21: Lies are Traps

1863 Words
MY BODY is too weak to stand up and go back to my room. I guess it’s been an hour since Margarita died. That tragic event affected my inner self, and now I’m lying beside her, not minding the blood and paint. This feels dark and bright at the same time. I don’t even know why I’m still in this nightmare. Almost half a day passed… Unfortunate events keep happening and it bothers me. I feel like I need to help but I don’t exactly know how. With this exploding mind and wounded heart of mine, things get out of hand. What’s the use of my powers if cruelty is stronger? As the clock tickled, I did not notice I had already fallen asleep. I’m sleeping right now in Utopium so it’s confusing how I was able to sleep in The Evil’s Desire. But I’m too tired to overthink that. I SENSED a new day and I wasn’t wrong. The sun is shining brightly from the window as I open my eyes. Another day, another cruelty. My eyes grew bigger when Margarita’s body is gone! It’s not beside me anymore! I quickly stood up and searched for her in the room as my heart started racing. But there’s no one here other than me. I was just walking around the room, examining each corner, until the door suddenly opened. “Corvina!” the magistratus called. He’s panting. “I finally found you!” I didn’t speak and just watched him rush towards me. What’s the matter? I mean, he’s a magistratus. It’s such a rare thing for him to personally find me. “Pardon me for disturbing you but a dead body was found in your room!” What?! What the hell?! I just woke up! I froze when I remembered something. Margarita… I didn’t talk to the magistratus anymore. I just ran to my room as fast as I could. Terror ruled me as I started overthinking, even though I don’t really know how this happened! I want to scream! I want to release my emotions! I want to know everything! I want to get out of this nightmare! I want to stop the brutal reality that keeps on torturing me! Damn cruelty! Every bit of me harshly kissed my jinxed soul as I entered the crowded hallway to my room where blood was printed on the ground. Everyone looked at me with evident anger, dismay, and sorrow. I know. My physical body and intangible soul are both cursed. Margarita’s corpse. That was the first thing I saw as I stood up in front of my room with the door open. Tears came out of my eyes without my control. I broke down last night and I’m breaking down again. Amidst the painful feeling, something creeps me out. Instead of a knife in her neck, Margarita has a sword in her chest, direct to the heart. What is this... My tears worsened when I realized that the sword is mine. the sword given to me by the magistratus... “Lady Wi-Nix,” a guard called. “You are obliged to cooperate and go under investigation.” I didn’t respond and just continued crying. I stayed like that for several minutes without anyone interrupting. But no matter how much I keep myself busy with my tears, I still hear people’s murmurings. I know they’re talking about me. They all think I’m the killer. Why am I not defending myself, though? Why am I not denying it? But if I tell them my side, will they believe me? Of course... not. I knew someone arrived when the murmurs stopped. I slowly turned to my right and there I saw the magistratus looking at me with pity. I didn’t like the view. People are facing me with different expressions and that kinda frustrates and confuses me. I’m not sure if those faces are sarcastic or whatever. Do they pity me because they are slowly realizing I’m not the murderer? Do they pity me for killing my own friend and now crying so much? Do they pity me because I don’t have the courage to admit a crime I didn’t even do? Only a few people show a little pity. Majority looks angry, and that’s more acceptable. I’m saying that to my mind, trying not to get too affected by the angry faces. But I didn’t succeed. I ended up admitting to myself that it’s not okay for people to get mad at me for something I didn’t do. I heaved a sigh, indirectly telling everyone my willingness to fight and find the real culprit. I was framed. I won’t let this slide. “Take me to prison,” I confidently told the guards and offered my wrists. They were shocked for a second but still handcuffed me. “Wait,” the magistratus interrupted. I thought he’d talk to me or convince everyone I’m not the killer but I was wrong. “Let her apologize to the victim first before going to prison. It’s a must.” “What? Apologize?” I asked, confused. People started murmuring again and it confused me more. “You... don’t want to say give your final apology?” the magistratus furrowed his brows. I was speechless when I realized they misunderstood me! They thought I was sarcastic! The truth is I just didn’t expect it’s a must for a criminal to apologize to the victims... That’s kinda weird for me. My father never did that on Earth. “That’s a law, Corvina. Apologize and pay,” he added. I didn’t want to start an argument, so I just complied. I went inside my room and kneeled on the floor, beside Margarita’s corpse. “S-sorry...” I muttered. I did not commit this brutal murder, but I was swayed by my feelings. My tears automatically fell. Never have I thought that was a trap. GUARDS KEEP on checking me from time to time like I’ll do something terrible. My fingers can’t count how many times they opened the metal door. It’s irritating! One more and I’ll really do what they think I would do. “Stop op--” The irritation on my face immediately vanished. “Magistratus...” “How are you?” He closed the door. “I’m... fine.” Not really. “I apologize. I can’t defend you. All evidence points you and only you.” “No problem,” I shook my head. “Don’t mind me. You have a bigger problem, the Evil.” “Thank you... for understanding.” “Thank you... ahuh, okay.” I flashed a bitter smile. “By the way, about the painting... please send art materials here. I’ll do it... in prison.” He looked kinda confused but immediately agreed. “Sure. But I need to leave now. I just wanted to know how you are.” I just nodded at his farewell. Since the magistratus came here and left, guards stopped checking me out. That’s great. Fortunately, the art materials were delivered after only an hour. I admit that was fast. I made myself busy with drawing and painting to be temporarily away from overthinking. For three hours, I finished the sketch and I’m done painting the palace and the forest. I haven’t painted the garden and the sky yet because I’m still thinking if I should copy The Evil’s Desire. The door suddenly opened while I’m cleaning up the art materials. Without warning, the guards grabbed my arms. “What the— wait!” “Apologies, lady. We need to hurry up.” I was pissed but didn’t fight. There are some traces of paint on my skin but who cares? We went outside the prison room, and I finally felt the fresh atmosphere again. People were looking at us... or just me, and there’s only one reason. Despite their judgemental face, I managed to look around and see once again the majority angry at the innocent. My eyes landed on a familiar face for a second but someone threw something at me so my gaze shifted to a different direction. I frowned and turned my head back to where I saw the familiar man but... he’s gone. s**t. He kinda looked like... Dave. I’m not really sure. I wasn’t able to completely sink in the face as I only saw it for a very short time. "Spy from the Evil!" I heard a shout. More people threw... eggs... at me! What is this...? “Go back to your cursed nation!” “We don’t need you here!” “Killer!” “Repent!” “She is the real Evil!” Those were just some of what I’ve heard. I had the urge to cry but I’m too tired physically and mentally. I already released a lot of tears. I already fought against a lot of thoughts. “DID YOU kill Margarita Delajuv?” a straightforward question. I never expected that the discovery of the crime and the trial would happen in the same day. The justice system in this nightmare is fast... unlike on Earth. The similarity is both justice systems are f****d up. Why does negativity keep on winning often? “I did not,” I replied with a poker face as a way to show that I’m not intimidated by their bossy auras. “But all evidence says you did.” “Oh, did you talk with them?” I faked a chuckle. The faces of the officials went from confident to frustrated. “You really don’t want to admit your sin.” The man I consider the ‘judge’ is obviously frustrated. I know what they want. Admit the crime so the case will quickly end. But I really didn’t kill Margarita! I’m insisting that since the start but they don’t believe me! I think this meeting has been almost an hour! Now I’m starting to be sarcastic and piss them off. We were quiet for some seconds until the judge sighed and opened his damn mouth. “You think we don’t know you’re not from here?” “We know you want to escape.” “But this nightmare is... the worst.” “You don’t even know what challenges you took... and failed. Why would we let you escape?” Oh, s**t. Everyday. Every damn day, my life is filled with twists. How did they know?! Are all these set for a show...? Are they fooling me again? The judge stood up. “You have until midnight to do everything you want, before you see what happens to those who failed.” And walked away. What the hell?! Did he really just leave like that?! This is so... unexpected. I guess I’ve been confident about my nightmares. I was used to getting information, going crazy over mysteries and witness past events. Sometimes, I need to physically fight. But in the end, I still leave. I wake up in my room, anxious about my discoveries. However, I forgot to think about the chances of being trapped in one of my nightmares. Now it has happened. I am trapped in this nightmare... forever. ***
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