Chapter 4 Jealousy Talking

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Aiden's POV I observe Milly leaving in her car, looking beautiful as always. Even on her 'worst days' she is the most beautiful woman to me. I wish every single day that I would've been the one to get to her first at the bar where we met her. She was sitting with her friends at the stools right beside Wyatt.. so he got to talk to her first before I even knew she was there.. and from that moment on I regretted it because he has had her since. She is an amazing woman who puts everyone else first.. she has a genuine smile that glows and always brings me in, like a moth to a flame. Her eyes are the most beautiful orbs I think I have ever seen, but her smile is my favorite part.. it's big, bright and inviting. Plus she is one of the best cooks and the hardest workers I know.. she is astonishing in every sense of the word.. the only thing I don't like is that I can honestly say I'm in love with my best friend's wife. It's not right that I'm feeling that way, but I can't control my feelings of the heart. I just control my actions so I don't cross lines with her or Wyatt. It's just infuriating because he doesn't deserve her. He just takes advantage of her kindness and I hate seeing that. For so many months now he has been bragging about how he is cheating on her and how stupid she is for not having any idea about it.. he says he is so much happier with these other women and I'm furious with every word that comes out of his mouth, knowing every word will break her trusting heart. "Hey man what are you doing here?" He asks from behind me as I flip around to see that he has his keys and things in his arms, walking to his truck. "I was coming to see if you worked today?" I asked him as he shakes his head. "No, I have the day off so I'm going to go see Lacey and spend it with her." He states as I shake my head. "I thought you talked about going to therapy to fix things with Milly?" I ask him about the comment he made a couple of days ago, even though I'm pretty sure he was making fun of the idea then. but this makes him laugh out loud. "No, I don't want any part of that shrink sh*t." "Well then out of respect for her.. if you're not going to try to make your marriage work then you need to tell her about all of your affairs.. this isn't fair to her since she is trying to keep the relationship going." I demand this of him as he laughs louder, shaking his head. "There's no way that's happening.. she is a great maid and cook.. I'm not losing that." This thought makes me so mad that I feel my jaw clenching. "You need to tell her by the end of the week or I will.. she deserves to know." I command of him as he glares at me. "You're MY friend.. you can't betray me like that.. guy code.. Bros before hoes remember?" He spats as I explain even better. "Well I'm respecting your wishes by giving more time than you deserve to tell her, but I'm respecting her by not letting it go on longer than it has to. You're both my friends and you both deserve respect.. I'm doing the best I can to do for both of you.. so come on man, work with me.. I don't want to have to break her heart by telling her, but I will." "Why can't I just have my cake and eat it to? You're MY friend first.. this is bro code man.. You should automatically have my back." He spats at me in an annoyed tone making me mad that he would do that as he adds. "Besides, I'm busy the next couple of weeks with work and won't see her, so I can't tell her for a couple of weeks at least.. give me a break man.. help a friend out." I hate that he is saying all this and laying down a guilt trip that's working for whatever reason.. I feel like I'm being a bad friend either way so this is tough. "I have been helping you out by keeping my mouth shut for months now thinking that you would say something.. But this is getting completely ridiculous." I spat as he groans out. "Come on man.. please give me just a little more time to tell her myself.. she needs to hear this from me." I huff then cross my arms across my chest, restraining them before I punch him. "ugh.. Ok I'm giving you until the end of this month.. that's 2 and half weeks until I tell her myself.. your timer is starting now." I spat, hating I even have to negotiate, but he is my best friend and I love her, so I have to do some type of compromise, not just for them but my heart as well. I turn around not even wanting to be around him right now. If I stay any longer I know I will punch him straight in the face. I can't believe he is doing this and acting like such a child. I don't know what switch changed in his head after so many years of having the perfect woman, to make him want to stray.. This isn't right and he doesn't deserve her. This chance for him was precious and he obviously wasted it. I couldn't be madder about that thought. I know that I wouldn't have wasted this opportunity. Which makes me even madder to think about this again.. I have thought about that exact moment and how things could have been flipped in our lives, too many times to count. So I know this is mostly the jealousy talking. I stomp away in a huff as I quickly get down the street to my house. I'm the one that showed them these nice houses because there were so many vacant ones by my place at a good price.. and because I was hoping to be able to see her on a regular basis. I know that sounds awful since that's my best friend's wife, but I swear I haven't done anything with her. I'm not that kind of guy.. no matter how strongly I feel about her. I honestly thought that the feelings would eventually fade all away but here they are just getting stronger and stronger every time I see her gorgeous face or hear her melodic voice.. it's to the point that it's almost too much to bear. I get to my house unlocking it just to whistle out, getting my dog's attention. His feet barreling through the house always seems to put a smile on my face. I smirk awaiting his arrival. He sounds big but not as big as you would think by all the noise he is making.. He is a rusty-colored Doberman pinscher and my best buddy.. They are so loyal and amazing listeners.. so it was pretty smooth sailing to train him. "Come on Red let's go for a walk.. I need to ease my mind." I say as he looks in his basket that's beside the door for his leash. He gets it quicker than usual, obviously ready for this as much as I am. I reach down grabbing the leash just to quickly hook it onto his collar. He steps out onto the welcome mat at my front door but stops to give me the chance to shut and lock my door. We start by walking then slowly picking up the pace into a comfortable jog. I get smiles here and there from the neighbors, so I wave but obviously not wanting to talk, so I just keep going. I can't seem to get my mind off the assh*le that is known as my best friend.. I can't believe he would be this stupid.. throwing away a treasure like Milly.. over what? A girl that's a good time.. for now? Who cares that she is 10 years younger than him.. I don't think youth should be the factor that keeps you in a relationship with a woman.. I think the growth experienced together should be what helps keep a couple together.. I want to fight battles with my lady knowing she will always have my back and making sure she knows I always have hers.. not leaving her for the 'next best thing' just because I can.. he keeps talking about leaving her for this young woman he met at our work.. she is an intern but not even done with college yet.. I can see how it would be enticing for someone to be around that.. but if you truly love the person you are with, then it shouldn't matter who is around you, because you're taken.. Besides.. How much could he honestly have in common with this child that's barely in college? And how long does he really expect that to last? I huff out again just knowing that the anger in my heart and mind is actually just jealousy.. I don't want the multiple women.. I just want Milly.. he can have his side piece all he wants.. but when he breaks Milly's heart, you better believe I'll be the one there to pick up the pieces.. I know he is friend but I won't let the woman I love go through this alone.. she doesn't have to pick me or even want me.. I just don't want her to think she is alone in this lonely time. I'm not proud of this but I have found myself hitting on her time and time again over the last couple of years.. especially when I see her husband flirting up a storm at our work.. but she won't do anything.. she won't flirt back.. I don't know if that's because she doesn't like me or if she is just an amazing faithful woman, but either way, I love it. She is a one-of-a-kind woman and I couldn't be more enthralled. We get to the dog park in no time at all. Once we enter the gate and shut it behind us, I slip the leash off as he takes off. I sit down on the bench watching Red run to his little heart's content. Until my phone starts to play my ringtone in my pocket. I reach in and pull it out to see that it's my friend, the cheating bastard, Wyatt. "What do you want man?" I ask with spite, just hating him more and more as the years pass by, because of him being such a scumbag. "Hey man, I need your help.. I was on my way to Lacey's place and after I got her some flowers at the store, my car broke down on the highway.. So I need you to help me out and pick me up to take me to her place until I can get my vehicle taken care of.. they are on the way to pick it up now.. so I just need you to take me to her place then pick me up later to take me back home." He practically demands of me which infuriates me. "I don't have to do anything.. and I have plans for today.. I'm not even at home right now.. so figure something else out with your side piece.. make her come pick you up.. or get a taxi or uber." I say spitefully to him as he quickly responds. "I can't make a charge to the card for the taxi or uber because Milly could see it and find out about Lacey.. and Lacey doesn't have a car.. if you don't help me then I would have to call Milly for help." He pleads with me but I have no sympathy for this any more.. he made his bed he has got to lie in it himself. "Well I can't help you, so I guess you're just going to have to call Milly and tell her what you're doing on that side of the city.. you have to finally come clean.. no more lies just tell her what's going on.. because she deserves the truth and you know it." I demand of him while I hang up the call, not wanting to be involved anymore than I already am. Or worse yet, him guilt-tripping me once again to do something I don't want to do.
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