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She was right. She knew well how things work in a pack. Did she have one before? "But that's not the end of it." She added. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Next time she does something like this, I'll leave the evidence on your table and end her myself. Luna, is supposed to take care of the pack,not endanger them." She answered. Shienna growled. "Are you threatening me?" She chuckled. "I didn't. I reminded your Alpha what's coming and if that threatens you, that's your problem." "Are you just going to let her threaten me like that?" Shienna complained. Alphas should never take threats to their Luna lightly. I sighed. "She's my Luna. You can't threaten her like that." I reminded Hunter. She shook her head in disappointment. "I can't threaten, insult or attack Luna. But she's not my Luna and you're not my Alpha. I am a rogue remember? Rogues don't follow rules." She reminded me. "You must kill her! She's a rogue and she threatened me!" Shienna demanded. "So you make orders for your Alpha now?" Hunter retorted. I growled. Shienna shrinks back to her seat. My dominance is radiating inside the room making everyone whimper. Except Hunter. She smiled at me. I swear I felt myself melt. "She's an Alpha." Zyre commented. He must have noticed that Hunter didn't cower at my anger. That must've been the reason why she's strong and stubborn. My mate is strong indeed. "Are you done?" Hunter asked. "We need to talk. Just the two of us." I told her. Shienna wanted to protest but I gave her a warning through the mind link. Hunter and I went back to the office. Her scent is intoxicating. I can't get enough of it. "I heard you needed me for a job." Hunter started the conversation. Is that why she came here? For a job? I feel disappointed. I was really hoping she came because she needed to see me. I missed her scent. "Alpha Trex told you?" I asked. I felt jealous she was talking to other Alphas. "He's a good payer. We keep in touch." She answered. Like the only thing that interests her is her job. She roamed around checking books touching figurines while I drool over her curves. Her naked body flashed before my mind again. I felt a shot of hot urge run through me. "I needed someone to train my young wolves." I told her. This is the job I thought about last night. I needed to see her all the time. I just have this thirst for her attention and affection. She frowned. "I only do short term jobs with good prices. I don't care how dangerous it is. Also, I don't stick around much." "My pack is mostly full of young females and elderly. Teens were mostly needed to finish high school before they became full time warriors in the pack. They needed someone like you. I do the fighting stuff mostly with my Beta but I don't know how long that could last. The young pups needed to learn more skills." She gave me a nod. "Your system sucks as well." "My father didn't have much love for this pack, I started from scraps and all the things I have left. You could have been a great Luna if only I waited for you. I'm sorry." I don't want to look helpless but that's the real situation here. My father did a great deal of damage to my pack before he died. He was gambling,drinking and whoring. Hunter sighed. She looked sad and disappointed but she gave me an awkward smile. That cheered me up a little. She doesn't look angry at least. "I'm only here for the summer. I've got other stuff to do. Much more important ones. I've seen them fight. They aren't that bad. Cheer up, big guy. Your pack will be great again in no time." She said. Tapping my shoulders. The tingles shocked me. She blushed. "I don't know if I could pay you like Alpha Trex. I have money but I've been using it to keep the pack well fed and running." I told her honestly. She laughed. "Then you better stop buying fancy plates. I may not be your Luna but I don't want to see your pack crumble. I like your honesty. I thought you were going to be a spoiled brat of an Alpha too proud to say and ask for help. I'm here because my wolf needed her mate that's enough payment." "You can stay here,you know. Be part of our pack." I offered her. She became serious again. "I can't." "Then stay here for the whole summer." I still insisted. "With your chosen mate? In the same house? I'm not that friendly. Especially my wolf." She scoffed. "I have a cabin near the training grounds. You can have it for yourself." I told her. She thought about it for a moment. "Fine. That'll work." We walked outside and I started to introduce her to everyone. As a Head Warrior for this summer in charge to train the young pups. Some warriors already knew her from the other night so they were delighted she was going to train them. Beta Chester was happy with my news. He was having trouble with training since the pups are too many to handle and only a few could be used as border patrols. I sighed. We used to be a great pack. I hated my father for doing this to me. "So where's my cabin?" Hunter asked. I pointed it to her. "That's mine?" She asked. I nodded. "I'll send you a helper to clean your place and help you there." "I don't need help, really. But I don't think Gilly would say no if you tell her to stay with me. She is much safer with me than there." She said, referring to the pack house. "You've made a friend here already." I teased her. She chuckled. "She's going to train with me and I'm no friend." I frowned. "She's too young. She hasn't finished high school yet." I told her. "Things are about to change here, Alpha Wayne. I started my training when I was seven and look at me now." She said proudly. "How young were you when you became a rogue?" I asked her while I was walking her to her cabin. "Hmmm. Twelve." She answered. Younger than Gilly. "What happened to your pack?" I asked when we reached her cabin. She grew serious. "There's no point asking these questions,Alpha Wayne. I'd like to keep my life out of everyone's business. You should be back working. I'll start their training session today." She went inside and closed the door. "Don't push her,Wayne. Our mate has been a lone wolf for a long time. She doesn't open up to anyone. We need to earn her trust. We need to be more honest with her. She likes honesty remember?" Zyre reminded me. I needed to be more patient with her. I have the whole summer to do that. Avery's POV My heart was pumping too much blood into my brain. I feel like I was not breathing while talking and acting like he doesn't affect me. Lexy has been flashing me erotic positions. I feel like I wanted to scream after holding back so many emotions. I shouldn't have said yes! I don't want to see him but Lexy does. She's been blackmailing me of shutting me out forever if I said no. This is the first time Lexy has been against me. This mate bond is driving us both crazy. “Can you stop doing that? We're not doing that!" I scolded Lexy after I heard Wayne walked away from the cabin. I tried my best to look cool and unaffected all throughout but I couldn't hold it any longer. I feel like I was going to explode and lose it! When he smiled at me, I felt like I wanted to jump on his lap and kiss him! Lexy was teaching me erotic nonsense and that's not happening! "You want him too,Ave. Just don't fight it!" Lexy argued. "He was having s*x with someone else! Do you want to taste her too?" I reminded her and she growled at that reminder. I feel hurt but I don't want to admit it. Not even to Lexy. She feels my pain and I think I didn't need to put them into words. I felt betrayed. But why? I just met the guy a couple of times! It's not like he and I were in a relationship. "I know what you're trying to do,Lex. Arousal is an invitation, you have to stop it. We can't have him. He has made his choice." I said to her. Lex just refused to accept our mate was not ours anymore. It's normal for wolves to lust for their mates and they only honor the mate bonds. "He wants you too." Lex replied stubbornly. Argh! Nevermind. It's useless to argue with her. I'm sticking with my plan. This is just a summer side line and after that I'll leave to finish college, get a job and worry about creating my own pack. I'm the last one of my kind and I carry the future of my future pack. The last Titan wolf.
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