Chapter Four

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Xzavier POV "We'll grab a couple beers at the bar, then join the boys," he said, pointing over his shoulder to the group of warriors hanging around a corner booth. Markus almost had to shout to be heard over the music. I nodded my approval as we started toward the bar. As we neared it, I just barely caught a glimpse of a blonde head as it passed between two shoulders. Just as I was turning to catch a better look, a streak of black came flying at me. In a second, a set of hungry lips were pressed against mine, and they tasted vaguely like ... strawberry lip gloss. I suppressed a groan as I untangled myself from the arms wrapped around my neck. I looked down at a very familiar pouting face. Sydney King, my fathers betas daughter. Prior to handing the pack to me, my father, Alpha James, had hoped that I would marry Sydney, my then on again, off again, girlfriend. At one point, it had crossed my mind, that was until I found out she was cheating on me with Michael Site. Michael was a low-level gamma with an ego that thrived off creating chaos. After that, I broke things off for good. My blood started to boil at the thought of her betrayal. "Explain yourself, Sydney," I growled, glowering down at her. Unfazed by my tone, she smiled up at me, batting her eyelashes. "I was just saying hi," attempting to sound sweet. I knew better than to trust her. "Consider this your only warning," a deep growl escaping my chest. "If you ever try that again, I'll banish you from this pack and not think twice about it." I stepped back from her, a clear look of fear on her face. I smirked, turning to find Markus returning from getting beers. When I gave him a questioning look, he shrugged. "You looked busy," was all he said. We joined the warriors at the booth in the corner. I positioned myself to have a full view of the bar. Now, I just needed a break in the crowd to get a look at this new girl. The longer the night went, the more impatient I got. The crowd around the bar never seemed to dwindle. On more than one occasion, I had considered ordering everyone out of the way so I could get a look. I stopped myself, knowing there would be questions if I did that. Questions I didn't feel like answering. So I sat, drinking the beers the warriors kept appearing with. While it was next to impossible for an Alpha to get drunk, I did have a good buzz going. About one in the morning, I noticed the crowd starting to thin. I downed the rest of my current beer, training my eyes on the bar. I could see Jessie at one end smiling and chatting with a couple of women. In a flash, her expression changed, and her head whipped around to the other end of the bar, a dark look flashing across her face. A burst of commotion came from the far end of the bar. Heath seemed to appear from nowhere, pushing his way through the crowd. Before I knew what I was doing, I was following suit. The first voice to reach me was Jessie's, and by the goddess, was she giving someone a good cussing. People were backing away from the scene, creating a hole for me to walk through. Michael was standing in front of Jessie looking smug as she cussed him. Heath was standing beside her one arm leaning against the bar, the other shoved akwardly behind his back. Jessie seemed to be losing steam, but that didn't stop Michael from laughing and spouting vile. " Oh please, she's just a stupid b***h that can't take a joke," he sneered waving his hand toward Heath. Before anyone else had a chance to react I had grabbed Michael by the shoulder, yanking him around to face me. My anger took over, my fist colliding with his jaw. I didn't know who he was talking about but I really felt the need to murder Michael. My fist connected a second time, this time with his nose which made a satisfying crack as it broke under my hand. Blood was pouring from his nose and lip as he fell to the floor howling in pain. Yanking him up by his collar, I brought his face within a breath of mine. "I knew you were stupid Michael but I didn't think you had a death wish " " I - I don't Alpha," he sputtered past the blood. "It sure seems that way. What did you do?" I growled giving him a shake for good measure. "N- Nothing! I was just j- joking!" "He hit her," Heath growled "I saw him do it." My vision flashed red. " You hit a woman ?!" I roared, Michael paling at my anger. I didn't realize I was about to hit him again until I felt a hand grab my arm. I turned to see Lukas gIaring at Michael. "You can't beat him to a pulp boss, the court needs to deal with him." As much as it pained me, I knew he was right. I dropped Michaels shirt and he collapsed to the floor. "Lukas, take Heath with you and throw Michael in the jail. I'll alert the council in the morning of his transgressions. They will decide his punishment." Between Lukas and Heath they hauled Michael to his feet and drug him across the room and out the door. The room was now completely deserted, everyone having run off presumably when the fight started. After taking a deep breath I turned back to apologize to Jessie for causing a scene and Michaels atrocious behavior only to catch sight of her disappearing through the kitchen door. I sighed walking around the bar to follow her. Jessie was a wonderful woman with one of the best businesses in town and the last thing she needed was to deal with Michaels s**t. After a quick survey of the kitchen, I saw Jessie crouched down in the corner between the sink and the ice machine. I could just barely hear her soft voice whispering to someone. As I neared, Jessie turned to say something, but I never heard a word. Because sitting in the corner, with tears streaming down her bruised cheek and with a busted lip sat the most beautiful girl I had ever encountered. She was tiny, no taller than five foot, her body curving and dipping in all the right places. I could almost imagine what it would feel like to move my hands across those curves. Her dirty blonde hair framed her face perfectly, curls falling in ringlets down her back. She had blue eyes, the same color as the sky on a clear winter day. Right now though, those eyes were filled with terror. She was hyperventilating, her chest shook with each spasming breath she took. Her whole body was shaking so hard I could have sworn I heard her teeth rattling. My chest tightened. I wanted nothing more in that moment than to take her pain away. Such a beautiful creature did not deserve to feel such pain. I stepped closer to her, only for her to push herself further into the corner. She pulled her knees to her chest, putting her hands out, almost like... she was trying to keep me away. Her face seemed so familar but her name was lost to me. I knew the names of every pack member, why couldn't I think of hers? I took a step back balling my fists at my sides. Everything in me was screaming to go to her, but her body language said so much more. She was trying to protect herself and she needed space. " Tessa it's okay, really your fine. That's Alpha Xzavier, he won't hurt you," Jessie cooed stroking her face. Tessa? As in the new girl Tessa? Tessa without a story or in any system? There was no way this girl doesn't have a home. Someone as gorgeous as her was surely missed somewhere by someone. "Come on Tessa, deep breaths please," Jessie begged brushing a curl off Tessas cheek. Sweat had broke out across her forehead. Somehow her face had gone even redder. "Jessie she needs some place cool, she's overheating." Jessie whipped around to glare at me. "And where do you suggest I take her? It's ninety degrees in here and at least eighty outside." She had a point, summer was still in full swing here making even the nights hot. I looked around the room spotting a door in the back corner. "Where does that go?" "Upstairs, to the apartment." Apartment... bathroom... cold shower! Without a second thought I reached down scooping Tessa into my arms. There was an audible gasp of protest on Tessa's part but there was no time. I shouldered through the door taking the steps three at a time. The door at the top was locked. "Stupid mother f'in door!" I growled. I stepped back kicking it in. The door splintered away from the hinges falling to the floor. Once inside, the bathroom was easy to find. Three long strides and we were standing in front of the shower. Tessas breaths had become even shallower. She looked on the verge of passing out. I stepped into the shower, turning the cold all the way up. The water poured over us. Tessa looked like a fish out of water, mouth moving but not getting a breath. "Breathe Tessa , please take a breath... for me"
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