17: Ignore, You Don't Know

3474 Words
MY DRAMA has finally stopped. I admit I now feel embarrassed because Dave saw it all. Luckily, he didn’t ask about it. I appreciate his understanding. But he’s being talkative right now and this doesn’t feel right. This is so weird. Whatever he says, the fact that we will be married bothers me. Why the hell do we need to do that?! Whatever. There are problems worse than that. I’m not in friendly mode. I don’t have the urge to chat with him. “Blue cooked something for you. He said that’s his most special recipe and you’ll be the first one to taste it, excluding himself, of course. He won’t give you food if he’s uncertain of what it tastes like.” That’s another reason. He’s clueless about Blue’s betrayal. “I see you two are close. That’s great. He’s one of the best in Utopium. I trust Blue, you, and my father. I trust Mister Vulcan and Lady Dorothy, but not that much.” I honestly don’t wanna talk but I was triggered. “Why would you trust me? We just met a month ago, Dave.” My voice was stern. I saw he was kinda surprised in my peripheral vision. “You helped me... and saved my life.” I scoffed and shook my head. “Stop that, Dave. You don’t have to trust me. You don’t know the real me.” He swallowed hard as his adam’s apple moved. “I don’t understand you right now...” “You do. You just deny it,” I looked at him. “Why are you suddenly acting this way...?” Both his face and voice express confusion. “You speak too much! Just shut up! I don’t wanna talk!” He let out a sigh. “Should I ignore you, then?” Of course not! “Yes, you should.” My words contradict my thoughts. He closed his eyes and opened them again after a few seconds. “Tell me if I did anything wrong.” “You didn’t. You’re just... annoying.” Shock was evident in his eyes. “W-what...?” “You should act supreme. You should be cold. You shouldn’t be nice to me. I don’t deserve your kindness. Treat me badly. Above all, don’t trust me!” “Amara... I’m your fiance.” “Damn that engagement!” I looked away. “I don’t like anyone. I don’t love anyone. I don’t wanna marry! I don’t like everything!” “I think you’re tired... You need to rest.” “Whatever. Stop talking a lot and just be cold, okay? Ignore me. Don’t talk to me.” My eyes automatically rolled. He didn’t answer. We just walked silently until we reached a door. I became curious again. What is this...? “Okay,” he said out of the blue and opened the door. He didn’t even wait for me. He went in first. I was left dumbfounded. What? Okay? Slowly I realized everything I told him earlier. s**t. I regret my attitude towards him. I don’t know. I’m just really stressed and frustrated. I am not mad at him but he was the one who felt my anger about... trust. I was triggered because he trusts me...? What is wrong with you, Amara? Well, I just don’t want him to end up like me. He should not trust anyone easily. Or maybe, he should not trust anyone at all. I sighed before I went into the door. I was shocked when I saw a lot of books and papers. But I was more shocked when I saw Dave leaning against the wall with his arms crossed on his chest. Wait... I think I saw this from a movie? He lowkey rolled his eyes and looked away when he saw me. Why didn’t he leave? I’m fine being alone. I just shrugged all those thoughts when he really walked away and left me alone. Stop assuming, Amara. “WHAT HAPPENED to the both of you?!” Jacob freaked out as soon as he saw us. I didn’t answer. My mind was occupied with Dave and that place with witches. We entered a door and then... wow. We’re back in the palace, particularly in the room where I found Eliza’s diary. Something’s off with Dave... If he is doing something against me, I don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t want another betrayal, especially from him. I finally paid attention when Blue approached me. “Why do you have a heart on your cheek? Wait, is that... a cut? Was it from a knife or what?” I froze upon hearing his statement. A heart on my cheek... I got that when I was tortured. “What do you mean, Blue? Have a rest. You’re hallucinating,” Jacob chuckled. My brows raised at that. “Huh? There’s literally a heart-shaped cut on her face!” Blue insisted. “Stop with the jokes,” Jacob shook his head. “There’s nothing on her face.” “Jacob, you are--” Blue was cut off. “Sarah, is there a heart-shape cut on Amara’s face?” Jacob looked at Sarah, trying to get support. Sarah shook her head. “Nothing.” “How about you, D— S-sir... SIP, do you see anything?” I caught Dave’s eyes but he suddenly looked away. “I don’t,” he answered. Jacob smiled. “I win, Blue! You can’t fool us. Your prank today is so lame!” “No! There’s really--” “It’s okay, Blue.” I cut him off. “There’s nothing on my face... I don’t know what you’re saying.” Blue is the only one who sees the cut on my face... What is going on? I gave Blue a little smile, hoping he’ll understand the hidden meaning. And fortunately, he did. “Fine,” he chuckled but I know that was fake. “I was just joking!” He glanced at me, obviously confused but he acted like everything’s okay. I know Blue is a traitor but I’m thankful for his understanding. It was around 2 PM when Dave and I came back. Everyone was already in their rooms except those who were waiting for us. They wanted to know a lot about what happened, but I ignored them. Even Naomi. I went to my room and went straight to bed. What an exhausting day. A lot of thoughts bother me but my tiredness won so I dozed off to sleep. Strangely, I woke uo the next morning pretty normal. I didn’t have a nightmare. I went down for breakfast, without Jacob reminding me. I’m still not in the mood but I wanna eat. As long as there’s food, I have a reason to live. “Am! You’re a little early.” Blue approached me as soon as I sat on a dining chair. I just nodded. “The cut is still on your face,” now that’s a whisper. I looked at him and sighed deeply. How am I supposed to tell him what happened if I know he’s a traitor? “Just ignore it,” I fought the urge to roll my eyes. Blue is such a great actor. He looks so genuinely concerned right now and I must admit I’ll believe him if I just didn’t catch his betrayal. “Is there a problem?” he asked. “You’re suddenly a snob… haha.” I didn’t answer and just closed my eyes, wishing for peace. All I want this time is food. “Okay, I won’t ask anymore.” He sighed. “How about food? I cooked something… especially for you.” I was taken aback but then nodded and smiled a little. Why is he pretending to be kind…. He went back with a plate of something I don’t know. “What is this?” I asked. He chuckled, “Doesn’t have a name.” I just nodded and tasted it a bit. I slowly swallowed it as it was so delicious! My mind and tongue are enemies. Tongue says thank him for the yummy food, but mind says do not because he’s a traitor. “Thanks…” My tongue won. He smiled, “No problem! I’ll give you something special on lunch and dinner too!” I continued eating, enjoying the meal’s unique taste which gives me a strange feeling. I know Blue was watching me the whole time but I didn’t mind. My eyes shifted at my side when someone pulled a chair out. I froze when I saw Ivan. Suddenly I wanted to be with Blue. “Yes, I wanna learn how to cook! Teach me now, Blue!” I faked a chuckle. That was random! To my shock, he didn’t look confused. “Yeah, of course.” Then he stood up. “Let’s go.” I glanced at Ivan but our eyes met so I immediately looked away. Right, they’re allies. I wonder why Blue played along. We literally went to the kitchen and there he revealed his confusion. “What was that?” his brows furrowed. “Nothing,” I shook my head. “Nothing?” his brows furrowed more. “Amara, you’re acting weird lately…” “I’m born weird.” “No, seriously, what’s going on?” he insisted. I didn’t answer. “Amara, you can tell me anything. I would gladly listen.” Why? To get more information for whatever your plain is against us… against me? “I said I won’t ask anymore but… I wanna know what is happening with you!” “Really nothing,” my voice sounded uninterested as I and rolled my eyes. “I don’t believe you,” he insisted. “Blue, just—” I was cut off by a woman who just came in the kitchen. Margarita casually walked to the microwave near us. “Me, I know what happened.” I looked at her in disbelief. “What?” “I saw…” she crossed her arms on her chest. “…pink nails and pink knife.” Surprised at what she said, I wasn’t able to answer immediately. I literally froze and was speechless. If I’m not mistaken, Naya has pink nails too… and the knife she used for my cheek has a pink handle… “Just joking. I was just drawing something like that.” Then she casually went to the sink like she didn’t say anything suspicious. AFTER LUNCH, I went out of the palace to clear my mind in the garden. So many thoughts bother me and this might help, even just a little bit. I still remember the delicious meal Blue gave me for lunch. And the breakfast as well. But I know he’s just pretending to be nice. The fresh air in the garden really helped me so I went back to the palace to either sleep in my room or read the Tales with Wings. I was like three hallways away from my destination when I saw Dave leaning on the wall, deeply thinking. Oh, s**t. I suddenly remembered everything I told him. But it wasn’t a big deal, right? We can fix this. Our eyes met but he immediately looked away, lowkey rolling his eyes. Is he mad or what? He’s such a serious person. What I told him, he most likely took those seriously. Still, I approached him. I don’t know how I got the courage but I know we don’t have to make that argument a big deal. It’s kinda embarrassing, though. “Dave…” I started. He suddenly stood straight and walked away like he didn’t hear me. What?! Did he just ignore me?! He is really doing what I told him! I SAW him again in that same position and same place after dinner. I approached him but he ignored me! He really had the audacity to purposely go near my hallway and ignore me! If he’s mad at me, I’m getting pissed. I won’t forget this, Dave. I shrugged off all the thoughts and just went to my room. As usual, dragons arrived at 8 PM. But I didn’t mind them anymore. I’ll pay attention if they do something weird. I thought I’ll sleep with peace tonight but… no. My dream… it isn’t a usual nightmare… I saw Margarita drinking paint! As in, the paint she uses in painting, she was drinking it! Because of that, she laid down on the floor and her body was shaking! This crazy woman! Why the hell would she drink paint?! A loud sound suddenly enveloped my ears, and that made me wake up. What the hell?! Why now?! Mixed annoyance, frustration and worry build up in me. What happened to Margarita and what’s with the sudden noise?! I need to go the Art Room! Without further ado, I left my bed. The moment I went out of my room, a very loud sound enveloped my ears. All the lights also turned red. Confused and nervous, I ran out of the empty hallways. I was shocked when I realized I’m not the only one awake! People are not in their rooms! They’re supposed to be in their nightmares now, right? A dead body covered in blood is on the floor. I swallowed hard as another problem came. It really bothers me but I need to go to the Art Room! But someone suddenly held my arm. I turned around and saw Dave. “What?!” I asked, annoyed. “Come with me,” he quickly responded. “No!” I pulled my hand away from him. “Amara!” he yelled. People looked at us but I didn’t mind. There are a lot of noises and Dave’s scream is just one of them. “Ignore me. I have somewhere else to go.” He didn’t listen. He grabbed my arm again and pulled me somewhere as people started panicking. What is this?! I am confused at the chaos! Loud sound, red lights, dead body, people awake and noisy, panic, chaos! What is-- Oh, s**t. Is this the… Red Light? I froze at that thought. That realization hit me so hard! I let myself get pulled by Dave as I am literally not doing anything, just frozen and speechless. We entered an unknown room far from the area of chaos. “You should sleep, Amara.” Dave made me get back to my senses. “W-what…” I whispered. But then I suddenly shouted, “What?!” “Sleep.” “H-how can I sleep?! What’s happening?! W-wait… why am I here with… you?! What’s this?! I’ll go back there!” I went to the door only to find out it’s locked! “You don’t fully understand this… Listening to me is the best you can do.” “That’s why I need to understand!” I became more frustrated. He slowly shook his head. “We are running out of time.” His voice was calm but anxious. “What?!” My confusion and curiosity reached the peak of my mind. He ignored my question and just walked towards me. “You might hate what I’m about to do but… I need to do it before I…” he took a deep breath and something’s off in his eyes. Before he what…? I just looked confusedly at him until he made a move. He leaned closer and his soft lips touched mine. It was just a peck, but with its wheedling sincerity, I froze like a glacier in a blue and white scenery. My body is in the snow, but my heart is under the sun. That’s my first damn kiss! “After three hundred years, you’re back.” His whisper sent confusion to my mind and warm to my heart. Seriously? 300 years? I’m just 19, though... Is this really Dave? He changed... a lot. This is not the Dave I knew. His words and actions confuse me and somehow, I like it... but no, I should not let this feeling linger in me. We just met almost a month ago. And there’s a chaos right now! What are we doing in this isolated place?! He sighed. “They’re just… fooling you. Everything you saw isn’t true. So please, stop worrying and sleep.” What… This happened in the Black Gala too… “A-are you telling the truth, Dave?” “Of course,” he smiled a little. But what if— Nevermind. Everyone fooled me in the Black Gala for a show. I should believe Dave. I let all my thoughts fade away in order to sleep well tonight. There is no bed here but that’s fine. I can sleep on the cold floor. “Let each of your eyes form a line as the moon and the stars shine.” Is that a poetic way of saying good night? I smiled and nodded. “Thanks.” What a silly answer! But I really don’t know what to say. In the next few minutes, I just found myself really closing my eyes, forming something like a line. And even if my eyes are closed, I know that the sky is beautiful as the moon and the stars shine. MY EYES slowly opened, sensing a new day. I expected Dave to be the first one I’d see but.... there’s no one here other than me. I looked around once again to make sure I’m not dreaming nor hallucinating. Maybe he just went out and will come back in a short while? I considered that thought. There’s no need to make things big deal. If yesterday night I saw the dark sky with the moon and stars, I now see the bright sun nourishing my skin. Actually, it’s weird. This is supposed to be a secret room so why is there a window? Didn’t anyone see it? I spent minutes walking around the room like an innocent cat wandering in the woods. Somehow, it felt familiar. There’s an unknown piece that fits the puzzle in my heart. Finally, I went out of the room to look for Dave. I don’t know but I really won’t be relieved until I see him with my very own eyes. But it seems like I made a wrong decision. Red lights are still on. With my eyes not blinking and mouth left open, I stared into the a pair of red eyes. “You’re here…” Ivan smirked, which I suddenly consider creepy, dark, and dangerous. My blood was running wild as I move my eyes around with soldiers dead on the ground. “Are you looking for him?” he asked, but I’m sure he knows the answer. My eyes landed on a familiar face. He definitely isn’t a guard. Mister Largon! The official I met the same day as Dave’s father! It really is Mister Largon! That annoying corrupt jerk! Overthinking… again. “W-where’s… him?” I asked without looking at Ivan. My eyes are fixed on the floor because of the dead bodies which slowly make me tremble. I heard his chuckle. “The answer is what you see.” What the hell?! I finally looked at him with my eyes raging in anger and anxiety. “These people and him… they’re all…” he didn’t continue and laughed instead. I was triggered so quickly filled my right hand with fire and placed it in front of his face. “Just tell me where the hell he is!” He chuckled. “Oh, you said it! He’s in hell!” “I said—” “Okay okay, chill out. Why you mad, Wi-Nix?” He sighed as he held my hand down because the fire was getting closer to his face. Let me burn that damn face again! Wait, why is his face is all normal now…? “Where’s the Son in Power? And why is this official dead? What about the other officials?!” my consecutive questions. “What happened to him and them is kinda tragic…” he started. “You needed a sacrifice… and that’s it.” “At least he was brave enough.” A tear fell off my eyes as my inner self is attacked again. I think I know what he means… UTOPIUM, Red Light Law, Section 4. When the Evil attacks, the youngest official would be the sacrifice. Dave lied to me! He wanted me to sleep so that he could sacrifice himself to the Evil without me knowing! Yeah… because if I knew it in the first place, I would fight to save him. This is not a fake show. The Evil is really here. You fooled me, Dave! I cried and cried as my trembling knees touch the floor, despite the terrifying blood of the dead beings. ***
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