16: Secret Room

2109 Words
THE GROWLING dragon made the room more miserable. In its every motion, terror arises. Gentleness does not exist in its vocabulary, which is probably full of lies and wrongdoings. Ironically, I don’t see anger in its eyes. It seemed to be purely aggressiveness without clear context. All the witches left except for Naya, the one who likes Dave. She’s in the corner, watching me and the dragon, with amusement on her face. It’s been several minutes but the dragon isn’t even attacking me and is just destroying different stuff here. Naya does not do anything, though. That’s why she’s so suspicious. If I’m not mistaken, she’s allies with Ivan, that’s why I and Dave got into this place. But something’s wrong... “Ignis,” she suddenly declared before the dragon released fire. That was unexpected! It burned the hell out of me! Flames should be my friends but why are they hurting me now? But I know what to do... Amidst the pain, I would rather fight than call for help, so that was what really happened. The metal handcuffs made loud and satisfying sounds as I try to break it but I really am not physically strong. And my power is gone now. I don’t know what happened. It’s my birthday so I should be stronger! Words aren’t enough to describe the pain I have. Words are complicated for others to understand what I exactly feel. However, courage would not fail me. My skin is excruciating but the determination for freedom and survival is unshakable. “Stop!” I shouted at the dragon, making me weaker. It did not listen, of course. I looked at my skin, my body. There are no burns or anything! All I feel is pain. Damn pain. Not that I’m not used to cruelty. “W-when tears of... purity flow o-out of... your blue eyes... w-what d-do you do...?” I struggled to say. Not that I’m expecting it to understand me... but we are friends. He might not know it but I do. “Shut up!” Naya intervened. I smirked, still looking at the dragon. Of course, Naya knows that line, that question... “V-voco... ami--” Wait, I don’t remember it clearly! “a-amimus? mus... cus... shit.” I closed my eyes and thought about it deeply. Ami...cus? That’s it, I guess. I sighed in relief as letters entered my mind. Yes, it is! I remember it now. I can finally try and say it, even if the dragon does not seem to pay attention to what I’m saying. “Voco amicus meus,” I quickly stated as finalization. I didn’t breathe! “I said shut up!” Naya finally stood up from her fuchsia ‘aura sofa’. The hills of her magenta stilettos satisfied the ground. Her fandango eyes emphasized her pissed face, along with her rosewood lips. All shades of pink. I thought witches liked black...? Well, I’m a witch but my favorite is blue... and sometimes red, kinda. Wait... yeah, I’m a witch... It still feels surreal... but not that shocking...? I don’t know... “I hate those who don’t listen to me...” she raised my chin. “I hate those... who d-dictate me...” She kept her pissed face on. The dragon is still making noises, but it doesn’t attack me anymore because Naya’s here. Or maybe... my words worked? “W-what happened to... him?” I asked for the nth time. That is what I had always asked her a while ago... and she got irritated. I’m worried. I don’t hear his screams anymore. She shook her head, ignoring my question. “You don’t look good together.” I sighed in frustration. What an irrelevant answer! “I asked... what h-happened to him?” It’s still a bit difficult to speak due to pain. “He is... dead,” she answered casually like it’s nothing! But it was obviously just a way to piss me off! “D-dead?” I scoffed in a casual manner as well. “Maybe you... c-cursed him or something? Cuz... he... he rejected y-you.” She gave me a deathly glare but later on smirked. “Not a problem. I have lots of men here. He isn’t really attractive...” “Yeah? B-but he’s like... the most h-handsome man I saw... ever.” Her stilettos made a satisfying sound again as she slowly walked closer to me. She ran her fingers through her hair as she continued speaking. “Okay, then. Let’s have a deal... dear lady.” I wasn’t able to answer her immediately. Whatever her offer is... it’s not good, I guess. We were quiet for a minute because no one spoke. On the other hand, the dragon started making different noises, but I didn’t pay much attention to it. On the bright side, the pain started to fade in that single minute. I’m slowly but surely gaining my energy back. “No reply? I bet you’d like my offer,” she elegantly smirked. That smirk turned into a sarcastically sad expression. “Honestly, the Son in Power is on the verge of death right now. But... oh, how sad. His soon-to-be wife doesn’t even want to save him...” “W-what do you mean?” my immediate response. She smirked as she shook her head. “Oh, sorry, I suddenly disliked my own offer.” “Just say it!” She grinned more as she walked backwards away from me. “Hmm... I’ll think about it.” “Anything... I’ll accept and do anything, so you have to tell me nothing but the truth.” Am I saying the right thing? “Oh, I like the confidence!” she winked. This witch... Just be straightforward or you won’t have a straight backbone! Damn! I wish I could pluck her pink eyes and sell it for a hundred thousand dollars! “I realized that my conditions for you aren’t really exciting. Maybe you can tell me what you are willing to do... I accept suggestions.” She continued taking a step backwards every five seconds. “I said anything.” “Is that so? Hmm... let me think.” My eyes drifted to the dragon as I couldn’t resist its weird sounds anymore. What is happening? Its mouth suddenly opened and released fire and lava right beside me! Of course, I was hurt! This place looks like hell! Full of fire! Literally, what the hell?! “I’m jealous. You don’t get bruises. You don’t turn into ashes. You’re physically privileged by fire.” I looked back at Naya because of what she said. She stopped walking away. “This is my offer.” Her eyes went darker like a predator secretly observing its prey. “Find your weakness. When you do, just call my name.” “What?” My brows furrowed. Find my... weakness? “I’m sure you know what I mean.” She then threw a pink card at me. “Go save your love. And do not tell anyone about this. Don’t tell anyone that you were tortured here. Don’t tell anyone that you met me. If you do, I’ll kill you both.” She turned around, not facing me anymore. She just walked away while the card she threw is on the ground. I don’t know if it’s now burned. I am bewildered by this witch in front of me. Did she just let me save Dave?! Damn, it confuses me! I don’t know if she’s evil or what. But she is, right? Ivan gave us to her! Is she... betraying her allies? “Oh,” she stopped walking and slowly looked back at me. I didn’t say anything as she walked towards me. What’s with this witch? I thought she was going to leave? Why is she coming back now? My questions were answered when she suddenly slapped me. What the hell?! “I’m just irritated. I don’t like you.” She shrugged. Okay...? She gave me a slap again! And I didn’t even fight... for now. “That’s for stealing Dave. He should have been mine. Yes, he’s the most attractive here. But you got him... in a month?! I hate you, fellow witch!” This is... childish. She likes Dave, huh? Well, I don’t. She’s been acting cool but now slapping me because of someone she likes... that does not like her back. “Well, we’re in love.” I lied. I just wanted to piss her off more. But unexpectedly, she didn’t slap me. Instead, she sighed and went to the dragon. She whispered something to it and then it became calm! Wow! There is no roof here, just the dark sky. The dragon opened its wings and flew away like nothing happened. Wait... did Naya talk with the dragon?! “Sorry for the nuisance,” she shook her head. “Oh, you’re a nuisance too!” She laughed and I just stared at her. “Find your weakness, fellow witch. I mean... dear lady. Or you’ll taste another cruelty.” After that, she walked away again. But this time, she really left. I’m alone now, finally. I was able to breathe with relief until I realized something. Naya forgot to do something. I’m still handcuffed right now. So how am I going to leave? Is this supposed to be frustrating or funny? “WHAT THE hell?!” My eyes grew bigger as I saw Dave reading a black book while comfortably sitting on a couch. I thought he was... tortured?! He just furrowed his brows and looked at me. But then he immediately stopped reading and stood up. There was a war in my mind while he walked towards me. “What's the problem? You’re a bit early.” His statement confused me more. “What?” was the only thing that came out of my mouth. He was quite confused too. “They said you’ll be here in six hours. But only three have passed...” “What?” me again. “Didn’t you make a spell and a potion with your fellow witches?” “What?” me again and again. This is so confusing! I was tortured! We didn’t do that! I was about to tell him what happened but suddenly I remembered what Naya told me. Do not tell anyone I was tortured. Should I follow her? “Oh, yeah. That’s right.” I lied. At least, Dave is safe, right? I need to fulfill the deal. But for hell’s sake, I can’t help but get frustrated! Naya lied to me! She slapped me twice! She didn’t uncuff me! I struggled a lot just to get out of those handcuffs! I suffered. I was in hell. That room of fire haunts me. What did I do wrong to experience all of these?! “Is there a problem?” his question got me back to my senses. “No, I’m fine!” I smiled. “I actually think I’m the most okay person right now! I’m so happy and fine.” I don’t know if he noticed my sarcasm, but I hope he did not. However, I failed again. I lost again. My inner self is attacked... again. Everything seems to happen again and again. Tears flowed down my eyes, and I couldn’t stop them. I’m so tired. I’m so damned. Dave looked shocked to see me cry. He was puzzled but still went closer, probably planning to comfort me. But I shook my head and stepped backwards. I wanted to be away from him, from everyone. All I want right at this moment is myself. Why would I wish to be with those who hurt me? They said I’m powerful because I’m a half witch half Phoenix. But I’m honestly so weak inside. Words impact me, attacking my entire system. The Black Gala was supposed to be my day. I should have enjoyed it. But what I got was doubt for my friend Naomi. I witnessed more of Ivan’s evilness. In this place there are fellow witches, who I thought would be my allies. But they tortured me. I cried harder on the floor with my difficulties in breathing. I thought mysteries and my curiosity would make me suffer. But it turns out I get my sufferings from people around me... from people I cared about. Despite my weakness, I opened my left hand and made a small fire. From now on, this will symbolize the cruelty of this world... the cruelty that is slowly killing me. I, the Wi-Nix, will always be with cruelty. Nineteen years of hell. Happy birthday to me. ***
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