Chapter Seven

1573 Words
Xzavier POV As Tessas breathing slowed and deepened I knew that she had gone to sleep. It took her next to no time. She looked so small curled up in the middle of my bed. My bed. My mind swirled with all the things I wanted to do to her in that bed. I could see her under me, her body arching up as I pounded into her. The sounds she would make as she climaxed around me. My body was responding to my daydream, becoming almost painfully hard. I tossed the papers on my desk before sinking onto the couch. How I was going to get any sleep with Tessa just across the room was beyond me. I knew next to nothing about her but that didn't stop my body from craving her touch. I thought back on that moment in the shower when we had locked eyes. In the depths of those perfect blues, I saw my future. Every want and desire I had was now centered around her and her happiness. I knew that I would go to the ends of the Earth to keep her safe. She became the one thing in this world I knew I could never again live without. I needed an explanation for these feelings. No other girl had ever stirred these kind of feelings within me. There was nothing like them. Laid back on the couch, I had a clear view of Tessa as she slept. The small movement of her chest rising and falling, the way her hair lay spread out across the pillows, even her small bruised cheek were all perfect. Even injured as she was, (which I was still going to make Michael pay for), she looked like a gift from the moon goddess, perfect and serene. I fell asleep daydreaming of the future we would have. I jerked awake to someone knocking at my door. I jumped up, rushing to answer it before they could wake Tessa. I yanked the door open to find Lukas standing in the hall. " What is it?" I hissed. Why was he bothering me this early? "Just came to check about last night boss. You seemed pretty... pissed." Lukas was looking past me now, a question forming on his face. I glanced back to where Tessa was still asleep in my bed. She was laying on her stomach, blonde hair scattered around her. I pulled the door closed a little, hiding Tessa from view. "I'll explain later. Until then, send for the physician, and send the contractors to Jessies. I owe her a door." A series of emotions played across Lukas's face before he gained his composure again. "Will do. Want me to tell the kitchen to send breakfast for two?" He asked wagging his eyebrows at me. "Yes," I growled shutting the door. I looked over at Tessa again. She was still fast asleep. The clock beside the bed read seven o'clock. I groaned, four hours was not enough sleep. I knew better than to hope for more at this point though. Sleep or no sleep I had meetings today. Pack business had to be managed. I needed a shower. I let the water run hot, trying to relax the muscles in my sore neck from sleeping on the couch. My mind kept wandering to Tessa, asleep just outside the door. I hoped she would stay asleep till the physician came. Once throughly cleaned and dressed I sat down at my desk to review more paperwork. I'd barely started when the second knock of the morning sounded. I opened the door to find the pack physician, Dr. Heather Miles, standing in the hall. She was a tall and slender woman, her pepper gray hair pulled into a bun. "Good morning Alpha Xzavier. What can I do for you?" She asked stepping in. "Take a look at her," I said waving to Tessa. "Michael hit her last night while working and then she had some kind of panic attack were she almost stopped breathing." Heather nodded thoughtfully before walking over to the bed. "See me in my office when you're finished," I said ducking out the door and into my office next door. The goal was to get some work done but I found I was unable to focus, my mind repeatedly returning to the thought of Tessa. I worried about her injuries, then about how I may kill Michael if he had done more than bruise her. I was still contemplating killing him for that alone. Tessa seemed like a little spit fire, fiesty and quick witted. Not a single ounce of her seemed like a fighter though. She was to full of love and happiness to fight. I found myself pacing the floor waiting for Dr. Miles. After what felt like an eternity, there was a light knock followed by Dr. Miles stepping in. She had a look of mild shock as she sat across from me at the conference table. "Well?" "I'd like her to come to the clinic for some x-rays. She doesn't have a concussion and I don't think he broke her jaw but I'd like to rule it out anyway. She needs to spend more time in her wolf form. Her bones are still very rigid. They haven't had much of a chance to bend and stretch. She'll heal quicker if she spends more time in her wolf form. Also I found something... interesting when I was checking her lungs." She stopped here taking a deep breath. I had a terrible feeling I wouldn't like what she was about to say. " This isn't the first time that girl has taken a hit. Her whole torso and the upper part of her legs are covered in bruises that have almost healed. Where ever she was before, she wasn't being treated right." I felt like someone had pulled the rug out from under me. My world seemed to tilt at a strange angle. Tessa. Small, angel looking, probably couldn't swat a fly if she tried Tessa, had been abused. No wonder no one knew her story, she was probably trying her hardest to hide it. Anger swelled in my chest at the thought of someone laying their hands on Tessa. Everything in me screamed to find the low life trash that would do such a thing and end them. "Alpha Xzavier, you must calm down. I don't think anger will help Tessa any now." Of course she was right. As I forced some deep breathes she continued. "If I may be so bold, it seems you two have formed a connection. If you would like that connection to blossom, and I figure you do, you must let her open up to you when she is ready. I can't be for sure yet but I believe you may have found your fated mate with her. You won't know for sure until you are intimate with each other. This has become such a rare occurance that I can't be sure until I know more. " Fated mate? I'd heard the stories growing up, I knew fated mates used to be very common. The couples drew strength from one another, creating some of the strongest warrior couples ever. For Alphas, the strength they obtained became other worldly. Their mate and Luna would become one of strongest people in the pack, and the only person that could manage the Alpha. Over the generations though, less and less people were finding their fated mate and some even rejected theirs, afraid of the power that came with the union. In my twenty-three years of life, I was yet to hear of a fated mate couple, let alone an Alpha finding their fated mate. I had come to think of the stories more like legends than actual history. If my feelings for her didn't run so deep I would have thought the doctor crazy. " Have you told her any of this?" "No. She seemed overwhelmed as is and I found it prudent to speak to you first." "Don't tell her. I'd like for her to make her choice because it is what she wants, not because of fear or obligation." " Even if it means heartbreak?" " Even if it means heartbreak. I would let her go if I knew she would be happier elsewhere. I would probably die a slow painful death everyday without her, but I would let her go." Somehow I knew her happiness would forever be the one thing that would make life without her bearable. Dr. Miles nodded thoughtfully. " I will not tell her, but eventually you will have to." She stood, nodded to me and turned to leave. "Bring her by about noon. She should rest until then. " Once she was out of the room I let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding. By the goddess, this was not how I expected the morning to go. I dropped my head into my hands. Anymore unexpected news this morning and I just might lose it. A small knock sounded. "Enter." Sarah the maid poked her head in. "Will you be taking breakfast in here sir?" she asked bowing her head respectfully. "No, I'll eat next door with Tessa. She must be hungry by now." "But sir, " Sarah looked like like she was actually... shaking? "She left once the doctor finished her examination. "
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