06: The Prison Code

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You seem like a gorgeous monster Holding a cursed, poisoned flower You walked on a wicked ground I do not like everything around This day really is the worst You are with whom I hate most ——— SOME GUARDS arrived at the prison, obviously called by Dave. Meanwhile, I'm just staring at him, still can't believe that he's the Son in Power. So he surely has something to do with what's going on! The masked man mentioned him! I just let them put me inside a prison cell. But I immediately stopped Dave from leaving. "Wait!" I called. He stopped walking but he didn't look back. "I... uhm... c-can we talk?!" He continued walking away as soon as I said that. What the hell! Such a rude man! "Hey, Dave! Come back here! Damn you!" I yelled. The guards gave me a can't-believe-look but I just ignored them. Right now, I'm not in the mood to even care about what they think. "Do not call him by his name," a guard sounded like he was commanding me. "Oh, should I call him by your name, sir?" I sarcastically replied. But he really didn't want to loose. "You don't have the right to curse him." "Okay then, should I curse you instead?" The other guards were shocked but they didn't intervene. There was just one guard who was trying to calm the irritating guard down. But he's just really hard-headed. He put his sword out, trying to scare me but I'm not scared at all. Some of the guards stopped him but he shouted so they gave up. "You young woman, your death is near!" I chuckled. "Really? How much near? 10 kilometers away or what?" "You! Shut your mouth!" He is completely pissed off by my replies. "Sorry, my brain can't process commands from dumb people." I smiled to piss him off more before going to the back of the cell so that I would be finally away from him. I just sat on the floor and leaned on the wall, thinking of what I could think of. Now that I'm in prison, how will I continue my investigation? Damn, what a bad day! I'm starting to regret going out of my room... but wait. If I didn't get out, I would not have met Dave and I would not have discovered that he is the Son in Power! Damn you, Son in Power. What kind of nickname is that? I also started to feel guilty about what I said to the guard. I know he was just telling me what I shouldn't do but I'm just really not in the mood right now. Sorry, mister guard--or whatever your name is. Minutes later, the guards opened the cell. They told me that the officials wanna talk to me immediately. They even warned me that I'm in danger. Well, yes, I know. I am in danger. The officials are probably freaking out when they heard about me not falling asleep. I can imagine their words and faces even though I haven't seen them yet. What if they also discover that I know some dark stuff here? We were in the palace already, still walking towards wherever we're going, when Dave stopped in front of us so we also stopped. My whole attention immediately went to him. "Don't go there. Bring her into Class-A solitary," he said without emotion and walked away. What a boring and cold person. Does he think he's in a novel or drama? The guards even saluted but he didn't care. I was brought in a place I don't know but for common sense's sake, this is most likely the Class-A solitary. Every room has a metal door. We entered one of the rooms and I didn't expect that it would be nice. It doesn't look like a prison at all! Maybe that's why it's called Class-A. But why am I here? I'm not a VIP or anything. "Seven days, no food, water only," a guard cited. Not bad. I think I will be able to live in seven days with water only. What I'm really worried about is my investigation. I won't be able to investigate in seven damned days. "Wait," I stopped the guard from leaving. "I thought I was supposed to talk with the officials?" He sighed before answering. "We don't know anything. We just obeyed the Son in Power." Then he left the room. I sat on the bed and run my fingers through my hair, starting to get problematic. It's weird that I wasn't able to talk with the officials. Dave is suspicious. Like, why did he order the guards to bring me to the prison instead of the officials? The door has no holes or anything. It's just pure metal. There are also no windows that could be used to escape. There is just a bed, a table, light, a clock, and a container full of water. But the room looks nice. It is very clean, plain, and empty. I guess I won't find anything in here that could be useful for my investigation. Minutes passed but I still haven't fallen asleep even if I force myself to. This is really making me feel worse. Just how special am I to be different from the other humans here? First, my nightmares aren't like theirs. And now, I can't fall asleep. My time is wasted. I can't do anything but just sit, lay down and think. But to be honest, now that I have a lot of time to think, it seems like I am realizing more things... I STOOD up when the door suddenly opened. Finally, after how many hours! My brows raised when I saw Dave. Oh, the Son is Power is here. He entered the room and then the door closed. Now that we're alone, I want to shower him with questions. But I should not. They will be more suspicious of me. I should not raise suspicions so that my secret investigation would continue to go well. He is just standing while looking at me. I don't see any emotion on his face. "I know you have something to say but you're too lazy to speak," I shrugged. "Who are you?" he asked, still with a blank expression. Confused, I said the most obvious answer. "I am... Amara. Amara Woodard." He sighed and just stood there for how many seconds until he turned back. What?! Is he going to leave already?! So why did he even come here? Such a weird man. Well, I know I'm weird but he's weirder. "Hey, you! I can't stay here for seven days! And especially without food!" I said so he would stay longer. "That is what you get for disrespecting the officials." He sternly replied without even looking at me. I grabbed his arm to make him turn around but instead, he swiftly put his sword on my neck. What the hell?! That was so fast! And why the hell would he react that way! I'm not gonna hurt him, no need for weapons and violence! "W-wait! I just wanna talk!" I raised both of my hands. His cold voice surrounded the entire room. "Do not touch me." "Oh, yeah, fine..." I nodded. So that's it? He doesn't want to be touched? Gosh, he should've just said it, no need for a sword! "Say what you want to say." He finally put the sword down. I sighed and put my hands down too. "I thought I'm gonna talk to the officials? Why am I in this lonely room?" His face was emotionless for the nth time. I'm starting to think that he's the male lead of some novel or drama. "You don't need to," then he walked away. I sighed again and again, accepting the fact that he is not easy to approach. So it's final. I'm stuck here for seven days without investigation, as well as food! I really hope I will fall asleep tomorrow night! "WHAT HAPPENED, Amara?!" Sarah's panicking voice was the first sound I heard in the morning. Last night, I fell asleep but I did not have a nightmare so I'm still not in the mood! Now that my guardians are here, they are making me feel worse. "I'm sure you already know," I answered without energy. Now I feel like I was infected with Dave's emotionless attitude. "Yes! I mean, what happened?! You haven't fallen asleep?! You didn't have a nightmare?! That is so..." she breathed heavily and tried to speak normally. "...impossible. That would never happen, Amara." "But it happened," my brief statement. She sat down on my bed like she's very tired and stressed out. Meanwhile, Jacob is just standing and not saying anything. I rolled my eyes and let out a heavy sigh. If they could just leave me alone, my morning would be peaceful. I don't have the energy to talk and explain right now. "Look at me... Amara." Sarah's voice became calm but mysterious. Just like what she said, I looked at her. We were staring at each other's eyes until she asked me a question. "Are you hiding something?" Yes, I'm hiding something. But you are hiding more. "No, I'm completely clueless--a typical newbie," then I laid down on my bed. "Don't worry too much. I'm... fine." "No, you're not!" she argued. "Let her be, Sarah," Jacob intervened. My eyes immediately went to him. "Don't pressure her." "I'm not pressuring her! I'm just doing my job as a guardian!" "Yeah but you know her. You better be careful." Jacob's words seem to have a hidden meaning. Sarah sighed and looked up. "I know. Sorry, Madame." Her gaze went back to Jacob, "Let's go, time's up." She walked out but Jacob did not. He looked at me and smiled a little. He was about to leave the room too but I stopped him. "Jacob." I called so he looked back at me. I slowly stood up and faced him. "Who were you guys talking about earlier? I'm sure it wasn't me. That Madame..." There was a silence that made me feel tense for a few seconds. "Just remember that this is the way to perfection. But you can't reach perfection if you're alone." But is there really perfection...? I thought he's gonna leave already after saying that but he added something. "Life is really cruel..." he smiled bitterly and then walked away. I didn't stop him anymore. I just followed him with my eyes until the door was closed and locked again. So that's it. They just added more questions to my mind. I guess curiosity would kill me if I don't find the answers. AFTERNOON CAME and I haven't eaten yet. All I have is water. This is not really new to me. Back in my life on Earth, there were times that I wasn't able to eat because of financial problems and my abusive parents. Good thing I moved to the countryside with grandma. There I felt peace even though there were some strange things that happened. I walked around the room. I can't do anything else. I'm not sleepy. All I can do is walk and think. Now I'm questioning my existence. Am I really born to live like this? What's the purpose of my life? ...to suffer? I'm not even a hundred percent sure why I'm investigating. Is it just because of my curiosity? Or there is something more than that? "Life is cruel..." I sighed, talking to myself. Now I'm starting to feel the same way I felt when I lived with my parents. I always talked to myself. I cried alone. No one was there for me except for myself. The last time I saw my mother was a year ago. She decided to move to Japan with her so-called 'the one'. She said that she was ready for a serious relationship. I wonder if they were married or were just in a s****l relationship. I doubt that they're still together. My mother is a b***h. I still remember those times when she did not go home and I was forced to work at a young age to buy my own food. My father was worse. He is a damn criminal. He committed murder, theft, assault, harassment, and illegal d**g transactions. He hurt me a lot of times. The worst was he tried to kill me! He is a demon. I would never forget what he did to me. He also hurt a lot of people. He doesn't even feel guilty. He didn't say sorry. He didn't repent. No one would forgive him. I sat down on the bed as I remember my evil parents. After everything I've experienced with them, I'm still alive. There's still a piece of hope in me. My eyes shifted to the door. Should I try to escape from this prison? But they will surely capture me. I don't have any superpower. I sighed and got the cup of water on the table. I sighed again after drinking it. I want hot water and this isn't it. They should have put a water dispenser in this room. How I wish this water would be warm... I flinched when I felt heat on my hands. The cup was accidentally dropped on the floor. "Damn," I whispered to myself, looking at the broken cup and wet floor. The door suddenly opened and a guard entered the room. "What happened?" he asked. "It was an accident," I calmly replied and went to the floor to clean the mess. The door closed and I rolled my eyes. He didn't even care to help. Well, that's understandable. Why would he help a prisoner? I rolled my eyes again. Right, I'm a prisoner now. I can't believe that I would be in prison just like my father! I put the pieces of the broken cup in a corner of the room. Then, I wiped the floor with a piece of cloth from the table. I stood up looked at my hands. What the hell is that? I felt something hot! I wished the water to be hot, not my hands! "Whatever," I lazily whispered and got another cup on the table. I tried to fight my curiosity blowing up again so I won't add more questions in my mind but... I put water in the cup and placed it on the table. I took a deep breath, hesitating to do this little experiment. "Uh... I want this water to be hot," I placed my hand on top of the cup. I blinked twice when I felt heat on my hands again. But this time, I didn't flinch anymore. My hands got hotter and hotter until I stopped thinking of having hot water. I touched the cup and it's hot! I drank a little bit of the water and it's hot too! Okay... what is happening...? This ain't real... "HAVING A little rebellion?" I rolled my eyes at Dave--I mean, the honorable Son in Power. A few hours passed since I broke the cup. "It was an accident, sir." The guard said don't call him by his name so I'm just gonna call him sir. Well, he got a bossy vibe. "If you break cups, I'll add more days to your sentence. You have broken one so... eight days in prison." Then he left. What the hell?! Did he come here just to say that he added one more day to my sentence?! What a weirdo! I sighed and shook my head. He just gives me more stress. I looked at the clock and realized that it's 5 PM. I can't wait for 9 PM. I really wanna sleep and have a nightmare. It's better to be in a nightmare than a prison. THE CLOCK hit 8 PM. My heart started beating faster, anticipating for the dragons. Damn, there are no windows here! I can't see them! I put my ears on the wall, trying to hear anything from the outside but I can't. This is really an unfortunate day. Oh, I take it back. This day isn't really unfortunate because I've discovered something great about myself. I'm not sure if this is a superpower but... I'm gonna call it a superpower. I wished that my hands would be hot and it really did. I looked around, finding something to use for this little experiment again, but there's nothing much here. What about the table...? I smirked at that idea. I removed everything on the table first to avoid any accident. Then, I wished the table would be hot and I felt heat. I jokingly thought of burning the table. I mean, I can make things hot. Can I also make things burn? A little fire has formed, getting the hell out of me! What is this?! The fire grew larger, covering the upper part of the table. I panicked so I pushed it down. I was nervous because the guards certainly heard it! But no one entered the room. "Fire, please stop... please, please stop..." But it didn't happen! The fire has also spread at the back part of the table. I lifted the water container. It was so heavy but I did my best. I spilled all of the water to the burning table. Oh gosh, I was just joking! Why did the table really burn? I sighed when the fire was gone. I looked at the table. It wasn't completely destroyed but the burn is visible. My brows furrowed when I saw something at the back of the table. I went nearer so I could see it clearly. There is a carved figure which looks like a flower. There is also a full moon. Maybe it's just part of the table's design. I carried the table to the corner where I put the broken cup. My brows furrowed when I saw a paper beside the pieces of the broken cup. What is this? Ultima pagina commentarius, XII. Okay...? I don't understand... I think this is some ancient language or maybe it's still being used? It's weird that it just appeared here. Maybe this means something important? I don't know. There's nothing wrong if I keep it. Sometimes, we can't understand important things. Grandma told me that a month ago. This is the time to apply that to my life. The door suddenly opened. I quickly hid the paper behind me. "Oh, hi... sir," I gave Dave a fake smile. His gaze went to the table beside me. "What happened?" "Oh, this is..." Wait! What could be my alibi?! I can't tell him I made fire! "Just don't mind this." "Second rebellion today. I'll add... three more days--" "Hell, stop! How I wish the dragons to eat you!" I shouted. It's frustrating that he keeps on adding more days to my sentence! "Stop disrespecting me," he said sternly. "You are not worthy of my respect, you crazy b***h!" Oh, I'm in trouble. Why do I keep on cursing him?! I should stop but I can't! I should apologize! "Wait, sorry, I--" He furrowed his brows. "Bitch...? What does that mean?" My eyes grew bigger at his question. He doesn't know it...? "Oh, that means... official. Yeah, official. It means you have a high rank," I nervously lied. As a girl who experienced hell with my parents, I'm used to saying bad words. But I'm trying to control myself. As of now, I just say damn and hell often, s**t sometimes, and b***h rarely. If I stop having a cruel life, I think I will speak nicely. You can't expect me to say good words while having a very bad life. He sighed and looked at the table again. I can see through his eyes that he's curious. I wonder why he didn't insist on asking. "You'll get out of here if you can sleep and have a nightmare. I won't bring you to the officials." "What? Why?" I furrowed my brows. I want to see the officials! Why can't he let me? He just stared and didn't answer. Wow, so that's it! I'm sure he will now leave. I'm right. He left. "So boring," I whispered. THE DOOR opened at exactly 9 PM. He's here again. I didn't even look at him. I'm focused on the clock. I can't help but look at him when some guards arrived. They brought a new table in my prison room, as well as a water container. Wait, there is also a water dispenser... My brows furrowed when I saw it. How did they know that I need a water dispenser? Do they know what's going on in my mind? Oh no, impossible. The guards left the room but Dave is still here, just standing without any words. Whatever. If he wants to waste his time, then okay. I was shocked when he suddenly put a sword on my neck. What the hell?! What did I do?! I didn't say anything bad to him this time! "Who really are you? What are you?" his voice was stern. "I'm Amara, a human...?" my answer sounded like a question. "Stop lying or I'll slice your neck." Woah... that was dark! "I'm not lying! I really am human!" I defended. My heart stopped beating for a second when I felt the sharp sword slightly cut my skin. I felt pain and I know that a few blood has come out of my neck. "It was just a little preview. I will cut your skin deeply if you don't say the truth." I did not expect that he would really do it! A few drops of tears came out of my eyes. Here I am being emotional again. Is he really this bad? "I'm saying the truth..." that was almost a whisper. Why would he ask me if he would not accept my answer? The sword deepened a little bit. I don't know if I should fight, run away, or just don't do anything. My inner self is getting attacked again. Memories of my father trying to kill me flashed in my mind. I closed my eyes and just continued letting my tears fall down. A few seconds later, I opened my eyes when I didn't feel the sword anymore. But I still feel the cut. I saw Dave breathing heavily while staring at me. I stared at him too, waiting for what he will do next. It is either he will kill, t*****e, or ask me again. He can also just leave. "How did you make... fire?" He finally spoke. I was stunned at his question. Did he saw that?! How?! I took a deep breath, don't know what to answer because I also don't know how did I make fire. "How did you see that?" I asked him back. "Answer. My. Question." His eyes darkened. I looked away to avoid his dark gaze. "I don't know..." "What about the paper? Where is it?" My eyes went back to him. He also saw that?! Were they watching me all day?! I looked around the room, trying to find any camera but there's none. I sighed and didn't answer Dave's question. "What does the paper say?" I still didn't answer. If I tell him what it is, he will probably know the meaning. There's a big chance that he knows that language because he is an official here. Right! He can understand it! If I give him the paper, will he tell me the meaning? Minutes passed but silence was the one that occupied the room. Until finally, I decided to open my mouth. "Ultima pagina commentarius. Roman numeral seven." I didn't give him the paper because I memorized it. I don't know if I pronounced it correctly, though. He let out a heavy sigh. "Last page of my diary." I blinked twice. Is that... the meaning? Did he... tell me the meaning?! "...that's the meaning." He confirmed my thought. I just blinked again and again, don't know what to reply. What am I supposed to do with that information? I don't even know the diary's owner. "Now tell me, what are you? Who are you? Why are you here?" he asked consecutively. He sighed when I didn't answer and gave me a dark glare. "I'll ask you again tomorrow. I'll do whatever it takes to get the right answer. I'm sure you are not human," he stated with confidence before leaving the room. He even slammed the door, obviously frustrated. He really thinks I'm not human! Then what am I? An alien?
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