07: They Lead, They Bleed

4108 Words
VII. This is very difficult, my dear But for you, I will never fear For the final time, I saved you For the final time, black was blue You're the most beautiful bride But no good groom is beside *** THE NIGHT passed without me having a nightmare. I fell asleep but I had no dream. I miss the masked man... I laughed at that thought. Since when did I wish to see my grandma's killer? I think he poisoned my mind. Nothing much really happened this morning. I'm just stuck in this room, waiting for the night to come. Dave said he will do whatever it takes to know what I am. But I really am human! I'm getting anxious on what to answer. If I will have a nightmare tonight, I'll be safe. No Dave. No talk. No sword. "WHAT ARE you doing?" I asked the guards for the nth time as they put different stuff in my prison room. "Following orders," one of them simply answered. I sighed. "I mean, what's with these things? Paper? Paint? Brushes? I'm not an artist or anything." "Neither us. Please be quiet." I watched them get out after finishing their job. My eyes shifted to the art materials. What am I supposed to do with these? I haven't eaten anything since yesterday yet they want me to paint? Maybe they pitied me so they let me have something to do? Whatever. I sat on the chair and stared at the blank canvas, thinking of what to paint. I looked around the room. There's nothing really amazing here. But then I saw the table from one of the corners. I immediately remembered the full moon and the flower carved on it. I got the table and put it on the floor, beside the painting stand whatsoever. I bit my lower lip as the brush with red paint touched the large paper. Regrets. I should've paid more attention to Art classes in high school. I was too focused on History. But however this turns out, this is still my painting. Minutes passed, of course I'm not yet finished. This is harder than I thought. But honestly, it's not really bad. I can see that the rose is pretty good. "Amara!" I flinched when someone suddenly exclaimed so I accidently moved the brush in an unwanted way. The world seemed to stop when I saw the rose ruined. "Oh, you're painting?" I know it's Jacob but I didn't look at him. Damn, the rose doesn't look nice now! Some red paint has scattered! He's now beside me. I saw him through my peripheral vision. "Wait, there's scattered paint! You should be careful." He really had the guts to comment on my work. "And you should not just suddenly exclaim," I can't help but speak. "Oh, haha! Sorry!" I didn't answer. I just tried to fix the scattered paint. Jacob cleared his throat, obviously trying to get my attention, but I didn't look at him. I thought he will sense that I'm not in the mood to talk with anyone but instead, he cleared his throat repeatedly! It was irritating. "What do you need?" I finally looked at him. He smiled a little. "To help you." My brows furrowed, confused. I decided to stop painting so that we could talk properly. "Help me with what?" I asked. He took a deep breath and walked towards the bed which is just beside where I'm sitting. "I'll help you get out of here." He sat down. Uhm, that was unexpected. "Wait, why are you alone, by the way? Where's Sarah?" "Let's not get her involved into this. I want this to be... just between you and me," he smiled. My brows furrowed more. "Okay... so how are you going to get me out of here?" What he says is hard to believe. Yes, he's a guardian but I'm sure the officials are way more powerful than him. I saw how he was hesitant to answer but he still did. "Talk to the officials." I immediately shook my head. "The Son in Power would never allow that." "What?" He is now the one with furrowed brows. "Y-you talked with... the Son in Power?!" "Yeah," I casually answered and held the brush again. His plan is not going to work so I'll just paint. "Don't worry about him. You will talk to the officials... whatever it takes." I stopped painting again. "Wait... he is an official. I repeat, official. I get that your a guardian but--" He cut me off. "No, he's not an official. He's just a..." he couldn't complete the sentence. "He's a what?" "He is... the only son of two high-ranking officials. But his mother was gone so..." I nodded slowly, now understanding a bit of Dave's life. "So he inherited the position? That means he really--" "Wait, why do you have a wound on your neck?" He changed the topic. I immediately covered my neck and nervously smiled. "This is nothing..." Jacob raised an eyebrows and stood up. "It's from the Son in Power, right? We really need to talk to the officials." He didn't wait for my reply and just went out of the room. I was speechless. Jacob looked serious and I am not used to it because he's usually cheerful. NIGHT CAME and we are now in a room. They are telling and asking me a lot of things. Some of them I answered honestly, but mostly not. "You are hiding something from us, Miss Amara." I swallowed nervously at what Mister Largon, an official, said. But with all I can, I am keeping a straight face. He looks at me with so much suspicion. He is trying so hard to convince his co-officials that I'm hiding something. "How many times should--" "Stop with the nonsense," he cut me off. "You don't really want to admit it so let me show them." He proudly stood up as some soldiers get into the room, holding pictures and... things from my room. My brows automatically raised, surprised and confused. I looked at Jacob and he looks calm. We're doomed. Sarah will definitely know about this soon. My eyes also wandered to other side where Dave and his father sit. But I immediately looked away when Dave caught my eyes. "There are lost things in Amara's room," Mister Largon started, showing pictures. My brows furrowed as I see an empty drawer, which is just beside my bed. The green cabinet has a lot of empty spaces. But I never opened that one! It was locked! It wasn't the cabinet I opened before. He continued reporting about missing and broken objects. I can't believe anything he says because I never lost or damaged a thing in my room. Is he trying to frame me? Why is he trying too hard to make me guilty of something? We don't even know each other. "And that's it. What can you say... Miss?" Mister Largon gave me a smile no one wants to see. "Not guilty," I pleaded. "I never opened the cabinets. I believe that you--" "I'm trying to frame you?" he cut me off again and even teasingly grinned. That was really not good. I shrugged casually. "Uhm, I didn't say that... but why did that come to your mind? Guilty of framing...?" I can see that he was amused by my reply. That smirk says it all. "It's called common sense." "Oh, so common sense makes you admit your crime...?" My voice was sarcastic. He opened his mouth but wasn't able to speak when Dave's father suddenly stood up. "She will stay in another room." Woah... it's my first time hearing his voice. "This won't be a big deal. Do not let others know about this. She will surely be in a nightmare soon." "But Sir, the lost--" Mister Largon is pissing me off! "The evidences are not plausible. You're wasting my time," he let out a deep and elegant breath before leaving. Everyone was looking at him. Everyone was intimidated. I stared at Dave's father as he went out of the room. He's suspicious. I thought he was going to give me a punishment but it turns he just wants me to stay in a different room. There is something really off about him. "Largon is corrupt." I heard Jacob's whisper behind me. He really likes surprises! Damn, for real? There are corrupt officials in a supernatural world? Is this really the way to perfection? I raised my brows at Mister Largon when I caught him glaring at me. He should be kicked out of his position. In a snap, the officials left the room. What the hell? They just left like nothing happened. This is really weird. But then, black hair and hazel eyes caught me. Dave is still on his seat, staring at nothing. His soft face is overpowered by fire from his eyes. Yes, he has a soft-looking face but his attitude is completely the opposite. "Sorry," Jacob's apologetic voice stole my attention. I don't know if that was for me. He was already walking away when I looked at him. I even called his name but he just waved his hand without looking back. Now I'm left in here with the Son in Power. Derived from his title, he really is in power. I can't go back to prison without his order. He suddenly looked back at me and stood up. A while ago, he looked like he was thinking deeply about something. But now, he just stood up like everything is okay. With no soldiers, I followed him to the prison. It was awkward that we're alone. This night feels weird. An unknown feeling covers me as the cold and fresh air touch my skin. All of the weirdness temporarily faded away when I started hearing... dragon sounds. I furrowed my brows with my heart beating faster. But wait, 8 PM to 9 PM had already ended! The dragons already came a while ago! I think it's now around 11 PM. Dave does not look shocked at all! He's weird. The dragon sounds are too loud! Louder than usual. It seems like they are angry or something. I just did my best not to ask him questions because I know he won't answer. Now, new questions were added into my mind. Why are there dragons beyond 9 PM tonight? Things made me feel weirder when there were no guards outside my prison room. I blinked twice at Dave, confused literally about everything. But of course he didn't care and just opened the door for me to get in. Dragon sounds are still occupying my ears. Meanwhile, my moon and rose painting got my eyes. I blinked twice when I saw the moon sparked a little. Or maybe I was just hallucinating. Right. It's because of the noisy dragons. A lot of weird things happened and I wanted to think about them but I guess overthinking won't be good for me this time. Headache is not really a big deal for me but when I think of those connected with Utopium, especially the masked man, Mama, and Corvina, there's a different kind of pain I feel and it's unexplainable. METAL CLANKING hit my senses so I had to wake up. I was still kinda sleepy but I couldn't resist the noise anymore. My heart started beating faster as overthink again. It seems like someone is trying to open the metal door...! I inhaled and exhaled multiple times as I walked towards the door, myself filled with curiosity and worry. I don't know what time it is. The lights are off so I can't see the clock. "Whoever you are--" I wasn't able to finish the sentence when the door opened and it revealed... Dave. And he is... covered with blood! "What the hell happened?!" I was so shocked! He stared at me for how many seconds until he stepped forward and placed his head on my shoulder. The world seemed to have stopped for a minute but my heart is close to explosion. There was a familiar feeling that spread throughout my whole body like electricity. I felt pain, exhaustion, and anxiety. But above all, I felt... butterflies. Pictures of a bright full moon, red rose, seashore, and purple waters flashed in my mind. But what really captured me the most was the butterflies with shining wings. "Dave-- sir, what is happening?" My dress has now some blood too. "B-bed... rest... w-water..." He was struggling to speak. My mind was clueless for a second until I realized what he meant. I helped him walk towards the bed and he immediately laid down. He looks like someone who got beaten up. Now the door is open and Dave is here. What if some guards unexpectedly arrive?! What if they see us?! Those thoughts led me to close the prison door. Thank goodness it can be locked from the inside too! Though the inside lock is not that strong compared to the outside. Blood got more visible when I opened the lights. Dave is in a poker face but his eyes scream pain, worry, and exhaustion. "What... happened?" I asked for the third time. "Be... happy... your wish was... g-granted," almost a whisper. My brows furrowed. What the hell did I wish? I didn't wish him to be covered in blood! "Come on, just say what really happened!" I demanded. The lights suddenly turned off so I looked around confusedly. Weird things still happen. I was about to go to the light switch when Dave grabbed my hand, causing me to stand still by the side of the bed. Uh... is this a scene from a drama...? "Stay here..." he said. Uh... what the hell...? What the f**k is this. This is so f*****g corny. Grandma, I shouldn't had watched dramas with you. All my thoughts of this familiar drama scene faded when glitched pictures flashed in my mind again. Dark forest. Something bright on the ground. Fire. Leaves. Flowers. "Help me..." said Dave and the glitched images were gone. Okay... this is so weird. He cut a bit of my skin last night, and now he asks for help. "Tell me what is going on so I can help you." He was quiet for a while until he slowly stood up. I followed him with my eyes, confused. He was standing in front of me as he sighed. "This is Utopium. Officials are wicked. We lead, we bleed." That whisper sent chills down my spine. I didn't answer because I didn't know what to say. "My pain and blood tonight was because of... you." I swallowed hard. Because of me...? I didn't hurt him! What the hell is this?! Maybe he is planning something and this is a trap or a distraction? "Shut it! You were the one who wounded my neck last night!" I defended. He was quiet again for how many seconds until a smirk flashed on his face. But that smirk wasn't creepy or teasing. It was... nice to see. "You don't have... a wound." He looked at my neck. I immediately touched my neck and furrowed my brows when I couldn't feel any wound. "What are you...?" A while ago, his voice was exhausted but now, it's stern. "A human! Maybe my wound was just healed very fast!" "I want... water..." "Get it yourself." "Who are you...?" "Stop asking me that or I'll throw you out of this room." "I want... sleep. W-who are you? What are y-you? W-water, please..." I frowned at his statement. Is he crazy? Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I panicked because I thought it could be the guards! Did they hear our voices?! No, I don't think so! And I hope they didn't! "You should hide!" I hurriedly whispered to Dave. He didn't say anything and just followed my order to go under the bed. I breathed deeply as I walked towards the door and open it. "Why is there blood here?" It was the guard I messed up with on my first night in prison! "Why did you lock the door?" "Oh..." Come on, think of an alibi! "The Son in Power ordered me to lock it... yeah..." He raised a brow but finally spoke. "What about the blood?" "He... put that blood there..." that was not a lie. "Uhm... to scare possible e-enemies." "What? We'll search your room, young lady. There's also blood on your dress." "No," I immediately refused. "Guards are not allowed to enter the room of any human beyond 9 PM, whether it's bedroom or prison." I'm so glad I found an English book about Utopium days ago! I've read some of its laws. "But there is blood! You must have done something!" "Yeah! I did something... to my self." I looked at him with confidence. "The Son in Power punished me. He ordered me to offer my blood to the... gods. Now can you please just do your work and not disturbing the... blood... ritual!" What the hell am I saying? He scoffed and glared at me because of my shout. But I just rolled my eyes and quickly closed the door. He even tried to push it but I used my 'heating skills'. Heat was passed through the metal door quickly because it's a conductor. I sighed in ease as the door is now locked. But then I was surprised when I turned around and saw Dave standing in front of me! What the hell! That was like a scene from a horror movie! I just shrugged it off and went to the light switch. But the lights aren't turning on! Is there a blackout or something? Unbelievable, this is a supernatural world. Electricity here should he everlasting! I felt a presence from my back. I sighed as thoughts entered my mind. We shouldn't be alone in this room. He should go to a doctor or something. I swiftly turned around so I could tell him to leave but then he caressed my hair with his b****y hand. "W-what the hell are you... doing?" I stuttered. Pictures flashed again in my mind but I can't sink them in. Are these memories or what? He suddenly rested his head on my shoulder again. What the hell?! Why is he acting like this?! Oh my-- was Dave possessed by a spirit?! "Don't... talk to my... father," he whispered. Uhm... okay? Why would I talk to him, anyway? "Okay, fine. You're heavy. Go to a doctor--" "Tell me... w-what are you... how did you... make fire..." He continued. "I told you--" "You have a secret... you make fire... you... you're like my friend... d-dead friend..." Why is he saying these things to me? We're not even close! And he's cold, right? Then why is he saying a lot now? This is not the real Dave! He's possessed! "You damn spirit, get the hell out of his body!" But he still continued speaking. "Are you a... fire bird... or an enemy..." I sighed, getting irritated and curious at the same time. But my eyes immediately popped out when I realized what he said. "F-fire bird?!" I asked. "I think you're a spy... but I think you're not..." What? "Tell me... what are you... or we'll both... die." What?! I stared at him, nervous and intrigued. Whatever is happening to Dave, this is not normal. This is the weirdest thing today. Silence occupied the room when he stopped speaking. He's asleep. I tried to carry him to the bed and it was successful. The lights opened as soon as he laid down. Oh, the supernatural blackout ended. Now that I can see everything clearly, I realized that there are too many blood! Dave has lost a lot of blood! I don't know what to do! I don't even know how to treat supernatural beings. In the end, I did not do anything. I just hope he doesn't die. I WOKE up the next day and Dave was nowhere to be found in my prison room. Everything is clean too--no blood at all. I rolled my eyes, remembering what happened last night. I slept on the floor because of that b****y man. My dress has changed as well. It's still the same design but no blood anymore. Dave surely knows how to clean a mess. What I did all day was to paint. This time, I painted a dragon. But my drawing is so damn bad! I still finished it, though. I was actually waiting for Dave if he would come and talk about last night but he didn't. Now I still wonder what happened to him. We're not friends or anything but seeing him in pain last night did not feel good. And those pictures that flashed in my mind when he touched me are really bothering me. Why do I see those things in my head? "YES, YOU are now free!" Jacob exclaimed. When I woke up today, he and Sarah were waiting for me already. They led me to my new room. I was bothered the whole time because the things included in my investigation are there in my old room. How am I supposed to get those?! I can't steal! My new room is different from the old one. There are no paintings and that made me frustrated because I think every painting here is not just a normal painting. There's something behind it. Wait, now I'm sure. The officials didn't give me a room with mysterious stuff because they know I'll do something. I looked at Jacob who is now acting cheerful. That means Sarah didn't find out yet about my meeting with the officials. But so what if she knows? Would there be a problem? "Don break rules again, Amara, unless you really love danger." Sarah walked out of the room. I've noticed that she's not in the mood. It feels like... she doesn't want to talk to me. "That's why we should not tell Sarah. Don't trust her," Jacob suddenly said. I looked at him in confusion. "What?" "She's now disappointed in you. She's very loyal to the officials..." he bitterly smiled. "And what about you? Should I trust you?" His smile is now amused. "You're not obligated to trust me... After all, trusting hurts just like fire..." What the hell? Why does it sound like the Phoenix principle? "You don't need to trust me, but you should trust... him." "Him...?" What the hell? It seems like I already know who he is talking about! Why was Dave the first one to come into my mind?! "He bled because of you last night, Amara, and don't ask me how did I know. Just... don't hurt him anymore. He's a good man." "What?! Why the hell are you guys blaming me?!" I furrowed my brows. It feels like my cruel life on Earth is slowly coming back. People here are now starting to blame me with things I don't even understand. "Sorry," he looked up, "...Madame." What? Why can't he answer me? Why is he suddenly apologizing to the ceiling?! And he's calling it madame?! Or he's talking to someone dead?! "Jacob, answer me. I just came here a few days ago but... I think I deserve to know what I wanna know." He looked at me and smiled. "Yes, you are deserving. But if you keep causing him pain... I'm sorry, Amara, I won't help you anymore." "Can you please stop blaming me? I didn't do anything to hurt the Son in Power! And why are you so concerned about him?!" This Jacob in front of me is not the Jacob I knew. He is really acting differently. "He doesn't always lead, but he does always bleed." Damn, I don't need a poetic sentence! I was almost begging him to just tell me exactly but he just shook his head and smiled. He went to the door but I followed him, still asking questions. "You're cute when you're curious, Amara." He really had the audacity to laugh! "Don't worry, later you'll have a great night, a great mare. A great nightmare," he chuckled. That made me freeze. Nightmare... I'll have a nightmare tonight...? "Bye, bye. Don't curse me, okay?" I did not respond. I was just speechless because of what he said. If that was a lie, I will definitely curse him repeatedly! But if he was telling the truth, I think I would finally trust him... I wish I could fast-forward the time to 9 PM. ***
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