Chapter 10 Venting

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Aiden's POV After smoking a couple bowls of weed to remotely calm myself down.. I feel my body getting hungry by the growling now coming from my system.. but I can't eat before I go, especially knowing I will be attending this party that's hosted by Wyatt and Milly. I know Wyatt won't be doing much, but Milly, on the other hand, will most likely have snacks and a meal planned out, with dessert to top it all off.. Mostly because Milly is a person who goes above and beyond what's asked of her every single time. So I will have plenty to eat and snack on once I get there to help her out like I had already promised. I quickly take a shower to smell nice since I will be in close proximity to Milly by helping her in the kitchen.. If I smelt bad around her of all people, I know I would be absolutely mortified.. so I have to prevent that here and now. After I have made sure that I smell great, I slip on my white long sleeve shirt with my football jersey on top. I'm layering it to try to make sure I don't get cold since I won't be bringing a jacket. It's getting cooler out there, but it's not that cold yet. I add dark blue jeans to the outfit to look nice but casual enough to not over do it on the outfit. I know I want to impress Milly, but it's still only a football game party. I use my hand as a comb to run through my already drying hair, shaping it the way I want before it's fully dry.. It's only a little long on the top, so it's very easy to maintain for the most part.. That's all I wanted was an easy to manage, good-looking hairstyle. My beard, on the other hand, has a different idea in mind. It's not too long, which sometimes gets it going in all directions.. but that's an easy fix with the oils and comb I have for it. It took a little messing with it to get it doing what I want it to, but luckily, it's enough to make it look nice. After slipping my shoes on, I quickly walk over to the dog food bowl, making sure that Red has food and water for the hours I will be gone tonight, even if I'm just down the street, I need to make sure he is taken care of for my own consciousness. When that is confirmed, I put my watch on and slip my phone into my pocket. I leave my place, locking the door behind me and enjoying the pretty quiet walk down the street. It's getting cooler, but I love this time of the year. The cold chill is something that wakes me up, with the fresh air making straight contact with my lungs.. It's the best thing for clearing my mind and calming down my body at the same time. I keep walking until I see their house and cross the street, walking up their driveway and to the front door. I don't even realize I'm doing it until I hear the automatic knocking of my fist to the door, making me nervous at the drumming sound that's almost out of my control. The door is quickly opened as I look down to see the stunning Milly with her sparkling orbs staring up at me curiously. "Aiden... hey." She says, showing a smile that's now appearing across her face, almost face-splitting, as she stares up at me. So I automatically match her smile. In this small moment to ourselves, I notice that she has some dough or sauce, something that has dripped onto her cheek, and it looks absolutely adorable. "Milly.. cooking without me?" I ask, reaching up and wiping the little bit off of her cheek as I lick it off my fingertip. "Mmmm, peanut butter and chocolate chip.. my favorite." She blushes at that as she shyly states. "I know it is your favorite." "Ugh, disgusting.. I hate that kind of cookie." Wyatt spats as Milly rolls her eyes just to snap back. "I made you regular chocolate chip cookies like you like.. but there is more than just you showing up today.. So, I made stuff for everyone." I decided to cut the tension already building in this room because I want to have a good day today. "Why did you start without me? I didn't want you to do this alone." I inform her, making her smile turn to a shy one, as if she is embarrassed by the fact that I would do this for her, making her just as shyly respond. "I honestly didn't think you were serious about helping me." I scoff at that. "Of course I was serious about helping you with the cooking.. you shouldn't have to do it on your own." I declare while she continues to stare at me in awe. "Well.. I would love.." she tries to reply, but before she can finish her thoughts, Wyatt is yelling out from behind her. "She doesn't need your help." "Well, I knew you wouldn't be helping her and thought she could use some help." I declare in her defense, and this makes her smile even bigger as Wyatt takes that smile right away with his next comment. "She is just fine cooking for everyone on her own." "Well, I want to help her, and I KNOW she can do it on her own.. she is a mind-blowing cook.. but that doesn't mean she should have to do it on her own.. you know she doesn't have to do any of this for you.. and she could leave you to fail on your own." I now nicely make sure he knows he is pushing buttons of mine and that this is what's happening whether he likes it or not. Wyatt shuts right up and walks away as she smiles up at me. "Thanks, Aiden.. You're so sweet." I smile and try to squeeze past, but wrapping my arm around her back, pulling her with me before she is left behind. "It smells amazing in here." I declare as she goes with my flow, allowing me to pull her around, not objecting one bit to my uninvited touch. "Aiden.. can I talk to you for a moment?" Wyatt asks in his annoyed tone, so I think it's safe to say he doesn't want me here right now to cook with his wife. But it's not like he wants to be here with her, so I don't know why he cares that I want to be here with her.. But I guess I'll find out. "Yea, of course Wyatt.. Um.. Milly, I'll be in the kitchen in a second." I declare as she nervously nods while glancing back and forth between the two of us. "Yea... Of course.. I'm just prepping.. and need to chop up more for dinner." She says with an unconvincing tone, but the effort was noticed and absolutely adorable. When she is out of sight behind the dividing wall, Wyatt is poking me in the chest, interrogating me and my intentions. "Why are you really here helping her out? Is it to tell her about me cheating? I told you I would tell her myself.. and I meant it.. Dont be a snitch." He spats with literal spit landing on my cheek by how close he is. "I just wanted to help her out because she told me she was cooking everything by herself.. that's it.. stop freaking out." I declare to him, looking back to the kitchen to make sure she is not listening in. It is annoying that he is not even remotely bothered that a man is trying to get close to his wife.. he is just worried about being told on. "Fine.. I guess I believe you.. You're lucky you're my friend, or I would kick your ass for being so nosey about me and my personal life.. Oh, and just a warning, I love ya, man.. but if you ruin this good thing for me, then I'll be pissed at you for a very long time." He tries to scare me or maybe intimidate me, but it doesn't work. "Well, I have been mad at you and your actions towards your wife, getting this 'good thing' for a very long time.. so I could care less at this point.. You're lucky you're my friend, or I would have already kicked your ass." I plainly state not even caring what I say at this point because he really has lost almost all my respect after everything. He busts up laughing, slapping me on the arm.. Thinking I'm joking about this, but I'm not laughing, and I think he notices as his loud laugh quiets slowly. "Well, let's hope it doesn't come to that." He states in a playful tone, but I'm still cold about this responding. "Yea, let's hope not." I turn and walk away from him before he has anything else to say, mostly because I don't want to hear it. When I get into the kitchen, my presence is instantly noticed. "Hey.. I hope he didn't harass you too much about me." she says while mixing what looks like sauce and seasonings. I scoff and wave that comment off, trying to be nonchalant about it. "He could harass all he wants, but it wouldn't change my mind." I reply while washing my hands to get started. She walks right up to my side, leaning up against the counter, getting my undivided attention as she whispers, "Is he mad that you would be.. spending time with me?" "Um.. No.. I wouldn't exactly say that." I try to start as she huffs out. "Of course, he wouldn't be jealous about that.. he just doesn't care about me at all anymore.. and honestly, I'm pretty sure I feel the same about him. I don't know why I keep trying to fix what's obviously dead between us." She spats before turning away, walking across the space just to grab some things from the fridge. When my hands are washed and dried, I find my feet moving on their own towards her, until I'm very close but not making contact. just acting as if I'm a shadow to her. She slams the fridge and does the same with the items in her hands onto the counter, showing her obvious frustration. Her back is still to me, which makes this so much easier. "Hey." I say softly to her as she flips around, looking mad before I add. "What's going on?" I ask this in a whisper so she knows I'm here for her to make sure she feels better without him butting in. She angrily explains, spilling everything in an almost yelling kind of whisper. "My husband doesn't want me anymore.. I couldn't feel any more undesired in every way possible.. I don't know what's wrong with me, and it doesn't matter what I say or do. He doesn't want me.. My husband doesn't want me, his wife.. Ugh.. I haven't gotten s*x in at least half a year either.. pathetic, right? But I don't know why I even care anymore.. It's not like I want to have s*x with him anyway. I don't even want to share a conversation with him anymore, let alone anything involving touching.. we just seem to fight anytime we're near one another.. and that's not the life I want, Aiden.. that's not the life I imagined for myself." "Milly, don't beat yourself up.. It's not your fault he is stupid.. He just doesn't appreciate the amazing woman he has.. there is nothing wrong with you.. You're perfect." I reply without hesitation as a shocked look on her face appears. "You.. um.. don't think anything is wrong with me?" She curiously asks as I shake my head at her, stepping a little closer than I intended but loving every second of it. "You're perfect." She laughs a forced laugh and shakes her head at me while looking away, as if she doesn't want to believe this. But one way or another, I'll convince her. I glance up to see that Wyatt is glued to his phone, smiling at it as he types away while sitting on the couch, not even caring about what's happening in here. So I lean in until my lips are only centimeters away from her ear saying so softly. "You.. are.. perfect.. any man, would be lucky and happy to have you." I watch her body shiver in response to me, silently letting me know I have had some effect on her. "Sure.. any man, except my husband.. if he doesn't want me, then I don't know who would.. and if anyone else did want me, I bet it's because they don't know me.. I bet they would run the first chance they got after getting to know me." She declares while still shaking her head. I hate that she thinks like this, and like I said, I'm going to convince her otherwise, one way or another. The urge to tell her everything she means to me consumes me and almost tipping over from how much I have wanted to do this over the years.. that it's almost too much to hold back. I want her to know how amazing of a woman she really is and what a treasure she is, to not just me but this entire world. She deserves to know just that.
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