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Thankfully, my day continued without any problem, the pups were great. They caught up really quick, but they still need more time. Gilly moved in with me and she got her room upstairs. I took the bedroom downstairs near the kitchen. I needed to do more tomorrow, and so I took my work inside my room while Gilly cleaned up. Furthermore, I have to check the lists of young pups I will have to deal with tomorrow. Wayne agreed for me to include the fourteenth year olds in the basic training. "Hunter? Umm. Alpha Wayne wanted to see you in his office." Gilly appeared at my door. It was open since I wasn't sleeping yet. I nodded at her and went to see Wayne in his office right away. His door was locked so I knocked twice. He opened for me. "Hi." I said. He was silent. He let me in and poured the two of us a drink. "Is there a problem?" I asked. "It's already ten in the evening and I have been waiting for your report since seven." He answered coldly. We went inside his office and I stood still while he took his seat behind his desk. "I was working." I told him. I've been a lone wolf for a long time and I forget the pack rules sometimes. He's the alpha here and he must be knowledgeable of everything that was happening in his pack. Clearly I have a fault here. He only gave me a silent treatment. Is he mad at me? "You were being disrespectful, Ave." Lex told me. Like I don't know that. I cleared my throat. I don't usually apologize but I think I was really being disrespectful. I can't just run his pack and forget he exists. He was the Alpha here. "I'm sorry. I forgot. It won't happen again. I was just so preoccupied." I spilled it. He sighed. "I still need to hear the reports." He replied. I finished my drink in one go and took his pen and an empty paper to his desk, taking a seat in front of him. I gave him an apologetic smile. I haven't really written any reports,not even a copy of my lists of activities today and for the next two months. Good thing I remember everything and wrote all of it down. "It won't take long." I assured him while I kept writing. I know he was clearly trying to be patient with me since it's obvious. I didn't have any report to submit other than I forgot to report. "That's a long list." He said. Clearly it was taking time. "Here. All done." I handed him one piece of paper. "It's a summary of everything. There might be some changes along the way but I'll let you know. I promise." He was silent again. Reading everything I wrote. He didn't give me any positive response so we sat in awkward silence. "Don't you need a budget for this?" He asked. "The farm. I think we should stop buying and start planting. Some pups aren't fighters but that doesn't mean they're useless. They will still have to go through the basic training if they're fourteen and a special course training when they get older but they would mostly focus on farming. They're going to be in charge during evacuations of elders and non warriors in case rogue attacks get out of hand. It'll save you money and the pack will have other responsibilities." I told him. "Looks like you've already decided that." He replied. Still not amused. I chuckled. "It's a proposal. I need your approval Alpha Wayne." I told him. I knew he would get offended. I sounded more demanding and Alphas don't take orders from anyone. "It's a great plan. I agree." He replied after a long pause. I smiled. "You're the boss. I'm just trying to help." "Thank you. I appreciate everything." He said sincerely. "You look tired. Are you feeling alright?" I asked. Noticing the dark circles under his eyes. He eyed me carefully. "I'm having trouble sleeping. My wolf is restless." He answered. It's the mate bond. I was trying to tire myself to sleep since Lexy was restless too. I feel bad for both of us. "Stay with him." Lexy suggested. "I'll stay with you." Fuck! Why did I say that out loud. Wayne was surprised at my suggestion. I stood up, feeling embarrassed at what I suggested. "Umm I'll stay with you until you fall asleep. You're restless because our wolves needed to be near each other." I tried to sound helpful. I didn't want to sound desperate. He was serious. Not giving me any hint of emotions.. "Come here." "W-where?" I stammered. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. He was sitting in his chair behind his desk. Not moving an inch. "Near me." He answered. My heart is racing again. Oh, how I wish he doesn't hear it! I slowly walked and stood up at his side. He held my hand and I felt the tingles again! Before I could think.. Gasp! I'm sitting on his lap! This is not what I meant about staying!I tried to leave but he held me tightly. I feel the tingles start throbbing and heating me down there. Oh no! I felt something hard poking at my bottom. Before I could react, his lips were on mine! Oh s**t! This isn't happening! I've never kissed anyone before I don't know what to do! "Just kiss him back." Lexy told me. "No!" I yelled. Breaking the kiss. "You don't know how to kiss." He said. Tightening his hold on me. Pressing me harder on his lap. He can smell it. I know he can. I'm so wet and it was only a kiss! My cheeks burned at his words. He was right I don't know how. He was my first. He chuckled. "Don't be shy. Just open your mouth for me." He said parting my lips and kissing me again. I don't know why I feel so warm and calm while the tingles keep attacking me, the kiss was slow and his tongue entered my mouth. A moaned escaped my lips without my permission! I felt his warm hand inside my bra, fondling my breasts. I was so lost with our kiss, I couldn't get enough of his sweet saliva. I was wearing a white sleeveless dress underneath my coat. He wasn't supposed to see my clothes inside my coat but now he knows. His hands have been touching me everywhere! "Stop." I whispered under my ragged breath. "Are you a virgin,Hunter?" He whispered a question. Still holding me down on his lap. I didn't answer. My cheeks were burning in embarrassment. I've never done something like this! How indecent of me! He lifted me up to place me on his desk. He kissed me again and fondled my wetness. I moaned. "Wayne.. stop." I called his name. "Shh. I won't take you tonight. I promise." He whispered. That's the most stupid promise I've ever heard. I wanted to be taken. My body wanted it so badly. He slid a finger inside me and I gasped for air, the tingles made me breathless. He moved my underwear aside so his hand could have more access. I kept my eyes closed at the sensation. This is all new to me. My back arched as the tension inside me was building. I feel my mouth dry after suppressing my moans to myself. His mouth sucked my wetness and I lost it. Another moan escaped me. I covered my mouth. He was mouth f*cking me. I pulled his hair and his tongue only played and fondled my cl*t more. His finger and mouth made a mess on my wet folds. "Wayne.. I can't take it anymore." I begged him. He never listened. The grip of my hand on his hair tightened as I felt myself release. It was satisfying but I felt so tired. I was breathless. "I know you're inexperienced, Hunter. I'm happy you have preserved yourself but I need you. I need to release this too." He said, freeing his hardness. I felt so shy looking at it. "Wayne.. I don't know how to satisfy you. I'm sorry." I told him. Fixing myself. He took my hand and made me hold his shaft. It was so warm, I could almost say he was burning. I looked at him. Feeling helpless. He guided my hands and he groaned at my touch. "Can you s*ck me,Hunter?" He asked. "W-what?" I've never been this intimate with someone! Now he wants me to... ?
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