
Spoiled by Her Second Chance

enimies to lovers

" This isn't the first time that girl has taken a hit. Her whole torso and the upper part of her legs are covered in bruises that have almost healed. Where ever she was before, she wasn't being treated right."

I felt like someone had pulled the rug out from under me. My world seemed to tilt at a strange angle. Tessa. Small, angel looking, probably couldn't swat a fly if she tried Tessa, had been abused. No wonder no one knew her story, she was probably trying her hardest to hide it. Anger swelled in my chest at the thought of someone laying their hands on Tessa. Everything in me screamed to find the low life trash that would do such a thing and end them.

"Alpha Xzavier, you must calm down. I don't think anger will help Tessa any now." Of course she was right. As I forced some deep breathes she continued.

"If I may be so bold, it seems you two have formed a connection. I can't be for sure yet but I believe you may have found your fated mate with her. You won't know for sure until you are intimate with each other. This has become such a rare occurrence that I can't be sure until I know more. "

Fated mate? In my twenty-three years of life, I was yet to hear of a fated mate couple, let alone an Alpha finding their fated mate. I had come to think of the stories more like legends than actual history. If my feelings for her didn't run so deep I would have thought the doctor crazy.

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Chapter One
Tessa POV I starred down at my phone, fingers poised to dial. I knew that if I could just talk to my mom, she would be able to help me get out of this. The problem is, if I call her, he very well could find out where I am. I'd worked so hard to erase myself and any trail that may have been left behind. The trouble I had gone through to even hide my scent was a feat of pure genius (or sheer dumb luck, that verdict is still out.)He has people that would help him hunt me down, no questions asked. I'd find myself locked away, or worse, I'd be dead, and no one would ever know the truth. I sighed, dropping my head and laying the phone down on my nightstand. Correction... my borrowed nightstand. Nothing in this one room apartment was mine except for the backpack and duffel bag still sitting by the door where I had dropped them on my way in. When I left the Black Crest Pack, the only part I knew for sure was I had to put as much distance behind me as possible. I knew simply escaping pack territory would not be enough. Even just going to the next pack territory would not be enough. I've crossed four pack territories since leaving two days ago. After crossing borders and more open country than I had ever seen, I finally hit mountains the morning of my third day. By the third night, the radiator in my old 96 Chevy truck finally blew up, leaving me stranded just about two miles outside Red Moon pack territory. The only thing I knew about this pack prior to crossing its border was that they were one of the few packs that didn't venture out of their territory. They stayed very secluded and secretive. Any envoy we had ever sent to them came back after being turned away at the border. I was hoping not to meet the same fate when I finally walked up to the border station. The guards sniffed around me for a moment, checked my bags, and asked for ID. Just about the time I thought they would turn me away, the gate lifted, and I was waved through. Once on the other side, I took my first deep breath in months. The next step was finding a place to live. Just about a mile inside the border headlights rolled up behind me. I heard the vehicle pull over and was immediately filled with fear and was ready to run. When I glanced back though a little red head, green eyed, middle-aged woman was climbing out of a newer Dodge Ram. She looked me up and down, shook her head, and said "Girl get in this truck." While she may have said it, it came out with a very southern twangy drawl. I weighed my options only for a moment before deciding to get in. It was hard to tell how much further it would be until town and night had settled around me long ago, making me leery of being in the dark alone. She drove a little farther down the road to what can only be described as a remodeled barn. It sat in small opening of trees with a gravel lot out front. Behind it stood a small rickety shed. There was an unlit neon sign in the window that read "Jessies Place" in curvy letters. She parked around the side and opened a door that I don't think was even locked. She motioned me in and flipped some lights on. We were now inside a cute but shabby bar. There were little booths lining the wood covered walls, and a tall bar took up almost the whole back wall. Two pool tables filled the middle of the room. She motioned for me to sit down as she walked around the back side of the bar. She pulled two beers from an under counter fridge. She passed one to me and took a deep swig from hers before she spoke. "Might as well start with your name. We can go from there." "Tessa. And I take it you're Jessie." It wasn't a question as much as a statement, but she nodded anyway. I didn't dare tell her my real name. That girl was dead. Tessa was alive. "How old are you, child?" "20, 21 in September," I told her the truth here. That was the age on my forged ID, so it only made sense to use it. I truly had been 20 before running from my past. She took another deep swig before continuing on. "Child, by the look of things you are a runnin'. From what I won't ask, at least not now. The only question I want answered is, do ya have a place to go?" She said all this, not like a stranger I had met less than twenty minutes prior but more like a mom asking if her child was prepared for the next stage of life. "Honestly ma'am, no. I decided I would figure it out as I went." I dropped my head trying to hide the heat rising in my cheeks. Planning how to leave the Black Crest Pack had been a hard enough task, let alone planning what would come after. I felt truly ashamed of myself for not thinking this through more. "Well, if you're willing to work, I've got a place for you to stay." My head snapped up as she finished talking. " A place to stay?" "Yes, child. You can work here and bartend for me. In return, you can stay upstairs. Theres an apartment I usually rent out to a local college student, but I think you need it more than they do, honey. It's got some furniture and dishes and the like and you're welcome to stay as long as you need." In that moment, I realized just how thankful I was to break down in the Red Moon pack territory. After a quick walk around, Jessie handed me a set of keys, patted my arm, and left me to get settled. I glanced at the phone I had just abandoned on the nightstand and checked the time. Fifteen minutes till midnight. I glanced around myself at my temporary home. It was perfect in its own way. In one large open room was a kitchenette nestled in one corner, a sofa and TV arranged by a large window that faced the road, and a full bed pressed against the wall that housed the bathroom. In the bathroom was a full shower and a closet that held a washer and dryer. The best part, however, was only one door with stairs that connected it to the kitchen downstairs and a full view of the street. There was little chance anyone could sneak up on me here. I grabbed my bags from by the door, quickly emptying the clothes into the dresser at the foot of the bed, tossing the dirty stuff in a pile by the bathroom. I unloaded my toiletries and towels into the cabinets in the bathroom while I let the shower run to warm up. After three days of driving a steaming hot shower is exactly what I needed to relax. As I began to undress, I took inventory of the bruises that covered my chest, stomach, and legs. There were layers of them in varying stages of healing. I cringed at the memory of our most recent fight that came flooding forward. I had already been planning my escape but was just waiting on the perfect opportunity to present itself. Kyle, Beta, to the Black Crest Packs alpha, and my husband had been having meetings the whole day. All their meals had even been taken in the pack house conference room. At about eight o'clock, I heard the council members switch venues to the bar room. My heart plummeted to my stomach. Kyle was always at his worst after drinking. I crawled into the king four poster bed that had been a gift from the Alpha on our wedding day. He wished us many happy and sleepless nights.' Little did I realize then what that would mean for me. I shook myself mentally and physically, making myself come back to the present. I quickly turned from the mirror and stepped into the shower, ready to cleanse my body and mind. I let the steaming water wash away the grime and terror. When I stepped out, I was feeling better, but fatigue from the past three days had set in. Napping in the truck at rest stops was no way to sleep. Dragging my feet, I made my way to the bed, unable and uncaring to even put on pajamas. I crawled under the blue flowered comforter and was asleep within what felt like seconds.

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