Chapter Nine

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Xzavier POV Shortly after breakfast Tessa fell asleep, curled up on herself in the chair across from me. Seeing her sleeping so peacefully made me want to carry her to my bed and spend the day cuddled up with her. As tempting as the thought was though, it was probably a little brazen to assume she wanted the same thing. So I let her sleep. Shortly before twelve, I jostled Tessas shoulder, attempting to wake her up. She grumbled incoherintly for a moment before turning to go back to sleep. I chuckled to myself, she was so cute when she was sleeping. I gingerly scooped her up, cradling her against my chest. No point in fighting her, she could sleep on the drive to the doctors as well. We arrived at the doctors, Tessa still sleeping soundly against my chest. At some point she had nuzzled down into my chest, one of her small hands knotting in the front of my shirt. As I shouldered through the door to Dr. Miles offices waiting room Tessa stirred against my chest. Slowly her eyes blinked open, taking in her surroundings. Her brow furrowed, as she looked around, confusion obvious on her face. She looked up at me, her cheeks flushing at the realization I was carrying her. " I can walk you know." " In your sleep? This is something I would love to see." Tessa glared up and me, and when I met her eyes she stuck her tongue out at me. By goddess, the things I could imagine her doing with that tongue, the things I wanted to do with that tongue. My body was screaming out, begging for me to kiss her right now, claim her as mine, showing her what that tongue was good for. Against everything I wanted to do, I set Tessa on her feet, just as Dr. Miles opened the door leading down the hall. Tessa went without a word. I sank into a chair in the entry way. I didn't know how long this was going to take so I had better pull myself together fast. I couldn't go around fantisizing about Tessa every minute of the day, even if everything in them was something I planned on doing with Tessa, at the first available oppurtunity. I rubbed my temples in an attempt to push the image I had created of her with her mouth wrapped around my stiff member out of my head. It was proving to be one of the hardest things I had ever done. I looked around, trying in vain to find anything to distract me from the thought of Tessa. Thankfully at that moment, Dr. Miles stepped out holding a tablet. "Alpha, I am going to show you something but you must keep in mind this information is to stay between us. You are never to tell Tessa I showed you these," she explained sitting in the chair beside me. I gave her a solemn nod, already expecting the worst, Michael must have broken her jaw. However, when she turned the tablet I was not looking at an x-ray of Tessas head, but at one of a rib cage. "Whose..." "This is Tessa. I told her I wanted an x-ray to make sure there was no fluid in her lungs. I had a sneaking suspicion that there was more to her story. She's had multiple broken ribs. The oldest looks to be about three years old, the newest maybe six weeks at the most. Her right clavicle was also broken at one point. Had she spent much time in her wolf form, these breaks would be undetectable, all things considered though, I'm not sure she has ever shifted." I was rendered speechless. How was there so much about this girl that shocked me into silence? How had this girl survived such continuous abuse? Who was the soon to be dead man that had been the abuser? Why did my chest feel like a rock was sitting on it? Was the room closing in around me or was I imagining it? "Alpha?" The doctors voice seemed miles away. I couldn't breath in here. I jumped up turning for the door. " Send Tessa back to the packhouse with the driver." I growled as I ran through the door. My instincts started to take over as I ran full sprint for the treeline behind the office. My body was searching for release, for a way to vent this anger burning into me. My body began shifting on its own, ripping my clothes away from my skin as the bones elongated and fur burst forth. The scraps fell away as I continued my sprint into the woods, now on all four. The strong muscles of my legs pumped harder as I bounded deeper into the woods. Tree branches whipped against my body but the pain was a welcome distraction from the turmoil raging in my mind. Everything about Tessa was proving to be one big mystery. Everytime I thought I was finding something out, all I got were more unanswered questions. How was I going to build a relationship with a girl that seemed to continually be shrinking back into the dark, hiding herself from the light I wanted so badly to shine on her? More importantly though, how was I going to make her feel safe enough to open up to me? Dr. Miles had said I should wait till she was ready, but she would never be ready if she didn't feel safe.
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