Chapter Six

3650 Words
****Elijah’s POV**** “My King and Queen, there is something else that I must discuss with you all,” Dr. White informs us. “What is it?” I ask cautiously. “I think it’s best if you follow me to my office,” Dr. White replies. “I don’t want to risk being heard." “By who?” “Elijah, stop asking questions and follow the doctor to his office,” my father snaps at me, and when I turn to face him, his eyes shift from their normal deep blue color to black and back again. His wolf seems to be fighting him for control. “Dad, I just want to know what’s happening with my mate,” I argue, not caring if he rips my head off for it or not. “Son, we all do,” my mother says softly as she slips her hand into mine. “And you need to calm down,” she snaps at my father. Dr. White leads my parents out of the hospital room, and before I follow them out, I look back at my sleeping mate. “She’ll be okay, Elijah,” my mother reassures me, and I nod as I walk out of the room. My parents and I begin to walk down the hospital corridor, but the sound of jingling keys grabs my attention. I turn to see the doctor closing Allison’s room door and getting ready to lock her in. “Hey, what are you doing?” I snarl at the doctor as I approach him, causing him to jump out of his skin before he turns around to face me. “I um, I’m ju-just locking her d-door,” Dr. White stutters. “And why is that necessary?” I demand. “There are people in this pack that would do anything to harm Allison,” he replies. “Why?” “I’m afraid that’s not my story to tell,” Dr. White says in response, which further frustrates me. “Just come to my office, and I will explain everything I can.” “Fine,” I reply before I walk back over to my parents, who stare at me in shock. As I walk over to them, I hear the doctor lock Allison’s room before he joins us in the middle of the corridor. Dr. White leads us down the corridor and takes us to his office; he lets us inside and closes the door behind us. I briefly look around the room and am surprised that this office is fairly small, especially for a head doctor. “This is a small office,” I state as my parents sit in the chairs in front of the doctor’s desk. “Yes, well, we are a small pack, and we don’t have much spare cash to go around,” the doctor answers sheepishly as he sits in the chair behind his desk. “Except for the Alpha floor,” I mumble to myself, but my parents must have heard me because they both turn in their seats and look at me curiously. ‘I will explain later,’ I mind-link them, and they nod at me in response. The doctor pulls out some paperwork as we all draw our attention back toward him. Among the paperwork, I spot some more x-ray imaging Dr. White must have done on Allison. Though I can’t quite make out what the imaging is of. “Okay, I’ll get straight to the point,” Dr. White begins, and I walk toward the desk and stand directly behind my mother. “While I looked over Allison’s x-rays, I noticed quite a few remodeled fractures and breaks in almost all her bones.” “What?” my mother and father say in unison, both clearly angry at the revelation. I am also unhappy with what the doctor has just told us, but I was expecting something like this. And I have a feeling that I will learn many things that have happened to Allison that will infuriate me. “I know Allison very well; this is not the first time she has been beaten. But this is the first time that she has ever been admitted into the clinic,” the doctor explains, and my eyes immediately snap onto his. “Are you telling me that my mate has suffered years of abuse and never received any medical treatment?” I snarl, completely losing my cool. “That’s exactly what I’m telling you,” Dr. White replies. “This is ridiculous,” my father growls. “What kind of pack treats a pack member that way?” “She’s not actually a pack member,” the doctor tells us. “Excuse me?” I say before I walk around my mother and lean my fists on the desk. “Allison is not a pack member. She was found on the edge of the pack borders when she was seven years old. She was then brought into the pack and turned into the packhouse slave.” We all stare at Dr. White and wait for him to continue, but he sits there and stares back at us. “You don’t seem surprised?” he questions. “No, we knew there was a slave issue here,” my father explains. “And I already knew that Allison was a slave,” I tell them as I stand up straight. “How did you know that?” my mother asks curiously as she turns to look at me. “I met Hailee,” I tell my parents, and they look at me with surprised looks. ‘I also found Allison’s room,’ I mind-link my parents, and they exchange worried glances with each other. “Do you know where she came from?” I ask, returning my attention to the doctor as I fold my arms across my chest. “No, I don’t. She just appeared in the woods one night, and no other scents could be tracked,” Dr. White explains. “Though I don’t think our Alpha tried that hard. “What do you mean?” my father asks. “I think Alpha Malcolm saw an opportunity in Allison and didn’t want to let her go. So I don’t think he even bothered to look for her family.” “This is getting ridiculous,” I growl as my anger starts to get the best of me. “That’s not even the worst of it,” Dr. White says. “How do you mean?” my mother asks him. “Well, not long after Allison arrived, she was covered in bruises and had other injuries that wouldn’t heal properly.” “Was the abuse Alpha Malcolm’s doing?” I ask. “It was everyone. Even the lowest-ranked Omega wolves have beaten her. And it’s mostly because they are afraid of her.” “Why would anyone be afraid of a young girl that can even protect herself?” my mother questions. “Because of her ability,” Dr. White instantly answers. “What ability?” my father asks cautiously. “I do not know for sure as they keep her locked away in the packhouse,” the doctor starts, but he pauses for a moment and looks down at the paperwork in front of him. “But I have heard people call her names like filthy half-breed or witch,” he continues. He pulls out a piece of paper with information written all over it and slides it across the desk so that my parents can read it. “What is this?” my father asks Dr. White as he picks up the paper. “This is Allison’s blood test results,” he replies. He takes a deep breath before he looks at each of us before continuing. “I have never seen anything like this, and I’ve seen a lot,” he pauses again and looks down at the blood tests in my father’s hand. My mother leans towards my father and places a hand on his shoulder as she reads the paper. Before my mother met my father, she was a nurse at the pack clinic in the pack she was from. Being the daughter of a strong and fierce Alpha, she wanted to prove herself, even though she knew she would never have been the next Alpha. That title belonged to her older brother, Louis. So she threw herself into her studies to become a nurse, and after a couple of years, she decided she wanted to be a doctor. But while she was studying to reach her goal, she met my father, her fated mate, and became the Queen of the Heroux Kingdom. “Hang on a minute,” my mother says as she reaches for the test results, and my father lets her look closer. She quickly reads it over and then looks at me with a confused look. “What is it?” I ask nervously, but she doesn’t answer me; instead, she turns back to look at Dr. White. “How is it possible for her not to have a blood type?” she asks him. “Wait, what?” I say, confused. My father looks at me, and I can tell he is just as bewildered as I am. It is biologically impossible for someone not to have a blood type. “I honestly have no idea,” Dr. White shrugs as he shakes his head. “As I said, I have never seen anything like this. But I would guess that the answers lie with her ancestry.” “How are we supposed to discover her ancestry if we don’t even know where she comes from?” I ask. I am becoming very frustrated with how everything is turning out. Every time we ask a question, we are left with more questions and no real answers. ‘Allison probably doesn’t even know where she comes from,’ Aiden murmurs in my head. ‘Well, we’ll just have to ask her,’ I tell him in response. Dr. White opens his mouth to answer me, but before he can speak, there is a light knock at the door. “Come in!” the doctor shouts to whoever is on the other side of the door. The door slowly opens, and I hear the shuffling of footsteps as whoever is at the door comes into the office. I look up to see a very timid Hailee standing at the entrance. She’s looking down at her feet while fiddling with her fingers, and her curly red hair is a complete mess. “Hailee?” I question. “What are you doing here?” “I apologize for the intrusion, Your Highness, but the Alpha demands that Allison be released from the clinic immediately,” she answers. “Over my dead body!” I growl, causing Hailee to jump back in fright. “Elijah, calm down; you’re scaring the poor girl,” my mother scolds me as she stands up and looks at Hailee. My father also stands beside my mother, who softly smiles at Hailee. He straightens out his suit and looks at Hailee, who looks like she doesn’t know what to do. “What do I tell the Alpha then?” Hailee quietly asks. “Tell him that Allison is here under the King’s orders,” my father tells her as he folds his arms across his chest. Hailee nods and turns around to walk out the door, but she stops and looks at us curiously. “I don’t mean to be rude, but why do you care so much about Allison?” she asks. There is a slight silence, but I am the first to break it. “Because Allison is my mate,” I claim. Hailee stares at me momentarily with a shocked look, but then it slowly changes as if she realizes something. “That makes so much sense,” Hailee whispers to herself more than anything. “What makes sense?” I ask. “The way you were snooping through Allison’s closet and why you got so protective when you realized she was the one being abused,” she explains. “I’m not the only one that’s protective of her,” I say, and she gives me a perplexed look. “What do you mean?” “You’re just as protective as I am over her,” I clarify. Hailee looks down at her feet and starts scratching her arms; I can tell I am making her very uncomfortable. “Hey, it’s okay, it’s nothing to be ashamed of,” I reassure her, but it doesn’t seem to work. If anything, it makes it worse. Hailee looks up at me with a desperate look in her eyes as tears start to fall down her pale cheeks. “I wasn’t always like this,” she admits as she wipes her tears away and leans against the closed door. Hailee closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before continuing. “A few months ago, something inside me changed. Like something snapped, and now all I can think about is keeping Allison safe.” “What do you mean?” my father asks warily. “I don’t know, but I think it has something to do with my wolf,” she answers. “Interesting,” Dr. White mumbles as he scratches his head. “Well, I should get going now,” Hailee tells us as she reaches for the door handle. “Be careful,” I warn Hailee as she walks out of the office and nods at me in response as she closes the door behind her. We stand in silence for a few minutes, and I watch as my parents have another private conversation with each other in their heads. “Is there anything else you need to tell us, doctor?” my father suddenly asks, breaking the silence. “No, I believe that was everything,” Dr. White confirms as he stands out from his chair. “In that case, I’m going to sit with my mate and wait for her to wake up,” I announce. “Okay, well, I have another patient to attend to, but here are the keys to Allison’s room,” Dr. White says as he hands me a set of keys. I take the keys from the doctor and give him a slight nod in appreciation before heading out of the office. I make my way down the hospital corridor, and when I reach Allison’s room, I carefully unlock the door. I slowly creak the door open and peek my head in before entering the room. Looking inside, I see that Allison hasn’t moved a single muscle and is still fast asleep, exactly how I left her. I walk into the room and sit in the seat directly next to the bed. As I watch Allison peacefully sleep, many thoughts rush through my head. There are so many unexplainable things about Allison that I wish I had the answers to. A seven-year-old girl doesn’t just show up in the middle of the woods without a trace of where she came from. I also understand why the wolves in the pack would consider her a witch or a half-breed because of her ability. But from the look on the young Beta’s face when Allison controlled the Earth, that was the first time she did it, so I’m not quite sure what ability Dr. White was referring to. If Allison is a royal wolf, as I believe her to be, then she should only have one ability: control an element. What makes things even weirder is that she doesn’t have a blood type, which isn’t even possible. The sound of the door creaking open brings me away from my thoughts. I turn my head towards the door and see Hailee standing there, covered in dirt and wrapped in a blanket. “What the hell happened to you?” I ask as I look her up and down. “Alpha got angry when I told him what the King said; the rest is a very long story,” she explains as she leans against the door frame. I quickly stand up and usher her into the seat I was sitting in; Hailee just timidly smiles at me and sits down. “Thank you, Your Highness,” Hailee says as she pulls the blanket tighter around her body and stares into her lap. “Please call me Elijah,” I tell her as I walk over to Allison’s hospital room door. I look out the door to see if there are any nurses around, and luckily enough, I see a blonde nurse standing in the hallway reading over some paperwork on a clipboard. “Hi, excuse me,” I say as I approach her. She almost immediately looks up from her clipboard, and once she sees me, she smiles flirtatiously at me. She then, not so subtly, looks me up and down and takes a couple of steps toward me. ‘If she doesn’t stop looking at us like that, I’m going to rip her head off,’ Aiden growls at me in my head. ‘We have a mate.’ ‘I know we do. It’s not like I would do anything to betray that bond,’ I retort and push him into the back of my mind. “Would you be able to get a change of clothes for my friend in there?” I ask the nurse as I look down at her. I am 6’5”, which is quite tall, and most she-wolves are a lot shorter than I am, so I usually have to look down to talk to them. “For Hailee?” she questions as she places her hand on my forearm. “Yes,” I answer as I peel her hand off me. She frowns and looks at me with a hurt look on her face. “What’s the problem?” she asks. “I have a mate,” I tell the nurse, and her eyes immediately look at my neck. She looks into my eyes and smirks at me, and I, unfortunately, know exactly why. “I don’t see a mark on your neck,” she says as she steps toward me, closing the space between us. “I won’t tell if you don’t,” she whispers into my ear as she stands on the tips of her toes. “I have a mate,” I angrily repeat myself as I gently push her away. “Now, if you don’t mind, please go and get Hailee a change of clothes.” “Whatever,” she irritably replies as she glares at me. She storms away from me, and once she’s out of view, I turn around and go back into Allison’s room. When I walk back inside, I look at Hailee sitting there with an amused smile. “What are you smiling at?” I ask her. “You,” she answers. “That doesn’t answer my question.” Before Hailee can answer me further, the nurse that I requested spare clothes from walks in. I politely smile as I take the clothes from her, but she glares at me. “Thank you,” I say before handing the clothes to Hailee so she can get dressed. The nurse doesn’t say anything but rolls her eyes at me before walking out of the room. “I really hate being the Crown Prince sometimes,” I mumble to myself. ‘Well, maybe you shouldn’t have been such a man w***e,’ Aiden comments. ‘Whom I’ve slept with has nothing to do with this,’ I argue. ‘I have never been to this pack, let alone ever met that girl before.’ “Don’t worry about Brittney,” Hailee interrupts. “She’s a slut and throws herself at every guy she meets.” “I thought it had to do with the fact that I’m a royal,” I admit. “Women throw themselves at me for the power.” “Surely they know that you wouldn’t take anyone but your mate as your Queen,” Hailee thinks aloud. “I tell them that, but they never listen,” I shrug. “At least I have my Queen now.” “I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Hailee states as she stands up and starts to head to the bathroom that is attached to the hospital room. “What do you mean by that?” I ask her. Hailee stops in front of the bathroom door and turns around with a sad look. She sighs deeply as she looks at me for a moment. “It’s not really my business to say, but I’m sure you’ll win her over,” she says with a slight smile. That is all Hailee says, and I don’t get a chance to reply as she walks into the bathroom to get changed. ‘What did she mean by that?’ Aiden asks. I can hear the fear in his voice, and to be completely honest, the thought of Allison rejecting us terrifies me. ‘I don’t know, but I will not let her go,’ I tell Aiden. I turn my head to look at Allison, and at that exact moment, I see her start to move, then a tiny groan escapes her lips. I quickly rush over to her and sit on the edge of the bed as I slip my hand into hers. “Allison? Sweetheart?” I softly murmur as I use my free hand to brush her hair away from her face. I watch her eyes slowly flutter open and find myself staring into the most beautiful pair of deep green eyes I have ever seen.
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