Chapter Eight

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Tessa POV I glanced over my shoulder, and not seeing anyone following, dropped from my light jog to a brisk walk. I didn't want to draw attention to myself but the more distance I could put behind me the better. I needed to clear my head and that had been next to impossible while sitting in Xzaviers bed smelling his scent of sandalwood and summer rain. Just his scent was sending my brain into a tizzy and the thought of it now was not helping anything. I shookmy head, forcing myself to focus on the task at hand. Once the doctor had left, I saw an oppurtunity and took it. I'd changed into my clothes from the prior night with record speed, racing down the hallway and stairs till I was outside. Even then I'd been jogging for the last ten minutes, staying to the side roads that ran parallel to the main road to Jessies. In all fairness, I did stay until the physician looked at me, so there was really no reason for me to still be there. Somehow, I doubted Xzavier would see it that way though. As I rounded another corner, I could see a black SuperDuty speeding down the road. My stomach sank. Fight or flight kicked in, flight winning out. I turned, looking for an escape route. The truck screeched to a halt in front of me as I started for the tree line. I tried to focus on shifting as my legs carried me closer to the safety of the woods. I could hear someone behind me, I just had to beat them to the woods. I stood a chance at losing them in there. Just as I started to feel my fingernails elongate my body was jerked to a halt, my legs flying forward at the abrupt stop. There was an arm around my waist, lifting me off the ground. "I got her Lukas," a gruff voice called over my head. The person carrying me turned, heading back to where the truck sat idling. I kicked out, attempting to make contact with the brute holding me hostage. I could still get away. " Woah, easy sweetheart. The Alpha has requested your safe return to the packhouse. He won't take to kindly of you showing up with a broken toe from kicking one of his warriors." The man was laughing as he talked. My legs halted, but my mind began spinning. The Alpha? What could the Alpha want with me? I had never even met the Alpha. I tried to create some reason for all of this as the back door of the truck swung open from the inside. I knew a warrior when I saw one, and there was definetly one sitting in the back seat of that truck. I was in the back seat, squished between to large burly men, each with a buzz cut and sporting training gear. Another man was driving, this one with shaggy brown hair and wearing a t-shirt with a band on it I had never heard of. The Alpha had sent warriors to collect me, and by the look of them, high ranking ones at that. The truck rounded the packhouse drive, coming to a stop in front of the steps. Xzavier stood at the top, leaning back against the front door, his expression unreadable. The warriors quickly jumped out pulling me with them. They both bowed their heads in Xzaviers direction, and I felt my stomach sink, realization coming over me. "Alpha Xzavier, we returned her safely as promised." My mind was reeling. Alpha Xzavier? Alpha Xzavier?! How could I have missed this. Jessie only referred to him as Xzavier, and come to think of it, that was the only person I had seen him talk to in the short time I had known him. My stomach started doing flips as I climbed the steps flanked by the warriors. Xzavier opened the door and I was ushered inside. I turned to see Xzavier whisper to the warriors before closing the door, leaving the two of us standing in the empty entry way. "You look like your going to be sick." I truely felt like I might be sick. Almost everything I had done in Xzaviers presence the past two days came rushing back. Riding on his motorcycle, wearing his clothes, sleeping in his bed while he slept on the couch, all things that I would have never associated with an Alpha. I swallowed hard, lowering my head in respect. " I- I had no idea you were the Alpha. I must apologize for my behavior last night and this morning. H-Had I known I never would have-" Xzaviers fingers brushed the hair from my cheek, sliding under my chin, tilting it up, forcing me to meet his gaze. I cast my eyes down, meeting the Alphas gaze was dangerous and a sign of disrespect. "Look at me Tessa." Against all my training, I forced my eyes up, looking into the depths of his deep gold eyes. I felt my breath catch in my throat. His eyes had hardened to steal and I felt like I had just failed a crucial test. "Do not apologize for the time I have spent with you. It is an insult to precious memories." His voice was gruff and carried a deep undertone. His fingers against my chin sent chills down my spine that settled in my stomach. It was like having electricity pass between us. My mind was screaming for me to step back, create space from the Alpha, remember all my etiquette training. The rest of my body was not in agreeance. My heart was thundering against my ribs from our shared proximity. My senses were sent into overdrive as his delicious scent over took me. Xzaviers tongue traced across his lips, sending a shiver to an area farther south than my stomach. Such a small action and I was ready to melt into a puddle at his feet. I had to get ahold of myself before things became more than I was prepared for. I forced my feet to move, stepping back from Xzavier. Without him touching me I could think a little clearer. The fog that seemed to come over me with his touch cleared. I remembered I had been brought here for a reason. "The warriors said you requested my return, why?" "You were never suppose to leave. Dr. Miles wants you at her office at noon. You were suppose to rest until then, not take off for a hike across the territory." His voice was full of disapproval. The hairs on the back of my neck pricked up. He was talking to me like a disobedient child. He had never once said I had to stay after seeing the physician and for that matter I never even saw him prior to the physician waking me up. "Did you ever think it would be a good idea to inform me of what was going on?" I asked pulling at the hem of my shirt. Xzavier seemed to contemplate this for a moment before smirking down at me. " Point well taken," he said turning on his heel. He motioned for me to follow as he started down a hall by the left staircase. This one was made over in pale blues, the floor covered in white ceramic tiles. The distinct smell of bacon frying hit me as we walked and my stomach made an audible growl. At the end of the hall Xzavier pushed open a swinging door to reveal a large kitchen. Large might have actually been an understatement. Every appliance imaginable was inside this kitchen. From the fifteen burner stove, to the deep fryer, to the stand mixer big enough I could have probably fit in it. One corner held a small wooden breakfast nook that looked like it had seen its fair share of meals. The three women in the kitchen stopped long enough to bow their heads to Xzavier before continuing on with their work. Xzavier placed his hand in the small of my back sending electricity coursing through my veins. Xzavier guided me toward the nook. I slid onto the bench he pointed at while he sat in the adjacent one. No sooner than we had sat down, a petite gray haired woman set a heaping plate of food in front of each of us followed by a tray with a coffee pot, cream, sugar and mugs. The lady patted Xzaviers shoulder and kissed the top of his head before turning back to her work. "Thanks Ms. P," Xzavier called after her as she walked away. My face must have said it all because Xzavier started to explain as he tucked into his breakfast. "Ms. P was a slave in another territory before she managed to escape here. Of course by that point her prior pack had cut out her tongue. My father was Alpha when she arrived and he immdiately took her on here at the packhouse as a cook. She's been here since I was a pup. She's been more like a surrogate mom than an employee. She treats everyone with so such kindness." Xzaviers voice was full of love and respect as he talked about Ms. P. My heart went out to Ms. P. I knew that pack slaves were not treated well in many territories and the Black Crest Pack had been no exception. More than once, slaves had been killed for simple mistakes or transgressions. That did not seem to be the case here. I looked down at the food Ms. P had prepared for us. There was pancakes, bacon, eggs, sausage, toast, and hashbrowns all piled high on the plate. It all looked and smelled amazing. Xzavier and I passed the meal in silence, both of us seeming to caught up in our own thoughts to have much of a conversation. After a quick thank you to Ms. P, Xzavier led us back upstairs to the door beside his room. He opened it to reveal a large office and conference room. There was a large desk littered with papers placed in front of the windows, lounge chairs arranged on the opposite side. The conference table stretched the length of the room, red office chairs spaced out around it. This must be where Xzavier worked duing the day fulfilling his many Alpha duties. Xzavier sat behind the desk and immediately began sorting through papers. I sat in one of the lounge chairs opposite, tucking my feet up in the seat. He seemed at ease here, like he was made to be Alpha. I guess in a way he had been. He did mention his dad was the prior Alpha. As Xzavier worked, I sat watching him, my eyelids growing heavy. I guess only four hours of sleep would do that to a person. Slowly sleep won out.
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