20: The Evil's Desire, Again

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trigger warning: suicide BAD MEMORIES haunt me again as I look at their faces. Running away was really useless. I still ended up facing them. And it stings my heart. The Evil threatened me so I had no choice but to have dinner with them. They said if they can’t hurt me, they’ll hurt other people instead. I froze when I saw the man who served food in front of me. “This is Blue, the best chef in Utopium. He is now working with us...” A leader from the Evil is wearing a mask the same as Navi’s. It wasn’t unexpected but it still hurts me. Doesn’t Blue feel guilty even though Dave was sacrificed? Another masked leader said, “Unlike that female chef! She’s gorgeous but she killed herself!” My breathing got heavier upon hearing that. The first person that came to my mind is... Margarita! No! I should not jump to conclusions! She isn’t dead! Please. “But her death was creative,” they laughed. What the hell?! “At least she’s colorful inside! Imagine drinking paint!” My dream... I started to feel suffocated, uncomfortable at everything that I heard. And I am also angry at them. How could they laugh when someone killed herself?! They are definitely evil! I am not that close with Margarita but I cared for her. She was the one who helped me discover Blue’s betrayal. She even painted me... She was the first person ever to paint me. Pictures of her hand gracefully moving through the canvas played in my mind and it brought tears to my eyes. “What’s the problem, Lady Wi-Nix?” they asked as they saw me crying. I didn’t answer. My gaze slowly went to Blue who is at my side. Our eyes met for a second and I wasn’t able to determine what he feels. My anger for Blue gets deeper and deeper. But I never had the urge to hurt him. This is so weird. “I think... I have to l-leave,” I heaved a sigh as I wiped my tears. “We didn’t start eating yet...” there was a hint of darkness in Ivan’s voice. The Evil leaders agreed to him, as well as my parents. Damn them all. “Remember those people depending on you.” I released an anxious breath as I look at a group of people meters away. Their lives rely on my actions. “S-sure... let’s eat,” I tried so hard to temporarily forget about Margarita. I wonder why they don’t use those people to force me to sign the paper and work with them. There must be a reason. “In return, we’ll tell you some about your past life. Will you finish this dinner with us?” I nodded. We really did eat and talk, but I was uncomfortable the whole time. But I finally had the urge to listen when we started talking about my life background. The Evil is useful in this case. They told me interesting things. “You came from a prominent family, Flamiva. But your parents didn’t like you because you were cursed. You broke the family heritage. It was planned but it’s still a mystery who did it.” “Every Flamiva is blonde except for you. You got black hair. But that wasn’t really the reason why your family hated you. They were fine with your physical characteristics. They even accepted you despite all the criticisms from royals, nobles, and peasants.” “They believed you are a curse because you were born a day after a queen died. A week after you came into existence, a lot of people died.” “Your birthday always comes with… cruelty.” “But we, the Evil, protected you. You just don’t remember it but you worked with us in the past. You fell in love with Ivan. He treats you bad because... he is controlled by other supernatural groups that wants to eliminate you. However, we can sometimes control him so that he won’t hurt you.” "Why not help your man fight those groups by marrying? Why don’t you work with us again?” I am sure that some of those are lies. My parents even hugged me before I left, and it disgusted me. I was just on my bed, staring at nothing. My mind is so flooded with thoughts and questions about what the Evil told me to the point where I’m not sure if I’m really thinking or just floating in the air, unaware of what’s gonna happen. Until I got sleepy at around 9 PM. Nightmare... I let my eyes close and cleared my mind for another set of mysteries. I’m coming back, Navi. MY BROWS were completely furrowed as I opened my eyes and I am still in my room. The only difference is that some objects are gone. Where did they go? I panicked a bit when the Tales with Wings is not in its place. I sighed as an idea came into my mind. I looked under my bed and my sword is gone too! I let out a couple of deep breaths before I tried opening the door and it is not locked! When I went outside, there are no soldiers guarding my room. I walked out of the lonely hallways and then finally, I saw people. But this is not Utopium. This is the same palace but the atmosphere is different. Instead of soldiers of the Evil, there are guards with the same uniform as those in the golden palace. Then a realization hit me. I’m in The Evil’s Desire. Some guards approached me. They know me. “Lady Flamiva,” they bowed. “The magistratus has been looking for you. Please come with us.” So formal... “Sure.” I heaved a sigh. I am here in this painting again. How am I supposed to meet Navi? We quickly arrived at the magistratus’ office. He immediately smiled when he saw me. “Corvina! You were gone again! What happened?” I shook my head. “Nothing. I would appreciate it if you stop asking, magistratus.” “Apologies. I was just worried...” he sighed. “Eliza still does not agree with my offer.” “Oh...” I didn’t know what to answer. “Well, I’m... I’m doing something very important and that is... my priority for now. Please understand.” “I understand.” He smiled but I know there’s more behind that smile. “Can you at least listen to another offer?” I swallowed hard and slowly nodded. What could be that offer? There were two forces clashing in my mind as I hesitate to answer yes or no. My curiosity won because why not hear it out? “Say it.” He turned around and went back to his seat. There I have noticed his change in style. His clothes now scream a different vibe from before, and there are unknown letters that are surely from another language. Not that it is something to be taken seriously. I’m just being observant. “I would like you to paint this place.” That was unexpected but I didn’t make it too obvious. “Hmm... what do you mean?” “I know your talent in drawing and painting. It would be an honor for a powerful hybrid like you to paint our world.” He looked down. “I don’t want to add your problems but... the Evil will attack soon. We don’t know when exactly.” What...? “I hope we won’t get defeated. But just to be sure, make a painting that will be passed down from generation to generation. It will serve as a remembrance before darkness arrives... before they destroy this place.” Damn the Evil! What am I supposed to answer...? “Please paint the golden palace, the forest, and the garden. You can also draw people and other creatures, whatever you like. But make sure to include those three I’ve mentioned... and the Evil as well.” “We don’t have time for training. When the cursed day comes, I am looking forward to your help. Corvina Flamiva, show them what a Wi-Nix can do.” “I... I accept the offer.” I don’t have the urge to reject it. “But I have a question...” My eyes were full of curiosity. “If the Evil is about to come, why do people stay calm? Why don’t they prepare?” He gave me a sad smile. “They are poisoned. We can’t do anything about it... unless the greatest witch helps us.” “Who is that witch?” Confusion covered his sad face. “Don’t you know? It is your godmother, Elizabel...” What? Eliza is the... greatest witch? “Why is she not helping you?” I asked with a hint of suspicion. We were both quiet for a minute. Why? Was that question hard to answer? I walked towards his table and repeated, “Why is she not helping you?” “Because... she wants to save you.” My jaw dropped as my confusion worsened and more questions flooded my mind. I was about to ask him more but he told me, “Thank you for agreeing to create a painting. I’ll reward you someday. For now, I have to leave.” Then he stood up and really walked away. “Wait! What do you mean by save me?!” I stopped him but he ignored me. I even followed him outside but the guards intervened. How could he say something mysterious and then leave just like that?! How could I help them if he didn’t answer my last question?! I said patience is a virtue but this time, I really wanna know what is happening as soon as possible or else I’ll stay anxious without awareness. I would be like a girl who is scared of the dark but doesn’t know it’s already night. She would be always scared even if it’s morning because she is not aware of when will night come. HOURS PASSED and I’m still in The Evil’s Desire. This nightmare is taking too long, making me doubt if this really is a nightmare... or something different. I’m thinking about the painting. When should I start? Right. It’s now or never. I don’t know if I will be able to come back here so I better start now. Honestly, I am not in the mood to do the painting but I still managed to go to the Art Room. I don’t like anyone to see me so I went there at around 12 AM. I sighed in relief as I’m alone in the Art Room. I can paint in peace. I started sketching without live reference because I already know how this place looks like. Well, I’m not really a skilled artist but I would say my work looks great so far. Golden palace, done. Garden, done. Forest, ongoing. I leaned onto the chair’s backrest to rest for a bit. I was just staring at the halfway finished sketch, admiring its ambiance. Simple but nice. Until a sudden realization hit my mind. But I examined it first before jumping to conclusions. The sketch looks like... The Evil’s Desire! Overthinking enveloped me again. What if the artist of The Evil’s Desire is... Corvina?! If I draw dragons, the little girl, and people having fun, this could be The Evil’s Desire’s twin painting. A lot of thoughts came into my mind but they temporarily faded away when the door suddenly opened. Someone with a blindfold entered the room and went in front of me where the paints are located. She even touched the containers multiple times to ensure they are paints. Oh, s**t. She looks like Margarita! She walked away, holding two paint containers, and stopped in front of the window. “Thélo na gíno thysía...” Her voice was loud enough for me to hear it. I swear I want to approach and stop her from what she’s about to do. But my feet seem to be attached to the ground. I shook my head, trying to fight the unknown force in me telling me to not intervene. I wanna save Margarita! Wait... why is she in my nightmare, though? She committed suicide in Utopium, right? Then what is this?! “Margarita!” I had the courage to speak. “Don’t do that!” I was actually starting to tear up when I said that. But she didn’t listen to me like she didn’t hear me! She’s probably just ignoring me! Finally, my feet got out of the ground’s hidden chains. I ran towards her as I wipe my tears. “I’m here, Margarita! Don’t do that... please.” But she ignored me again. That’s why I tried to grab her arm but... it just passed through her! What the hell?! Am I invisible and inaudible again?! Not now! I couldn’t do anything when she opened the containers and drank the paint. What the hell! What the hell! What the hell! She held her chest and I know that’s because of pain! I thought that was the extent of her cruelty towards herself but that was just another wrong thought. She placed a knife out and pointed it to her neck! Damn! Why the hell are you doing this, Margarita?! I’m just crying so hard, watching her kill herself. I can’t do anything. I’m useless. “This is the evil’s desire... and I’m now granting it.” After saying her last words, she cut her own neck then blood aggressively came out. I closed my eyes and continued crying. I can’t watch her anymore. It hurts. The next thing I knew was Margarita dead on the ground, covered with her blood and a colorful mixture of paints. ***
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