Chapter 9 Momma Help

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Aiden's POV With the thundering of my hammer echoing loudly against the wood, I fix and secure my mother's bookcase to the wall. She has had some things break around the house quite often, especially lately.. or maybe she breaks them herself to get me over there.. But either way, with my mother being by herself, after my father passed away a couple years ago, I can't help but worry about her, wanting to help her any chance I get.. So I make sure to come here every week just to check up on her as much as she needs, or I guess allows. Plus I have always been close to her and love the time I do get, trying to squeeze in as many moments as I can, especially with my father being torn from this world unexpectedly.. cutting our time short with him.. not even giving any of us a chance to say goodbye.. But that's what heartattacks will do sometimes. I finally finish my last task, as I put away the tools and turning to face my smiling mother. "This looks great.. I couldn't thank you enough DenDen. I just bought some new books and found even more adorable knick knacks that I need to be put on display.. But that book case is so old.. your father put it together when I think you were 4 maybe 5.. So it's been all around this little house for far too long, taking on the weight of my hobbies.. Or whatever I want to throw on there." She playfully states and I can't help but smile, matching hers as she quickly hugs me. "No problem momma.. you know if you need anything, just ask." "I know, I just don't want to harass you or even worse, annoy you.. especially when you should be out with friends meeting some ladies." She implies about me, because she is getting worried since I have been single for a long time.. I think she figures I'm too used to being by myself, that when I actually find someone I won't be able to adjust from the bachelor life.. But I don't think that will be the case, of course it will be a little hard sometimes.. but I feel I can adjust to anything.. especially if I love her. So I don't think it will be an issue. "I don't need to be out lady hunting momma.. I have my job to worry about and of course Red.. He keeps me busy." I reach down and petting him between the ears as he closes his eyes and leans into me. I tried to take her attention off of that sensitive subject, as she laughs and adds on for me. "Also.. Milly keeping you distracted with her beauty." As I nod and reply automatically "Yeah of course." nodding only slightly, not realizing what she has said that I did agree to, until I have already agreed. My mother laughs as she shakes her head at me and I know in that moment my face is getting red by how hot it feels at that thought. "So you do still like her? That's probably why you're not out searching huh?" I try to look confused in hopes she will believe that I don't like her. But there is no way I can actually deny it outloud, because she will be able to tell instantly it's a lie. That's the strange motherly effect she has on me. I'm like a window pane that she sees straight through no matter what I say. "Is she still with your jerk of a friend?" I sadly nod as she now nods with me. "I thought for sure he would cheat on her.. you don't know how many times he hit on me calling me a MILF." She declares as I feel myself getting mad at that thought.. my friend was hitting on my mom when my back was turned.. what a creep.. I will punch him for that. I huff while pacing back and forth slowly in front of her with my shoulders hung by my weighing stresses, showing my exhaustion at the subject all together. "Yeah he has been cheating like a scumbag and I don't know what to do." My eyes widen, realizing how easily my code is cracked anytime my mother is near.. dammit. "Well, isn't it obvious? You tell her about what he is doing." She practically demands of me with her hands firmly placed on her hips.. I groan out showing the obvious dislike of that option. "But I don't want to hurt her... I never want to hurt her.. and telling her that will make her mad at me and hurt her even more.. but right now I'm on her good side.. and I want it to stay that way." I try to explain as she vigorously shakes her head. "No you have to tell her Aiden...Even if it upsets her.. If you don't, and she finds out that not only this is happening, but that you knew as well, then she might not be able to trust you after all this.. and I think hurting her, is better than losing her right?" "But.. He is the one cheating.. not me.. so she can trust me." I declare as if it isn't already obvious. I don't understand how she would not talk to me or trust me because of his actions.. I don't think it's fair to say I'm guilty just by association with him. "I understand that Aiden.. but if you're not apart of the solution you're part of the problem.. Meaning if you're not saying anything at all.. that's you helping him out, because he is still hurting her on your watch and you're letting it happen.." She elaborates further.. and I understand but that doesn't make things any easier. "But he says he wants to be the one to tell her.. So out of respect for him, my best friend, I gave him a deadline to do it by or I told him that I will be the one telling her.. but he has had a couple opportunities yesterday and maybe today so hopefully he will do it.. I go over there later and will ask nonchalantly about it.. just in case." I explain to her my plan, as her features change to a skeptical looking one. "I don't know Aiden.. I think he lost the option to get respect once he started stepping out on his faithfully sweet wife.. I still think you should say screw that assh*le and tell her the whole truth.. but that's just a woman giving motherly advice.. I just know that's what I would hope for if I was in her place." She declares to me, making my heart feel heavy with so much guilt. "I'll think about it.. thanks for talking momma.. but I need to go take a shower.. I have a football party to attend." I declare as she smirks and retorts. "I think you just have a beautiful woman to see and maybe pay attention to the game." "Well either way, I need to get changed and take a shower.. again.. I'm all sweaty and the night hasn't even started yet." She laughs, giving me another hug before bending down and kissing Red's forehead. "Thanks again for coming over here to help me out.. and I hope you have a great rest of your day.. Just please consider what I have been telling you." I nod, letting her know that I'll do just that. I lean down and hugging her, before I leave the place with Red right behind me. My mother is all the way across town, so we had to take my vehicle which isn't bad, I just really love to be on foot as much as I can. I open the door for Red to jump in, while I do the same, making sure we are both comfortable before we head out. We head straight home and piling in without a moment to lose, just loving our own place and space to do what we want. I pull out my weed just to quickly load a bowl, trying to calm down my rapidly running mind. Red on the other hand has plans of eating, drinking then passing out.. oh the life of a pup.. I sometimes wish that could be me.. But everything in my life is too complicated for that lifestyle. But with Red being an abused and malnourished puppy that I found on the side of the road. I know that wasn't always the case for him and I'm happy I can provide him with the comfort of this life now. I just wish with all my heart I can eventually do the same for Milly.. Being her comfort when she needs, she deserves to be cherished and taken care of like the Queen she is... and I know I could be that for her, if given the chance.. but I have no idea if she even likes me and the fact that she is still married to that cheating assh*le makes things more complicated than it needs to be. But I'll wait for as long as she needs and wants, just to help her anyway I can.. Even if that doesn't mean her and I get to be in a relationship together.. I wouldn't be doing this to get with her.. I would be friends with her until the day I die, just to keep her amazing self in my life. She influences me to do so much in life with her positive presence, that it is intoxicating, almost addicting.. She brings a calm to my heart anytime she is near and that always makes me smile.. She is something I don't know if I could do without, because I need her soothing scent and calming tone.. She has a natural pull to her that I don't even think she realizes. Everyone, whether they know her or not, loves her and talks with her anywhere she goes out in the world. She glows, attracting everything around. Now thinking about just that, I remember one time helping her out with a big barbaque she put together, for her brother with his engagement party. She ran out of supplies so I offered to go to the store for her and she volunteered to come with me. We walked around the store together the whole time and it seemed like every isle we walked down, someone wanted to talk with her or share a silent smile with her bright one that was already plastered on her face. I have never gotten so much attention at the store before and it wasn't even me getting the attention. That whole time gave me a front row seat to observe the natural pull at work, that she has had without even realizing. The years being around her, has shown me so much and all I can seem to do is love what I know and crave so much more with her. I swear it's not a 'want because I can't have' influence.. I have always wanted her since the day I met her and that was even before her and Wyatt really became a thing.. I was just hoping, since she is married to my best friend, that I could eventually get over her and it never seemed to happen.. The more I knew, the more I loved and the feelings couldn't do anything but get stronger.. and before I knew it, I was in love. She is just amazing in her own special way, that she could almost 'do no wrong' in my eyes.. even though I know there could be issues between us at some point, because no relationship is perfect.. No matter what that brought, it would never be enough to make me leave.. I can almost guarantee that. But now that I really think hard about it.. I honestly don't know if I can even keep a relationship with Wyatt after all of this comes out.. I have come to find out over the years that the main reason I stuck around him, was not because I enjoyed his toxic company. But that I was just dealing with his disrespecting ass because I love her.. and just want to be around her.. I don't care about him anymore and just want to kick his ass everytime I come near him or hear the stupid disrespectful sh*t he says. I'm so disappointed in the person Wyatt has developed into, that I don't want to associate myself with him if I don't have to.. It's sad, he has corrupted not just his home life, but now his work life.. Almost a year ago, he started cheating.. He was cheating here and there with meaningless flings within our company like some sort of single man wh*re.. they were small one night stands when we got drunk out with coworkers or on work retreats. He told me they meant nothing and that he would stop.. and we can see how well that worked out. It has even developed into a full on relationship with this particular coworker of ours, that they flirt and touch any chance they get at our work.. It's to the overwhelming point for myself, that I have to use ever last inch of me to hold back so I don't destroy him in so many ways for his actions. I have even been thinking about transferring to a different store or even changing companies all together, just to get away from him.. But I could never be away from her.. So I deal with him, for her. This whole relationship ends up being toxic just because of him, but if we get rid of the negative factor I feel like our lives could be so positive. I just don't know how to initiate these actions.. I feel an automatic obligation to my childhood friend.. but I have the urge to protect Milly any chance I get.. and this might be my chance to step up, even if they both get hurt from this.
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