Chapter Five

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****Elijah’s POV**** I make my way upstairs to the top floor, and once I get there, I follow Hailee's directions and go to the third door on the left. I try to open the door, but when I turn the handle, the door appears to be locked. “f**k,” I groan as I softly bang my head on the door. 'Just kick it open,' Aiden tells me. 'I can't,' I reply. 'Malcolm will know that someone broke in.' 'So what? We already have enough evidence against him. All we have to do is show Allison to the council, and she can tell them everything,' he explains. He has a point, but then there's no point in searching the Alpha's office. 'No, search it anyway. We might find something else,' Aiden replies. 'Okay fine,' I tell him. 'But how am I even supposed to get in?' 'I told you, kick it in.' 'Fine,' I groan. I take a couple of steps back from the study door and get ready to kick it down. I do a slight run up and put as much force behind my kick, and as I kick open the door. It was a lot easier than I expected, but the door latch smashed from my kick, and the door swung right open. I walk through the doorway and look around the room. Compared to the rest of the packhouse, the Alpha's office is the only room I have seen that is in decent condition. It looks like it has been recently renovated, and the rest of the Alpha's floor is probably the same. From what I can tell about Alpha Malcolm, he doesn't care about his pack members, he only cares about himself, and my family will be the ones to take him down and strip him of his title. The office has a similar setup to what my father has back home at the castle. A large window shows a perfect view of the training field. In front of the window is a large desk with a black leather office chair and a computer on top of the desk. On the opposite side of the desk are two black leather sofa chairs for when the Alpha has important meetings. Off to the left-hand side of the room is a wooden coffee table with four couches surrounding it. On the coffee table is a tray with a half-empty bottle of scotch and two empty glasses with scotch residue in the bottom. To the right-hand side of the room is another desk with a laptop; this desk is much smaller, so I assume it is the Alpha’s son’s desk for when he is working with his father. I walk around the Alpha’s desk and sit in his chair; honestly, it is incredibly comfortable. I start to look through all of the draws in his desk, but I don’t seem to find anything out of the ordinary that sticks out to me; there is just lots of paperwork and accounting books. I go through the paperwork to see if I can find anything, but it all seems to be typical pack paperwork. I flick through the accounting books and see that Alpha Malcolm is very much in debt, which makes me wonder how his pack is even surviving. I run my hands through my wavy brown hair and lean back in the chair. It is starting to get hot in the office, and sweat is slowly dripping down my forehead. I get out of the chair and walk over to the window to open it, and the fresh breeze quickly rolls into the room. Along with the breeze, the very same intoxicating scent of strawberries and watermelon fills the room, only this time, it is much stronger. I know that my mate must be close by, and I disregard everything I was doing before. My father had warned me not to let anything distract me under any circumstances, but I know for a fact that my mate is in grave danger. But the way that my father had told me not to let anything distract me makes me think that he knew that something was going to happen, like he knew that I was destined to find my mate tonight. I look out the window and across the training field and see a young girl with long silver-blonde hair running across the field. It seems as if she is running for her life, and somehow, I know this girl sprinting towards the forest on the edge of the pack border is my Allison. ‘Mate!’ Aiden growls ferociously in my head. And at that moment, I see what she is running from; someone is chasing her, and if looks could kill, Allison would be dead a million times over. Then I remember that Hailee had warned me about the future Beta and how he was after Allison. So, I can only hope that he doesn’t get to her. I don’t even have time to react after remembering that minor detail and drop everything I’m doing. I run straight out of the Alpha’s office, not caring in the slightest that I left it in a complete mess. I sprint down all four flights of stairs in a hurry and head straight for the laundry room, which is the only exit I have been through. I have no idea where the front entrance is, and I don’t have time to look for it. But now I realize that I have no idea where the training field is either, and I know that if I try to find the front entrance to get to the training field, I will be seen, and I cannot allow that to happen. So, as I’m running towards the laundry room, I pull my map out of my jacket pocket to get some idea of where I am going. I briefly read over the map to find the best way to the training field; from what I can tell, if I go through the laundry and take a right and go around the other side of the building should be a path that leads straight down to the field. However, from looking out the window before, I do know that there are some slight hills that lead down to the training field, which could give me the element of surprise, which is precisely what I want. I quickly put my map away and start heading toward the training field. It doesn’t take me long to get there, and I know that I would’ve gotten there a lot quicker if I had shifted into Aiden. But from what I have heard about Allison so far, she has been through a lot, and I don’t want to scare her any further, and to show up in a wolf that is larger than the average Alpha wolf would probably freak her out. Not to mention, I don’t have any spare clothes, and I don’t plan on wandering around the pack without any clothes on. I make it over some of the hills and peer over another one of them to see what I am dealing with. As I look over towards Allison and the future Beta, I see Allison knee him in the crotch, causing him to fall off her. Seeing that she has fight in her makes me think that she may be able to fight him off, so I decide to hang back and see what she does. But what confuses me is that she stands there staring at him; it’s as if she is stunned by what she did or has no idea what to do next. Because Allison made no effort to get away from him, he manages to get a punch in, and after the punch, he starts beating her up and yelling at her at the same time. This causes Aiden to growl viciously in my head like a feral dog at the sight of our mate being harmed. ‘Get to her now!’ Aiden growls at me. I start to make my way over another hill, but before I can completely stand up, I feel the ground start to shake, and I see vines begin to form and sprout out of the grass where Allison’s hands are lying. The vines grow high above the future Beta’s head, then shoot down towards his feet and wrap around his legs. “Holy s**t!” I mutter to myself and try to stay as quiet as possible while I move closer to the scene. But staying silent and hidden at the same time is a challenging task, especially for someone as big as me; I am pretty tall and muscly, so staying hidden is quite a mission. ‘She’s an Earth elemental,’ my wolf points out. ‘I can see that, but what is a Laurier Royal doing in Kentucky? The Laurier’s rule over the East, and this is our territory,’ I explain to Aiden. ‘I know, but Hailee did say that Allison never knew her family.’ Aiden does make an excellent point, but I’m not sure; I feel there is more to Allison than meets the eye. The future Beta yelling at my mate causes me to re-focus on what is unfolding before me, and the way he calls her a witch and a filthy half-breed makes my blood boil. I am only moments away from shifting and letting Aiden rip this piece of s**t to pieces. After he yells at Allison, she turns and starts running from him and in my direction. This gives me the perfect opportunity to see what my gorgeous mate looks like, but before I get to see her beauty, she suddenly changes directions and starts running from me. ‘What is she doing?’ Aiden asks me. ‘I have no idea,’ I answer. I am completely dumbfounded, she shouldn’t have been able to see me as I am currently crouched behind several blueberry bushes, and if she really is a royal, then she would have been able to sense me, no matter how old she is. So she either saw me and had no idea who I am to her, or she could smell me and wants nothing to do with me. This thought makes Aiden whimper in the back of my head; to be completely honest, that thought also pains me. I hope it is the first option, but that wouldn’t explain how she was able to manipulate the Earth the way I can manipulate water. I look back at the future Beta and see that he has untangled his legs, but that’s probably because Allison stopped controlling the vines. He looks immensely pissed off and is getting ready to throw something at her, though I can’t tell what it is. He throws whatever he’s holding, but when I hear Allison’s blood-curdling scream, I look at her and see that she is collapsed on the ground with something sticking out of her back. The future Beta must have had some knife on him, but from the sounds of their conversation, it seems like it is a silver blade. I start running towards Allison and the future Beta as I can tell this is about to go to s**t. I watch him crouch beside Allison, and I feel Aiden push forward for control; I try to hold him back as much as I can, but he manages to let out a loud feral growl. This gets the future Beta’s attention, but I still need to get him off my mate, so I do the first thing that comes to mind. “GET THE f**k OFF MY MATE!” I roar at him with Aiden’s voice entwined with mine. No wolf can resist the command of a Royal Alpha wolf unless they are a rogue wolf, and this Beta is not a rogue wolf. When I get to the future Beta, I grab him by the throat and rip him away from my mate. He falls to the ground a couple of meters away from me, but I’m worried he may try to attack Allison again. He starts to get up again, but I will not let that happen, so I kick him in the chest, and he falls back to the ground with a thud. He looks at me with a very pissed-off look, as if he wants to challenge me. “Stay down!” I command him, and the look on his face turns to pure terror. “Do you have any idea who I am?” I ask him angrily as I let out my aura. “You’re the Prince!” he gasps. “Indeed I am. And that is my mate,” I growl as I point at Allison, who is very much unconscious, probably from the silver in her system. When I tell him this, the terror in his eyes deepens, and he begins to crawl back along the ground. I lean down and grab him by the throat so he can’t go anywhere. I glare at him and tighten my grip, which causes him to choke and struggle for air. My wolf starts to come forward, and his panic becomes stronger when he sees that Aiden and I are sharing control. “You just attacked your future Queen and attempted to rape her!” I snarl at him with Aiden’s voice mixed with mine. “And that is punishable by death.” “That half-breed mutt doesn’t deserve to be Queen,” the young Beta chokes out as he tries to rip my hand away from his throat, but he isn’t strong enough compared to me. ‘Kill him,’ Aiden begs. ‘I can’t just kill him; we need to take him in,’ I reply, but Aiden doesn’t like my answer. There is nothing I can do about it; I cannot kill one of my subjects without putting them through a trial first, no matter how much I would love to rip out his throat with my bare hands. Aiden retaliates and takes control; with my free hand, he forces me to punch him in the side of his face with all of my strength, which knocks him out cold. ‘Dad, get to the training field and bring a couple of warriors with you,’ I mind-link my father. I know he will be furious with me for ignoring him earlier, but I have other things to worry about, like getting Allison the medical attention she needs. ‘Elijah, where the hell have you been!’ my father yells through the mind-link. ‘I’ll explain everything later, just get here now, please,’ I plead back to him. ‘Okay fine, we’ll be there soon,’ my father answers before he cuts off the link. While waiting for my parents to arrive, I rush over to Allison, who is lying on the grass on her side with the silver blade sticking out of her back. I pull her into my arms and gently remove the knife from her back before throwing it to the ground. Once the blade is out, I pull Allison into my chest and brush her long wavy silver-blonde hair away from her face. She is extremely bony and very pale; she looks underfed and malnourished. I notice that Allison’s skirt has ridden up to her thighs, and when I look down, I see that her legs are littered with scars. A growl rumbles through my chest at the sight of my mangled mate, which causes Allison to stir slightly, and she subconsciously cuddles into my chest, making me smile. I have finally found my fated mate, my Queen, my gift blessed to me by the Moon Goddess herself, and she couldn’t be any more perfect. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen; I will cherish her until I die and do anything within my power to protect her. And being the next King of the Heroux Kingdom, there’s not much I can’t do. My admiration of my mate is interrupted by a stick snapping, and I instantly snap my head in the direction of the sound, only to see both my parents and a couple of warriors walking toward me. They all stop and stare at the scene in front of them, and after a few moments, my mother walks closer and kneels beside me. “Elijah, what happened here?” she asks as she places a hand on my shoulder. “That piece of s**t tried to rape my mate,” I reply as I gesture towards the knocked-out future Beta without peeling my gaze away from Allison as she sleeps in my arms. I hear my father walk towards us, and when he stops behind me, I freeze. I can feel the anger radiating off of him. “Elijah!” my father growls at me. “What did I tell you about distractions?” I look at my father and start to stroke Allison’s soft hair. “Dad, I know what you said, but this was different,” I explain. “Allison is the key to taking down that scumbag Alpha.” His face softens slightly when I mention this, and he walks around the other side of me and looks at my mate, who is still unconscious in my arms. “What happened to her?” he asks as he observes the cuts on her face that aren’t healing. “She was beaten up and poisoned for trying to fight back,” I answer without looking away from Allison. “Poisoned by what?” my mother asks curiously. “Silver.” Both my parents look at each other, and I can tell they are having a private conversation with each other via mind-link. When they finish their discussion, they both look at me with very concerned looks on their faces. “What is it?” I ask them. “Nothing, honey,” my mother answers as she brushes a piece of my hair out of my face, but I can see in her eyes that she’s lying; she was never really a good liar. “We need to get Allison to the hospital now,” my father declares, and I can only nod in response. My tongue and throat have gone completely dry, preventing me from being able to speak. I carefully stand up with Allison in my arms, carrying her bridal style, and my father looks over at the future Beta, who is still knocked out. “Guards, take him to the dungeons, and if the Alpha argues, tell him it is the King’s orders,” my father orders the warriors that came with him. * * * It doesn’t take us long to arrive at the pack hospital, and as soon as we get there, there’s already a stretcher waiting for us and a doctor who looks to be in his mid-forties standing next to it. “Your Highness, my name is Dr. White,” the doctor says as he looks at me. “Please place her on the bed, and I will get her looked at immediately.” I do as the doctor says, even though every fiber in my body tells me not to let go of my mate. As soon as Allison is lying comfortably on the bed, I allow the doctor and a couple of nurses to roll her into an examination room with my parents and me following behind them. Once she’s in the room, Dr. White immediately starts his examination, and all but one of the nurses leave the room. My parents sit on a couple of chairs, and I stand on the opposite side of the bed from the doctor so that I can watch the examination. I watch him lift her shirt, and a part of me wants to rip his throat out for even thinking of looking under there, but I know that he has to do it, so I try to control myself and my wolf. When I see the old scars and the bruising that has already formed, a feral growl escapes me, and the doctor freezes in fear. “Don’t mind him, Doctor, please continue,” my father says from behind me, and the doctor continues with his examination. Dr. White continues examining Allison’s body for the next five minutes before he looks at me. “Your Highness, I need to get some x-rays done,” he informs me, and I nod in response. The doctor wheels Allison out and into another room so that the tests can be completed, and Aiden whines in the back of my head, longing for his mate. ‘Dude, calm down, she’ll be back soon,’ I reassure him, but deep down, I miss her already too. I pace around the room for about half an hour as I impatiently wait for the doctor to return with my mate, and this begins to get on my father’s nerves. “Could you sit down!” my father growls at me, then the doctor wheels Allison back into the room with a blank look on his face. “How bad is it?” I ask him “It could have been a lot worse,” he tells me while he puts the x-ray images on the board. “Thankfully, it looks like only one rib is broken,” he explains while pointing at the image of the broken rib. “I also did an ultrasound and a blood test. There is no internal bleeding in her head or abdomen, but I found traces of wolfsbane and silver in her blood.” “Wolfsbane?” I question. I didn’t see the future Beta inject Allison with anything, so I have no idea how she got wolfsbane in her system. “Yes,” Dr. White answers. “But she seems to be fighting it off well, all things considered.” “That’s good news,” I tell the doctor with a smile spread across my face. “Yes, it is. I believe she should wake up in the next couple of hours and be fully healed in about 24 hours,” the doctor explains, and I let out a sigh of relief. “I will put her on an IV drip so she can get some fluids, as she is very dehydrated.” “Thank you,” I say to him as he inserts the IV into the back of Allison’s hand. Once he’s finished, he turns back to look towards my parents with a pleading look in his eyes. “My King and Queen, there is something else that I must discuss with you all,” Dr. White informs us.
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