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I was surprised at what he wanted me to do. "Do it, Ave. Trust me. You'll love it." Lex urged me to try. My mouth did what Lex told me. She was coaching me. I felt Wayne's hand grab my hair. Guiding my head in a smooth direction. The tingles were now in my mouth and I loved it. Surprisingly, I sucked out some of his juices and it tastes amazing. I couldn't get enough of it so I sucked him hard I heard him groaned in pleasure. He was pushing my mouth deeper and I almost gagged but I could feel his hardness burn up and there it is again.. His juices. He kept asking to slow down. He was clearly holding it in, so I sucked it out again and this time I had it all. He released them all inside my mouth. I did not waste a drop of it. Never will. It was addicting. His juices taste so good. "Told you it was good." I heard Lex say at the back of my mind. After it was done. A wave of embarrassment flooded me. I couldn't look at him. I feel so ashamed of what I've done. I ran out of his office before I could hear him say anything. What have I done? That wasn't right! A taste of him made me do inappropriate things like that. That was not me! I never would have acted like that to anyone, ever! Now I have an unforgettable shameful experience with my mate and now I will remember it every time I see him! I need to shower now because his scent is all over me! Lex on the other hand, was howling in happiness. Gilly was asleep and I made my way to my bedroom quietly. I don't want to wake her up and smell me. What will she think of me? Wayne's POV Hunter fled my office like a bullet. She made me come in her mouth. Have I pushed her too far? It was obvious she was a virgin even if she didn't admit it. Her innocence and curiosity was visible in her eyes and that only fueled me up to release a premature ejaculation. She turned me on when she sucked my juices like she was thirsty for it. Damn! I couldn't get enough of her. She was so sweet and innocent in my arms. She was a completely different person, her eyes were like pools of vulnerability. "I told you there was softness in her. Our mate was perfect." Zyre said in satisfaction. He wasn't restless anymore. He was calm again. "She ran away from us." I recalled. "Just give her time. She'll come back for more." Zyre was confident. I chuckled. "Or maybe I'll come back for more." I told him. I'm not sleeping with Shienna tonight. Zyre might become restless again. He made it clear he only wanted to be near our mate and when I ignored him, he started becoming restless..I couldn't sleep with Shienna on my bed. Zyre doesn't like her. I needed my wolf to calm down. Thankfully, there's a bedroom in my office. I could sleep there. I hate that I had to wash Hunter's scent away in the shower. I've wanted her scent on me since I met her. "Are you sleeping here tonight,baby?" I heard Shienna in our mind link. "I'm working late. Don't wait for me." I told her. I was in the middle of the shower and all I could picture was my mate and her aroused state when I touched her. Shienna used to satisfy me and she was a fine Luna. She helped me sometimes, she decorated the place and made the pack house look like a mansion. I thought she was doing a great job but I recently checked her spending records and I was not impressed. I have millions of trust funds from my mother and that's what all I have left to rebuild this pack. Father left me with debts from his gambling and he banished most warriors from our pack, he wanted his whores to himself and mate bond is getting in his way with his f****d up life. I hated him but I never wanted to kill him. I was busy fixing up everything,picking up his mess. He died and I was glad. Everything was so heavy until she came. Hunter. Whatever her name is. It doesn't matter. She's my mate and a damn good one. I was so shocked when she wanted to help me. She said her wolf needed me and that's enough for her. She never asked for a payment. I remembered her negotiations with Alpha Trex, everything she does and every risk was priced. " Should we go see her tomorrow again?" Zyre asked excitedly. "No. I think we should give her some space. We overstepped tonight and she ran." I told him. He whimpered but he wasn't upset. "You're right. Let's take it slow." He agreed. I hurriedly dressed up for bed and picked up the paper Hunter gave me. It has her scent and I wanted to read it again. She has thought of everything carefully. Some were new to me. She even has scheduled classes for the pups and meetings for the whole pack. It's scheduled tomorrow. What is she going to discuss tomorrow? I read everything and tried to analyze what she's up to in each of what she wrote. It was like she was planning to create a functional pack in two months. No wonder she was so preoccupied. She was taking this seriously. My heart leaped with joy and pride. She cared for my pack. Did she care for me too? My eyes closed with a happy heart. It was like the foot of an elephant was lifted on my shoulders. Rebuilding this pack was not easy. Chester was a great help but he could only do the fighting since we were short of manpower. Shienna gave some pups a household workload and the rest were p left for me. Taking a last glance at Hunter's list, I felt happy again. Finally, someone other than me knew how to run a pack. Chester complimented her a lot, she was smart, skilled and a great leader. Chester sometimes complains about her too. She was ordering him like an Alpha and Chester is not taking anything unless it was my call. Chester told me this afternoon that Hunter made the pups do an overtime, cleaning and preparing the farm and after that she regrouped the pups and transferred them to different cabins. She never asked permission but I didn't disagree. Chester told me her reasons and it was reasonable and undeniably effective. I knew she didn't mean to offend me and she apologized tonight. I was touched. I thought she was going to be stubborn. "I think I'll want to be in that meeting tomorrow." I muttered to myself. After that, I fell asleep. Finally.
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