Chapter 8 Pure Shock

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Minnie's POV So I take my leave and head straight to work. But the closer I get to that place, the heavier the dread over me feels, like a weighted blanket. Maybe it's because of the embarrassment that is still within me about that fight yesterday and obviously I haven't got past it yet.. Maybe that's why this feeling is stronger here than anywhere else.. I don't know if that is the reason but it's the only thing I can think of. I sit in my work parking lot just enjoying the silence for a moment since I got here faster than I anticipated since the entire day has just drug by slowly until this moment right now. I let out a deep breath trying to calm the heart beating out of control in my sternum, before grabbing my things and walking in.. setting up for my long shift just hoping for a good day. The day seems pretty normal for the most part so I don't understand where the nervous lump in my throat had come from. Each room doesn't need a ton of help, but it's enough to keep me remotely busy.. It's almost the weekend, so this is when we get most of our visitors, if any come in, so people have been getting checked in and out while wandering all around. Which makes my day go by slower since I have to work around people, and they always seem to go through more items when family is here.. It's not like it's a bad thing, because I always have extra stuff with me, but it just makes everything take longer. I do like the fact that a lot of people are getting visitors, because they need it. I turn the corner to see that my friend Marilyn is kissing a handsome tall man at the end of the hall looking almost secretive since it's in the corner. They seperate as he kisses her cheek then whispers in her ear making her smile and nod. It's cute to see this, and makes me happy for her since she said she thinks this is her one and obviously he feels the same by the way he is staring at her. They keep whispering back and forth until they see me. They look shocked as he kisses her cheek then leaves the hallway walking past me too quickly to even be able to say hi. "Ooohh lala.. girly that looked fun." I playfully state as her face gets red but she hushes me, probably afraid about getting in trouble with our bosses but I won't say anything. "Don't worry about it, you know you can trust me." I state with her as she lets out a deep breathe before saying. "He is so sweet and his kiss melts me.. He is just perfect, even his family is too. I get along with his sister as much as I do him. We all have the same outlook on life and even the same ideas about our future.. So, I couldn't be happier right now." I smile and hug her as I quickly reply. "I couldn't be happier for you lovebug.. I'm going to do my route.. are you already done for the day?" She smiles as she nods at that question. "Yes he is meeting me to go out in a couple of hours to give me some time to clean up and get dressed since I have been here all night.. he just came in to make sure that I was still joining him later today." She declares as I chuckle. "What kind of a question is that? Of course you are going to join him.. especially after a kiss like that!" I declare playfully as she smiles big then nods with me. "Right? How could I ever turn him down? He knows exactly what to do to get all he wants from me and I don't have one complaint yet... it's all so amazing." she states as I send her a wink before I watch her prance down the hallway and into the employee area for her to clock out. I couldn't be happier for her and hopefully one of these days I will find something like that for myself. I get through all of my people on my route and then onto Mr.Thomas' room. But as I walk in I can feel the wall of tension hitting me, I look up from my clipboard to see that Lydia there again, but this time she looks irritated as if I walked in on some sort of argument. She hasn't noticed me yet, neither one of them have. "Ollie.. that is enough.. You need to drop this.. I can't force your son to come see you.. He didn't want to come here and you can't go there.. So drop it! Why would you want to leave me anyway? This is your home now.. aren't you happy with me?" she spats out at him as she starts to cry some tears that look almost crocodile-like. "Lydia. yous so sweet. I just miss home, that's all.. ya could always come with me.. We could make a great home there.. I could show ya my favorite things to do and places to go." He declares as she instantly shakes her head. "No I'm not going to that place where the bugs are as big as your head.. no way in hell.. it's either me or home.. I won't stay with you if you go back there.. so you need to choose." She demands of him as he huffs out. "I just miss home.. is that.. that bad?" He asks as I clear my throat, making sure my presence is known. "Minnie.. uh.. G'day." He says through raggedy breathes as I keep coming in the room because I need this to end since it sounds like it's having a bad effect on him from the stress. "This isn't done Ollie.. I won't let you leave me.. You're mine." She spats as she looks over at me, probably seeing the uneasiness in my eyes as she clears her throat before she adds. "Because I love you." "I love you too.. I just." She quickly turns, shoving past me by striking me with her bony shoulder once again before she heads out the door, leaving the two of us in here. "Is everything alright?" I ask knowing full well that it doesn't seem alright. "Well, I don't know.. I asked her to give my son a big chunk of my money to help convince him to come here because money might be the main issue for him to come see me, since his wonderful job at the zoo doesn't exactly pay the best. Even though he has never liked accepting my money, it's always made him uneasy, but I want to help him get here. But he always wanted me to spend my money I have saved up on myself, but I feel like I can spend it on whoever or whatever I want.. Right?" he asks me this rhetorical question. I nod at him before softly stating. "yeah that doesn't seem bad at all especially if that's the reason why he is not coming right now." I state as he groans out running his hand through his hair. "But then I tell Lydia my plan and all hell breaks loose, and now I have to choose between her and home?" he says this sounding like a question but I know that he doesrn't need confirmation about what just happened, so I just keep nodding. "yeah, that's rough.. honestly, I don't see why she would be so mad.. Australia seems nice and fun. Yes, the bugs are big, but that's something that I think is tolerable if you really have feelings for that person right?" He huffed out at that comment while nodding, looking like he thinks the same as myself, before he continues his explanation on. "but.. she is mad because she knows I miss home and I want to move back.. she says I'm leaving her.. because she won't come with me." He explains with confusion as I nod my head walking to the side of his bed before sitting down in the chair off to the side as I ask. "What do you want?" He looks from me to the ground groaning out. "I don't know.. I miss home and my son so much.. but Lydia has put a spark back in my life that I never thought I would have again after my wife passed away... she gives me purpose and someone to care for.. I haven't had that in a long time.. but.. I don't know." I nod with him as I state. "You need to think about what means the most to you, because it looks like you're going to have to choose one." He sends me a small smile, so I match it as I stand and take care of his room knowing full well that he is stressed out but that he can figure this out on his own and that I'm probably not the one to help him with that. I get through the rest of my shift as I make sure to make my nightly run to his room. When I knock he is crying as he stares out his window. "Mr. Thomas.. are you alright?" I ask as he glances over at me before explaining. "I just hate hurting people Minnie.. all I want to do is help, but no matter what decision I make I will hurt someone." he states to me as I nod. "So does this mean that you came to a decision?" He nods at my question so I ask the one question at the tip of my tongue. "So what have you chosen since you have had hours to think about this?" I ask him as he sadly looks over at me. "I'm going home.. I need my son but I only wanted her around to give me purpose.. Does that make me a bad person?" I shake my head as I stare into his hurt ones that are glistening with despair about this already hard decision. "No, that doesn't make you a bad person.. I know she is going to take the news hard, but maybe right now you don't need the stresses that she brings. You need to think about yourself and what you truly want and need.. and if that's going home, then so be it." I state this with some confidence for him as he nods and says. "I need my home and my son.. he is my best mate." I nod at him as I place my hand over his. "It's what you have been wanting and you should never be ashamed to put yourself first.. You have worked so hard taking care of everyone else for your whole life that you deserve to do what you want.. So I bet you will be feeling better soon enough and you can get this move going.. I'm sorry you will lose your lady.. but if I know anything about love.. which I don't know much.. I do know that if you truly love someone that you would do anything for them.. hence why you moved here for her.. but she is not even willing to do the same for you.. and that makes me think that you deserve better anyways.. so move home.. take a break and get your family back." He sends me a small smile that shows this is helping. "Have... have you told her yet?" He nods sadly at me before saying, "it went as well as yous could imagine, I suppose." I lean in hugging him as I lean back to say, "I know this has been a rough day for you but to show that there is always light at the end of every tunnel.. and for having a hard time.. I brought you this." I state bringing out the pudding I grabbed once again for him, causing him to automatically laugh as he wipes away the tears that have strayed from his welled eyes. "You're sweet.. I bet my son would adore you just as much as I do." He declares as I wave that comment off. "Everyone says that until they get to know me.. and that's why the only man in my life is Walter." I playfully state as he chuckles with me. "You can't be that bad." He states as I scoff. "Sure sure.. you believe what you want.. I hope you have a wonderful night and I'll see you tomorrow.. get some sleep you need it." He nods before waving as I waved back, leaving the room to get home after another long day. I got home and once settled in, I realized that the strong, heavy feeling had not left my heart.. but luckily I'm exhausted enough to know I will be able to get some sleep tonight.. Maybe not a ton, but some sleep is better than none.
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