Chapter 7 Arguing is my Forte.. Not

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Minnie's POV I am baffled by the things she is saying, she is acting as if she has been by his side the entire time he has been in here, when I know for a fact she has not.. and now claiming his son isn't as good as she is to him. That shocks me beyond belief because of the stories that Oliver has shared with me over the many months of spending time together and talking. He has described a completely different son to me, but maybe she is right and people change. I know they do change when they are frustrated or hurt. I know I did change so many years ago after my traumas and from what Oliver has told me, this move has strained him and his son's relationship.. but I don't think someone would change that much. But maybe. Either way, I still don't like how she is talking about his son to him, since he is in a sensitive state being in the nursing home and all.. I don't think stressing him out more than he already is, is a good thing, or even needed. And with seeing the hurt in Oliver's eyes I have a strong urge within me to say something to her. It's so strong that I can't help the words from emerging within my mind. "But how can you even claim that you're dedicated to Oliver? You haven't even been here yourself." I snap this comment out of instinct, not thinking about the words before they rolled off of my sharp tongue. "Excuse me?" she snaps at me while she flips around to face me as she glares daggers at me once again. "I'm.. just saying.. that.. I haven't seen you here much at all." I feel my tongue hitting the roof of my mouth as I snap it down like a nervous habit because of the unwanted attention I gained with that comment. She reaches out and pushing on my arm really getting my attention. "I have been here many times.. you just haven't always been here when I am here.. and he has been asleep sometimes when I have visited at all hours, and I was told it was because of the medicine. So he doesn't always see me either." she spats as Oliver looks between the two of us, but not objecting either way. He looks concerned but I think the concern goes both ways. I let out a deep breath, I don't want him to stress anymore than he already has over this conversation and maybe she is right and he doesn't know all the times she has shown up because of the medicine, but I'm here almost all the time, so I'm surprised I haven't seen her during all the times she claims to come here. I don't want to be mean to her or call her out, but she is shoving me and getting louder as the conversation goes on. Besides there is something in her tone that says she is not being fully honest, like a kid caught in a lie. But what really shows me that she is lying is her eyes. They show that she is not being honest, but I don't know what she is not being honest about. "Well, Lydia.. I know you won't know this but I have been here every day since he got here.. I don't take much time off.. I work a lot of overtime if we are being honest.. Oh and he doesn't get the medicine that makes him fall asleep until bed time, so I don't know how true any of your explanation is. Since you said he has been asleep at all hours, when he only gets the medicine at night. I do also hang out with him most days, taking, walks and all, so I know for a fact he is up most hours during the daytime. " I spat as I see the sadness in Oliver's eyes at that realization of my words that are practically proving her wrong to his face. This look makes me feel awful inside, so I bite the inside of my cheek as I just give in for his sake. "but.. I have been wrong sometimes.. So.. I'll take your word for it." I say folding for his sake because I don't want to stress him out or make things worse. "I don't care if you believe me or not, because this has nothing to do with you and it's none of your business.. You better learn your place before I have a talk with your boss." She threatens my job, which was probably expected after me snapping out when she is right and this has nothing to do with me. I just watch as she glares at me before turning back around and pecking his cheek, then storming past me as her shoulder hits mine. I stumble back with my hands still being filled, but it's not like I would have done anything else anyway. I don't give in to the pettiness because I know my job would be on the line and I need this for just a little bit longer. I just hold my tongue as I watch her leave the room. I look back to him as I feel the instant embarrassment hitting my features, I'm sure my face would be putting a tomato to shame at this point. "I'm so sorry sir.. Mr.Thomas.. I mean Oliver.. I wasn't trying to start problems.. I just didn't believe what she was saying and I'm sorry.. that's not my place to say anything. Especially when I don't know her or the situation.. maybe she was telling the truth and my gut was wrong." I declared as he waves off my apology. "Nothing to apologize for.. There are no worries, I promise.. I know ya meant well my dear." I nod at him as I didn't know what else to say. So I do my normal thing, replacing the items he went through the day before and getting him everything he might need for the rest of today. After a little bit, I still don't know what else to say, so it's a little quiet on my end as he throws out casual conversation, trying to act as if everything is normal, but I don't know how he can do that when all this just occurred. I know that since he is trying to forget it, that I should too, but that's easier said than done. So with every question he asks about my day, I of course, still answer, but I cann't shake the embarrassment of that conversation with her. So I finish his room up like normal, and he knows me leaving is just because I need to finish the rooms on my route. So I keep going through and finishing the rest of my rooms for the day.. But as usual I still stop on by his room after my shift is over with. This time when I enter, I can see that the woman from before, better known as Lydia, is back. She is sitting by his side as they talk and joke around. I sneak in getting his attention, then her's as she glares over at me. I send her a small smile not knowing what else to say right now, because I don't think I could say anything to make things better. I just sneak in and place the little sealed cup of butterscotch pudding on the nightstand right beside his bed. His smile grows and her smug features look disgusted. She keeps her glaring eyes glued to me, it's so strong that I can feel the heat within them. "It's nice to see you again Lydia.. and Oliver have a good night.. here's your snack." I state as she spats right at me. "Now why would you have a dessert for my husband?" She snaps at me as I feel my eybrows touching at that thought. I didn't know they were married or anything, but I don't see the big deal in bringing a pudding for him. "He told me it's his favorite so I brought him one of the extras that we had before I left to head home." I explain as best as I can, trying to ease the tension that seems to be quickly building in this small room. "Thanks for that Minnie, it's always a pleasure.. Have a good night and tell Walter hi for me." He declares as I nod but I can see her eyes softening once he says Walter and I don't know why.. Maybe she thinks that Walter is my man or something, so I'm not a threat to her and his relationship. But what she doesn't know is that I don't want any part in the relationship like that. He is just a friend, that is all. "have a good night and see you tomorrow Mr.Thomas." I softly say this before turning around and heading back to my place. After another same old day of helping out at the home.. I keep on the same routine, going straight to my apartment, taking care of my dog and making dinner, then a long, much-needed bath before I get some sleep.. This is uneventful for sure, and probably boring for some. But for me, it's just the right amount of interaction after a long day. All I can really be happy about is that at least I have something to come home to. So after that long work day, the sleep seems to come easily to me and I couldn't be happier about that realization. I get consumed into the darkness and believe me, I willingly went while snuggling with my puppy. ----------The Next Morning---------- I wake up just like any other day to the sound of my alarm called Walter, he is whining and making sure I know he has to go out now or I will be spending my morning cleaning up a mess.. and we don't want that. I get up without hesitation, trying to shake the fogginess from my mind, and it works with the help of the cool air, but not enough for me to shake this strange feeling within me. For some odd reason, today is leaving an ominous feeling stamped on my heart even though I don't know why I would be feeling that way.. It feels heavy and makes me feel as if I'm having a hard time breathing for whatever reason.. but maybe that's my mind getting to me.. But I have no idea why I would be feeling this way.. But I do. I walked my dog around the block but once I get back into my place and laying back down on my comfy bed, I quickly figured out that this time I won't be able to get back to sleep. I dazed off staring, just hoping my mind will take me back to my dreamland, but it never happened. I keep staring at the ceiling but I can't fall asleep.. after many attempts to ease my mind with a couple more hours of rest, I decide to give up because it is not happening at all.. I finally decided to get some stuff done around my place to try to ease the stress.. I clean the hell out of my house. Every single room gets scrubbed, swept and vacuumed.. but no matter how hard I scrub and clean, the heavy feeling on my heart won't go away. I was hoping that being productive would be the key to easing this heaviness, but with every inch I clean the heavier my heart feels. It's strange and concerning, almost putting me on edge since I can't shake the feeling. But no matter how much this feeling is bothering me, I can't put my day on hold for no substantial reason, so I just continue on with my day.. prepping my dinner for tonight and getting dressed for my long day at work. I love on my puppy bringing out his favorite toys, filling his food, then water and taking him for one last walk before I have to go. He is happy and looking like the day is perfect, which is just what I wanted for him.
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