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Hello stranger... Why am I writing this you may think? I might be having fun with my friends doing s**t that were not supposed to do. But thought out my life I've learned that its sometimes okay to take it easy and appreciate what I have... and I'm also on my period so bare with me... I have no perfect life, that's obvious. My family never actually cared about me, it was always everything about my brother and never about me. I realized things when I was still to young, in other words, I grew up to fast. I learned that in this world if you want to survive it is up to you because in the end no one will chose you over themselves, that was my mentality for the past 14 years until two years ago two girls changed my way of seeing life. They showed me that not everyone is mean and wants to hurt you, that kindness is actually a thing and that love isn't just a shitty fairytale. They became into the family that I never had, they tolerated with my selfishness and my messed up mind which was impressive, I never thought that someone like them would actually enjoy the company of someone like me and yet they're still here. I know I never show my emotions because I think that there reaction will always hurt me but I would give anything in the world just to let them know how much I love them. They are always there for me and help me with anything I ask without expecting anything in exchange which is amazing but I still feel like the deserve better, I know that most of the time I give the typical vibe of a selfish b***h that nobody deserves but that's not entirely true, I also have my soft spots even though its hard to believe. They have to put up with all my dramas and then I don't even listen when they're having a crisis but I swear I'm trying to change because I know that someday they're going to get tired and leave me if I don't do something, after that I don't think that I'll ever find someone as patient and as loving as they are and I cannot bear having the thought of a world without them, they are everything I have... The good thing is that I live really close to my best friend, after I met her I've mostly lived this past two years with her family. I literally have a hard time accepting that her family is actually really and not from a movie, since day one her mother has always treated me with kindness and her father with respect, her brother used to hate me but I supposed that in the end he assumed that I wasn't going anywhere so now he tolerates me with is really big progress... Remember that I said that my mind is messed up? Let me tell you how, I know a lot of creepy fact about murder and s**t like that, I really don't give a f**k with who I lose my virginity and I have fetiches that are "strange", or that's how my best friend sees them. You see we have a very different mentality because I see this things as normal and she sees them as weird s**t, as you may notice she is the most innocent girl in the entire world! Cheating in a exam is the top most irresponsible thing she has done for you to understand me so that's why we fight a lot... As you way guess I'm have to much pride to have a boyfriend and all that s**t but I enjoy experimenting with my fetiches if you know what I mean, I'm still a virgin though, I'm not THAT crazy... So we have a new literature teacher, at first I expected him to be another old guy but hell I was wrong. I've always wanted to flirt with a teacher which my best friends disapprove obviously and assumed that it would never happen, but I got lucky. He looked like he had between 28-30 years old which was more than great, he was hot, it was to good to be true but I didn't care, I finally had a chance. After the worthless try of my friend to stop me from doing it I approached the teacher, who by the way couldn't stop looking at me. I greeted him and talked to him, I need to know how he was to know how to approach him, he looked ver interested in getting to know me which was a good sign. When he put order in the class he introduced himself, Nathan Brown was his name and he was english, my favorite country for finding hotties like him. I decided to become his top student because he looked really academic, I raised my hand more times that I had ever done in my life but I didn't care,  I literally felt like he was just giving me the class which felt great. After the class finished I noticed that professor Brown didn't stop looking at my a*s, this was going to be easier than I expected... The next day I decided to go to the extreme, I wore the sluttiest clothes I could find without being to exaggerated, in the end I wore a mini skirt and a tank top. I didn't even get the chance to get into the school and there was my best friend with her typical " I'm going to kill you" face, she dragged me into the bathroom and started yelling at me for showing like that, but what could she do? She was way to innocent to actually get the purpose of this outfit, it was all part of a plan so all I did was smile like the psychopath that I am. In the end I agreed to wear a hoodie just to get her out of my way, the good thing was that the outfit wasn't ruined. When Professor Brown entered the class he stopped for a moment to actually make sure if what he was seeing was real, I just limited to smile and oh surprise, he smirked. He didn't even say anything, and I could see in his face he was actually enjoying it. This time he asked me to stay for a while after the class ended, this was a start... " I see that your grades haven't been ideal in this subject but know they have improved, any idea why?" "Well I guess that there wasn't anything that caught my attention" "But now there is... isn't it?" I smile and look straight into his deep blue eyes "You look quite good in that outfit Miss Violet but I'm afraid that you are braking some rules" "Then why didn't you say anything professor?" This time he's the one who smiles, he doesn't answer and looks intensely at my body... He starts approaching towards me... He starts getting really close to me.. He whispers " Call me Nathan darling" When I leave the classroom I analyze the situation and realize that I actually have a chance at this and ask myself if I want to move on, because if I do there's no moving back... Yes, I answer... Selfish diva
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