Chapter 5 Broke Down

2005 Words
Millicent's POV I'm livid beyond belief leaving the therapist's office and headed home to beat the hell out of my neglecting husband, who won't even remotely try to fix things between us. I need to do this before I have to go to work at least. I get to my car and put the phone straight to my ear after selecting my husband's number. My heart is racing at the running thoughts but I won't let it stop me, he has another thing coming if he thinks I'm keeping my mouth shut after this. I'm about ready to scream and lecture his ear off! I don't know how I'm that surprised that he didn't show up after he promised.. But I still am.. it's like he doesn't want us to get better. I hear the trilling of the rings in the phone as I wait with a thousand thoughts in my head of what I should say to him.. but first and foremost I need to figure out why he wasn't here. The click of him picking up the call let's me know the show has begun. "Why the hell didn't you show up to our therapy session? You promised you would be here to work on us! What excuse could you possibly have to not be here right now?!" I demand from him as he quickly explains. "Mil? Milly? Can you hear me? It's hard to hear you. My truck broke down by the highway.. by exit 110.. Can you please come to get me? The tow truck should be here any minute and I don't want to walk home.. unless you want me to call an Uber and add the fee on top of the towing fee?" He says to me as I get huffy thinking about how he broke down on that side of town.. it's not too far from me, but I don't know why he would be over there. "Fine I'm coming to get you and you have some explaining to do." I spat at him hanging up the call as I step on the gas and zooming out of the parking lot in his direction. It doesn't take long to find him and also the tow truck, hooking up his vehicle to take it away. He sees me pulling up as he jogs over to the window, waving at me with both arms as if I didn't see him. But I bust open the door almost hitting him because I'm livid at his absence. "Where have you been? And why would you be over here instead of where you promised you would be?" I demand some answers from him before I decide if I should just leave him out here on the side of the highway or not. "I'm sorry I wasn't there.. and I didn't see your missed calls and texts because I was in the store and then trying to figure out what was wrong with my truck." He explains as I cross my arms over my chest and spat out. "Why the hell were you at the store ignoring my calls?" I ask him as he backs up slowly getting to the side of his truck. My eyes continue to bore into him as I watch him reach into the truck's passenger side and pulling out a bouquet of flowers. They're beautiful and all colors. "I was going to surprise you with these, but as I bought them and pulled out to come to meet you my truck died and I have no idea why.. I'm sorry I missed the meeting for us.. but just know I was doing everything I could to be there with you and try to be a good husband." He explains as he holds the flowers out for me to take. "You were doing everything but calling me." I snap at him while swiping the flowers out of his hold. I glance down at the flowers and smell them. The fresh scent fills my lungs somehow making me feel better even though I'm trying to be mad at him. "I just didn't want you to be disappointed in me or hate me like you do now.. I was just trying to get you something nice.. I didn't want to call you and tell you about the secret gift I got you.. but here I am.. doing just that.. I'm sorry." He says with his head drooping, looking so depressed at that explanation. This makes my heart clench.. here I am being a big b*tch to my husband who was just trying to do something nice for me. "I don't hate you.. I'm sad you weren't there for a second time.. but this time I understand why you didn't make it and I love these flowers.. they smell nice.. So as long as you promise to be there for the next one next week and show up this time.. then we will be fine." I give in once again to his big puppy dog eyes that are pleading with me. He gets a smile on his face as he picks me up and spinning me around. "Thank you baby for forgiving me.. You're the best." He says stopping the spin to put me on my toes then kissing my cheek over and over again as I giggle and push him off of me. Even though I'm loving finally getting some affection and attention from him. "Alright alright... just get your things from your truck and we will follow it to the mechanic and figure things out there." I command him as he nods his head and swipes the keys out of my hands to take the lead as usual.. That's exactly what I would have expected of him. We drive to the Mechanic's, right behind the tow truck making sure we go to the right place. Once we get there we quickly get the low down from the mechanic on what he can see before he starts to work on it. Of course, we give him the okay about starting his work because we need this vehicle taken care of as soon as possible. My husband leads the way back to the car as he huffs out and flops into my driver's seat. He looks irritated, to say the least. "What's wrong Wy?" I ask in curiosity. "He said it could take a couple of days to take care of this!" He spats in irritation. I shrug my shoulders because it's not that big of an inconvenience. "Why does that matter.. your best friend and coworker lives down the street.. he can take you back and forth for the rest of the week and then you will have your truck back before you know it." "How the hell am I supposed to go anywhere else when I have to be taken around like a child?!" He spats back at me as he steps on the gas pedal to take us out of there. But his question catches my attention. "Where else would you need to go?" I ask him as he looks almost caught off guard with the shock in his eyes. He keeps his wide eyes locked on the road as he quickly states. "Just anywhere else." "Why would you need to go anywhere else? you just need to go to work and get home." I explain this, something he should already know.. because I do everything else. "Well, I mean groceries or an emergency or something." He replies as I notice his grip tightening on the steering wheel and he still refuses to look back at me. "Well for the next couple of days if you need groceries just tell me and I'll get them like I always do.. and if there is an emergency then call Aiden.. he is so sweet and helpful that I'm sure he would help you.. You're his best friend." I reply pretty quickly as he flips his head towards me before spitefully responding. "You think he is just so sweet huh? Such a catch? What do you want him? You think he is handsome too?" This of course catches me off, guard.. I don't want to lie to him but I know the truth will make him mad if he is acting like this. I don't know where this attitude toward his best friend is coming from, but every now and then he gets all childish about me being nice to his best friend.. But I'm not going to be a b*tch to the nicest man ever. "Well.. he is the nicest person I have ever met and you know that.. and he is a great-looking man and any woman would be so lucky to have him.. But you know I'm with you.. I married you so I don't know why you keep questioning me as if I'm trying to find something new.. I have never given you any reason to question my faithfulness.. so I don't know why you're acting like this now." I snap back which is unlike me because I don't like to fight with him but this is ridiculous and he better not be accusing me of anything involving infidelity.. because I will flip out if he does. He is the one acting suspiciously.. not me.. so if anyone has any reason to act like this then it's me. "You say he is sweet but I'm the one over here going out of my way to buy you flowers to make you smile.. but he is the one you talk about being so sweet and good looking.. ppsssh... what am I supposed to do to get some appreciation from you. I'm doing the best I can for you Milly and just because I'm not exactly like Aiden I'm not good enough." He says with so much anger making me feel so bad about saying anything.. all it has done is make things worse.. and that's not what I wanted. "That's not it.. I just.. I don't know.. I'm sorry.. You're right.. I wasn't meaning to make you feel bad about mentioning Aiden.. You just asked so I answered honestly but I do appreciate you going out of your way for me with these flowers.. it's thoughtful, thank you." I reply as he still looks sad so I lean over the middle console and give him a kiss on the cheek to make him feel better. This makes a victorious smirk appear across his features as we pull into our driveway. I walk with him inside as he flops on the couch, pulling out his phone once again. I walk to the kitchen and finding a vase to put these flowers in. Once I do that I quickly make my way through the house because I realize I need to get going before I'm late for work. "Well, Wy.. I have to get going.. I'm closing tonight so if you need me to get anything for dinner then just call me." I say to him as there is just silence. I look over to see he is smiling and typing away on his phone. "Baby?" I say to him as his eyes roll and he huffs out throwing his phone to the floor in a fit. "What?!" He snaps at me as if I'm completely inconveniencing him. "Nothing.. have a good night." I say sadly as he groans out saying. "I will once you stop nagging me.. shit." I don't respond back. I just leave slamming the door behind me.. Yes it was nice that he went out of his way to get me flowers.. but flowers won't fix our obvious issues.. you can't just buy my affections.. I need him to actually try to work with me on this.. and if he can't then I'll just find someone who will, after I leave him.. but it's now up to him to figure out what the next steps of our relationship will be because at least I know that I'm trying.
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