05: Son in Power

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I was quietly reading a book When you gave me a sly look Creepy little smile on your face With a wild, mysterious gaze What happened to your eyes? Where is that man you mesmerize? ——— I REMEMBER the time when grandma told me about the tale of the blue-eyed dragon. Once upon a time in a small kingdom lived a little prince with blue eyes who wanted to be a dragon after his pet dragon was killed by his father, the king, as punishment for failing his Geometry classes. The prince was filled with anger, not for the king, but for his Geometry teacher. He believed his teacher, a wife of a noble, had so much prejudice against his pet that she advised the king to kill it. In his mind he constantly asked: "Why did my teacher hate my dragon?" He went to the ocean, where wild waves had always ruled, to think deeply. A few days ago, the prince was asked by the teacher to determine the amount of water in the ocean. But that was never included in his lessons. The prince answered with the only sentence he had thought: "My blue eyes are the ocean, and every tear of mine is the water, though I have never cried." No tears, no water. But when his dragon died, the prince finally cried for the first time. The ocean finally had water. His anger had risen when he remembered that event. He thought: "Did my teacher want me to cry?" Without hesitation, the prince jumped into the ocean, knowing how to swim but did not bother doing so; there was no need to do so. Instead of drowning, he floated on the water. The waves hit him but he was not hurt. He was completely fine. He wished to be a dragon the whole time his body traveled on the ocean. However, he did not expect that there was a whirlpool. He just knew about it when he felt something strange. Despite realizing it, the prince did not bother trying to save himself. Instead, he closed his eyes. He lived at the bottom of the ocean for many years, transforming into another creature. He became friends with other creatures there. But when his 17th birthday came, a tsunami came. It was because his friends were angry. They were jealous of the prince's transformation. He had turned into a very beautiful dragon with wings. Above all, his blue eyes had always captured everyone's attention. There was chaos as the water started to go up. The strongest creatures wanted to put a curse on the prince to make him ugly. The latter protected himself. He swam so fast to the surface, and when he had finally done so, he used his wings to fly. He was in the sky while his friends, who turned out to be traitors, never got out of the waters and only watched him escape. The prince went back to the kingdom. There was a feast. His father was still the king, but his mother was gone. There was a new queen who was obviously a lot younger than the king. People were looking at him in astonishment because of his gorgeous physique. He opened his mouth and water came out to hit the new queen, who ended up frozen, as well as the king. The kingdom was in chaos. As if nothing had happened, the prince flew away. He went to the temple where deceased royals were supposed to be. He wanted to see his mother but could not enter: he was too big and would destroy things inside. Only left with one beloved to visit, the prince went to the mountain where his pet dragon had been buried. There he rested and was never found again. Or perhaps he was, but had killed everyone who did to silence them. Right at this moment, I can see a dragon with blue eyes. The only difference is that the one in front of me has strange-looking horns while the one from the tale had none. Since I came to Utopium, every supernatural thing has happened one by one. The impossible became possible. "Don't be afraid. A phoenix is a dragon's friend," the masked man whispered. I looked at him with wide curious eyes. "Phoenix..." I breathed slowly when I remembered another story grandma told me. It is about a Phoenix, also known as a firebird. "Yes, phoenix. You are a phoenix, my dear." His lips formed a wide smile. I furrowed my brows. "Why the hell are you calling me your dear?!" I scoffed and got back to my senses. He's an enemy! I should not let my guard down. He's still smiling. What the... Is he crazy?! Isn't he supposed to kill or hurt me? Or maybe he trying to deceive me? I tried to run away but he grabbed my arm. Here he is again. His grip is so tight! "Why don't you talk first to your friend dragon?" "What?! I don't have a friend dragon! Stop saying nonsense!" I kicked his knee but it was useless. "Now you are denying your friendship. That is a disrespect to the treaty," his voice is now stern. "A phoenix and a dragon are forever friends." "I'm a human!" I kicked him again. This time, he finally stopped holding me. I heard his deep sigh. But the dragon suddenly released fire so my attention shifted to it. "Oh, your friend is angry," the masked man laughed. But I was so shocked when he suddenly grabbed my neck. Damn! "Or maybe you're not the real friend," he looked at me intently while I'm struggling to breathe. "You're not Corvina, are you?" His eyes turned red. What? Who is Corvina? Wait, oh my... maybe she's the... girl with black hair! Of course, I'm not Corvina! I'm obviously Amara! His grip on my neck became tighter and tighter. My heart is slowly stopping to beat. I can't breathe. Before I completely get suffocated, the dragon burned the trees using the fire from his mouth. The masked man immediately let me go. I fell onto the ground, catching my breath. It's his second time choking me! We're really enemies. The trees are now burning because of what the dragon did. I don't know why he or she did that but I think it was because of anger. Or maybe dragons just really like releasing fire and burning stuff. "Sorry, but I think... she is not Corvina." The masked man talked to the dragon. Wait, what? He can talk to it? I thought the dragon would also speak. Yes, I'm crazy. But instead, it just released more fire. The forest's gonna burn! "You know it well! Corvina is a half-Phoenix and she will never say she's human!" The masked man insisted. I was quite surprised at what I heard. That so-called Corvina is a... Phoenix? But that bird is just a myth! Wait, don't tell me it's also real?! The blue-eyed dragon turned out it to be true so what if the Phoenix is also real! I'm getting a lot of information tonight! "Why won't you listen to me?" the masked man shouted. The fire started to get into my nose and it definitely doesn't feel great. I need to get out of here. I don't want to get their attention so I just stood up and slowly walked backwards while still looking at the masked man arguing with the dragon. He looks crazy because the dragon does not even speak. But his instincts are so great! It didn't take him long to look at me with his... gray eyes. Why do his eyes keep on changing colors? I stopped walking, already accepting the fact that I won't be able to leave. Wherever I go and hide, the masked man will surely find me. I just covered my nose to prevent inhaling the smoke. "See? You can't stand fire... You are not Corvina." His voice was stern and creepy at the same time. Well, uhm, that's right. I'm not Corvina. But why did he think I'm Corvina in the first place? It's all his fault, not mine. He was the one who insisted last time that I'm the cursed girl with black hair. So if I will say that I'm not really Corvina, what is he going to do? I was speechless when he snapped his fingers and the fire was gone. I was also stunned when the dragon disappeared. He is damn powerful! "What is the principle of the first Phoenix?" he asked. That question was unexpected. I'm not sure what the answer is. There was a few seconds of silence. "You don't know?!" he angrily said. He raised his right hand to grab my neck for I think the third time, but I immediately stopped him. "I know it..." I claimed. Now I realized what's he gonna do. He will not let me get out of this nightmare if he discovers that I'm not the real Corvina. I never expected that someday, the tales grandma told me would be useful. Aside from the Blue-Eyed Dragon, she also told me about Phoenix, the Bird of Fire. Is this fate or just a coincidence? Once there was a poor girl whose parents get firewood in the forest for a living. Because of extreme poverty, she decided to help make money not by firewood, but by being a dancer or entertainer of a middle-aged noble. Everything seemed pretty fine until she discovered that her master had a complicated family... or families. He had 11 sons and 12 daughters but only 5 and 9 lived in his grand house, respectively. However, on the master's birthday, all of them came. As usual, the girl danced to keep the nobles entertained. She caught one of the sons looking intently at her. She smiled at him but he just looked away. The next days, the girl noticed that the son kept on coming to the house everyday. It was actually weird because he didn't live there. And judging his expressions at the birthday party, it is obvious that he hated his father. Weeks passed and the son started to approach the girl. He did a lot of nice things. At first, she thought he just liked her dancing skills but in fact, it was her that he liked. She shouldn't really be close with nobles because she was just a mere dancer but who could stop her from falling in love? Even her parents warned her not to be involved romantically with nobles. The supposed love story turned into a heartbreak when she found out the son did not really love her. He just used her to get more information about his father. She cried but that didn't last long. The son came into the house again with a female noble and told his father that he would marry her. That way the father would entrust him some of his wealth. The girl was filled with pain, anger, and regrets. She wasn't pleased that the boy she loved was happy with a noble and money, while she was still a poor girl whose job is to just dance. She got the burning firewood from the fireplace and put it on the son's face. She also did the same thing to the female noble. Everyone was shocked at what she did to the couple. But what was even more shocking was she wasn't hurt when she held the firewood with fire. She ran away from the house. Of course, they stopped her but she threatened them to also burn their faces. She went back home but her parents weren't there so she entered the dense forest where her parents often find firewood. There she cried and cried as her conscience made her feel guilty for burning the faces of two people. A few minutes passed and she heard nearby steps. She thought it was her parents but it was someone with a shiny red-orange mask and cloak. That someone directly asked her if she would like to hide because at any time she would be arrested. She was shocked. She didn't even know that man, judging by his voice, but how did he know what she did? She knew there was something weird but she was overwhelmed by the anxiety of being put into prison. She answered the man yes. Before she collapsed, the man whispered, 'Fire hurts and so does trust.' The next day, she woke up in an unknown place. There was fire everywhere but it didn't hurt. She looked at a very big mirror on the floor and realized that her appearance changed. She looked like... a bird, a big and beautiful bird. The man suddenly appeared, still with a mask and cloak. He caressed her feathers and said that no one would recognize her now and she would never go to prison. The girl was having a mix of astonishment, fear, surprise, and a weird emotion she couldn't tell. The man told her that she was the best bird he had ever made. Above all, he reminded her of the sentence, 'Fire hurts and so is trusting.' He told her that she should not easily trust someone so that no one could take advantage of her. The man was very nice. The only weird and suspicious thing about him is that how he did turn her into a bird. And of all people, why was she the one chosen to be a bird? The girl went back home only to see authorities arresting her parents. She was angry and wished she could stop them. She didn't know her abilities yet so she simply attacked the authorities by hitting them with her large wings. In a snap, they turned into ashes. She was shocked and amazed at what she did. But her parents were scared. They didn't want to be ashes too. The girl didn't know what to do but she just wished she could turn into human again for her parents to recognize her. Her parents couldn't believe that right in front of them was their daughter. But what was weird was that they didn't even ask her what happened. They didn't ask her how she became a bird. Time passed quickly. It had been almost a year since the girl became a bird. She already knew her abilities: shape-shifting from a bird to human and vice-versa, turning anything and anyone into ashes, and complete control over fire. Her owner, the man, went to another kingdom for some reason. Some of his so-called friends unexpectedly went to his house to surprise him for his birthday and they didn't know he wasn't there. Instead, they saw the girl in bird form. One of those three friends was quiet the whole time and was just staring intently at the bird. The friend talked to the bird. He said he knows everything about the man making supernatural birds. The friend asked the bird to come with him for the meantime while the man was not there. She believed what the friend said. She came with him to his house. But what happened made her so angry. The friend put out a sword and threatened the bird that he would kill her if she didn't transform back to human form. The friend also said that if the man was in the neighbor kingdom already, he would be dead at any time because the king there was planning something. That means her next owner might be the friend or the king. She was so angry, really. No one should hurt her owner. She realized that trusting is really crucial. She wondered how her owner became friends with a bad person. The friend was clueless about the bird's abilities. He only knew about shape-shifting. The bird turned the friend into ashes. After that, she immediately flew to the neighbor kingdom to save his owner. But she was late. Too late. There were a lot of people around a stage, where her owner was covered in blood. It was a public execution. He was killed with a lot of people watching. She was the angriest creature at that time. Without guilt or anything, she turned the people into ashes. The soldiers immediately acted but the bird was invulnerable. She was not scared, hurt, nor affected by soldiers attacking her. She slowly put fire on the king's body so that he wouldn't have an easy death. The king was shouting in pain. For her, the king's voice wasn't pleasant to the ears. So she also just turned him into ashes. She quickly flew away after that. She transformed into a human and rested not that far from the castle. She cried because her owner is now gone. She was asking him in her mind, 'Why did you trust those people? Aren't you the one who told me not to believe easily?' At that time, her heart became hard as stone. She swore not to give her trust easily. 'Fire hurts and so does trust' became her principle. "Really? You know it? Then tell me what is the principle of the Phoenix!" The masked man is absolutely not patient. "Fire hurts and so does trust." He was speechless at my answer. I know. He didn't expect that I know it. "You... you probably just heard it somewhere. I am still not convinced." He's hard as stone. "Let's have a test." I was going to ask what test but he spoke again. "Corvina... is good at Geometry." Oh, s**t. I'm screwed. I'm not really into Mathematics. "O-Of course, I'm good at it..." Just, how many times did I lie today? "Then, who is the father of Geometry?" Oh, I know that one! It's... uhm... I think it starts with U or something. Wait, no. I knew it! "Euclid! Euclid of... Alexandria." I acted normal. "Ahem..." he cleared his throat. "I think that was an easy one. What about you solve--" "Wait," I cut him off. "Really? You're doubting me? You think I'm not Corvina? That is a big disrespect. I wonder what my fellow Phoenix will say about this." I hope my drama works! I don't wanna solve math problems! "Oh? But last night, you were acting very strange. You seem a bit clueless about what I say," he walked slowly towards me and whispered when he's right in front of me. "...Who really are you?" I'm getting nervous but I really tried to think of an alibi. I faced him confidently. "I was just... testing you. I wanted to know how you would react. I'm hoping... for some character development but I didn't see it." That was a big lie! But it makes sense. Earlier he told me to come with him and start again. That means he and Corvina know each other. I think he did a bad thing before so I mentioned character development. Well, he's still bad. There was a few seconds of silence. Come on, respond quickly! "I will never change..." that was cold. "Then I guess you'll be evil forever... my dear." Hoo! Cringe! But I really need to make him believe that I am Corvina. His eyes suddenly turned blue. Then he touched my face. "V-Vina..." I was stunned at his voice. It sounds... soft, apologetic and a bit surprised. Wait, he's bad. Remember that he killed grandma. He can't trick me with his words. I pushed his hand away. "I need to leave now." I finally walked away. As soon as I don't face him anymore, I cringed, remembering things I told him--especially the 'my dear' part. Fortunately, he didn't stop me or anything. I must admit that he's really acting strange. When he called me Vina, that was really soft and sounded sincere. Anyway, he strangled me for two or three times! He's bad! Yes, he is bad. I won't fall for his acting. Damn, he won't win the Actor of the Year award. Now, what I need to do is find things that might help my investigation. And then I will get out of this nightmare. This isn't really difficult, huh. But almost every human who does this nightmare challenge says it is very hard. I wonder why mine is not. THE NEXT night, I didn't meet the masked man in my nightmare. I'm getting more and more curious. What really is happening in Utopium? Why are my nightmares like this? What happened to the masked man? I admit the nightmare was kind of boring because he wasn't there. He's really the one who gives thrill to my nightmares. Nevertheless, my secret investigation is really going well. There are still a lot of questions yet to be answered but at least there's progress. And I'm glad that no one has suspected me of investigating, I think. I found something really suspicious about the officials. I should find more evidence. I also noticed that Sarah and Jacob are busier today. Although Jacob still reminds me when it's time to eat. LIKE THE usual, I watch the dragons from the window at 8 PM. I suddenly remembered the blue-eyed dragon that the masked man showed me. Oh, and now that I mentioned him, I also remembered Ivan. I did not see him today. Well, I also didn't see the masked man... Is Ivan really the masked man...? Wait, no. I think they're two different individuals. Yes, that's right. I have a different feeling when talking to each of them. I spent an hour overthinking things. This mind of mine, really. Being curious is a blessing and a curse at the same time. I was so excited when the clock struck 9. Finally, another nightmare. A minute passed but I haven't fallen asleep yet. Uhm... this is weird. But it's just one minute. Just gonna wait a little bit more. Another minute passed and I'm still awake. I started to overthink again. What the hell's happening? And why are the lights not automatically off? It's really weird, I need help! I forced myself to be patient. I waited for almost ten more minutes. This won't work! I really need help! Sarah and Jacob were the first to come into my mind. They're my guardians, after all. I should tell them that I can't fall asleep. But I don't know where to find them. We are also not allowed to go out of our rooms at this time. You know, curfew. I sighed, having trouble making a decision. But then, a satisfying but risky idea popped into my head. This could be my chance. I mean, I'm curious what happens when the humans fall asleep... But for sure, I will be punished. Whatever! I have an excuse. I can say that I can't fall asleep. I decided to go out of my room. I'm thankful that the door isn't locked. First step outside, I'm welcomed by a dark hallway. Though I can still see everything around. I am slowly walking and breathing at the same time. Where do the guardians stay? I haven't memorized the palace yet because when I go out of my room, I'm either in the dining area or the garden. It would be risky to go to unknown hallways. The garden and the welcome area of the palace would be the best places to go. The welcome area--I don't know what it's really called--is the first place you'll see when you enter the palace. I went there but saw no one. I haven't seen any guard yet and it's making things weirder. I inhaled the fresh wind in the garden. It really feels nice to be in a place full of plants at night. There are some lamp posts so it is not that dark. I went beside the fountain where there is a bench. I sat there for a couple of minutes to rest for bit. The peaceful atmosphere seemed to have attracted me. I realized that I've been stressing myself on my investigation. Even if I'm not physically investigating, my mind won't let me rest. All my thoughts faded when I felt something at the back of my head. I slowly looked behind me and there I saw a man pointing a g*n at me. My mind is in complete chaos right now! I don't know what to do. He's either a guard or an official. "How did you get here?" He sounds strict and surprised. Well, I understand him. Who would have thought that a human like me didn't fall asleep even if it's time for the nightmare challenge? "Uh... I am looking for my uhm... guardians. Yeah, S-sarah and Jacob. Uhm... I... I can't fall asleep..." "That's impossible. You're an enemy, aren't you?" his brows furrowed, but what really captured me was his voice--very stern. "W-what?! Of course not!" Really? Utopium has enemies? That was unexpected! We were silent for how many seconds while he was scanning me from head to toe. "It's your second time. You'll be in prison." My eyes almost popped out at what he said. "W-what?!" I examined his face only to realize that he was the man who arrested me a few days ago! Yes, the man who looks like a prince! He sighed deeply, clenching his jaw. "You'll be investigated very thoroughly. You might be a spy from the enemies. If not, you'll still be punished. Going outside beyond curfew is a major offense. And you are claiming that you cannot fall asleep which is very impossible." That pissed me off so I stood up. I'm saying the truth. I know I lied a lot in the past few days but I'm saying the truth right now! "Are you dumb? I truly can't sleep that's why I'm right here in front of you. Do you think I'm just sleepwalking or something?" Damn, people! When I'm lying, they believe. But when I'm telling the truth, they don't! He just gave me a blank expression. That pissed me off more. "So you're acting cold now, huh? Don't give me that face, mister." He still didn't answer and that pissed me off again! But I tried to calm myself. I shouldn't overreact. This is the time I let my thoughts out to others. "You know, the officials should be the ones to be in prison. They're doing something..." I said it in a casual and teasing way, trying to piss him. And I wasn't wrong. He immediately reacted. "Do not accuse the officials of anything. You are just new here. You know nothing." He emphasized every word. I smirked. "No. I know... some things." He swallowed hard and it made me look at his adam's apple. Damn. I wish I didn't watch movies with grandma. "Seven days in prison. No food." Then he put out handcuffs. "The hell!" I stopped him. "I can't go to prison! You can't decide for me! You're probably just some low-ranking official!" Well, he looks young! I think we're just about the same age. I think he's not really a prominent person here even though he looks like a prince. I don't even know him. He can't put me to prison! "And I'm not a hundred percent sure if you really are an official! Maybe you're just pretending but in fact, you're an enemy!" I added just to justify myself. He looked at me intently with a blank expression. There were seconds of silence until he decided to speak. "Okay then, let me introduce myself." He was lacking energy. "I'm not some low-ranking official. I'm Dave, the son of an executive. I'm the Son in Power. Everyone here knows me, except for... you." "What?" was all I said. What the hell is he talking about? Son in Power, really? I was speechless. I crawled inside me, finding words--the right words--but I couldn't, even though I wanted to argue and question him--accuse him of lying, as well. He didn't speak anymore, too. He just handcuffed me. Occupied by his statement, I let him do it. I was just... staring... at him. My non-blinking eyes and curious, floating mind were completely focused on this man that I unconsciously followed him to the prison.
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