Chapter 3

995 Words
Xzaviers POV Powder flew as my fist connected with the bag. I continued to let my fists fly, putting all my frustration and anger into each swing. Alpha or not, dealing with the day to day tasks of the Red Moon Pack would wear on anyones nerves. This morning had been warrior training meetings, followed by border patrol assignments, and the budget plan for the coming fall months. And that was all before lunch. By three o'clock, I was ready to fight the next person that even mentioned the pack business. I quickly dismissed the council members and headed to the gym in the basement of the packhouse. While only a select few pack members lived here full time, there were plenty of guest rooms, fully stocked kitchen, indoor pool with a sauna, and a fully equipped gym. More often than not, this was where I could be found (not that I truly ever wished to be found). "Long session today, boss?" I turned just enough to catch sight of Markus, my best friend and beta. He stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame. His shaggy brown hair was almost covering his eyes. He was dressed in a stained pair of faded jeans and a flannel that had a hole in the elbow. "Interesting fashion choice. Going for hobo?" I chuckled, stepping away from the bag and flexing my hands. " Don't you recognize camouflage when you see it?" Markus said, gesturing to his clothes. "How else am I supposed to dress when doing surveillance you assigned me?" "Dually noted. What did you find out about our newcomers?" "The Smith family moved into a house on the north side of town and already signed the kids up for school. Henry O' Larry is renting a room at the boarding house. He's applied for a border patrol guard job. Now, ready for the interesting part?" He asked, smirking at me. I nodded my go-ahead as I started unwrapping my hands. "That new girl Tessa, she's been seen only once in town since crossing the border Tuesday night, and she only went to the market. We found an old truck with her scent broke down about two miles from our border. From the information I have gathered, she's working and staying at Jessies. No one knows her history yet or why she's here. As far as I can tell, she never even existed in any system prior to coming here." My steps faltered at his last sentence. Jessie was known for taking in wayward people from time to time but not in a system? Every wolf had a home somewhere. Every wolf was registered to a pack somewhere even if they had run from it. Not being in a system was next to impossible, even for rogues. " Not in any system? You're kidding, right? Are you sure you ran her ID correctly?" I knew the answer even before Markus answered me. Of course he did. He was the best reconnaissance man in the pack. I knew what this meant. It was time for the Alpha to make a visit to Jessies Place. "Eight o'clock, meet me at the garage. We'll take the bikes." I sighed, stepping up to the squat rack. Even if this girl turned out to be completely normal, a night out for the Alpha was never boring. Ten after eight, I was standing outside the garage behind the packhouse. A monster of a building with five garage doors. Markus was habitually late, so much so that when anything important was going on, I would tell him it started thirty minutes earlier than it did. At eight twenty, Markus came running out the back door of the packhouse, pulling a t-shirt over his dripping head. Markus skidded to a stop in front of me, almost tripping over the laces of his untied boots. Markus shook his hair like a wet dog throwing droplets across me. "Sorry, boss," he snickered, stooping to tie his boots. While he did that, I turned throwing open the closest garage door, revealing the packs fleet of vehicles. Cars of all make and model were stored here and regularly maintained in case of emergency. There is even a selection of ATV's even though almost the whole pack prefers running the woods in wolf form. Parked to one side was my matte black Harley, the one vehicle off limits to everyone but me. I had practically built it from the ground up. I straddled the bike, kicking it into neutral and walking it out the door. Markus rolled up beside me on his red Harley. I released the clutch pressing in the ignition. My bike roared to life beneath me. I settled back into the seat, smiling to myself as we rolled away from the packhouse. In that moment, there was no purer joy than the feeling of the road beneath those tires and the breeze blowing across my face. A straight shot to Jessies was less than ten minutes, but I took every turn and back road on the way to drag the drive out as much as possible. The gravel lot outside Jessies was packed, which was typical for a Friday night. People were milling around outside. Loud country music was pouring through the open door. After parking and dismounting our bikes, a sudden realization hit me. " Markus, how will I know which girl is the new one?" "Believe me, boss, you can't miss her," he said, winking at me and starting toward the door. Many of the pack members stood or gave a nod of acknowledgment as we passed by. This was a common greeting for an alpha in a social setting. Once through the door, the full effect of the room hit me. A strong scent of beer, greasy food, and cheap perfume hung in the air. Tonight, however, there was a scent behind that, something I couldn't quite smell or identify over everything else
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