13: Birthday Curse

2105 Words
PICTURES OF Corvina telling Eliza that any food was fine as long as it’s poison-free haunted my mind. My heart was twisted along with my teary eyes. Worry is an understatement. I know there is something more. Seeing Corvina suffering triggers my entire system like we are one. I know she’s in more pain but I’m hurt too… After some seconds, people walked away, leaving Corvina alone. What the hell’s happening?! She’s still shaking! Everyone turned quiet when a hysterical laugh echoed the area and the wind blew aggressively. “Why is no one helping her?” The vendor laughed more. What the hell? I wish I could hit him in the face! Weapons are scattered on some areas of this place. It’s like a village with different kinds of stores, including weapon factories. If I’m just evil, I’ll get one of those weapons and attack that vendor! There were some murmurings but I don’t care what they’re whispering. It’s better to talk directly to that vendor! It was so obvious that he poisoned Corvina! “This girl… they said she’s special but she’s so easy to fool!” An unexplainable feeling enveloped me. A tear fell down my eye as my head started to ache without any blurry and glitched figures. His words were like sharp knives targeting my soft heart. Why do people laugh when they fool someone? Should they be proud when they break someone’s trust? I wiped that tear and walked towards Corvina with a little courage and big uncertainty. I can feel anger for the vendor but my worry for Corvina is more important. “If her family gives you… gold bars, would you help her?” I didn’t mind his crazy question and just examined the girl shaking on the ground. My eyes grew in shock as I tried to touch her and I did! I caressed her hand and… oh my goodness! Yes! I can touch her! Wait, can everyone see me as well? I looked back and saw the vendor staring at me. “Oh, you want gold bars, young lady?” I didn’t answer and just stared back at him with evident frustration. He chuckled and that irritated me more. “Wait… I think you two look similar.” “Or maybe… you are her,” he added. That made me nervous. He smirked and looked back at the people around. “This is what I want you to see. Nothing is free so don’t believe so easily.” Is that a poem or something? “This girl is foolish… but dangerous. If you can help me eliminate her… you’ll be rewarded with gold bars! You won’t suffer from poverty and hunger anymore!” “What the hell?!” I stood up and yelled. “You are crazy!” The vendor looked at me with amusement. “No, I’m not. I was just ordered and I’ll do it… for the gold.” “Who the hell ordered you?!” My voice was hard. “You know her…” he laughed. “How can Mama let her dear die…” “Shut up! You’re lying!” I know Eliza loves Corvina so much! The vendor is most likely sent by the Evil! “It’s true… she is the greatest but most evil witch.” I didn’t have the time to react when people started running to us, holding weapons. “PLEASE NO!” My breathing was heavy when I woke up. It was just a nightmare… of course. “You’re awake!” I panicked because I thought it was Dave but I realized it was a female voice… and I saw Naomi. “Why are you here?” my brows furrowed. "Happy Birthday!" I was stunned for a moment. Wow, yeah... it's my birthday. I smiled. "Thank you." “You're welcome! It's Black Gala too! No sleeping! Move move move!” I sighed and just followed what she wants. I was showing her a different attitude these past few days… but she’s my friend. I value her. She's the first to greet me today... "What's with the glare?" she softly laughed when I got out of the bathroom. "It's so early. The Black Gala is at night," I sighed. "Yeah, but hello? Nightmare report..." I swallowed hard. I need another lie again. "Since when did you care about my nightmare report?" "Today!" she chuckled but then slowly turned serious because I didn't speak. "Well, to be honest... Sarah said you haven't been reporting. I'm just curious... cuz uhm... all of us are required. Didn't you receive a punishment?" "Oh," I pursed my lips. "Sarah just doesn't know it but I do my nightmare reports... You can ask... Jacob." She looked surprised but immediately smiled. "Really? That's a relief." "Yeah," I smiled too. "Anyway, what was your nightmare? You even shouted... Was it scary?" "Yeah, kinda..." What could be my alibi? "A really creepy monster was about to kill me." "You always dream of monsters," she commented. "By the way, sorry. I don't mean to invade your privacy. I'm just worried about you, Amara. You're acting strange these days. If you're having a hard time with your nightmares or anything... you can tell me. Maybe you still don't fully trust me? But... I'm here for you." "Uh..." I don't know what to answer. She looks genuinely concerned and it warms my heart. I was shocked when she hugged me. "Honestly, Sarah told me to befriend you. And even if she didn't tell me, I would still do it." "Uhm... t-thanks...?" I was confused. What's with the sudden friendly words? Why is she suddenly acting this way? Does she... pity me? "You have no family here. You're all alone. But you have friends. We're here." She stopped hugging me and chuckled when she saw my confused face. "Come on! Why can't you be sweet?" I didn't answer so she continued speaking. "Well, Sarah told me you almost... died..." She was hesitant. "Is that true? I'm really worried, Amara. Almost every human who died in Utopium acted like you... They were acting strange. They were spacing out, like they were thinking deeply of something..." What... "Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable! I'm just worried, I promise!" "It's okay... thank you for your concern," I gave her a small smile. "You're welcome!" She smiled back. "By the way, that wasn't what I planned to tell you! I actually wanna share my recent nightmare because it was different. There were no obstacles or anything. It's like... I'm in a movie, like I'm just watching. No one saw or heard me... Weird." I slowly felt curious and nervous at her statement. "I don't know... How would I explain this to the official? I don't want him to think that my nightmare is becoming weird. Can you suggest me of anything?" I blinked twice. "Uhm... I don't know too..." "It's okay! Anyway, it's done! Nothing serious," she shrugged like she doesn't care. She's back to normal. I gulped. "Yeah... nothing serious." We went out of my room and proceeded to where we report our nightmares. Even though Naomi looked comfortable and normal, I'm still bothered by what she told me. The morning and afternoon went normal. Nothing much really happened aside from Naomi's nightmare. And mine, as well. I'm still bothered by what the vendor said. That's why I locked my room carefully and read Eliza's diary. I tried to find anything suspicious on the first to twentieth page but... I just realized more how much she loves Corvina. I'm not yet ready to read the next pages... I don't know why. Maybe it's because I'm scared. The last thing I read was Corvina is about to enter the darkness... That's it. I think I'm not yet prepared for what happens next. "OH MY gosh, Amara! Why do you look prettier?!" Naomi pouted. What is wrong with this girl...? She was the one who picked my outfit, put make-up on my face, and styled my hair! "Well, I was born beautiful..." She smiled widely upon hearing my remark. Meanwhile, I sighed in embarrassment. That was scripted! I couldn't believe I actually said it! "Yes, that's my girl!" she winked. "Yes, queen..." I whispered. "Louder!" "Yes, queen!" I awkwardly grinned. "Who's the king?" My eyes grew bigger when a man entered the room. What the actual hell! "Ivan! Where's Nat?!" Naomi approached him. Again, what the hell?! Does she remember Ivan now?! "She'll be here soon." "Okay, I'll get her! We'll be late! Watch Amara for me!" She left the room. Again and again, what the hell! Silence surrounded everything until Ivan walked closer to me. I feel like burning someone today! "You... Don't include my friends here..." I was nervous but I managed to speak. "Happy birthday," he didn't mind what I said. "Shut up! Just get lost!" "Not until you give me those leaves." I sighed in frustration. "I can't! I'm not allowed in that room! Why not just... go there on your own! You did that before!" Anger flashed in his eyes. "Now I can't. Because of you." He said that a lot already! I don't believe him! "Your f*****g birthday is today! And you haven't given me those f*****g leaves! f**k! Cursed useless girl!" I heaved a sigh. I just remembered that today is the damn deadline. I had always cared about deadlines in school. But this deadline is the least I care about. Or I don't even care. I smiled. "Yeah, today is the deadline... 'cause you'll be dead." "You... planned this...!" He tried to reach for my neck but failed. I smirked but then he put out a g*n! "Scared now, huh?" I swallowed hard and raised my head. "Yeah, scared of your ugly face." He scoffed and clearly was not amused by my joke. I flinched when he suddenly shot the bed! That was loud! He should've put a silencer or something! Wait, it's better loud! I hope someone heard it! He started to walk around the room like he's looking for something. "I don't like your pride..." "I don't like your face..." I replied. Well, he is absolutely not ugly! He actually looks... so good. I just wanna distract him as I slowly walk towards the bed. My sword is under it... He was of course not pleased with what I said. But he continued walking with his mad eyes. I was stunned when he got the Tales with Wings. Hell, no! The note... I immediately sighed in ease when I remembered I hid both the note and the diary in a different place. "What are you doing?!" He yelled when he caught me trying to get something under the bed. I immediately moved away when he shot it again! "What's happe...ning?" Naomi looks really shocked as she stands in the doorway. She is panting like she ran so fast. Ivan was shocked too but he immediately chuckled. "We're just playing, Nam." His eyes shifted to me, "Right, Ara?" Why is he suddenly calling me by my nickname?! But that thought faded away as his eyes screamed darkness. "Yes, just playing a game..." I slowly nodded. "What?! Are you guys kidding me?! You, Ivan, you're literally holding a g*n!" Naomi wasn't convinced. "And I heard the shots! Two shots! Is this a game of death?!" Ivan looked pissed as his eyes went back to Naomi. "Uhuh, your death." I was covered with shock, fear, and terror when Ivan pointed the g*n at Naomi and immediately pulled the damn trigger! Hell! He shot Naomi without hesitation! "Naomi!" Tears fell off my eyes as I rushed to Naomi. My mind is in complete chaos and my body is trembling! "There are deaths in all of your birthdays..." Ivan casually shook his head like he doesn't care he killed someone! "But you know, if you just gave me what I f*****g want, this won't happen..." I just cried so hard. My intense and mixed emotions are here again. This is so painful... Suddenly, pictures of my dead grandma flashed in my mind, which made me release more tears. The masked man... Ivan... They both killed my loved ones without mercy, without hesitation! If they're the same person, this is my chance for revenge. "Oh, you're blocking the doorway. Stop crying, that's your fault." Anger started to flow through my veins and I feel fire overwhelming me. He really does not care that he murdered my friend... my dear friend. That angered me more. I think this will be the first time I'll kill someone. ***
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