Chapter 17 File information

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Lachlan's POV I have been waiting for Minnie to get back from quitting her job, which I still feel awful about.. but I can't get over the fact that I am furious about that call with Lydia.. She is a sh*tty person and doesn't deserve a dime from my father and honestly, I don't know what my father ever saw in her. Maybe it was the big fake boobs blinding his view of what is right and wrong.. or maybe he wanted one last great ride before he died.. I don't know what was going through his head, but he did it and nothing can change the past.. He is gone now but that doesn't change my love for him, along with the desire to make sure that he is remembered and avenged for what he went through.. I don't know why but I have the strongest feeling inside of me that she had something to do with his death. I will do anything to find out what really happened to him. I just hope our efforts are not made in vain. My mind keeps wandering off to my father as I stare at the pictures on my phone of us, while petting Walter, who has continued to sit in my lap the entire time. I keep doing this until he jumps up and squealing out loudly. I know what that means. I look up to see that Minnie is coming our way, jogging just slightly. I don't know if that means things were good or bad, because it's not a run from her work which would indicate that it was awful and we need to get away now.. But it wasn't a slow walk where she would maybe be rethinking her actions, wondering if she should go back.. it was a straight jog to us. The only thing I know for sure is that she looks absolutely enticing in that outfit as she jogs across the parking lot. The bounce to her long hair, the determination in her step.. or even the somehow gracefulness in every step her feet take.. she is jogging, but it looks as if her feet are barely touching the ground.. maybe hovering.. does that mean she is an angel? I wouldn't be surprised. The only other person on this planet that has wanted to help me this much without getting anything in return was my mom and dad and no one else. It really makes you think.. I wonder what I ever did to deserve the company of this enchantress. I'll just keep enjoying the time I do have with her while I have it. She gets beside the car, flipping open the door just to slide into the car. When she leans in doing just that, her softer than ever hair drifts past me causing the sweet smell of the flowers to fill my senses as I just find myself taking a deep breath and enjoying this scent as much as I can without seeming creepy. "How did it go?" I nicely ask her as she looks up at me locking those gorgeous orbs with mine, we seem to stare every time we look into one another's direction, so it makes me think that our eyes were meant to find one another, like magnets in close proximity. She looks from me to the seat belt as she buckles herself in. Once she is done, she looks at me again before stating softly. "I was very bad.. but I got your father's files." She says to me as I tilt my head only slightly out of curiosity. "How does that make you bad?" I ask as she looked at me, then around the car as if she has to be secretive about this, before whispering. "I stole them.. I shoved them in my bag the one chance I had." She says to me as she looks nervous but puts the key into the ignition and starts the car. "You did that for me?" I ask her in shock because this could have some repercussions if they find out. But she did it anyway. "Well yeah.. for you.. and Oliver.. I want to help you both out anyway I can." she says as I quickly lean in pressing my lips to hers, knowing how badly I wanted to do that even though I probably shouldn't. But she is too amazing not to take advantage of the close proximity and dedication. Her lips are soft and inviting as they continue to press right back into mine before I pull my lips away not knowing where that action came from, but I'm happy I did it. "What was that for?" she asks into my lips as I smile at her curiosity of my actions. "You just made me feel something I haven't felt ever, with your actions to not only help me out, but my father as well.. you're amazing." this makes her smile as she looks away shyly but doesn't move away from me. "You were saying?" I asked her as she looked shocked and taken back by all of my actions, as if she is trying to process what just happened and maybe she is. But I do have to say that I liked shocking and surprising her that way. She thinks about it for a second before she softly says "Um.. I was saying that since I was already in there, that I might as well just knock out two birds with one stone.. So I took the files for us since they probably won't allow me back over there since I just quit." she bites her bottom lip before adding, "besides I like feeling bad.. I never do stuff like this." She says with a cheeky grin on her face causing me to chuckle. "Well, maybe ya should just keep being bad, because it's giving yous this glow that looks absolutely amazing on ya. Ya are already stunning, but with this glow it makes ya look absolutely bewitchingly elegant." I state causing her to shake her head in disbelief. "I mean it Min." She looks at me for a moment before looking forward at the parking lot. "I want to believe you.. but we will see Lachlan." She says this while pulling out the file from her bag before she looks up the address and putting it into her phone to give her the directions to find her way there. "Minnie." I say wanting to talk to her more about this natural attraction that I have with her.. It's something enthralling and putting me in a type of trance, making it hard to concentrate on anything else when I know I need to, because that's why we are here. "Hey.. let's take care of this and then we will worry about anything else if you still feel like this.. I think it's just your emotions that are all over the place.. that happens a lot with trauma.. and it's ok if that's the case, because I don't mind.. but I don't want to make any decisions off of the high that these feelings bring.. I guarantee they won't last. There will be a very small chance if they do, but if they do, then we will deal with that when the time comes.. But let's take care of your dad's stuff first." I nod at her as she put the car into drive and taking off. We are driving for a moment before her phone starts to ring this time. She answers it without hesitation, not even looking at the screen since her eyes on the road. "Hello?" she asks as she hums out to whatever the person is saying. "Mary.. I'm very sorry for not saying goodbye to you, but you live right next door to me, so I will see you every day.. But yes I was saying goodbye to everyone, then kinda left abruptly." she states trying to not sound suspicious, I am assuming. "That's a nice offer, but I don't want to go out with Sam.. he is nice and everything, but I am not interested.. I don't know if he asked you to talk with me or what, but this is not the way to get me to go hang out and feel better." she declares as I watch her eyes roll. "Mary you have never pushed for me to go out drinking.. You know I am not a big fan of that, so I don't know why you keep pushing all of this." she states with some irritance in her voice. "Thank you for the invite to go with just you, but I don't want to.. Besides, I am busy taking care of some things. Thanks anyways.. but I have to get going.. I am driving and like I said, I have things to take care of that need my attention more than drinking to feel better does. Bye girly see you later." she says this with a tone that says there is no negotiation in her words. She hangs up the call and puts the phone down. "Is everything alright?" I ask her as she lets out an annoyed breath. "Yeah.. my friend is just worried about me.. because of losing your father. she thinks that drinking alcohol and dancing the night away is how I should be getting over death. She makes it sound as if I'm completely unstable when I know I am not.. I'm crushed, but since she heard I quit and she saw how heartbroken I was last night, she doesn't believe that I will be fine without her help.. because she won't stop insisting." she says this in a very annoyed tone. "Well maybe she is just being a good friend that wants to make sure your ok and distracted for the moment since the wound is still fresh." I say to her, this causes her to hum as she quietly says. "yeah your probably right.. but we always had an aggreement that she wouldn't try to force me to go out with her again and I would just go when I want but she won't stop trying to make this happen and it's starting to get on my nerves." she says this sounding even more irritated than before as if talking about it is making it worse. "Well you guys had that agreement when there wasn't any substantial problems involved. But now there is a big issue that has effected you greatly.. So I guess I could see why she would be concerned and wanting to make sure that you were with her if anything.. but maybe that's just me." I say to her as she groans out. "No that's not just you.. I get it.. It's just annoying because I have asked her to give me some time alone and she won't." I think about that for a moment, feeling bad because she wants time to herself and yet here she is taking me around to help me out and even letting me stay the night, when she could have her place to herself. I let out a deep breath before I ask. "Did you want me to leave you alone?" She shakes her head without hesitation. "No not at all." I smile at her automatic answer, not even needing to think about it before she responded. "But you said you just some time to be by yourself." I declare wanting to know if this is what she really means or not. "Well.. um.. I feel comfortable around you.. and having you around me is giving me distraction and making me feel better.. and even safe.. plus Walter loves you as well.. So I think this is nice for now.. you know, until you leave and go back home." she states telling me exactly what I wanted to hear. "Ok.. I love hanging out with you as well.. You're great company and make me feel better about everything.. So as long as we are on the same wavelength, then that's all that matters." She keeps biting her bottom lip as she looks over at me for a moment before putting her eyes back on the road. "We're almost there."
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