04: Get Everyone

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I am the one who truly loves you Everything I say is nothing but true I know why you don't believe me He has poisoned your mind already You are getting darker and darker While the evil is getting stronger ——— NEVER IN my life did I think this day would come. Everyone in the palace is glad that I'm alive. They are congratulating me for escaping from my first nightmare. I smiled at them. I can't believe there are many people happy for my safety. This feels surreal. But in the midst of positivity, negativity still come. After that nightmare, I am a hundred percent sure that there is something wrong going on here. Utopium's facade looks so great, making people believe that everything's okay. But if you dig deeper, you might find bad things. I don't know where to start investigating. That masked British man's words made me so curious and confused. Now I couldn't get those out of my head. Secretly investigating is the best thing I can do for now. There is still a feud between me and the masked man—he killed my grandmother, and also tried to do the same with me. But he told me really interesting and seemingly useful things. He did not even realize that he was giving me information. He thought I could understand what he said. I acted well. "So... what was your nightmare about?" Sarah asked. Everyone then intently looked at me, waiting for my answer. "I would like to keep it a secret. Sorry," I bowed my head a little. I will never share it to anybody. My nightmares are mine, and only I should know about it. "Just say it, Amara! You will tell the officials later about it, anyway. So just share it to us too!" said Naomi, who is sitting by my side. I looked at her with my brows furrowed. "What?" "Why? Don't you know?" She also looked confused at me and then her eyes went to Sarah. "Hey Sarah, Didn't you tell her?" Sarah sighed. "I forgot. All I told her last night was to fight. I know that words really impact her." "Guardians are really old. You guys keep on forgetting things," Naomi chuckled. "Excuse me," Jacob immediately opposed. "I'm only 97 years old so I'm still considered young." What? He is 97?! He looks like in his 20s! People just laughed at what Jacob said. Meanwhile me, I'm so confused. "97?! Are you kidding me?" Jacob proudly answered. "Well, 300 is the considered adult age of guardians. 300 minus 97 is 203 so there are still 203 years to go before I become an adult!" Wow, so they are supernatural beings... "Enough with the talk. Finish your breakfast before we go to the officials." Sarah stood up and left after saying that. Jacob just stayed, though. She probably has something to do. "WHAT WAS your nightmare?" The official repeated that question for the nth time but I still did not tell him. Good thing every person is interrogated separately. Sarah, Jacob, Naomi and the other humans are not here. Just me and an official. Gonna trick him with my drama. "I told you, Sir... it was s-so... traumatic," my tears continued flowing. Aren't they the one making the nightmares? Why don't they know my nightmare? "You need to tell me however traumatic that is!" He already lost patience. "O-okay, I will... try." I held my head, pretending to remember something. "Uhm... there is a m-monster. It wanted to uhm... k-kill me." What I told him was very different from my real nightmare. I think the interrogation lasted for almost ten minutes. Fortunately, I acted well and he did not seem suspicious. After that, I immediately went back to my room. I'm glad that Jacob and Sarah are not here because I need to be alone. Yes, they're nice to me but they are still guardians in Utopium. It wouldn't be a good idea to tell them my plans. I don't have a plan yet, actually. That's why I need personal space to think thoroughly. I'm just laying on the bed, remembering what the masked man said. He told me something about a cursed girl with black hair. That girl killed blonde people and destroyed a family's reputation. He also mentioned 'the queen'. I don't know which queen he meant because there's no such queen in USA. We have the Presidential system. That's why I thought about the UK. The masked man's accent is British so it's most likely he came from UK. I'm not really an expert in accents but he sounds like someone from England. Wait, is he even from Earth, though? For sure, he's a supernatural being. Evil. He also mentioned that word. He said 'Your hair is evil and you should be gone. The sky is dark, but your hair is darker. And your soul is the darkest. You should have just come with him instead of making things worse. Your Mama is wrong. You are her desire.' I remember every single word of that one. It really impacted me so much! I kept on repeating those words in my mind until slowly, I felt something inside my head. It's feels like... popping. I just held my head to resist the pain. "Her desire..." I quickly stood up when I finally realized something. Evil. Desire. The Evil's Desire! Without hesitation, I walked towards the wall where the painting is. I looked at it intently. This is literally creepy. Is The Evil's Desire really related with what the masked man said? My eyes shifted to the little girl, examining her from head to toe. Damn, black hair... I started to overthink what I'm seeing right now. Who really is this creepy little girl? Is she the girl mentioned by the masked man? Or is she... Mama? I sighed as I looked away from the painting. My eyes traveled around the room. If there is a creepy and mysterious painting here, maybe I can find other strange things. The time has come. I finally decided to open the cabinets. Anyway, I'm not gonna steal or destroy anything. I just wanna know what's inside for my curiosity's sake. I scoffed when I can't open it. It's locked! Now I'm becoming more curious and suspicious. This is my room so why lock the cabinets if there's nothing big deal in there? "Oh..." I was shocked when the last cabinet is not locked. I feel so lucky! There are boxes, books, some weird unknown stuff, and a globe. Everything looks old but clean. I first got the globe and put it on a nearby table. There are a lot of books so I just got three. As for the boxes, there are small, medium and big. Of course I can't carry out those big boxes so I just got three small and three medium boxes. The globe is weird because there are no labels. What's weirder is there are marks on some areas. I wish I studied Geography better! I'm not really great at Geography but I tried my best to identify those countries with a mark. There are seven in total, but I was just able to determine four. Two are completely sure, one is almost sure, and one is a little bit sure. Anyway, those three countries I don't know bothers me more. Turkey, Mongolia, Chile, and Afghanistan. I know those four. But why exactly are they marked on this globe? I opened the books but I can't understand the language. The pages are thick and kinda rough. Nothing useful in these books because I can't understand a single word, but touching these feels weird. Honestly, everything here is weird. "What..." My eyes grew bigger as I open one of the medium boxes. It has a lot of paper. As in, everything is paper! I opened another medium box too and it also contains papers. However, the last medium box is different. It has... grasses. The papers were also useless to me because again, I can't understand the language. The language on the papers is different from the language in the books. The letters are different. Hoping for something useful, I opened the small boxes. I was stunned when I saw golden leaves... I've also found these on my first nightmare! That means those leaves were not just random stuff. There is something behind it. But what could possibly be the connection of these golden leaves to the secret dark things happening here? THERE WAS a knock and then the door suddenly opened. "Lunch time, Ara!" Oh, here he is again. Jacob, the meal reminder. I'm glad that I already put the you know back in the cabinet. I still smiled at Jacob even though I'm starting to have doubts. I shook my head, trying to get those thoughts out of my head. Jacob is nice after all. It feels unreal to think that he is doing something bad. But we just met yesterday. Trusting him is not really good. I should not give my trust easily. "Why?" he asked. That's because he saw me shaking my head. "Just getting back to my senses," I lied and he nodded. I wanted to ask him where Sarah is but I decided not to. We went to the dining area but Jacob left as soon as I sat on a chair. "...places are really similar!" "But we can't see each other." "Ahuh. Of course, it's just a nightmare." "Amara!" Naomi called when I sat beside her and everyone's attention went to me. I smiled at them but what they said earlier captured my mind. "What were you guys talking about? Places are similar?" I asked, looking at Natalie because she was the one who said that. Fortunately, I know the names of some of the humans here because of our conversation earlier in the morning. Natalie answered. "Yeah, our nightmares all happen in the same place." "Really? What is that place?" I asked again. "Utopium." It was just a single word but it sent chills down my spine. My brows furrowed as I feel something weird. "W-wait... do you mean... all of you... as in e-everyone's nightmare is in... Utopium?" "Ahuh!" Carlo spoke. "Golden palace, garden, and forest." I was kinda relieved, knowing that my nightmare isn't really different from the others. My nightmare was in a forest, as well as in a grass field. So I guess, it was in Utopium. Oh, no. I take back that thought. I suddenly remembered that earlier this morning, they told me about what happened in their nightmares. They said it's always obstacles, puzzles, and monsters. But mine was very different. It was a memory. And a masked man who killed grandma. A masked man who told me dark, mysterious, and seemingly true information. "Hey! You haven't told us anything about your nightmare!" Naomi changed the topic. The food is being served as I reply. "Nothing really special. My nightmare was just like yours." I can't count how many times I lied since I came here in this so-called way to perfection! "No, no, no. We have different challenges. The place is just the same," she opposed. I looked away to ignore her but my eyes accidentally met the eyes of a male kitchen staff. I know I should look away but I didn't. He looked away instead. I stared at him for a few seconds because of his blue hair until Naomi poked me. "Hey, why are you staring at him?" "What?!" I was startled by her question. She flashed a playful smile and looked at the kitchen staff. "Stop being too handsome, Blue! The newbie is getting attracted!" she laughed. His name is Blue? Woah, inspired by his hair. "No! I was just... you know, his blue hair looks... amazing." "What about his face? Looks amazing too?" she smirked. What the hell! It was so embarrassing and awkward but it would be rude to say no. If I say no, they might think I'm calling him ugly! But he's not! It's all that blue hair's fault. "Uh, y-yeah..." I sighed and drank a glass of water. My eyes traveled around to see everyone's reaction. Of course the humans are amused, but not all. The kitchen staff, except Blue, doesn't seem to care. "Anyway, we were talking about nightmares--" I tried to change the topic but Naomi cut me off. "You don't wanna tell us your nightmare so let's just talk about Blue!" Naomi looks confident! Wow, she isn't even embarrassed! Blue cleared his throat before speaking. "If you may excuse me..." He bowed as farewell but I saw a little smile on his face. I am very thankful when the kitchen staff were gone. I immediately put some meat in my mouth to avoid answering possible questions. "That was a big move, Amara!" Naomi winked. "I thought you were some kind of a cold girl who is not attracted to anyone." Lunch has just started but I want to end it already. Damn you, Naomi. I won't forget this. I just glared at her, expecting her to stop. I did not expect that romance exists in this place! But... after all, there are humans here. "THIS LION again..." I sighed when a lion stopped in front of me. We are now in the garden. She introduced me to some of the elderly humans. Now we are just walking out of boredom. She looked at me, confused. "Again?" I nodded, now confused too. "Ivan's lion... yesterday. Don't you remember?" "Wait, who's Ivan?" That question made my blood run cold. There was a few seconds of silence until I got the courage to speak. "What do you mean? You don't know... Ivan?" "Of course I don't. Why would I ask who he is if I know him? Anyway, is he handsome? Another man, huh!" she chuckled. Naomi was the one who told me Ivan's name, yet she doesn't know him? I looked around and saw a guy standing a few meters away. I immediately spoke. "Look, there he is! That's Ivan! You remember him, right?" I said that so quickly. Naomi looked at where I'm pointing to. Her brows furrowed and she shook her head. "Um... there's no one." "W-what?" But I can see Ivan! He is standing there with a smirk! "You can't see him?!" She let out a deep sigh. "Oh, come on. I think I know what you're doing. You just wanna avoid talking about Blue!" she even laughed. I did not mind what she said because I was focused on Ivan. Naomi can't see him... Is he invisible or something?! "Hey, stop staring at nothing! Are you scaring me or what?" Ivan's smirk became creepier and creepier the more I stare at it. "Amara, hello?" His mouth opened and I think he said something but of course I did not hear it. "Hey! Amara!" He stared intently at my eyes like he's searching my soul. It makes me feel weird and anxious but I did not stop looking at him. What the hell is happening?! "Amara! You're ignoring me, huh? Okay, just stare at your imaginary Ivan." My whole attention is focused on Ivan and I did not even notice that Naomi left. I didn't even speak up to answer her. Ivan started to walk towards me. I am not scared. I'm just really confused with everything happening. "You're the only one who knows me," he whispered. "What's... happening?" My eyes are full of confusion so I'm struggling to find the right words. "You..." "Hmm..." He playfully looked up like he's thinking. "Didn't you find anything from your little secret investigation, Ms. Black Hair?" I feel like my body stopped working. How did he... He sighed. "I'm so... so tired. Just give me the f*****g golden leaves and we're good." I was so shocked when he grabbed my arm because I did not answer. "I said give it to me!" It was so tight because he's strong so I did my best to get my arm. But I can't. Can't people see that someone is hurting me now? I looked around but no one is looking at us. So they don't really see Ivan and... me?! "Stop it, Ivan! Help!" "Oh, now you spoke. Just give me those leaves, okay?" He can enter my room, right? Why can't he just get the golden leaves by himself?! "I said, stop! It hurts!" I shouted and kicked his knee. His hand was finally removed from my arm. I don't know what to do anymore so I just decided to run. "f**k you, b***h!" I heard him shout but I did not mind it. People started looking at me as I run. So they see me now, huh? This is so confusing! I shook my head and just continued running. So what if they see me running? I don't care if they call me weird and crazy because this place is damned! I accidentally hit some people but i didn't have the time to apologize, especially when I heard Ivan shout again. He's really angry! Why is he getting so aggressive over some leaves?! "You're dead when I catch you!" I looked back for a second and saw that he is near me already. What a fast runner! My breathing is heavy right now. I'm tired of running but I can't stop. I am panicking even more because he's near. "Oh my--!" I was so shocked when I accidentally hit someone again. But this time, that person put his arm in front of me to stop me from running. "Gotcha, b***h!" I flinched when I heard Ivan's voice again. I panicked so I just pushed that arm away from me. But what the hell! That person grabbed my arm! I nervously looked at my back to see what's going on with Ivan. He stopped running and is just staring now at the person who is holding me. "S-sorry, but I need to... go," I slowly looked at that person. He's a man. He gave me a stern face. He is intimidating! "Stop running or you'll end up in jail." That was a very serious voice! But anyway, why does he care?! Jail, huh? Does he have authority or something?! I blinked twice when I remembered that there are officials here. I looked at the man from head to toe. He looks like... a prince. Very formal and classy outfit. "Yeah, sorry, sir. It's just..." I don't know how to explain it to him because I know he can't see Ivan. I looked at my back and my eyes grew bigger when Ivan was nowhere to be found. Three more men in formal outfits arrived. They look like ancient soldiers or knights. Well, everyone, even me, is wearing clothes that look like from the past. Like the European fashion in the Middle Ages. I don't often mention this but the fashion, and even the surroundings, really make me feel like I'm in the Medieval Europe. I'm American, though. But grandma had always told me stories about Europe. I asked her why she knows a lot about Europe even if we live in America then she answered 'You will understand everything when the time comes.' "AMARA, WHY did you do that?!" Sarah is nagging me. Of course, she and Jacob already knew about my minor offense. "I told you, I was just... afraid of a lion..." That was also the lie I told everyone when they asked me why I did run like that earlier. A few hours ago, the soldiers or knights or guards or whatever they're called brought me to the Discipline Committee. The man who looks like a prince didn't come with us, though. I don't know where he went. And I don't care. The officials interrogated me. At first, they weren't convinced that it was just because of a lion. But fortunately, I was able to make them believe. "But--" "It's fine, Sarah. Let's leave Amara alone." Jacob smiled at me. Woah... he's helping me? Sarah sighed. "Fine. But promise me this won't happen again." "Promise." I smiled and nodded. After an hour, it's already dinner time. As usual, Jacob reminded me. However, I told him that I won't eat tonight. He convinced me to eat and then finally gave up because I really don't want to. Now I'm alone in my room again. I just hope that Ivan won't come here. If he does, I don't know what to do. There is something that captured my curiosity, though. He called me 'Ms. Black Hair' earlier. He reminds me of the masked man. Could he be... "No, no, no." I shook my head as I try to deny my thought that Ivan could probably be the masked man. Yes, it's possible, but... there's just a small part of my mind that tells me he's not. I don't know what to believe. Ivan sounds like a real American while the masked man is British. Above all, their voices are different. And I think there's no such voice changer in this place. This is not Snapchat nor t****k. I'm not in the mood to investigate in this room, so I just stared at the paintings. The Evil's Desire is the only painting I know for now. I wonder what the other paintings are called. THE DRAGONS are wilder tonight. It seems like they are angry or something. Last night, I just looked at them for a few minutes. But now, I am really focused on them. The Evil's Desire has dragons with horns too so I might find something helpful from the dragons. I noticed that the dragons don't attack each other. They also don't interact with one another. What they do is just fly around the palace and release fire. Fire... I don't know why but I felt something. It feels familiar but it also feels strange. I'm not sure. I'm confused. My head suddenly ached so I closed my eyes and tried to relax. My whole life has been stressful but it became worse when I got here in Utopium. Is this place really the way to perfection or the way to stress? I FEEL like the world has stopped when I realized I'm here again in this damn forest. So many thoughts came into my mind. Will I meet the masked man again? Is this still a flashback? Will my nightmares stay different than the others? Why don't I encounter monsters and obstacles? Can I escape this? Memories of my first nightmare showed up in my mind. I barely escaped. The masked man was so pissed because I kept on saying silly things. I insulted him. I said jokes. I laughed at him. But this time, I'm not clueless anymore. But I also don't know a lot. I just hope that I won't collapse. I walked and walked, hoping to find the grass field. I did not memorize the directions so here I am, a girl who is lost in a dark forest. "Looking for me?" I slowly turned around when I heard the masked man's voice. He suddenly grabbed my neck and lifted me up. That was fast! I tried to speak and get his hand off me but I can't. He's so strong! I can't breathe! "You're a hard-headed girl," he said. "I really want to kill you." "You c-can't," I murmured. My words weren't very clear but he still heard it and got pissed off. "Shut your mouth! I'm so so tired." His grip tightened more. "Just give it to me!" What?! He didn't even say what he wants me to give him! A soft but strong wind surrounded the area. The upper part of his cloak which covers his head was swayed by the wind so his hair was revealed. He suddenly released me. I feel onto the ground, holding my chest. He then immediately fixed his cloak so I wasn't able to remember his hair. "You've got Mama. You've got the Ocean too. And now... the Son in Power. Who's next?" I didn't answer because I'm still catching my breath. I just furrowed my brows at him. I really can't understand what he says! Mama? Ocean? Son in Power? He kneeled in front of me to see my face clearly. "Maybe you'll get me too?" It gets creepier the more I see his eyes and lips. That smirk...! "Right? You will get me?" He touched my hair. "But the Son in Power saved you earlier. Maybe... you want to focus on him?" I pushed his hand away from me. "Stop your nonsense talk." He stood up and kicked my arm. "That son is really a nuisance, same as you." His voice is calm yet I know he's angry. "Who the hell are you talking about?! Son in Power? What the hell is that?!" I wasn't able to control my self anymore. "Oh, I really like it when you are pissed," he smirked. The hell! Why can't he just wear a full mask?! Why show his eyes and lips?! I stood up faced him confidently. "I'm not scared of you. Cut the damn chase and don't waste my time." He touched my face and his eyes turned blue. I was stunned and didn't move. He whispered, "Come with me and let's start again... my dear." I didn't answer. My heart started beating faster for an unknown reason. We just stared at each other's eyes until a raging noise broke the silence. I also felt something touching me from behind. I looked at my back and saw a blue-eyed dragon with wings and a horn.
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