Chapter 16 The Drive

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Lachlan's POV We sit in her car without saying a word, just letting the music fill in the little bits of silence. Even though she hasn't said anything about her decision, the silence was screaming in between each note, almost as loudly as this music, telling me that this isn't right. I feel awful that she is going to quit her job because of everything. I don't think she should and I need to make sure to tell her this. I know it's none of my business, but I can't let her make a change like that without saying something. I reached over, turning down the music as I looked over at her. "Minnie." She hums out in her sweet tone that I somehow love and wanting to hear more. "I don't know if ya should quit.. That's your livelihood.. and I'm sure because of how much my father loved ya, that he wouldn't have wanted ya to leave this job that yous obviously good at." I declared in her defense as she sent me a small smile, still keeping her eyes on the road. "I appreciate that.. I really do, but this isn't what I wanted to do for a long-term job.. and I can always get another job. Besides, I have some savings that will get me by until I get a new one.. but all of that scarred me for life and I can't look at my work the same and I won't pretend to do so either." She explains this to me and I completely understand, I really do, I just want to make sure she is going to be ok when I leave to go back home. I feel involved in this probably more than I should. "Minnie." I said, trying to object once more as she reaches over and touching my hand that's on my leg, making my heart pound in my chest. "Lachlan, I appreciate your concern, you're a very sweet man.. But I promise I can take care of myself, I have for years. I know I may look bum-ish but I'm not.. thanks anyways." She states about her appearance or maybe the way she is, but either way, I don't think that. "No, I wasn't meaning that at all.. I.." my phone starts ringing loudly getting my attention as she looks down at my phone, then back to the road. "You should stop worrying about me and get that.. it might be important." she says as I groan out loudly before grabbing my phone to put to my ear. "G'day." "Lach.. stop doing whatever useless thing you're doing and listen to me.. your father died no thanks to you.. if you would have showed up for him, then maybe he could have been fine, but you didn't.. You're useless and a waste of space.. no need to come here to the states, because your father will be turned to ashes in a couple of days and I'll just send him to you." My mouth drops open.. Who the hell does Lydia think she is. "Who the f*#k do you think ya are?! Just calling me up to tell me my Da is dead.. what the hell happened.. Yous told me he just had surgery a couple days ago " I yell at her about her lie, hoping the story will change, showing her stumbling over her lies. "There was a problem.. with the surgery.. it didn't take." she said as I scoff. "What was the surgery for? To remove your gold-digging nose from his ass?" I snap out as she yells out obscenities that I can't exactly make out by the high-pitched shrill of her voice. "All you need to know is that your father is dead. and I will send him to you after he is cremated in a week." she snaps back and this just infuriates me. "Yous just going to send my father to me as dust?! That's not what he wants at all and what about his things? Some of those are mine! I want some things of his to remind me of him.. He was my father. Ya can't keep it all." I yell out as she yells right back. "I can and I will. His things are mine because they are in my house, so don't plan on coming here at all for him or his things.. I will send him to you." "F*#k you b*tch! He is my Da and those are my things! Ya don't even care about any of his stuff!" I yell out as she keeps yelling right back. "Lachlan, if you come here ever in the future I will have you arrested for trespassing.. nice to know you assh*le!" she hangs up the call as I throw my phone to the floor of the car. "That b*tch!" I yell out before I feel Minnie's hand landing on my leg as she gently rubs over it. "I'm so sorry Lachlan." My hand lands on hers as I grip her hand tight in mine. "It's not your fault.. she is just a b*tch and we have always hated one another.. but I will be damned if she really thinks that she is getting all of his stuff. I need a couple of things of his, then I will leave it alone.. But I'm not leaving here and going back to Australia without his hat or my family photo that he always had with him.. I know he always had those and they were one of a kind." I stated as she nodded at me. "Well, then the only thing to do is get the address from the system at my work and we will break in." She says surprising me completely. "Minnie.. no ya can't." I say as she snaps back instantly. "I can do what I want.. I also hated that b*tch and I know that your father wouldn't have wanted things to be like this for you.. so I think in his honor that I should do this.. but we have to be quick and stealthy.. We need to make sure she doesn't see you because if you get arrested you will probably be transported back to Australia instantly and restricted from visiting again.. and we can't have that." She says as I nod at her thinking about that. "Would ya want me to come back?" I ask her as she gets a shy look on her face. "Yeah.. I mean if you ever wanted to after all this." she says softly as I respond without hesitation. "I would if I had a reason to come back." She smiles at me again before putting her eyes back on the road. "Well then, maybe we need to make sure you have a good reason.. you know, after this is all done with." I can't take my eyes from her as I just continue to grin an stare. "Well I have a couple of weeks off so maybe we can make that happen as long as I'm not in the way or anything." she bites her bottom lip before saying. "I don't think you could be in the way even if you tried." I smile even bigger to myself, feeling pretty good after that horrible call. I want to keep talking with her so I keep the conversation going. "You heard her threats to me?" I asked as she scoffs. "The whole world heard her shrill cackle of a voice." I chuckle at that, loving this.. I think about what kind of a mission this will be for us and it sounds exciting, going around and gathering information with her, breaking into houses and maybe spending a couple weeks together after.. sounds memorable.. But.. I don't want to her to get in trouble for me, breaking the law in a place I don't know.. But somehow knowing she will be the one doing it with me gives me a type of strength I never knew I needed. Minnie's POV I hate that woman and just knowing she is treating Lachlan like this is unbelievable. I saw her disrespect his father like this, but now his son as well. This makes me want to punch her in the face. I know for a fact that Oliver wouldn't have wanted this at all for either of them, so we need to get him the sentimental things he wants and get out of there. "Do you know for sure your father doesn't want to be cremated?" I ask him as I see in my peripherals that he is nodding. "He already bought a grave spot right next to my mother the day he bought hers.. he always wanted to end up by her side." He says as I nod at that. "Well, maybe we can find a copy of his will in the house and if so then maybe we can fight this." I say as he stares over at me. I can feel his eyes on me. "We?" he asks as I nod. "yes of course 'we'.. well unless you want to do this on your own.. I don't want to intrude or bombard on your 'bringing b*tches down' parade." I say as he chuckles then states. "I absolutely love your company and wouldn't want help from anyone but ya." I nod before glancing over at him for a second. I then turn and pull into my work as I park and state. "Stay in here.. and I'll be right back.. but I'm going to keep the car running just in case." I say as he nods with me. I leave the car and walking towards the building as I look back to not only see Walter staring at me, but Lachlan as well, which somehow makes me happy. I turn back and heading inside. Making my way in, as I see so many pity-filled eyes directed at me that it's aggravating. I hold my head up high as I head straight for the director's office, trying to not grab anymore attention than needed. I sit down as she barely even looks at me from the stack of papers on her desk. "Hi Minnie.. why aren't you dressed and ready for work? You're already late for the day.. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt because of everything yesterday, but you need to go get dressed before I get impatient." I just stare at her for a moment, thinking about what I want to say and definitely not moving a muscle. "I.. can't work here anymore." I say as she looks up from her papers. "Yes you can.. everyone here has dealt with death such as this.. you can do it.. it's not hard.. it's the situation like this that gives you thick skin." I shake my head as I say again. "No, I can't and I won't do this again.. He was a friend of mine and he died in my arms.. I'm not ok.. I'm not going to be ok here.. I wanted to break down crying the moment I walked in here.. I'm telling you that I can't do this so I won't.. thank you for everything, but I'm going to grab my things from the locker and go." I say standing up as her mouth drops open, looking appalled at my words. I just leave her office, not giving her any more of a chance to object, and heading straight for the lockers. I open my locker, grabbing my duffle bag, throwing all my extra stuff I have had into there. A couple of my friends have gathered after seeing me here and collecting my things, so of course, I say my goodbyes to my friends.. I start heading towards the front desk, walking behind to say goodbye, but no one is there.. I take advantage by searching through the files and easily seeing Oliver's, since they haven't sent it to the hospital since it is still showing he is here. I grab it and shove it into my duffle bag before the secretary walks back out. "Minnie? Did I hear correctly? You're leaving us?" I nod as I say, "Yes that's exactly why I am here, to say goodbye.. last night was traumatizing and I can't do it any longer.. I'm sorry and I will miss you, but this is something I have to do for myself." I say before giving her a hug. She squeezed me tight as she says softly into my ear. "Good luck my dear." I smile and let her go before heading out of that place. Jogging out to my car to leave before they notice anything is missing.. hopefully they don't.. but when they don't find the files, they will need to reprint it and luckily they can do that easily and maybe think they lost the file themselves.. I just hope I don't get in trouble for stealing these, because I definitely can.
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