Chapter Five

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Tessa POV This had to be what drowning felt like. Unable to breath in or out, choked up and fighting to break through the pain. "Breathe Tessa, take a breath... for me." I could vaguely hear a voice begging me to breathe. It was filled with concern and fear. How strange to hear the two mixed with such a beautiful voice. A voice like that had to belong to an angel. Darkness began creeping over me. I felt a hand brush my cheek as the voice spoke again. "Fight it Tessa. Take a breath." Using my last bit of strength I pushed against the tightness in my chest. My lungs suddenly filled , forcing me into a fit of coughing. My body shook as coughs raked through me. I gasped for air, filling my body and lungs again. I slowly started to become aware of my surroundings. I was sitting in my shower, cold water pouring over me. The events that lead to this moment came flooding back. That truely vile man making a grab at me, slapping his hand away, his fist colliding with my cheek. Jessie and Heath were there in an instant, Heath shoving me behind him. Jessie was using cuss words I'd never even heard before. Then he called me a b***h. So many memories flooded forward in that moment. Kyle screaming at me, Kyle raising his hand to hit me, Kyle looming over me as I laid crying on the floor. That one word had sent me spiraling. I'd run into the kitchen, hiding in a corner to escape everything crashing down around me. All the happiness I had felt over the past five days didn't compare to the fear crushing me. My breaths were coming to quick, my heart racing. Jessie came in trying to calm me down. Then that man had showed up. He loomed over me, just like Kyle had. He was going to hurt me too. Jessie was arguing, and then, I was flying. I'd felt weightless, moving with such speed. Then the cold came, it overtook everything and all the other feelings in my body were pushed out. Nothing compared to the cold. I started to shiver as feeling returned to my body. The cold was stinging my cheek where it was definetly bruising. I turned my face, hiding it against a warm body. Warm body?! My eyes snapped open taking in my surroundings. I was cradled against someones chest. They were wearing a maroon shirt and I became keenly aware of their arms wrapped around me. Looking up, we locked eyes. His were a deep gold, almost amber colored. He had such an intense look of concern. In that moment, something shifted within me. It felt like a connection was created. I could have even swore I heard a click, like two puzzle peices that fit together perfectly. It was like his soul and mine joined together, melting and blending into a warm happiness. In that moment, I knew that nothing else in this world mattered as long as he was there. He would forever be my person and I his. We were to be one until the end of time. That moment could have stretched for hours or just meer seconds but I finally remembered, I don't know this man! I felt heat rise in my cheeks. I turned away from him and pushed against his chest in an attempt to get away from him. What I wasn't prepared for was how strong he was and how weak I had become. Apparently almost passing out takes a lot out of you. "P-Please p-put m-me d-d-down." I hadn't even realized my teeth were chattering until I stuttered out that sentence. Rather than answer me the man reached out, turning the water off. He stepped out of the shower and gingerly set me on my feet. He grabbed the towel from the rack wrapping it around me. "Stay put," he said grabbing another towel and ducking out the door. I could hear him moving around the apartment. In a moment he had returned, one hand drying his head with the towel, the other carrying a change of clothes. "Change. You'll warn up faster." He set the clothes on the sink, ducking out again, this time shutting the door behind him. I reached out and twisted the lock before sinking to the floor. What in the heck was going on? A man I don't know was in the shower with me (even if we were fully clothed), we shared a very intense moment of which origins were still unknown to me, and now I felt absolutely mortified that he had gone through my drawers to bring me a change of dry clothes. What had this night turned into?! After quite a few deep breaths, I stood and peeled out of my wet clothes. I felt my face go pure scarlet when I saw that he had brought me a complete change of clothes, bra and underwear included. It was official, this night couldn't get any worse. Once dressed, I looked in the mirror to access the damage. My busted lip had stopped bleeding but my cheek sported a large red spot that was already starting to turn purple. It was odd seeing a bruise in such a visible place. I ran a brush through my hair, doing my best to cover the worst of my cheek but no amount of brushing seemed to help. I gave up, just pulling my hair back into a braid. After a deep breath to settle my nerves, I stepped out of the bathroom. The man was still there but now so was Jessie. They stood in the doorway talking in hushed voices. The door that should have been there, stood propped against the wall. The area where the hinges should have been was shattered into about a million pieces across the floor. "What happened to the door?" "It was locked." The man said plainly, eyeing Jessie as she rolled her eyes at him. "I had the key." "You were almost unconscious." "Xzavier will replace the door dear." Jessie wasn't telling me as much as she seemed to be telling Xzavier. Xzavier, so that was his name. It was nice to finally have a name. "Yes, yes," Xzavier sighed waving his hand dismissively "For tonight you'll stay at the packhouse. I'll have the physician look at you in the morning and send men to replace the door." He spoke so matter of factly, almost like I didn't have a choice. But I'm not going to the packhouse. Not after my prior experiences. "I'm staying here." Xzavier looked taken aback, almost like he expected me to go without a fight. He quickly regained his composure. "And what pray tell, makes you think you have a choice?" he asked smirking at me. "Mainly the fact that this is my apartment and I don't take orders from you." I don't know what made me say it but it sure felt good. I sat down on the bed, smiling at his slack jawed expression. Jessie was trying and failing to hide her laughter. "Good luck," she chuckled before walking out the door. I expected him to follow suit. Xzavier looked almost pained as he fought to compose himself. I took the moment to look him over. He was much taller than I had first thought. He had to be almost seven feet. His shoulders were broad and his muscles toned. His clothes, still damp from our shower, clung to him, outling each sculpted muscle. His dark brown hair was buzzed short and even from a distance I could see the worry lines on his forehead. That was odd, someone that young having such pronounced worry lines. When Xzavier spoke, I saw his eyes were dancing with glee. "You'll either come with me to the packhouse willingly or I'll take you kicking and screaming, your choice." "Oh yeah?" I asked laughing, "You and what-" I was abruptly cut off as in one unbelievably quick motion I found myself dangling over Xzaviers shoulder. By the time my mind caught up we were downstairs passing through the kitchen. "H - Hey! Put me down!" I beat my fist against his back but he only chuckled. "Never been taught to throw a punch? What a shame," he laughed as we exited onto the gravel lot. He dropped me rather unceremoniously beside a motorcycle. I eyed the tree line behind the bar, debating on making a run for it. If I could manage to shift on the run I could have a chance. I knew the pain would be excruciating but it could be worth a shot. My contemplation was interrupted by Xzaviers laughter. "Go ahead and run chipmunk, " he said gesturing toward the woods. "I'll even give you a head start. I'll have you caught in the first mile, but by all means go ahead. I'd love to see you try." The challenge in his voice was real but so was his self assurance. He had no doubts he could catch me and I doubted my ability to out run him. I glared up at him crossing my arms. "Are you always this obnoxious?" "Only when dealing with someone who is as uncorporative as you," he chuckled, reaching down and hauling me to my feet. Xzavier climbed on the bike and gestured for me to follow. I climbed on, leaving plenty of space between us. The bike roared to life under us. " You'll want to hold on to me," Xzavier said winking over his shoulder. "Fat chance," I scoffed crossing my arms over my chest. He turned back around shrugging his shoulders. "Suit yourself." The bike revved, lurching forward almost sending me flying off the back. I jumped forward grabbing Xzavier round the waist. I could feel him shaking with laughter. "You did that on purpose," I growled as we turned onto the main road. Over the roar of the engine I could have sworn I heard him say "Kinda."
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