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Wayne's POV "I'm so sorry,Alpha. I didn't mean to create chaos." Gilly apologized for the seventh time. I didn't want to be angry at her. She's been snatched from the pack but I think she was lucky to be alive and brought back here safely. "She's seriously making this up. There's no way a female werewolf could handle three full grown rouges." Shienna, my chosen mate, retorted after hearing Gilly's story. "I believe my sister is telling the truth, Alpha. She had bruises and scratches." Gilly's twin brother Gwen sided with his sister. "She doesn't smell like a rogue? But she is a rogue. Can you explain that. " Shienna challenge. Gilly looked scared and worried at the same time. "She was beautiful. It may be dark but she is. She wouldn't tell me her name. I told her to wash up but...." Gilly paused. "Here, smell this. She touched this for a short time when she freed me, Alpha. I think she's in the waterfall washing up now. She was full of blood and I told her she could wash up first and I'll wait but she insisted on taking me home first. I wasn't lying,Alpha. I swear." Gilly chatted nervously and handed me the rope. She must have carried it with her. I smelled the rope and my nose sniffed more of its scent. Intoxicating. My heart was racing. Mate! Everybody was silent. Waiting for me to give my verdict. Gilly will be punished if she was caught lying but I think not tonight. "She's not lying." I said finally. Gwen and Gilly breathe in relief after hearing it. Shienna only frowned at my words. I dismissed the two young lads and walked out of the pack house. "Where are you going,baby?" Shienna asked. Seeing me leave. "I need a run. I'll be back in a bit." I said and went my way. I did not let her reply. I know I have chosen to have Shienna as my Luna and my mate but I just can't get rid of Gilly's words about my mate. She was strong,fast, and beautiful. I'm f*****g curious. But she's a rogue? Gilly is confusing me. How could she smell different from other rouges? This mystery is killing me. I need to know. "Find our mate,you fool. You should have waited for her!" Zyre was not pleased with Shienna. He always hated her. Now that he has caught the scent of our mate, he's more pissed with me now. My eyes wandered where we found Gilly. I started following Gilly's scent until I picked up my mate's scent. She really walked with Gilly. I ran through the woods following the scent. It smelled like sweet candy pops and vanilla. She f*****g smell awesome for a rouge. She doesn't smell like she belongs to a pack. All packs have a distinguished smell. That's our way of knowing that someone belongs to a pack. My ears listened to the sound of rushing waters. It's only been twenty minutes since Gilly's arrival and I interrogated her right away. Maybe my mate is still where Gilly said she would be. My senses focused on the sound of the waters until I reached the waterfall. My eyes wandered there..."She's sleeping?" Zyre asked. She was just laying at the side of the pool of water. She looked a bit exhausted. She must've fallen asleep. "Should we wake her up?" I asked Zyre. Not knowing what to do. "She'll kill you. You reek of Shienna. She'll know you have already chosen a mate!" Zyre answered furiously. "What the hell should we do then!?" I asked him. I'm annoyed but he's right. My eyes were glued at my mate when she started moving. It looks like she was just taking her time to have a short rest. She opened her bag and took something. It looks like a small pouch of soap and a toothbrush. She sniffed the air. I went down to the ground immediately, not letting the air catch my scent. My eyes were still on her. "Oh hell,no." I muttered to myself. "Oh hell yes!" Zyre exclaimed happily. My mouth went dry. My mate is a Goddess! She's f*****g hot. I'm starting to feel myself getting hard. What the hell is she thinking!? Naked in the middle of the night!? What if some rogue sees her? I growled at the thought loudly. A mistake. Big mistake. "Great! You burned us up. Nice timing." Zyre was sarcastic now. I messed up. Our mate noticed my presence right away. She immediately grabbed her blades. She even looked more hot naked with those blades. She looked fierce. Fiercely beautiful. Gilly wasn't lying. She growled. "I never knew my mate would be a pervert." I sighed. I decided to show up. There's no sense hiding anyway. My scent was already up in the air after my growling. Our scents and aura intensifies when we're angry. "I wanted to see you but I just didn't know when the right time was. You seem.. busy." I said still eyeing her whole body. I have to get a grip. Zyre is losing it. She sniffed the air again. "You're an Alpha." She's very... Experienced. Only a seasoned fighter can sense their opponent's strength. "Silver Moon Pack? Correct?" She guessed. Walking slowly towards me. Each step is very sexy. F*ck! Focus! I nodded. She growled. "Gilly's Alpha?" She asked. She looked very dangerous. Actually she sounds dangerous now. I nodded again. "Your chosen mate wasn't enough to make you stay in her bed?" She hissed. She was angry. She has all the rights. "I didn't know-" "Know what? That I'd come?" She cut me off. She was standing in front of me. Looking straight into my eyes. "Yes." I answered. She chuckled. "Of course. I have no expectations or whatever. You have a pack to run and it's stronger with a Luna." My mouth opened but no words came out. I wasn't expecting that. I was preparing myself for an attack. I thought she would kill me right there and then. "Y-you're not angry?" I asked her. "My wolf is angry." She said honestly. "How about you?" I asked again. I wanted to know what she really felt. She started dressing up. She was silent but she was graceful. "She could have been a better Luna." Zyre said, while we were both watching her closely. "You need to go back to your pack. I have to go." She said after she picked up her duffle bag. "What!? No! You're coming with me!" I didn't think of my words more carefully. I panicked when she said she had to go. She gave me a deadly stare. "It's dangerous out here. You could get killed." I added. She chuckled. "Oh,big boy. I've been doing this my whole life. I've got a job to do and I don't need you to crowd my way." She said, turning her back at me. I growled at her. "You're my mate. You're mine! You're not going anywhere!" Pulling her to face me. "You already have a mate." Shienna was standing behind me. "You looked surprised." My Goddess-like mate was grinning at the situation. I have a feeling this will not end well for me. "Are you leaving me now that you have found your mate?" Shienna's voice was shaking. Her eyes are starting to form tears. "I-umm what? No!" I stammered. I wasn't prepared for this. "Great! It's settled." My unnamed mate cheerfully ended the conversation. I growled at her sudden movement. I couldn't control it. I just want her near me. Touching her excites and calms me at the same time. "We're not done yet." I said, holding her firmly again. Shienna started crying and she started running away. I feel like an i***t. I should have known she was following me. If I let my mate go I might never see her again. If I don't run after Shienna she might get in trouble with the other rouges lurking around these parts of the woods. F*ck me! I heard her sigh. "Go after her. She'll be in trouble running away like that." My mate was so understanding. I feel guilty for putting her in this situation. "What about you?" I asked her. "I'll be fine." She assured me. "No, I meant will I ever see you again?" I felt sad and angry at the thought of not seeing her again. I feel like I owe her so much apology. "I'll come see you in your pack after five days. We'll talk. For now, keep this a secret." She answered. I felt relieved but still unsure. "What's your name?" I asked. "No names. It's for everybody's safety." She answered.
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