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My peaceful sleep was cut short when a disturbing sound of a screaming girl echoed not far away from where I settled for the night. "What the hell?" I cursed. "F*ck." I never wanted to get up. I need my strength for traveling. I've been a rogue for a long time. I was just twelve when my whole pack was wiped out and I was the only survivor. The alpha's daughter. Not that it matters now. I'm now just an orphan girl. My body ached but I didn't bother folding my things. The girl's screaming slowly grew more terrifying each second that goes by. "I'm going to cut those mutts into nasty little pieces. Nasty rouges!" Lexy growled, fighting for control. "Ah. We're rouges too,you know?" I reminded her. We started running towards the sounds. I started to hear three different voices. All men. All of them are laughing. Except for the little girl who is scared like hell. Well, she should be. "We're different. We're not like them." Lex clarified. I chuckled. "I know, girl. Let's focus. " I said as I settled behind the bushes. I circled my way around them slowly,not making any sound. I needed to be somewhere not too near and not too far so I could assess the situation. Looking for a blindspot. "There it is." Lexy was smirking like the devil. The third person went for a piss. I hid myself in the darkness. Careful not to let the wind pick up my scent and deliver it to any of them. I stayed low. Stalking my first kill for tonight. This i***t never noticed me, I'm already standing right behind him. He kept whistling,taking his time. The wind blew. He stiffened. "Surprise." I whispered to him and snapped his neck. "One down,two to go." Lexy counted. I went back to check on the two. The girl was tied up and her mouth was covered with a dirty piece of clothing. I feel sorry for her. This is a very horrifying experience. One that can leave scars for life. "Where the hell is he? He pisses like a cow." One of the two men complained. "Should I go get him?" The other one offered. "Nah. He'll be back on his own." The former replied. I chuckled. "I'm afraid he won't be back anytime soon." The two men were startled by my presence. The girls muffled sobs stopped. There was hope in her eyes. I winked at her, my way of assuring her I'm here to help. Thankfully the moonlight is enough for her to see that. The men growled furiously. "You're dead meat." Both of them threatened. "Give it your best shot." I challenged. I've been through the worst scenarios. My father was a legend. My whole pack was. Most feared. Most ruthless when it comes to the enemy. I remember everything. Especially the good stuff. The two shifted into their wolves. Brown fur, gold eyes. They jumped in the air, and before they could land, they felt the shape edge of my silver blades cut them in their chests. Blood showered above me. Both wolves were too shocked at my speed. They were losing too much blood. The cut was too big, but not too deep. Just enough to bleed them and slow them down. "I'd like to finish these mutts." Lexy announced. She must have been so excited because of the blood. "Sorry,love. Let's not be nasty now that the little girl is watching." I told her. Getting captured is enough trauma. Witnessing nasty death is another. I'd like to make it as short and clean as possible. She huffs in disappointment. Before the two could try something stupid. I cut their throats. Their own blood muffled their throats. The woods were silent again. Finally. I went to untie the kid. She removed the covers in her mouth since her hands were free now. "T-thank you miss." She said as soon as she could speak. I sniffed her scent. "You have a pack." I said. She nodded. "You're a rogue?" She looked worried. "I'm a rogue." I replied. I don't like to explain anyway. She must be confused why I don't smell like one. You only become a rogue when your alpha banishes you from the pack or if someone decides to abandon the pack to become a rogue. I, on the other hand was not banished, nor did I decide to leave my pack. I am a lone survivor of a pack. I, myself, is a pack once I find a Titan like me and create my own pack. That's how the first wolves started. "You don't smell like a rouge, miss." She noticed anyway. "You're not from a pack either. You smell different." She added. I chuckled. "You are chatty. " I said walking away from the dead mutts. I started walking back to where I settled in the first place. She followed me instinctively. Clearly she doesn't want to be left alone in the middle of the dark woods. "How the hell did you end up here anyway?" I asked her. "I was punished." She answered in a low voice. Like she was afraid someone else would hear her. "Why?" I was curious now. "I broke an expensive plate." She answered. "You still belong to the pack. You weren't banished. You're not a rogue. That's one hell of a punishment for an expensive plate." I scoffed at the ridiculous situation she was in. "What pack do you belong to, young lady?" I asked. We arrived at my camping site. I gathered my stuff in my duffle bag. The east side is Shadow Glory Pack and the west side from where I'm standing is the Silver Moon Pack. "Silver Moon Pack." She answered. "Let's go get you home." I said and started going west. She was chatty but I didn't complain. Maybe that's her way of staying calm and distracting herself from what happened to her. She told me her Alpha has chosen a mate and not waited for his mate. He chose a terrible one since she was the one who punished this young pup for breaking her plate. She's more ridiculous than the villain in a stupid fairy tale. I listened for an hour and I could swear if there was a quiz after this I could perfect it even when I'm asleep. She was so detailed. I could almost say I already know everyone in their pack. I just chuckled at the thought. "Do you have a family?" I asked in the middle of her chattiness. "Yes. I have a brother. He was my age. We're twins." She answered. "Twins feel each other. Don't you know that?" I said, reaching the pack border. She nodded. "Step inside the border and call him. I'll be around to make sure no one comes snatching you again. " I said and made my way back to the woods. "I- umm can I know your name?" She yelled before I disappeared in the darkness. I chuckled. I didn't give her anything about me. I hid in the darkness. I watched as she waited for her brother. She kept looking through the trees hoping she could still see me. A moment later the border patrol of their pack arrived. A young boy that looked like her hugged her and she started crying. I smiled at the touching scene but I stood up immediately to leave but then it hit me. The wind carried an enticing scent. Mate! I returned to my old hiding place. There's too many men. I can't point to who my mate is. Their scents are mixing. "Let's go see him now!" Lexy said excitedly. "No!" I went to leave immediately. Lexy was not happy with my reaction. "We need our mate!" She reminded me. "I have a job to do, Lexy. Mate can wait." I told her. I continued to run back to where I camped. I remember there was a waterfall in the area because I could hear the beautiful sound water. I smell so awful because of the blood. Gilly,the young girl I rescued, offered me time to wash first but I told her to keep walking. I can't keep her for a long time, I just can't let her be with me. It's dangerous to be here this time of night. I can't protect her all the time. She was better back in her pack. "Let's get cleaned up." I told Lexy but she didn't respond. She must be upset. She wanted to meet our mate. We wanted to form our own pack but I have to finish college. I take a mission every summer to fund my college tuition and my needs. It's good money. I can't stay here in the wild and try to survive, I have to live with humans and adapt to their ways of living since I'm a lone wolf. I'm in my last year and after that I'm looking forward to starting my work in a hospital as a doctor. That should keep me fed for years until I'm ready to fulfill my father's wishes. I was saving money for the future of my pack, I have saved a lot but I wanted to be more productive during summer, I didn't really like wasting my time and besides, I'm trying to find survivors of my old pack while I was around finishing my job.
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