Chapter Seven

3345 Words
****Allison’s POV**** As I wake up, I can hear a muffled conversation in the background, but I can’t quite make out what they are saying. I try to sit up but cannot move properly, and a small groan escapes my mouth. I then hear a voice that I don’t recognize speaking to me. “Allison? Sweetheart?” the gentle voice of a man says. Normally I would instantly flinch away, but something about his voice made me trust him completely. As the man talks to me, I feel him brush aside a piece of my hair, and as he does this, I get the strangest sensation. Sparks start tingling on my forehead where the mysterious man touched me, and those electric sparks spread across my entire body. As the tingles spread across my body, I slowly open my eyes and try to put a face to the man who gave me the tingling sensation. But my sight is very blurry, and I wince as the bright light enters my pupils, and I instinctively shield my eyes. I blink a few times to try and focus my vision, and as I do, the familiar scent of vanilla and jasmine fills my nose. I glance around the room, and my eyes quickly focus on the man sitting on the edge of my bed. ‘Mate!’ Alina howls excitedly as she recognizes our mate, and I freeze up in fear. As I lay there trembling in fear, I silently and discreetly study him. He is sitting down but easily stands over six feet tall and is exceptionally well built; his firm, toned muscles are visible through his suit shirt. He looks as if he was sculpted by the Moon Goddess herself. His chocolate brown hair is a mess, and his deep ocean-blue eyes are the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. However, I get the feeling that I have seen them somewhere before. ‘We found our mate!’ Alina says as she jumps around excitedly in my head. I don’t know where this energy of hers came from, but it makes me happy as this is the most active she has been in years. ‘He won’t be our mate for much longer,’ I tell Alina firmly. Just saying those words to my wolf makes my heart hurt a little bit. As I say those words, Alina immediately stops jumping around and starts growling at me. ‘Don’t you even think about rejecting him! Give him a chance at least!’ she snarls at me. ‘There’s no point; he’s just going to use me like everyone else does,’ I argue. ‘Just give him a chance,’ Alina pleads. ‘You promised the Moon Goddess you would.’ I know that Alina is right, I did make that promise, and I intended to keep it, but now that he’s in front of me, I don’t know if I can. He is clearly an Alpha and an Alpha mate is the last thing I need. Any kindness this man shows me will be a ploy to get me to leave with him, and I refuse to be trapped by another Alpha. He will use me as his plaything until he is sick of me, then he will use me for my ability, just like everyone else. Then suddenly, the remembrance of all the events that occurred with Kyle comes flooding back to me and sends me into a trembling, crying fit. Upon hearing my heartbeat accelerate and seeing me panic, my mate reaches out to hold my hand, but I flinch away, and he instantly pulls his hand back. “Allison, please calm down. The doctor is on his way,” he says with a look of concern on his face. He moves closer toward me, which causes me to move backward and away from him until I hit the back of the bed. I see a look of hurt flash across his eyes, but it is gone just as quickly as it appears. Afraid that he will get angry with me, I curl up into a ball and shield my face from him with my arms, and my heartbeat accelerates even faster. “Sweetheart, I’m not going to hurt you!” Sweetheart? As I sense his frustration begin to grow, I begin to cry uncontrollably. “Please, just leave!” I cry, and at the same time, I hear a door open, but I don’t dare to look up. The beeping of the heart rate monitor begins to go off rapidly. “Allison, please calm down. No one will hurt you anymore,” a familiar soothing voice says. I then feel a hand reach over and touch my shoulder, and in response, I scream. “Your Highness, I think she needs to be alone right now. You can wait outside while I examine her,” says another female voice I don’t recognize. Your Highness? My mate isn’t just an Alpha. He is a Royal Alpha, and that makes this situation so much worse. He is bound to be even crueler and more brutal than any Alpha. “But she’s my mate! I can’t leave her!” my mate protests. “Your Highness, Allison has been through enough trauma as it is. Please try to understand that she needs space,” the unfamiliar woman pleads. There is a deafening silence, and I bury my head in my pillow, but I can feel my mate’s stare on me, and after a few moments, I finally hear the door open and slam shut. “Allison, sweetie? My name is Serena; I’m your physician. You can relax now. It’s just me, you, and Hailee in the room now. You’re safe. No one will hurt you,” she says soothingly. I instantly pull my head out of my pillow when I hear that Hailee is here, and I relax my arms when I see her standing beside me. When I look at her, I notice her hair is a complete mess, and there is dirt all through it; she’s also wearing nurse’s scrubs which I find weird. She must have noticed me staring at her because she shakes her head. “Don’t ask,” she nervously chuckles. I nod at her and turn to look at the doctor, who introduced herself as Serena, and as I do, I scan the room to ensure there is no one else in the room. I am thankful to see that my mate had indeed left the room, and I sighed in relief. “Okay, can you tell me how you feel? Does anything hurt?” Serena asks. “It’s pounding,” I say as I point to my head, and Serena nods. “Okay, I’ll send you to get an MRI soon. Is it okay if I touch you to see how your abdomen is doing?” I nod in response but still flinch when she gently places her hands on my stomach, and I feel Hailee slip her cold hand into mine. I look at her and give her a soft smile. “Is there any tenderness or stinging?” Serena asks as she feels around my stomach, and I shake my head in response. “That’s good, but Allison, is it okay if I take off your robe so I can check how the cuts are healing?” “No!” I shout as I violently shake my head and grip my clothes to my body as if they were going to fall off. “Allison, relax,” Hailee says as she puts her other hand on my shoulder. “Serena isn’t going to do anything you’re uncomfortable with.” “That’s right. You are in complete control, Allison,” Serena confirms. I nod in agreement and loosen my grip on my clothes. “How would you feel if I let Elijah come in?” she says, but I have no idea whom she’s talking about. “Who’s Elijah?” I ask softly, and I watch as Hailee and Serena exchange a look. “Elijah is your mate,” Hailee answers, and my eyes widen in fright. “No!” I shout again as I shake my head, and the heart rate monitor starts to beep again erratically. “It’s okay; he doesn’t have to come in. Just relax,” Serena soothes. I take a deep breath, and as my heart rate descends back to normal, the heart rate machine quiets down. “Okay, good; now let’s take you to get your MRI scan.” Serena stands up out of her chair, and Hailee walks around the bed to be on the same side as Serena. “Do you need a wheelchair, or can you walk?” Hailee asks. “No, I – I think I’ll manage on my own,” I quietly answer as I take the blanket off my legs and swing them around to the side of the bed. I get off the bed, and as I do, I stumble slightly, but Hailee manages to catch me and steady’s my balance. “Are you sure you can walk?” Hailee questions. “Yeah, I’m fine,” I urge as I walk over to the door and open it. However, what I did not expect was to come face-to-face with my mate. He towers over me, which should terrify me, but for some reason, it doesn’t. When I look up, I find him staring at me, and when our eyes meet, I find myself getting lost in his beautiful pools of dark blue. We stand there momentarily, staring into each other’s eyes before I realize what is happening. As soon as I realize I am staring at him, my heartbeat fastens, and my hands shake. I try to step back, but someone is standing behind me, which stops me from moving backward. “She’s not ready yet, Your Highness,” Serena tells him from beside me while Hailee puts a hand on my shoulder to try and help me calm down. I look at Elijah once more but force myself to look away when I see the hurt and pain in his eyes. It makes me feel bad, and all I want to do is to ask him to come with me to my MRI. But I know I can’t. Because I know that it isn’t me that wants him to come, it’s this stupid mate bond. ‘Just talk to him,’ Alina whines, but I ignore her. I didn’t realize that I had been staring into space when Hailee’s voice snaps me back into the land of the living. “Allison? Are you okay?” “I’m fine,” I mumble as I look down at my bare feet. “Okay, good. Now we need to get your MRI scan,” Serena says, and Elijah looks at her with a confused look. “Why does she need an MRI? What’s wrong with her?” he asks Serena quickly. Serena looks at me, then at Elijah, before looking back to me again as if she was deciding whether to tell him or not. I sense that she doesn’t want to tell him anything I don’t want him to know, so I nod at her, giving her my approval. “I’m not sure exactly, which is why we need the scan. But Allison brought it to my attention that she has a pounding headache,” Serena explains to him. “I’m coming with you then,” Elijah declares. “No, you are not,” comes a sweet but stern voice from behind him. Elijah steps out of the way and turns around to look at whoever is speaking to him. When Elijah is out of the way, I see a man and a woman standing side by side, they both look to be in their forties, and I can sense great power radiating from them. The woman standing there is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen; she has silky black hair pulled back into a bun with a few loose strands that frame her face. She has fair skin and muddy brown eyes that twinkle in the light. She’s wearing a long elegant navy blue dress that hugs her body perfectly. The man beside her looks very similar to Elijah; he has the same chocolate brown hair and deep blue eyes. There are some slight differences between them, like that it is clear that Elijah is much younger than the other man as he has some grey hairs throughout his brown ones and has faint wrinkles. They are related somehow, meaning that the couple are also royals. “Can’t you see that the poor girl is terrified,” the woman says to Elijah before she looks at me. I can see that she means no harm, but that doesn’t stop my heart from accelerating in my chest or my body from trembling. “Mom, there is no need for her to fear us,” Elijah argues. The woman then turns her head toward Elijah and glares at him. It takes me a minute to realize that he just called this woman mom, meaning I am standing before the kingdom rulers. I instantly feel the need to pay my respects to them, so I get on my knees and bow to them. “Child, what are you doing?” Elijah’s mom questions me. “You are the Queen. I am paying my respects,” I tell her as I look her in the eyes without getting up from the ground. “Sweetheart, please get off the ground,” she says softly. “We may be the King and Queen, but someday this crown will be yours.” “What are you talking about? I ask. Elijah’s mom looks in his direction, and by the way, she looks at him, I can tell that they are having a conversation via mind-link. When they finish talking to each other, Elijah’s mom looks at me with a concerned look on her face. “What is it?” I ask. “It’s nothing, sweetheart. Nothing for you to worry about,” she tells me. I know she’s not telling me the truth, which makes me trust her and her family even less, but I don’t say anything further as I don’t want to risk angering her. In my experience, talking back to someone who holds authority, like Alpha Malcolm, gets you beaten and tortured. It won’t matter if I’m mated to Elijah or not. So I nod my head and smile at her. “Now get off the floor and go get your MRI done, Elijah’s mom instructs me. So I stand up but don’t look at her out of fear of being disrespectful, so I look down at my feet instead. Serena starts to walk down the hall with Hailee behind her, but when I follow them, Elijah begins to walk beside me. I instantly freeze up, and out of the corner of my eye, I see Elijah’s mom grab onto his wrist and pull him away from me. I start to walk away from them, and Hailee stops to turn around when Elijah’s mom starts yelling at him, and Serena follows suit. “I told you no! When she’s ready, she’ll come to you.” She continues to scold Elijah as I walk down the hallway where Hailee and Serena are waiting for me, but I try to tune out the argument. It makes me feel bad because I know he wants to be with me, but I don’t know if I can trust him. ‘How are you supposed to learn to trust him if you don’t talk to him?’ Alina expresses. I know she’s right, but I can’t bring myself to do it. I eventually catch up to Serena and Hailee, and when I do, they both have concerned looks on their faces. “Are you okay?” Hailee asks. “I’m fine,” I tell her. It’s far from the truth; somehow, I think she knows that. “Are you sure?” Hailee asks again. “Yes, I’m sure,” I insist, but she doesn’t seem convinced. I don’t get how she always knows when I’m lying and when I’m not okay. ‘She’s your best friend and knows you better than anyone else,’ Alina says. ‘Plus, as I told you before, Nora and I established a bond.’ ‘Yeah, I don’t fully understand what that means. What kind of bond?’ I ask. ‘I’m not too sure. I’ve never felt anything like it before,’ she tells me. “What’s with your eyes!” Serena exclaims, and I am suddenly brought back to reality. “Oh, it’s nothing,” I tell her. “It’s something that happens whenever I talk to my wolf.” “We’ve only recently noticed it, so I think it’s a new development,” Hailee explains. “Interesting,” Serena murmurs. “What’s interesting?” Hailee asks. “Well, Dr. White and I weren’t sure if Allison had a wolf. And I have never seen anyone whose eyes glow when they talk to their wolf,” Serena clarifies. “Wait, why did you think she didn’t have a wolf?” Hailee questions. “The way her injuries have healed,” Serena begins, and I look down at my feet. Looking down, I can feel Hailee’s eyes boring into my skull, but I fight the urge to look back at her. “What are you talking about?” Hailee finally asks. “Allison’s entire body is covered in scars,” Serena tells her, and Hailee’s eyes widen in horror. “What?” Hailee exclaims. “Why didn’t her injuries heal?” “That’s what I’d like to know,” Serena replies. I don’t look up at either of them, but I can feel them staring at me. The intensity of their stares make me finally give in, and I look at Hailee, who is looking at me with a very worried look. “I have a wolf; I have since I was twelve,” I tell Serena. “But I haven’t shifted yet.” Hailee looks at me with a blank look on her face because I had already confided in her about my inability to shift. I tell Hailee pretty much everything. The only thing I haven’t told her is that I don’t heal like a werewolf. Every werewolf can heal quickly; that’s every werewolf except for me. My injuries heal at the rate of a human being. “I knew you couldn’t shift,” Hailee says. “But why didn’t you tell me you couldn’t heal properly either.” Honestly, I don’t know why I didn’t tell Hailee about the healing, but before I can answer her, Serena interrupts my train of thought. “Wait, why can’t you shift? Didn’t you shift for the first time on your fifteenth birthday?” “No, I didn’t, and I’m not too sure why,” I admit. “I believe it’s because of the abuse she has endured over the years and the fact that she has been underfed ever since she arrived here,” Hailee explains to Serena. “That could definitely be it,” Serena confirms. “But it also may be something else.” “Like what?” I ask. “I’ll let you know as soon as I do,” Serena replied with a half-hearted smile. “Now, let’s get you to your MRI.” I nod in response, and as Hailee and Serena continue down the hall, I turn my head to look in Elijah’s direction. He is also looking at me, and the look in his eyes tells me that he’s sad and worried, but I don’t know how to tell if he’s acting or not. I will not allow myself to get close to him until I can figure out if he means it and if he actually cares.
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