Chapter Ten

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Tessa POV Xzavier had disappeared from the doctors office, only leaving word for me to return to the packhouse with the driver. I couldn't understand what was going on. He had seemed so kind when we arrived, I just couldn't wrap my head around what had changed. To try and distract myself, I began wondering the halls of the packhouse, peeking into doors here and there. So far I had found a gym, pool, formal dining room for what looked like thirty, an informal dining room for twice as many, and a game room that had every gaming console out, a wall of board games, and a very elaborate chess set displayed on a custom table. After walking down a short hallway connected to the game room I found a door that led to the back yard. The back yard had a stone walk, lined with red and yellow rose bushes that were in full bloom. There was a decent vegetable garden off one side of the walk, a small grove of fruit trees on the other. There was a large garage farther out, a narrow gravel drive connecting it to the main road. One of the large doors on the garage was thrown open and I could hear music playing from inside. I peaked around the side of the garage and felt my jaw hit the floor. There was a fleet of cars and trucks stored in here. Every make and model a girl could imagine, all in perfect condition. There were even ATV's stored in the back corner. I stepped in, eyeing the row of muscle cars along the back wall. Chevy Camaro, Ford Mustang, Dodge Charger, they were all there. "Pretty impressive huh?" I nearly came out of my skin. A creeper had rolled out from under the nearest truck, on it laid the driver from my capture earlier. What had been his name? Marcus? Lukas? Lukas sounded right. " I've never seen so many cars in one place. Are these all Alpha Xzavier's?" Lukas chuckled. " No they are in case of emergency. Boss likes to be prepared for anything." He stood pushing the creeper toward the next car with his foot. " What is Alpha Xzavier like?" I blurted. I couldn't help the question as it flew out of my mouth. I wanted to know more about the man that was consuming my thoughts and confusing the hell out of me. He slid under the next car. " He's a good guy. He comes off very stern and reserved. He's not always that way though. He is very kind, and has a big heart, not that he lets it show often. He especially has a soft spot for Ms. P. She practically raised him after his mom died." "What happened to his mom?" "Rogue attack. First and last one we had seen for years. Luna Eva was running the territory line, it was common for her. Next thing everyone knew she had been attacked. There was no saving her. Alpha James never fully recovered from the lose of his wife, and boss suffered the lose of two parents rather than one. He was only six. Once he was of age, Alpha James passed the pack down and moved deep into the mountains. Xzavier has been running things ever since." My heart sank into my stomach. Poor Xzavier. He had suffered so much loss at such a young age. I could only imagine the pain he was feeling. My mom had always been the one person in the world that I could turn to for everything. Xzavier had lost that person. "Hey wanna give me a hand?" Lukas called from under the car. I crouched down by him to see him holding the gas tank cover in his hands. He seemed to be struggling to get the cover mounted up again and I could definetly use the distraction right now. For the next twenty minutes Lukas and I worked together to get everything aligned and tightened down. It had actually went smoother than I thought it would. I laughed as Lukas cracked his knuckles off the drive shaft for the third time, curses flying. My laughter was cut short though when I suddenly found myself being slid out from under the truck. I looked up to see Xzavier straddling me, his brow quirked at me. My heart melted a little at the sight of the small smile playing at the corner of his lips. Knowing he had suffered so much in the past had suddenly made his happiness all the more important. "Well, well, well. Seems another man has smitten you with humor," Xzavier teased. "More like broken knuckles," Lukas grumbled sliding out from under the truck, chucking his wrench at Xzaviers leg. He side stepped the throw expertly, the wrench clattering across the floor. "I know this may come as a foreign concept but you are suppose to be healing," Xzavier said, hauling me to my feet. His touch sent a wave of electricity through my body. Color began creeping up my neck. I knew he was right but after being left at the doctors without an explanation I had really needed a distraction. " I was just looking around and happened across the garage," I explained shrugging my shoulders. " So you felt the need to do some light mechanic work?" His voice was thick with sarcasm. " She's pretty good with a wrench boss, better than most," Lukas grunted as he retrieved his thrown wrench from under a small car. Xzavier quirked his brow at Lukas, before side eyeing me. I could feel my face blushing now. " Did you talk to the doctor?" I was thankful for the change of subject. " Yes. She said nothing was broken but to spend more time in my wolf form so I can heal faster." I tried to keep my distaste of the idea from creeping into my voice but failed miserably. " Why does it sound like you're not a fan of the idea?" Xzavier asked leading us out of the garage. I felt my heart sink. Could I really tell him that I had only been in my wolf form twice? Kyle had forbidden me from leaving the Black Crest packhouse, and a packhouse is no place to be in wolf form. Even when I had shifted, the pain had been excrutiating. I had always been told it got easier over time. Your bones became use to the shift, your muscles knew what shape to take, and even growing fur became second nature. " Let's just say I haven't exactly gotten use to the change," I grumbled kicking at the gravel. Xzavier began to chuckle, but stopped short when I turned to glare at him. " Why not give it another try? There's nothing better for the soul than a good run through the woods." I rolled my eyes at him. " As much as I'd like the chance to find out for myself, I doubt running through strange woods is a good idea. I'm bound to get lost." " Well, I can always go with you."
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