Chapter 8 Suspicions

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Millicent's POV I wave at my father as he drives away from my house, leaving me there after a very nice casual time together. We of course had our serious talk first, to really shatter the ice, making sure these things get talked about one way or another. But after that hard time, we were able to relax just like I needed. So once we were finished eating way too much at breakfast, we were able to meander on over to the hardware supply store. The full stomachs made us move much slower around the store when we were grabbing the wood and finishing, before we headed back. But no rush, I will always waste time with my daddy anytime he wants, because we don't get much time like this anymore.. and I honestly don't know how many more opportunities we will have with life and time, flying by like it's a movie with the fast forward button pushed and stuck down. I'm happy it was my father who was with me today though.. I have always been able to open up to him more than my mother.. Don't get me wrong though, my mother is amazing and probably the sweetest woman on this earth but I have always been a daddy's girl and my brother has always been a mama's boy. I do talk to her about things and my father always tells her what I tell him and I don't mind one bit. But he will always be the one I confide with first and foremost. I walk into my house, feeling the heaviness of the dread weighing on me instantaneously with the door closing behind me. I already feel like I don't want to be here but this is my home and if I have to fight to take it back then I'll have to try. I walk in, just to see the house looks empty at the moment.. but with my husband's car still not here and knowing that Aiden and I were not around to give Wyatt a ride, I can deduce that he hasn't gone anywhere. I keep looking around the house as I quickly walk up to the flowers in the vase, slipping the rose in there with them. "Wyatt?" I call out not hearing a response at all. "Wyatt?" I say louder as I hear a thump and shuffling in our room with the door shut. I walk with a determination in my step.. I feel weird with this egging in the back of my mind. Something is telling me to not go into my own room.. but it's my room and my house so I'll do what I want. When I get to the bedroom door I can't help but stare at it for a longer than expected moment... I feel the nerves filling up my senses, as I now am terrified to open the door, like I'm watching a scary movie and you know there is the killer in that room but they open the door anyways. I grip the door knob and slowly turning it as I open the door. "Wyatt?" I say softly with my head being the first part that enters the room. My steps feel heavy, but I still continue in, to see that the room is empty. A sigh of relief leaves my lips.. I don't kniw what I expected, but it wasn't an empty room. My eyes pan around the room to see that the window is wide open. That's weird, it's autumn and getting colder by the minute so I don't know why the window is open when the heat is on. I walk over to the window, closing it and locking it just to see how smudged the window is.. I haven't cleaned them in forever and it's probably time to, by the looks of this poor window. "Milly.. hey.. didn't expect you home right now.. you scared me." Wyatt says, grabbing my attention as I spin around looking at him. He is naked and wet, but with a towel wrapped around his lower half, looking as if he took a shower. "Another shower? That's weird when you already took one this morning." I state the obvious since I saw him this morning coming out of there. "Well, you know how it is.. I felt dirty.. and stressed.. and my back hurt.. so I thought the hot water would help. You have always suggested just that for me." He explains as I nod because I know I have suggested that.. and that's exactly how that is for myself at least. When my neck and back are hurting that's one of the first things I do to help everything relax. "If you need a massage to help relax you.. I could always help.. I even know some amazing stress relievers in bed.. if you get what I'm saying." I sexually imply, wiggling my eyebrows at him being naked at the moment. I'm horny and haven't had anything in so long, and he is looking good practically naked. "Oh.. no.. I'm fine.. thanks anyways." He says to me before walking past and to the closet ending that conversation before it even really started. I huff out in frustration hating how far we have drifted apart. He won't accept my flirting or even try to flirt back.. he just makes things so much harder than they need to be and I don't know why. I cross my arms across my chest, hating this as I decide to distract myself. I quickly walk to the chemical closet that had all my cleaning supplies in it.. Just to take care of this dirty window, because now that I have noticed the smudges, I won't be able to forget about them until I take care of them. With every sweep of my hand and paper towel covered in cleaner, the squeaks of the clean glass follows, showing me I'm cleaning this very well. It's almost a stress reliever to hear those squeaks on the glass, making it feel even cleaner than it looks. I'm distracted and feeling a little better, until I see something catch my eye.. It's a glimmering in the window sill. I open it up to see a small earing that's caught in the grooves and seals of the window. I reach in, but it's too small that I can't get hold of it. I use the tip of my nail to scrape into there, cornering the earing and pulling it out. "What are you doing?" Wyatt asks suspiciously. I show him the tiny earing between my fingertips as he shrugs his shoulders with the state of confusion evident on his face. "An earing?" he clarifies as I nod. "Yes... why was it in the window?" I ask almost accusing, but not saying anything outright. He shrugs his shoulders looking even more confused. "I don't know.. I'm going to assume you dropped it? I don't know.. how would I know what you do with your jewelery.. maybe you dropped it and it somehow went in there.. I mean that is your side of the bed that's by that window anyways." He states before leaving me alone in the room. I stare down at the little gem stone earing.. maybe he is right.. he didn't look suspicious or act like he even cared that I saw this earing.. If he was guilty of anything he would care if I saw the evidence right? Besides.. maybe he is right.. maybe it is mine.. it is the same color as the earing I have wore before.. I don't know. I place the earing on my night stand as I close the window and locking it once again. Maybe I'm just thinking too much into things.. I feel almost like I'm starting a fight for literally no reason when I could try to have a good day with him if I wanted.. and yet here I am practically accusing him of who knows what. because of an earing I found by my side of the bed.. yes it was in the window sill, but I have seen crazier things. I shake off the nerves and suspicions, trying to not let them get to me.. maybe he had the right idea taking a shower to help his body relax.. maybe I need to do just that. I strip down again throwing my relaxed clothing across the room, making most of it into the dirty clothes hamper. I turn just to walk straight into the bathroom but.. something is not right.. I can see myself in the mirror.. I know that sounds strange.. but when we take a shower it always fogs up the mirror and it's not fogged up.. if he just took a shower why doesn't it look like it in here . Dammit here I go again making a fight out of nothing.. it has to be the depression getting to me.. that has to be it. I shake it off and turning on the shower.. it takes a little bit to heat up, but once it does I jump in.. but my mind keeps recalling all those little details and not dropping them as I should.. Why can't I drop these things? I should be able to trust him right? He is my husband.. and I'm trying to give us a fighting chance.. and if I'm sitting here thinking the worse about him, it's making us fail before we have a chance to even try and save what we have.. I can't do this, not to me and not to him.. nobody deserves to be stressed out like this, especially over nothing.. this is all nothing. After standing in the shower for a while, I finally feel my body remotely relaxing.. not as much as I would like, but I will take some.. especially since my time in here wasn't interrupted this time around.. unlike yesterday. I step out and quickly wrapping up my body tight in my towel and headed straight out of the bathroom and to the closet to get something cute and comfy on.. I need something breathable to cook in so I don't get overwhelmed by the heat, but I have to try to look nice with us having guests over, even though they're not my guests. I'll just put on my favorite outfit.. it's a cute army green, off the shoulder sweater that wraps around my neck. It's a sweater that looks like it's missing parts to it.. but I love it.. mostly because it's just like my mother's, that she got me so we could match every now and then. I slip on my capri- length, black leggings and search for that shirt.. it's always at the front of the closet with it being the one shirt that I wear the most.. but.. it's not here. That's weird.. I know I washed and dried it.. I hung it up a couple days ago.. I just know it. "Wyatt?" I call out to him once again, in hopes he might know. "What?" He asks with an annoyed tone as if I'm completely inconveniencing him at this point. "Hey have you seen my favorite shirt.. you know the one I always put right here." I point at the front of my closet that's dedicated to that one shirt. "Why the hell would I know what you do with your clothes? It's not like I wear them." He spats at me with his hands in the air, looking even more annoyed then when he originally walked in here. "Well.. uh.. I don't know.. I just thought maybe you would have an idea." I reply as he loudly scoffs at that. "Why would I know, when your the one who cleans and puts away the laundry.. do you know how crazy you're sounding with these questions about my shower, the earing and now your shirt.. why are you acting so suspicious of me all of a sudden? What do you think? I'm wearing your s**t?" He asks with more spat in his tone as I chuckle but shake my head. "I'm sorey I'm not trying to fight.. I just feel confused on where that shirt is and how that earing got there.. but, you're right, I probably sound crazy. I'm sorry.. just tired, since I didn't get much sleep and obviously out of it.. I'm sure I probably have that shirt in the dirty clothes or something.. thanks anyways." I say as he just turns around and leaves again before yelling over his shoulder. "It's lunch time.. are you making something for us to eat or am I just going to starve?" Me being the sassy woman I am, I quickly spat back.. "you might need to starve if you want me to cook for your friends tonight." I reply playfully as he laughs and yells back. "Fine.. I'll just make myself a PB&J." I laugh to myself at the thought of him not being able to make much.. when I don't cook that's his go-to meal. "well while you're at it, why don't you make me one too." I reply playfully, completely expecting him to shut me down like he always does. "Fine just because I'm here." He states surprising me with that.. flowers yesterday and a sandwich today.. I know that doesn't seem like much to some.. but this is the most he has done for me in months.
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