name? "No. She never says her name. Some people call her hunter because she never really gave anyone what to call her. She's a bounty hunter. Very skilled." He told me. "So where is she now?" I asked in frustration. "She's out there somewhere. I offered her to be a member of my pack but she refused. She only wanted the money. She left after she got it." He answered. I sat down in my chair. I feel completely lost. I didn't remember Shienna was inside the room. She cleared her throat. "Why are you still asking about her?" Clearly she was jealous again. Even Alpha Trex and Luna Margaret gave me the "curious"look. I didn't answer. Alpha Trex cleared his throat. "Do you need her services? She's for hire. She only takes good offers though. Five hundred thousand dollars for my Luna is nothing for me. No money can replace my mate. " He said, kissing his mate on the forehead. "Why didn't you rescue her yourself? Why do you need to hire a bounty hunter?" I asked. "I wanted to rescue her myself but there's been too many rogue attacks in my pack, I would leave my pack for dead if I left. I've heard about the Hunter from another Alpha. So I hired her. She gets the job done and that's what really matters to me. I didn't care about the money." He answered. "She was very talented. I didn't want to trespass your pack Alpha Wayne but she told me she knew you and to let her worry about your guards. She didn't harm any of them. I swear. She was quick and quiet. " Luna Margaret added. "She did the right thing. Rescuing you was dangerous and too many rogues chasing your tails is inevitable. She knew she needed a place to hold you safely and I am glad she chose this pack. She took care of the damages too. I think I need her for a job." I told them. Shienna growled and stormed out the door. I couldn't blame her. She has the right to feel that way. "Do you want me to arrange a meeting for you?" Alpha Trex offered. "Hunter and I agreed to meet again. If she isn't true to her words then I'll call you Alpha Trex." I told him. He nodded and got up. Taking her wife with him. I opened the door for him. "She's true to her words. I can assure you that." Alpha said before going out. (Five days later) Knock! knock! knock! "Enter. It's open." I yelled. I was busy with some papers in my office and my nose is buried with the scent of dust in the papers. "Your guards still suck." I looked up immediately. Mate! "You came back." I was surprised. I was meaning to call Alpha Trex if she didn't show up today. "I promised. Didn't I?" She answered. Sitting in the chair in front of my desk. She eyed me carefully until our eyes met. Our gazes are locked. Some women couldn't stand my charm. I smiled at her. She frowned. "What?" I asked. A little bit offended. Am I not cute anymore? "I'm hungry." She answered. "You're early so let's have breakfast." I said. I took the lead and she followed. She was silent and observant. I caught her scanning the place many times. "Is she a thief?" I asked Zyre. "She's not stupid." Zyre cut off my awful thoughts. "You've got great paintings. I'm surprised. Are you a collector?" She asked after a while. "Nope. These paintings have been here since I was a kid." I told her. "Hmm." Was her only reply. I wonder what's going on with her mind right now. "You fancy one?" I asked. "Would you give me one if I said yes?" She retorted. "I could." I answered. She chuckled. "Nah. I'd sell it and it would be a waste. It's better if they hang here." She replied. I was dumbstruck. "Did you hear that?" I asked Zyre. "I don't care if she's a troll. I want my mate!" Zyre was irritated. "You can hang it in your house. No need to sell it." I suggested. Maybe she'll give me her home address. She laughed. "Clever." She complimented me but I guess she knew what I was up to. "Hunter is what they call you?I'm sure you have a place where you stay." I pushed it. I didn't care. I wanted to know where she lives. "I don't have a home. I move places. I come here for work. I'm here because we needed to talk." She went straight to her point. I admire her so much. I wanted to impress her but I know she hated me for choosing Shienna. Now my mate was cold and distant. "Why is she here?" Shienna aced immediately down the stairs. "I'm here for breakfast and a good talk. Would you mind?" Hunter didn't show any emotions but I can see she was being polite. "Yes, I would mind." Shienna replied rudely. "Oh. I'm sorry. I wasn't talking to you." Hunter just replied, plastering a sweet smile to her face. "Who-!?" "Gilly." Hunter greeted Gilly. Shienna is furious now. Gilly placed the food on the table and offered Hunter a seat. Shienna growled. "Who the hell do you think you are? I didn't order you to serve her!" She scolded Gilly. "You're supposed to be in school Gilly. It's past seven." Hunter reminded Gilly. I was reminded too. She's right. Why is Gil still here? "I-- umm.. Luna Shienna needed me here..so..." Gilly choked up her answer. Hunter gave me a sharp glare. Eyeing me. "Go to school Gil, we're good here. Thanks." I said to Gilly nicely. "Thanks, Alpha." Gil bowed and left in a hurry. "Sit down." I ordered Shienna. She followed my order and sat right next to me. Breakfast started peacefully. Hunter ate so fast and she was done while my plate was just half empty. Is she in a hurry or something? I kept quiet and the other maids served her desserts. I would glance at her from time to time. She knows her table manners and she doesn't act like a wild animal. For someone who claims to be a rogue, she doesn't look savage to me. "This plate is fancy." She complimented. Shienna scoffed. "I bet you haven't seen something like that before." "Oh, I have. A lot fancier. But these aren't the things that interest me." She said and handed the maid her plate, followed by a crashing sound. Gasp! "Oh no! I'm sorry,Luna Shienna. I didn't catch the--" "-it was my fault. I'm sorry." Hunter apologized . Helping the maid. Shienna was not happy about this but she didn't respond. "It's okay. It's just a plate." I told them. "I wouldn't mind if you send me out the borders for breaking a plate. I understand that's the punishment." Hunter said after the maid left. I feel confused. "That's too much punishment for breaking a plate. That's not even a crime." I explained to her. I don't want her to think my pack is that cruel. "So what if someone sends me off the border because I broke a fancy plate?" Hunter asked. "That someone will be punished." I answered her. "Gilly was thrown off the border after she broke a fancy plate. Do you want to know who sent her there to die?" Hunter asked. Shienna tensed up and I can sense it. I get it now. Why did Hunter break that plate in front of us. I growled. Shienna was shaking in fear. "Shienna is this your doing?" I asked her. "That is a vile accusation! I would never!" Shienna denied everything at once. "Calm down, Wayne.. I think she and I can take care of this in a peaceful way." Hunter interrupted. "If I find out you did this, you will be punished." I reminded my wife. I knew about the plate but I didn't pay much attention to it. Shienna hates it when maids break her things. I didn't know she would be this cruel over a plate. I've never seen her hurt anybody before. "I trust Gilly's words but you still need evidence or a witness to connect with her crimes before you punish her. That's our law. I went back to check if those three mutts have something to connect to her and I found none. They're all dead and I ruined any chance of a witness. Technically, she gets off the hook." Hunter explained.
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