Chapter Six

1067 Words
Tessa POV As Xzavier drove I couldn't help but turn my face to the sky. Night had always been my favorite time of day. When the sky was clear like tonight you could see all the stars and even the spots on the moon. There was true beauty in the constellations the moon goddess had given us, each with their own story. When I'd had trouble sleeping as a child mom and I would go outside and lay in the hammock on the porch. She'd point out a constellation and tell me the story behind it. Her words would paint pictures of gallant warriors, fierce battles, and tender love. It was there, nestled in her arms, the hammock swaying gently, her soft voice reciting stories, I would finally go to sleep. By the goddess I missed her. I was pulled from my reverie as the bike slowed, turning onto a crescent drive. The packhouse was enormous, twice the size of the Black Crest Pack one. All three stories of windows were dark but considering it had to be at least three in the morning that didn't come as a surprise. Xzavier pulled the bike close to the door before killing the engine and climbing off. I followed suit keeping a distance between us. I still didn't understand the feelings that had came over me earlier and right now I was leary of Xzavier, in more than one way. He led us through the front door into a grand entryway, complete with vaulted ceilings and a chandelier. There were two sets of steps that curved up the back wall, connected by a walkway. Xzavier started up the right sides stairs, at the top he turned to the right passing through a set of French doors. We were now in a long hallway, both sides lined with doors. The walls were painted a warm cream, the carpet covering the floor just a shade darker. There were lit wall sconces spaced out down the hall. Someone had dimmed the bulbs just enough to still light the hall but just barely. When we were almost to the end of the hall, Xzavier turned to the second to last door on the right. He pushed it open gesturing for me to go in. The only light in this room came through the large windows against the far wall. I heard the door click behind me and I turned to find Xzavier... locking it? He pocketed the key and flipped a switch on the wall. With the lights on I could see that we were in someones room. The walls, carpets, and furniture were made over in varying shades of brown. There was a large desk that faced out the windows, a sitting area arranged to one side of it. There were papers scattered across the whole area. Another wall held the most books I had ever seen outside a library. On each end of the bookshelf was a closed door. The bed was the grand feature of the room. It was a canopy bed, larger than any king bed with long maroon curtains hanging around it. There was a mountain of pillows against the headboard, the blankets were thrown back like someone had just gotten up. "Whose room-?" "It's mine." Xzavier cut me off. I could feel the blood leaving my face. "I can't- " "Yes you can stay here. You're not staying anywhere someone can't keep an eye on you. You could have a concussion." "Where will I -" "On the bed." "Where will you-" "On the couch. And to avoid any further questions in regards to this, no you don't have a choice and yes I have the only key. Does that answer everything?" He dropped into the chair behind the desk, rubbing his temples. I swallowed, finding the action difficult. I glanced around the room again before speaking. "I don't have anything to sleep in." Xzavier looked up, mirth playing across his face. He crossed the room and disappeared behind the door at the far end of the bookshelves. A moment later he stepped out tossing a small bundle to me. I caught it and looked down at a t-shirt and pair of shorts. His t-shirt and shorts. "Bathrooms over there if you want same privacy," he said pointing at the other door. I nodded my thanks and raced through it, turning the lock once inside. There was a large tile shower with a bench, a jacuzzi tub that looked like it could hold twelve, a double bowl vanity, and the toilet had been tucked away into a little nook for added privacy. I sank onto the edge of the tub, cradling the clothes in my lap. I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest. I was going to be spending the night in a strangers bed. I'd never even had a one night stand, let alone slept in a strange bed. I took some deep breaths, trying to calm myself as I changed. Xzaviers clothes were almost comically big on me. His shirt hung to my knees, and no amount of tightening was going to make those shorts stay up. After a few moments I abandoned them on the floor. There wasn't anything they would cover that the shirt didn't. Gritting my teeth and squaring my shoulders I stepped out of the bathroom. Xzavier stood leaning against the desk, reading over a stack of papers. He had also changed into a pair of red checkered pajama pants and black t-shirt. He looked up as I stepped out of the bathroom. I could see his jaw working as he looked me over, heat rising in my cheeks. It was like I could feel him touching me everywhere his eyes were. It sent a shiver down my spine. I couldn't help but wonder what his touch would feel like. "Thank you for the clothes," I blurted. Xzavier nodded his acknowledgement before turning back to the papers in his hand. I eyed the bed for a moment before crawling into the center of it. While I was leery of sleeping in a strangers bed, the tiredness I could feel taking over my body was outweighing that. I pulled the covers up around my chin, nestling into the mountain of pillows. I couldn't help but think about how soft the bed was as sleep claimed my body.
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