Chapter Twelve

1153 Words
Xzavier POV In what could only be considered record time I was back at the packhouse, phasing out on the fly as I grabbed up mine and Tessas clothes. My shirt had just barely cleared my head as I mounted the closest four wheeler, kick starting it to life. I tore from the garage, wind whipping hard against my face. The sun was almost down which meant the path would be harder to follow but I knew these woods like the back of my hand. In the straightest line possible, I raced toward Tessa. The sun was well past set when I finally got to Tessa. She was still laying next to the grove of trees I had left her by when I pulled up. She stood slowly eyeing me. We were closer to eye level in her wolf form but I still stood taller than her. "I'm going to turn my back and walk that way, shift back and change. We'll head back to the packhouse when you're done." I set her clothes on the four wheeler before turning and walking a distance from her. I wanted to glance back at her, just to catch a glimpse of her but I knew that if she caught me, it would break the trust I was trying to create with her. Out of everything I wanted for Tessa ( as well as everything I wanted to do to her), came second to her trust. Without her trusting me, nothing else would ever happen. I kicked at the roots by my feet, trying to distract my spinning mind from the images of naked Tessa playing through. "Alpha," Tessa called. Alpha? I didn't like that name from her. I wanted her to call me by my name, by the goddess I wanted her to call out my name. "Xzavier." I turned walking back to the four wheeler. "Pardon?" "You are to call me Xzavier, not alpha." Tessa looked like she wanted to argue further but lacked the energy for a coherent arguement. In a remarkable moment of silence Tessa climbed on the four wheeler, situating herself on the back of the seat and wrapping her arms around me. Her proximity and touch was electrifying my body. I knew she needed nothing more than sleep right now, but I truly debated taking the long way back to the packhouse so I could drag out this moment. Once inside the packhouse, I led Tessa back to my room. She had made it back awake but just barely. Somehow she had managed to trudge her way up the steps, dragging her feet along as she went. Her exhaustion was evident, as were her sore muscles. The whole ride back she had been stretching as much as she could, trying to work out the stiffness that was surely forming. "How about a bath?" Tessa face immediatly paled. "That didn't come out quite right. You are welcome to the bath or shower if you want. I'm sure it would help your sore muscles." Why didn't I say it like that to start with? As much as I would love to have her naked in the bath with me that wasn't something I was going to accomplish by convincing her I'm horomone crazed lunatic. "Help yourself to anything. I'm going to scrounge us something to eat." Tessa POV I sank farther into the tub, letting the jets work on my upper back. After Xzavier had left, it took me next to no time to take him up on his offer. The run had killed my muscles. Everything hurt from the top of my head to the tips of my toes but by the goddess was the hot water soothing. If I would have made the trip back to the packhouse I would probably be in much worse shape than I am now. Xzavier had found an alternative to walking back which was much appreciated but he had done an amazing job at confusing the hell out of me. What could be his deal? No alpha I had ever met had been kind to others, let alone me. Alphas were ruthless and unforgiving. Many were just down right cruel. More than once visiting alphas and betas at the Black Crest pack had made suggestive and vulgar comments when seeing me. I had always been told I was pretty but having grown men oggle me was completely different. I had never known that men could make you feel disgusted just by looking at you, let alone the things they said. Despite the hot water a shiver ran down my spine. I pushed the thought from my mind. Dwelling on the past was getting me no where except creeped out. I climbed from the tub wrapping up in one of the fluffy towels hanging on the rack. I glanced around, looking for Xzaviers t-shirt I had abandoned on the floor this morning. The realization that it was no longer there came with a sinking feeling in my stomach. I was in Xzaviers bathroom with no clothes except the positively grimy ones I had left lay beside the tub. Xzavier had said to help myself to anything, I was really hoping that extended to his closet as well. I opened the door a crack and peaked out. The room was dark except for the moonlight streaming through the windows. Xzavier appeared to still be getting food. I pulled the towel a little tighter around me and said a silent prayer to the moon goddess that she would keep Xzavier from walking in with food while I was still in my towel. I quickly ducked out the door and started for the closet, keeping my eyes on the door to the hall. Just as I thought I was going to be in the clear I ran into something. My arms flailed out, abandoning my towel and looking for purchase as they spun in the air. I teetered back, preparing to fall on my butt when I was suddenly pulled upright and against a warm body. Before I could fully process what had happened, I was blinded by the lights coming on. I blinked a moment, my eyes adjusting as I looked up at ... Xzavier! He was looking down at me, a look of shock and curiosity on his face. I was wrapped in his arms, my body pressed against his. I could feel him breathing, the motion of his chest moving his t-shirt against my bare skin. Oh by the goddess, my bare skin! In my moment of shear panic, I had dropped my towel. Now I was standing in front of Xzavier, naked as the day I was born, his arm wrapped around my waist, pressing me into his body. I could feel his sculpted muscles under his shirt, and one thing pressing against my stomach that seemed to be growing more by the second.
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