Chapter 15 Breakfast

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Minnie's POV We only talked for a little bit longer before the exhaustion hit us both. We were yawning every other word but the subjects to talk about kept popping up. It's as if we never wanted to fall asleep but to stay up and keep talking. But our bodies just kept objecting, persisting that we needed sleep. So we stayed and talked until I had to cut the conversation off saying how tired I am as I left him in my front room to sleep and I slept in my room away from him. I had sweet dreams about him which isn't too bad of an idea, because that's all I'm ever going to get are the dreams before he has to head back home.. Apparently he is incredibily excited about getting home because of some promotion he got which is cool but sad to think that he would be leaving as soon as he can to get back.. But this is something he is excited for and so in that case I'm excited for him as well. I slept well, but abruptly woke up to the sound of someone doing something in my kitchen. The banging of the pans is loud and worrisome for me so I can't imagine why this is happening. I groan out as I sit up and wander my way out of my room and to the kitchen to smell that food is being cooked. It's Lachlan cooking for us. I can smell the pungent bacon aroma and of course the eggs.. maybe even some cheese while being topped off with some toast. I have no idea why he is cooking and doing this in here, but that sight is something amazing that I would love to look at every morning if I can. "G'morning Minnie." he says over his shoulder to me as I smile and reply. "Good morning Lachlan.. what's all this?" I ask him as he chuckles and states. "Are ya just so used to doing everything for everyone, that yous have no idea what it looks like when someone is doing something for ya?" I smile then laugh at his comment. "Well if you must know, I don't have people over often at all.. actually, you're the first since I have been living in this apartment.. so No I don't ever have anyone doing anything for me." I say as he smirks over at me before turning back. "Well I'm glad I can be ya first... have a seat Min.. I'm almost done." I can't peel the smile from my face. I just go with his instructions and sitting down at the table while leaning down to pet Walter who has been apparently getting snacks because he has piece of shredded cheese on his face. "I don't normally sleep in, Walter usually wakes me up, so I'm sorry if you were alone for a while." I say just starting conversation as he turns around with a plate in his hand and placing it in front of me. "It was no problem.. I woke up early you know because of the time difference and all.. So Walter and I were spending time together and I had noticed that he needed out so I grabbed your keys and took him out and once we got back I thought that I could make us some breakfast." He explains as I smile even bigger at him. "Well that sounds like a nice morning and very thoughtful of you." I say as he shrugs his shoulders. "It the least I could do for ya.. But the morning was nice until I went out into that humidity.. ugh.. it's awful here." He states making me laugh because that's the thing I hate the most about it here. "Yeah I hate it too." He sits down next to me as we eat in a silence that's only cut by the sounds of the silverware hitting the porceline plates. But we can't help the silent smiles being shared between us either. This is nice. His phone starts to ring before he instantly grabs it. "G'day?" he hums a couple of times before hanging up the call. "That was the airport.. they said they found my bags so I can come get them whenever." he states with excitement as I quickly reply. "Well after we are done I will get dressed and I can drive you there." He looks shocked by that comment but I don't know why. "You would do that for me?" he asks as I scoff and wave my hand as if I'm keeping the flies away because he is silly for thinking such a thing. "Yeah of course." "You're just the sweetest.. I can honestly say that I have never met a woman like you Minnie." I don't know if that was a compliment or not but it felt like one so that's what I am taking it as. I just share another smile with him as we continue eating our food until his phone starts to go off again. He picks it up without hesitation. "G'day?" he says into the phone as screaming is heard on the other end causing him to pull the phone away from his ear. With the shrill tone escaping the phone, I would say it is a woman. Lachlan looks over at me like he is embarrassed or maybe worried. He stands up from the table as he states to the woman. "Zoe.. I told you I was done." more screaming is heard on the other end as he groans out, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Zoe! I don't care.. You're selfish and haven't cared about me or what I am going through at all in this.. I told ya I wanted someone that's not selfish and cares for more than themselves, but ya don't do that.. that's why I broke it off.. just leave me alone.. don't yous think that me not picking up ya calls for days meant something?" he asked as more screaming is heard until he just belts out. "Goodbye Zoe.. please stop calling me." I watch as he hangs up the call, shoving the phone back into his pocket, while letting out an big annoyed breath before he notices that my eyes are still glued to him. "I'm sorry about that.. I didn't look at my screen or I wouldn't have picked it up." He says this to me as I state. "Lovers quarrel?" I feel sad about those words, but with a catch like him I would assume he would have someone as well. "I guess you could say that." I feel myself getting sad at that thought. But it's not like I was in the picture anyway. "Well I am sorry you and your girlfriend are obviously fighting." I stated this to him as he replies without hesitation. "Ex.. girlfriend. I broke up with her before I even came here." I swallow the lump in my throat as I softly ask. "Why is that? If you don't mind me asking." I lose confidence in those words getting nervous about getting more personal in his life than I already am. "Well, honestly, she is selfish.. and that was a complete turn off for me... I called her to tell her I was coming here because my father just had surgery and needed help and she threw a fit saying she didn't want to get stuck taking care of a stinky old man." he states as I gasp in shock. "She said that to you about your dad when you're expressing how he is hurt and needs help?" I relay this back as he nods. "Yeah then she accused me of wanting to be a root rat." I think he can see the confusion in my eyes as he explains, "She thought I wanted to come here single and get a stiffly for another sheila." I nod in understanding but see exactly why he is frustrated with her. "What a b*tch." he chuckles at that comment as I now feel embarrassed. "I'm sorry that wasn't my place to say anything." he waves his hand before he says, "That's what I thought, that's why I dumped her." I look over at him as he takes another bite before I say. "Well if you don't like that then why did you go for her?" We instantly lock eyes as he says. "Well, in my defense, we had only been seeing each other once a week for a couple of months, so I didn't know that side of her yet.. but when I found out the hard way, I was done... too bad you don't live there.. or there would be no discussion about who I would be dating.. I would have ya locked down." he says this winking at me as I shake my head and standing up. "You don't have to lie to me.. I'm fine without it.. I don't need a fake confidence boost." I say this putting my plate into the sink before turning around. He looks shocked as he asks. "What do ya mean?" I scoff at him playing stupid. "we both know that a man like you would never go for a girl like me.. you don't have to make that up just because you want me to feel better. I know that even if I was living in Australia you wouldn't be going for me.. So let's just be honest with one another, it will make all of this so much easier." I state this before turning to walk down the hallways as I say. "Thank you for breakfast and I will get changed to give you a ride.. I'll be out in a little bit." I turn around, walking to my room as I shut the door, then strip off every layer and throwing it into the hamper. This is right before slipping on a pair of jean shorts and a flowy tank top that keeps me nice and cool out here. I straighten my hair really quickly before applying a little bit of makeup. I slipped on my van while getting back out to the main room and see that Lachlan is sitting on the couch with Walter. "Come on boy." I say to Walter as they both jump up, making me smile. "Me or him?" Lachlan asks as I chuckle at that question. "well both I guess, but I thought we could just take Walter with us for a little walk before we leave but I guess he could come with us for a ride." I declare as he smiles and nods. "Sounds good." I grab my bag and cell phone slipping it into my pocket as I turn to see Lachlan right behind me. "Ya look absolutely magnificent." I laugh at that comment not believing it until I realize he is serious. "Oh.. Really? Thank you." this makes his smile grow as he follows me out of my place as we instantly see Marilyn kissing her man again. They jump from the surprise as they stare for just a short moment until Marilyn says to him. "Jason.. this is Minnie she is my coworker that you saw the other day." He nods at me as I wave and say. "It's nice to see you two again.. this is a friend of mine.. I am helping him out right now, so I will see you guys later." I declare as they nod and Lachlan waves. They stare for longer than I would have liked, even as we were standing in the elevator waiting for the doors to shut. "Was that just me or did you think that was weird as well?" he asks me as I nod. "Something about that guy gives me the heebee jeebees." I explain to him as he says. "But I don't do that?" I shake my head. "No not at all." I respond probably way to quickly as I nervously look over at him to see his smile is growing. But I don't want to get played just to be ditched, so I'm not going to give into his natural charm that probably has all the ladies throwing themselves at his feet. The loud ding occurs as the doors open and we head out to my car to jump in. I drive us to the airport as he instructs me to stay here and he just runs in really quickly.. It obviously takes longer than we both would have liked but he is able to get his bags and comes back out to throw them into my trunk. "Sorry that took longer than I would have wanted but I got my bags and that's what matters.. thank you again for waiting." "It's not like I would ever leave you here on your own." I say to him as he chuckles, and I think he is staring over at me, but I can't tell for sure because I can only see this from my peripherals. I feel the nervousness hitting my body, before I glance over to confirm that he is staring before he says. "That's because you're so thoughtful." I nervously look away, not knowing what he is meaning by all of those nice things he is saying about me. I don't know if he is just trying to get some s*x or what. But I keep trying my hardest to keep my guard up around him. "Where are we headed next?" he asks with excitement after clearing his throat. "My work.. I need to grab what information I can for you from his file and I need to quit." I say as his mouth drops open. "Are you sure that's what you want to do?" I just nod at him before replying. "Yes.. I can't stay there.. it's ok.. don't worry about me, I will figure something else out." he nods but the worried look on his face doesn't leave. I turn on the radio, filling up the silence that I am too afraid to talk during, because I don't want to get atatched.. I have to just keep telling myself that he is leaving.
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