Chapter Eleven

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Tessa POV "Well, I can always go with you." He was offering to go on a run with me. The thought of racing through the woods with Xzavier was thrilling and terrifying. I was going to get to spend time with Xzavier but I was also going to have to shift again. The thought of the pain I had experienced during my other shifts set my nerves on edge but I knew that to overcome it, I must continue to shift. Xzavier was watching me, waiting for my answer. After a few deep breaths, I gave him a nod. He smiled down at me. I could feel my heart melting at that smile. It was genuine and full of joy. That smile gave me a surge of strength, the boost of confidence I needed to go through with the shift. With purposeful steps, I walked into the edge of the woods behind the garage, the evening sun disappearing from view. I stepped behind a large oak, hiding myself from Xzaviers sight. I quickly stripped, tucking my clothes into a hollow of the tree. I didn't really want to walk around naked after shifting back, but first I had to shift. I forced myself to take slow deep breaths, pushing all thoughts from my mind. Shifting was more a work of will power than of thought. One had to have the strength to force the change. Gritting my teeth, I pushed my body, forcing the elongation of my bones and nails. A searing pain ran through my body. It felt like fire moving along my bones as they stretched. I knew that giving in to the pain would reverse the process and I would have to start again, so I pushed on, fur ripping through my skin as all four paws hit the ground. My legs shook under me as they stretched, bringing me to my full height. On all fours, I probably stood just under five feet. Most wolves height depended on their lineage but my wolf was taller than both of my parents. Not something completely unheard of, but definetly not common. Gradually the pain began to subside. The fire that had raged through my body receded to a dull ache. It felt like hours has passed as I shifted but in truth it had only been a few moments. I knew that Xzavier would be waiting though. He would have more experience shifting. It was probably like second nature to him. I stepped out of the woods turning to find a tall tawny wolf a few paces off. There was no doubt it was Xzavier. He had to be standing at least eight feet tall, maybe nine to be honest. His fur looked thick and soft. I could almost feel what it would be like to run my fingers through it. He turned slowly, taking me in. His eyes were gorgeous, bits of gold shining in his irises. I could feel his eyes traveling across my fur, from head to tail and back again. I could have sworn Xzaviers lips pulled back from his teeth in a smile. Xzavier turned quickly, jerking his head for me to follow as he trotted into the woods. I followed a few steps behind, being sure to give him space. I could smell his scent wafting back as we walked, more sandalwood and summer rain, just so much stronger than before. It resonated within me, stirring a strange feeling in my stomach. We had barely broken through the tree line when Xzavier began to run. His long legs propelling him through the woods. I took off after him. I raced after Xzavier as he ran ahead of me. Even at a full sprint I was still slowly losing ground. My lungs were beginning to burn as I struggled to keep up with him. My legs were growing weaker with every passing mile. I hadn't realized just how out of shape I was compared to other wolves. Alpha or not, it should not be this hard to keep up with Xzavier. My paws were starting to drag the ground and I knew without a doubt I would trip if I tried to keep this up. I slowed, letting Xzavier continue, and within a minute he was out of sight. Xzavier POV We were on a run, together. The thought was exhilarating. She was even gorgeous as a wolf. Her cream colored fur flowed in waves across her body. Her blue eyes stayed with her after the shift, creating deep pools any man could get lost in. Her wolf was shorter than mine but I was yet to meet a wolf that stood anywhere close to my nine feet. Her scent had hit me like a ton of bricks after her shift, roses and a dewy summer morning. It reminded me so much of spending my childhood outside with Ms. P, picking vegetables and fruit in the early morning. I would chatter to her about everything and anything. She would smile and nod, sometimes wagging her finger at me for something she thought to be naughty. Those were some of the best memories of my childhood. We had traveled about fifteen miles when I glanced back to check on Tessa, only she wasn't there. I dug my paws into the ground, feeling tree roots break off under my claws. Where could she have gone?! She was there only moments ago, I had heard her paws hitting the ground behind me. How could I have lost her in such a short amount of time. I sprinted back in the direction I had just came. Sniffing the air for her scent. I picked up her scent again about two miles back. As I slowed rounding a small cluster of trees, Tessa came into view again. She was leaning against a tree. Her legs were shaking under her as she took deep ragged breaths. My heart sank. Tessa wasn't use to running like this. What had felt like a walk through the park for me, had been brutal for Tessa. I hadn't been thinking of her abilities through any of this. Even if she had been struggling she made no attempt to alert me. As I neared, Tessa I could see just how pinched her face was. She was in pain. She had clearly spent herself trying to keep up with me and there was no way she would make it back to the packhouse on her own. I knew she would never shift back without clothes so my options were becoming even more limited. The only truly viable option was returning to the packhouse, getting her clothes, and bringing out an ATV to drive her back. I nudged Tessa with my paw, encouraging her to sit. She fell onto her back haunches than onto her stomach. She looked so tired when our eyes met. I gave her a nod before turning on my heels and sprinting back to the packhouse.
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