Chapter 6 Room Introduction

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Lachlan's POV Well, I was completely taken off guard by that phone call. That was an unanticipated turn of events that hit me like a sucker punch.. I had so much on my mind at that moment, that I never imagined for one second it would end like that. It was hard to take that step but she made it easier by acting the way she did. No matter how it may have looked from the outside looking in, it was not easy for me to break something off that I was hoping would be really special to me, but I reckon she'll be apples in time.. Which is a common phrase stating that it will be alright. Besides, I have to hold onto the little bit of light in this dark situation. Things between her and I weren't serious at all yet and we only saw each other once or twice a week at that point, for just a couple of months at the most. So that's why I was curious how she would react to me leaving and going so far away. I was initially worried me leaving so unexpectedly would start problems for her and I.. not because she thinks I'm skipping out on her or bringing her to be the maid for me and my family.. but because she would miss me, but that was obviously not the case and bursting my bubble completely, being the turn in the conversation that I wasn't expecting. She didn't even talk about missing me at all or even have any worries about me or my family.. Only selfish words escaped her mouth and they just seemed to put a bad taste into mine. It sucks to have this happen, but I would rather see the person she really is, with her true feelings about family and growing old together, sooner than later. Especially before I wasted too much time with her because, obviously, this was a deal breaker for me and even her, I guess. Who knew that she was the jealously delusional type and threw out accusations like they are candy for kids at Halloween? I didn't. She didn't show any signs of this before, but we didn't see each other enough to expose those kinds of emotions apparently. So it was easy to pull that trigger once those feelings were shown, since I don't tolerate that treatment one bit, especially when it comes to my family. Family has always been a big deal to me and my Da is my best mate, so there is no way I am staying with someone who thinks the complete opposite of what should be done about their partner's family when they're in need of help.. So I would rather just get rid of her, than skip this trip, and that's exactly what has happened.. and it hurts to know that this is what I had to do. I huff out, sitting in the silent pissed off moment as I drive down the long stretch of open road, watching for kangaroos or wallabies that may pass over the stretch. We have more wrecks in the open from the wild life on this road than anything else. So you have to keep your wits about you when out driving around since the animals are free range in this area. I keep my eyes peeled as I speed by, wanting to get to my place right now, just to get this show on the road. My phone keeps loudly ringing and vibrating more than the car is making it. Of course, I look at it but only to roll my eyes, hating that it's her calling me once again.. but I don't want to deal with this drama.. My mind is already made up. I have enough to worry about with my belongings, trip and father, that I don't need to throw an angry EX-girlfriend on the list. I put my phone on silent as I continue driving, just wanting to get this going.. now. I continue to hear the phone vibrate, knowing that it's probably her again, but this time I am ignoring it. This makes me sad knowing how she reacted to my news, no concern for my father or my well-being, just selfishness.. which is hard for me to swallow since family has always meant everything to me.. After my mother passed, my father was all I had and we never left each other's sides.. He is my best mate and always will be. I even told her that, which is why this reaction shocks me even more. I even told her about when he left Australia and how much that move affected me personally.. because when he left for the states to be with his gold digging broad, it instantly put a strain on our relationship.. she is years younger than me and only seemed to want money by the conversations I was apart of.. He just wanted love and is a giving man who will give anything, even the shirt on his back, to anyone who needs it, and she was a woman who was attracted to him and, of course, his giving nature.. causing him to leave the outback and see where this goes, no matter how much I had warned him about this. I saw straight through her bullsh*t, I just wish he would have too. But he didn't. So, with her big begging eyes and his love for her.. he ended up just pampering her to no end, giving her anything and everything she wanted, when she asked. He did try to reunite us after months of being gone and even years, because he never forgot about me. But I understood since I never stopped thinking about my best mate and, believe me, I wanted to see him again.. but not her, and he always had her with him. They ended up begging for me to move over there with them, but I won't do that.. I don't want that.. I have never wanted to move over there. Yes, I thought it would be fun to visit, but not to stay forever and I won't force myself into an unhappy life just to be with my dad. I did want to visit too, don't get me wrong, it's just expensive to make that kind of trip.. and with my job it wasn't the most realistic thing to do with my smaller amount of funds.. But I have slowly saved money, and luckily I did, so I can make this trip now. I got to my place and quickly threw everything into my bags, packing up my favorite things that I might need.. I'm not sure what the weather is like in Florida, but I hear it's hot all year around for the most part, along with tendencies of wind and rain.. but I can't imagine it would be any worse than the open desert out here. So I keep getting my things together as I grab what money I have, even from my saved stash, since I don't know how much things cost over that way, but I hear that it is expensive, so I'm going to make sure that I am covered. I throw my bags into my truck as I make my way to the airport.. I can make sure to exchange my money for the state cash and get a one-way ticket there, since I don't know when I will be making the trip back. I can finally get to see my dad and help in any way that I can. I can't wait to see him. Minnie's POV I am making my rounds at work like usual.. just checking off each room and what needs to be taken care of in each. It sounds simple enough, but if something is forgotten about, especially after the person specifically asked for something to be done or fixed, then it usually makes the people feel neglected and like their opinions or thoughts don't matter.. So believe me when I say, that making them feel this way, is the last thing I ever want to do.. So I check my list carefully within each room that I enter, making sure they all have what they need. What helps with getting the patients to open up to tell me what they need, is making sure I have some type of personal relationship with each of them. Just so they know I'm not here to only work, that I am here and doing these things that might seem small to some, because I care for them. So I am close in all different ways with each of the people in my section. But I do think that with all of my special relationships here in this place, my closest one is with Mr.Thomas. I always make sure to go to his room a couple of times a day, but I go the normal route and hit his place like everyone else's, but then I secretly go and visit him to talk for a while after my shift as well. Not many know about those visits and I would like to keep it that way because I don't want anyone to feel bad, as if I like him more or anything along those lines. I stopped my cart by the next door, reading my list and getting what I would need for Mr.Thomas' room. I walk in with full hands as I instantly see a young woman, probably younger than me, kissing him passionately. By the tongue escaping from their lips, it's easy to declare there is French kissing happening.. So, way more sensual then I had anticipated. I stop dead in my tracks, not knowing what to do out of straight embarrassment because no one ever wants to walk in on an old man and young lady kissing.. It makes you feel gross and weird, especially since one is my friend.. I definitely don't want to stay and especially would hate to interrupt them. So what do I do? Do I just come back later? Yeah, I should probably just do that. I start turning around as I hear. "G'day Minnie.. my love this is the nurse I have told you about and she is the one that had called ya for me last night." He declares as I turn back around and sending a small smile to this woman.. She looks irritated with my presence, as if she didn't want me interrupting, but I swear I didn't want to interrupt them either. "Hi.. I'm Minnie, it's a pleasure to meet you." I say as I send her a big smile, but I can't extend a hand like I normally would since my hands are filled-up. But, with the look of disgust on her face that is sent right to me, I don't think she wants to shake it even if I had the chance to extend it her way. We stared for a short moment that seemed so long, but giving me a chance to see this woman that Mr. Thomas never really spoke about ever. I don't know why he wouldn't. But the longer we share the same space, the more it seems insane to me how much she looks like a barbie that I used to play with as a kid. She is young and beautiful but looks like she is made of plastic and that's why she looks this particular way. I would say it's a flawless appearance, but obviously there were enough flaws in her to want to change all of her. That's sad to think, but hopefully she got what she wanted out of however many surgeries she has done. I just hope under that plastic that she isn't all fake. But who really knows what she is made of, but I hope there is a heart under that large and obviously fake chest of hers. It doesn't go unnoticed by me that she didn't even say anything back to my greeting, she just glares daggers at me looking as if she is thinking for a short moment. Maybe there is not much in her head to think about so it doesn't take long, but who knows. She just turns around and looks back at Oliver. "Thanks for the checkbook my love." She states as he sends her look, telling her to silently do something. I can see her eyes rolling before she says to me, "Oh, and Minnie nice to meet you.. and Ollie? I did call your rude son.. he yelled and cursed at me.. But he was mad at this situation and that you wanted him to come down.. he says he is quite busy in his life at the moment, and that maybe he can try to come down here for you.. but he sounded reluctant like it would be a big maybe.. but we know that he probably won't show.. you know him, he hates me and the states that much." She declares as he looks heartbroken by her words and even concerned. "Did you tell him everything that happened to me just so he knows this is serious? because if he knew that, I know he would come here without hesitation. So what you're saying doesn't sound like something he would say or do in this situation if he knew everything." He states back in his son's defense as I suspiciously stare over at her. "Well maybe he has changed a lot in the years you have been with me.. Separation changes people my love and I'm sorry to have to be the bearer of this bad news. But someone has to do it. Because I told him all the details, but he just said that he would try his best and it wasn't very convincing on his part.. So I wouldn't hold your breath. You know how much he hates me and never wanted to come here ever. How many times did he tell us that? So many times.. So I think even his love for you won't be strong enough to bring him here.. but I will keep calling and begging for you.. and maybe he will be as dedicated as I am to you.. and finally come here to see you." She states but even though it sounds like she is trying to help, I already know that there is something not right about this.. because I have been here every day for months and I have only seen her a handful of times.
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