14: Black Gala

2438 Words
WITH MY heart bursting in pain and anger, I swiftly heated my palms and grabbed the arms of the man I hate the most. The g*n fell onto the floor as soon as our skins touched. I smirked at the thought of how powerful I am over him. But it did not satisfy me. "f**k o-off! You cur-- aaah!" He was trying to fight but heat enveloped him, that's why he's all red right now... and his eyes have a different reddish vibe like he's about to do something so cruel. What could be more cruel than killing my grandma and friend? I got the g*n from the floor and pointed it at him while he’s excruciating in pain. The heat through my hands almost burned the hell out of him but he’s lucky enough I didn’t make fire… for now. “Are you the masked man in my nightmares?” I asked straightforwardly. I will kill him but first, I wanna hear it directly from his mouth. He looked like he did not expect that question. Slowly his lips move, and I thought he was going to reveal his signature smirk… but he gave me a confused grin instead. “What are you saying?” “Just admit it!” I demanded. There’s still a part of me that doesn’t believe Ivan and the masked man are one. And it bothers me. Maybe if he confesses, I will fully believe…? “Just kill me with your superpower…” he changed the topic. “Make a fire, burn me until I turn into ashes.” “Answer the damn question!” I know I look so mad and desperate right now but that’s the least I care about. I just want to know the truth! “Just kill me…” He obviously ignores the question! Why?! “You’re making yourself more--” I was cut off when he suddenly laughed. “They said you get stronger in your birthday,” he paused to emphasize his laugh. “But you can’t even kill me!” “I can!” I defended. “Then do it!” His face was persuasive. He even stood up, finally recovering from the heat. “This is your day… your night.” His eyes turned bright red as the moonlight from the open window hit his face. Those red eyes again… They make me feel something weird… “The red rose under the dark sky, you burn it as you fly.” I was stunned upon hearing that. I don’t know what to react. It’s just… I’m… I don’t know. All my thoughts faded away and that sentence was left alone in my mind. Before I even knew it, Ivan got the g*n from my freezing hands! “Gotcha!” he smirked. That was just a damn trap! But why did it affect me too much?! I heaved a deep sigh, thinking of when to start a fire, as the wind is getting colder. I turned my head to the side with the open window and stared at the enchanting moon. Through my peripheral vision, I saw Ivan pointing the g*n at me but I didn’t mind. He suddenly gave me a hard slap and I felt it nourish my face bone! But I just scoffed. I wanted to stay calm and cool. “Where’s your aggression? b***h, come on!” A smile flashed on my face as he slap me one more time. “Why aren’t you fighting, cursed girl?” I stood still and flinched a little when I heard a loud gunshot. Poor bed… was shot three times. “The next bullet will be in your head.” I smiled more. A bullet in my head sounds nice. “Acting cool, huh?” My smile faded when I saw through my peripheral vision that he pointed the g*n to another direction. I looked at him and the g*n is now pointed to… Naomi. Another bullet hit her dead body. That shot made my blood freeze but didn’t eliminate the anger. All of my negative feelings just worsened and I’m for real, I’m about to commit what I thought I would never. If I kill the Evil, am I evil too? I closed my eyes as another set of tears flow. I don’t care anymore whether this is good or bad because I just want to... kill him. That thought prevailed in my mind and heat enveloped my body. I did not expect I would produce fire easily without feeling tired. “I’m a curse... an amazing curse.” Just when I was about to burn him, everything turned black for a moment and I feel like... I’m falling down. Then I reached a black shiny floor. What the hell’s going on?! "Bravo!" There was a loud applause. I slowly looked at my side and there I saw a lot of people smiling and clapping their hands like they watched a great presentation. Uh... what... I stood up as my eyes wandered around. Black... blue... red. My brows were furrowed the whole time but everyone looks happy as hell! “Ladies and gentlemen, you have witnessed just a little, I repeat, a little part of her power... There’s so much more you should look forward to.” My eyes shifted to the man speaking. I furrowed my brows more when he caught me staring and smiled. That only lasted for a few seconds because he looked at my back. “Let’s also thank our actress Naomi and actor Ivan!” I quickly looked behind and saw Naomi rosing up! The hell?! She was shot! Why is she alive?! She’s covered in blood but she’s genuinely smiling. Our eyes met and I felt a sting in my heart. Both Naomi and Ivan bowed before walking away while I’m still confused. I was just standing still until another round of applause covered my ears. I slowly turned around to face the crowd. “This has been the best gala so far...” the host walked towards me. So this is the Black Gala? “After how many centuries, she is back.” “Our dear lady is here, right in front of our eyes.” “Happy birthday.” “What can you say... Amara?” I don’t know. “W-what is... happening?” I asked. He smiled at me before looking at the crowd. “She is still recovering so please understand.” “Nevertheless, we have noticed your power and you were very motivated to fight against the one who killed your friend... how heartwarming.” “What--” I was cut off. “Let’s continue the celebration! Later, there will be a very important announcement!” People clapped their hands again and a vibrant sound was played. In a snap, everyone is having fun talking, eating, dancing, and singing. Some are still watching me but the stage was suddenly covered, leaving me and the host alone… or so I thought. I just realized that there are a lot of guards here with me. I don’t know how to explain this but… the back suddenly opened then three men and two women came in. My heart is beating so fast right now. Their auras scream elegance like they are medieval nobles or royals. Honestly, I’m intimidated but I acted cool. “A pleasant evening, Corvina Flamiva,” one woman offered her hand. I was stunned by what she called me. She elegantly chuckled at that. “Amara,” she corrected. “My apologies, Amara Flamiva.” Uh… that’s not my surname. She smiled even though I still don’t accept her hand. “I know you’re confused, dear lady, but I won’t call you by a fake last name.” I slowly raised my right hand to accept hers. The moment our palms touched, I felt something strange but familiar. Strange but familiar…? What? “Can I have your hand now?” the other woman said. The first woman let my hand go as the other is offering her left hand. I smiled bitterly because my mother is left-handed too. “You are gorgeous as ever,” she complimented when we shook hands. I also accepted the hands of the three men. I am actually still confused but I didn’t want to ignore them. “You do not know them, do you?” the host intervened. I unconsciously nodded. I don’t know… I’m just speechless. “Do you want to know their names?” he asked and I automatically nodded again. “They are the greatest officials of Utopium!” the host proudly declared. “Lady Dorothy and Lady Monica. And the gentlemen, Vulcan, Alejandro, and Francisco.” “And me… I am Thomas,” he added. I didn’t say a single word. What am I supposed to answer? We ended up eating. I’m not in the right state of mind so I don’t exactly know how we ended up this way. I just nodded and followed everything they told me. “You don’t like the dragon soup?” I almost choked on my drink when Sir Alejandro asked me that. They’re making me remember that creepy little girl! I nodded as an answer. “Hmm… You got a little kinder.” “She’s very kind even before!” Lady Dorothy. “It was just that… man.” I am slowly getting my senses back. “Who’s ‘that man’?” They were quite surprised because it’s my first time speaking. “You forgot a lot…” Lady Monica. “After what happened, you cannot expect her to be fine. She will soon get her memories back.” Mister Vulcan. Damn, they’re confusing me more! “Tell me… who’s that man?” I repeated, trying to ignore all the other questions in my mind. Lady Dorothy cleared her throat and looked at Mister Francisco, who is not even bothered by my question. His black eyes got darker. “You were with him a while ago, dear lady.” My brows furrowed. “What?” “Ivan… he’s ‘that man’.” There was a weird feeling inside me. I don’t believe it’s Ivan. The man Corvina loved… The man from the Evil… The man Eliza hated… It’s not Ivan. “No,” I shook my head. “It’s not him.” “Believe what you believe, dear lady… but it really is him.” The meal ended and slowly the stage opened. People were delighted to see the officials. I saw Naomi in the crowd, making me doubt her as a friend. I still don’t understand what she did earlier. I don’t even know her intentions. She fooled me. Well, I’m always fooled. This soft heart of mine gives trust easily… and it’s damn frustrating. I smiled bitterly at that thought. “I know you have been waiting for the special announcement,” the host started. “As a clue, look at the beautiful lady here, and the handsome gentleman there.” The host pointed at me and… Dave? What the hell? He’s here?! Of course, he is! I immediately looked away. I can’t take his eyes. I owe him a lot and he’s still being fooled by Blue… “Our honorable officials like this to be straightforward so… let’s do not waste time.” My heart is beating faster. “Amara, the Wi-Nix, and Dave, the Son in Power, will be married in accordance to the Laws of Utopium and the prophesies.” Everyone clapped and looked happy upon hearing the announcement. What the hell?! What the f*****g hell?! What the damn f*****g hell?! “You’re a half witch, half Phoenix. Everyone wants you,” Lady Dorothy whispered. “Please accept Dave, he’s the best for you.” Are they kidding me right now?! For hell’s sake, I’m just 19! And Dave is just 20! What the hell’s going on?! I looked at Dave who is now walking towards the stage. I don’t know how he feels. His face is emotionless. When he reached the stage, he politely bowed to the crowd but did not even smile. “This has been the best Black Gala... The Wi-Nix is back, not with the Evil but with the Son in Power... in more power.” I automatically searched for Ivan in the crowd upon hearing ‘the Evil’. His signature smirk welcomed me. I was surprised when he suddenly stood up. Actually, everyone stared at him as he walked to the stage. What the... “Do not listen to whatever lies he’s going to tell you,” Lady Dorothy whispered. “Why?” I asked, not looking at her. “Because he’s part of the Evil. He made you suffer.” What really happened decades ago? Ivan reached the stage and smirked at everyone. At first, he was mumbling something to himself but then he suddenly shouted. “Mali, oppugna!” The sky went darker as dragons start to appear. Stars can’t make this night beautiful. Everyone panicked and started running and hiding. I just stared at the chaos. Dragons are attacking us... The stage was quickly closed and the officials ran to the back. Really? They just left those people outside?! My eyes shifted to Ivan as I walk towards him. He was smirking until I grabbed his neck and lifted him up. I don’t know what’s exactly happening but I know these dragons are part of the Evil too. “You gonna... k-kill me or w-what?” He was struggling to speak but his pride... damn pride. Pictures of me being strangled by the masked man flashed in my mind and it made me angrier. I looked deeply into his eyes like I’m searching for his soul. “Show me how bad the Evil can be.” I added, “Because... I think I can be worse than them... than you.” Electricity ran through my veins when I felt a hand on my left arm. I know who it is. “Help me...” It’s almost a whisper. “Let’s save them.” I tried ignoring Dave but I can’t! My hand was slightly trembling when I let Ivan go. “You’re confusing me, Dave.” I walked away without looking at him. “You two acting like heroes, huh?” Damn you, Ivan! You’re triggering me! I quickly released fire from my hand to his face. I don’t care whatever damage it will do to him! What I think of right now is the fact that I’m having more and more problems. This is not the way to perfection. ***
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