
The Elusive Zeta Alpha Meets The Lycan King


"I want a night with you."

Her growling was abruptly paused. She did not expect that this was the reason why the Lycan King had been chasing her. The shock made her mind blank, her heart racing.


I felt a prickling sensation in my shoulder, one that I always feel when someone is watching me.


He's back.

What happened to his face?

I stood up from the bed and faced him. He had that smirk again. I followed where his eyes rested and I jumped back on the bed in surprise to cover myself from his lustful gaze.

"You better kill me after your rape me,Leon. If I get out of here alive I'd be back to make you suffer!" I shot him a warning but he didn't seem threatened by me. He laughed and sat on my bed which I immediately kicked my legs away and crawled backwards.

"Rape you?" He smiled, shaking his head at me. "I'm not a rapist, Hunter." He chuckled.

"Then why am I here,huh? Wearing this—ugh! I can't even describe what this is!"

He laughed and grabbed a bowl of sliced fruits. "I'll be feeding you, Hunter. Everyday."

"I want answers, Leon." I growled.

"Eat." He ignored me and moved closer. I wanted to back away but my back already hit the wall.

"You know I can kill you even without a knife here, Leon." I retorted.

"Go on then, do it." He chuckled.

"I'm not playing games, Leon." I warned.

"So do I, Hunter." He said, putting down the food on the bed.

My anger rocketed to the roof, so did my fists but he caught it and pulled me away, throwing me on the floor. He was stronger than me in human form, he may be bigger than me but I'm fast and small. I attacked him again and managed to land my punch on his face but he wrapped his arm around my tiny waist. Now I can't maintain my distance! I can't get out!

"Trapped?" He teased.

I arched my back and smashed my head on his nose. Take that! "Free again." I chuckled, now that my feet are down on the ground again. His nose slowly bleed and so did my forehead. I lounged at him again but he was quick to grab my neck, bringing me up in the air. I felt my air run out, his grip tightened around my neck and I twisted my body to kick him but he caught me by my ankle. "I've seen this move before." He smiled.

Did he forget he only had two hands? One on my neck and one holding my ankle. I kicked his chest as hard as I could manage and I fell on the ground. "Didn't see that coming, did you?" I chuckled.

He moved forward with his fist but it didn't land on my face, instead he grabbed me again on my neck and smashed me on the bed. He locked me with his weight while my hands were pinned above my head, my thighs spreading wide!

He had that smirk again. His eyes landed between my legs and I growled. "Stop looking!"

"I can't help it." He continued to stare. I wanted to shut my legs closed but he was between them, his large frame spreading my legs.

"Don't you dare..." I gasped at his face getting closer and closer to my face. Not that kiss again! I wiggled my hips to get free but I think I made it worse. I felt something hard pressed me down.

Leon groaned and pressed me more on the bed. "Stop moving.. or I will f**k you right now, Hunter!" His jaw clenched as he glared at me. I felt fear prickle my spine.

"Why are you doing this?" I laid down, hoping that was enough to save my virginity today... "Are you doing this to punish me for what I did to you?"

"You won't have answers, Hunter." He whispered to my ear. I shivered in his warm breath against my neck. "If you fight me again, you'll do it fully naked."

My eyes widened at the picture of myself inside my mind. How can I fight naked!? It's going to be the most embarrassing fight in my life and I will not go through with it! I won't let that happen! Never! "If you kill me, how are you going to get out, hmmm?" He looked me in the eye, brushing his nose on my checks, his breath caressing my ears. The sensations are drying me crazy! "That door won't open without my command."

"Lucas will find me." I said but it was more like I told myself, trying to comfort me with the thought that someone will save me. My brother will do everything to save me. He won't stop.

Leon chuckled, he even laughed and buried his face on my neck. He inhaled my scent like he was addicted to it. Is he really this obsessed with me? "Lucas and everyone thinks you were ambushed and taken away, Hunter. No one is ever going to ever find you again."

"You can't do this, Leon! You can't keep me here forever!" I wanted my hands back but he didn't let me go.

"Forever starts today, Hunter." He pulled me to sit on his lap, I wanted to punch him again but I remembered what he said. He wasn't joking about it. I know he's not. "Eat." He pushed sliced apples in my mouth and I ate in complete silence. What could I do?

"I'll reject Wayne if that's what you really want. Just let me go." I have to make a negotiation here. I can't stay here. My pack needs me.

"Bargaining stage." He smiled, teasing me with his humor.

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"Enough!" I heard my sister growl behind me. She's been a real pain in the ass for me since I took over as Alpha but I love her, I just can't kill her like the rest. We're moon twins. "I want to change our destiny, Eve." I said, not glancing at her and continued my hunt. I'm the Alpha of the Titan Wolf Pack and I was destined to give birth to the most powerful werewolves of our kind to continue the existence of my people. Werewolves still depend on my pack for good breeding and therefore all races worship me and my pack but I don't want to do my obligation. I don't want children. I can't have them. I know the truth now. "You can't kill the titan wolves, Ave. Who will restart the races after we're gone?" I heard my sister reason with me again. I can't help but roll my eyes at the question. Obviously it's not my problem. Why does she need to ask? I didn't reply so maybe she got the answer she needed from me. "Why are you doing this?" I heard her ask me, we were walking into the green forest, sun's down already so the surroundings started to gloom as the night threatened to swallow the sky. "Without the titans, we can restart again. I'll force the Goddess to do things differently. Sacrifices must be made, the old world must die to let the new world be reborn. This time I want the titans to be reborn, we've been burdened with our oaths since the beginning of time. I intend to end that, but not through me but through all of us." I told her, watching her face turn sour with disapproval of my plans. I know she doesn't like how I run things but I can't tell her I've already found out the truth about my future. It's better I keep this one secret until I hit the grave. "You're selfish." She cursed me under her breath but I didn't really care. I'm used to her anyways. She always hated me and my ideas. "Thanks for the compliment." I chuckled, leaving her behind and continued tracking my pack members. They're all well trained so it's challenging for me to hunt them down one by one but the more difficult the better, it'll be a lot more fun for me. "Avery." I heard my sister call me again. I could sense she's very close behind and I lazily turned around to face her but a thin, cold knife slid through my rib cage reaching up my heart. My sister's eyes were in tears, her hand tightly holding the knife that pierced me. I feel the silver burn, I feel the blood inside me turn cold. "I'm sorry." She sobbed, biting her lips from trembling. I couldn't stop myself but found it funny so I smiled.. "You're not." I said, holding her blooded hand around the knife. "You... did exactly what I needed you to do." I pushed myself to say the words although I felt it was so difficult to do while a knife was stuck inside me. "We will see each other again, moon twin." She said, kissing my cheeks while I waited for my body to turn cold. Of course we will. We're moon twins. We're forever locked in one destiny. I fell on my knees, feeling life leave my legs weak and soft. My sister fell on her knees as well, to keep holding me while I still have little consciousness. If I didn't know the truth before this, I might have hated her for doing this to me but I know she's just doing her purpose and following orders. She's the protector of the werewolves while I am the gift of unburdening. We are the mark of the beginning and end. For now, I survived and got away from the real punishment of this life. Death is much kinder. "I'll see you soon, moon twin."I whispered in her ear. The memories of my past lives started crashing back to me... She nodded. She knew what I meant. With a sure and swift trust, she buried the knife in my heart to end my life. I closed my eyes in satisfaction, my life flashed nothing but darkness. "See you again after three hundred thousand years, Ave.."I heard my sister's words fade as the darkness completely swallowed me. I don't feel my lips but I know I smiled at that news. I'll make sure my next life will be different. The world changes every minute, getting more and more exciting every passing time. Just imagining the future makes my blood rush with excitement. I can't wait to be born again! In my next visit, I'll make sure every minute of misery will not be wasted. Heaven is such a boring place!

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