Chapter 12 Have To Talk

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Aiden's POV After a while of cooking with Milly, side by side like the best kind of chef team.. Well... let's be honest, it mostly has consisted of her telling me what needs to be completed and I try to do it, to the best of my abilities alongside her. Which, in retrospect, is a type of chef team I suppose, Or at least like the ones I've seen on TV. But no matter how much I'm not helping out, because we know she could do this on her own, she at least has appreciated the help I brought to the table. I know this for sure, by the constant appreciation she has thrown my way the entire time I have been here. Even with all the thank-you's that are freely given, she has had to come and help me a couple of times as well... it's not that I'm doing it wrong, I'm just taking the long way to do things and she knows a shortcut apparently. It's always nice to learn new things. But it doesn't matter what she wanted to do and teach me because I would give her all my attention just to get more alone time with her. In my defense though, I swear I'm not completely useless, I do know my way around the kitchen... I'm a bachelor who has to survive one way or another and we will just say my mother taught me a thing or two when I was younger. It has helped me figure out my way around a recipe or two. I wouldn't say I'm on a professional level by any standards... I just mostly know the basics by heart. But I'll take any criticism or cooking lesson with Milly that I can, when given, with no complaint whatsoever. I don't know if she just loves to cook so she studied what she could about cooking or is just naturally amazing at it and everything else. But either way, I'm floored by the sight before me with how easily she takes care of a handful of tasks at a time.. making it look like child's play. We finish everything right before the guests will be showing up. So almost perfect timing. "Thanks so much for helping me out with all of this, I couldn't have done it without you." Milly says, grabbing my attention as I wash up the last bit of dishes used to make this plethora of food. "We both know you could've and I don't know how much I was actually helping... But.. It's not a problem whatsoever.. and just know I would do anything for you. You need only ask." I say sounding desperate.. at least to myself. I roll my eyes, hating that.. it sounded so much better in my head until it left my lips. "Well, whether I could have done that by myself or not.. I still really appreciated your company.. I just love spending time with you.. and always have." She says softly to me looking shy by this comment as her eyes bounce from my face to the floor.. but all this shy reaction does for me is tug a smile out onto my face as my heart's pace starts to pick up. "Did you.. um.. maybe want to go out with me sometime this week?" I take a shot in the dark, just wanting to get more of this personal time with her, even if it's just a little bit. "I would love to... but.. I wont have an affair.. So, I need to do something about my current situation... it's not working with my husband, and I honestly don't know why I keep fighting for this by myself... it's not fair.. but something that's also not fair is the fact that I kissed you and.. wanted more.. while I'm married... it's not right because it's not fair to poor Wyatt... I... I think I have to tell him about my actions.. about us.. not that any of it was bad by any means, but just to be honest with him because that's the person I am... I can't keep this a secret. I have never been good at lying or keeping secrets.. they just eat at me." She explains to me as I nod, knowing she is right about this. But since I made the first move, I feel that I should be the one to tell him about this. "I get it... I do... I'm sorry I have made things complicated for you... I don't ever want to pressure you any which way, but I just want you to know that I'm here if you need anything, whether it's as my lady or my friend. But since I'm the one that started this, I think I should be the one to tell him." I declare as her eyes widen. She looks like she wants to object, but nothing comes out of her mouth. "Are you ok?" I ask her even more cautiously as she nods and states. "I just can't believe you would do that for me... You know he will get mad and probably let his temper get the best of him.. and you would still do it? I'm just surprised but I really appreciate it... You're just so sweet." She says to me as I smirk at her. "He can do what he wants, I don't care.. it won't change how I feel and as corny as this may sound, I really would do anything for you." She stares up at me with the most magnifying look in her eyes that makes them look as if they're sparkling. She looks almost mesmerized by my words.. But little does she know that she is the one mesmerizing me. The urge to kiss her again is becoming almost unbearable by just that look alone.. I'm not trying to make things harder on her or apply pressure that is obviously unneeded.. But that look in her eyes tells me that maybe the things I'm bringing to this relationship are needed and wanted. I decide to say f*#k it, because you never know until you try. So I take advantage of our last moment alone as I lean down to her level, kissing her softly. I feel her hand wrap over my jawline, combing through my facial hair and bringing me in more. There is a heat building up inside of me quickly for her and I think she can tell this and is enjoying it as much as I am. The biggest indicator is her tongue that's now running rampant through my mouth, as I feel her body pressing into mine, making this electricity between us spark. We attack each other's lips as my hand wraps around the small of her back, securing her to me. That is until her doorbell echoes throughout the house, it can be heard easily by us, Bringing us back to reality way quicker than any of us wanted. This makes us separate without hesitation because I think we both forgot where we were and what we were preparing for today. "I'm sorry. I got carried away." She says to me, now fanning herself off, showing it wasn't just wanted for myself but her as well.. I chuckle just to reply. "Don't be sorry because I'm not." She grins at me, lightly slapping my chest as she says softly. "I won't be sorry as long as we're honest with Wyatt.. he deserves that... I need to be single first, and then I can figure out my next steps with anything else relationship-wise." She tries to explain nicely that she is not mine yet and might never be, and I have to accept that. I will, because I respect her and her feelings just that much.. She means more to me than she will ever know. Besides, I'm part of the reason this marriage is breaking up, and I do have to take responsibility for that fact as well... I know it wasn't all me, but I have done more with my best friend's wife than I ever should've.. let alone imagined possible, and it needs to be out there. She is right, he deserves to know, no matter how much of a cheating assh*le he is. I unwrap my arm from around her and step away before this prematurely explodes. I need to take care of this properly, not out of accusations and assumptions from everyone around. "I'll go talk to him right now.. and we will see how it goes." We keep hearing the doorbell ring over and over again as we notice more guests filling the place, making this conversation not private anymore.. talking about this with Wyatt is going to be so much harder than I thought, but for her, I really would do anything. "Milly?! Look at you! You look fantastic!" One of the secretaries I work with comes barreling into the kitchen to greet her. "Tyler! It's nice to see you too! I haven't seen you since the Christmas party last year! You look glowing!" Milly exclaims as they hug right in front of me. "Sorry for interrupting Aiden.. I just needed to see her! You're a sight for sore eyes Milly! I feel you get more beautiful every time I see you!" Tyler states as I smile and reply. "No worries.. have fun chatting ladies." "You want to know why I'm glowing?!" Tyler asks her and ignoring me. I notice Milly smiling at me but then quickly nodding at her. "I'm pregnant!" Tyler yelps out in excitement, this gets her jumping with Milly, looking as if they're bouncing around the kitchen in celebration while I smile to myself and turn away. I notice a lot of our coworkers walking around the house... But I have never seen him invite the staff we work with for a party.. so this is odd. I keep looking around to notice the little crowd of people that are now mingling amongst one another and enjoying the amazing food. But what I see across the room infuriates me. I see Wyatt and Lacey flirting up a storm..openly.. the audacity of that man to bring her back here. I walk right over to the two of them as I glance over at Milly, who is talking and joking around with Tyler and some other people that she recognizes. "Man, what the hell is she doing here?" I ask Wyatt about Lacey as they both smirk at me. "Are you here to join us in the bedroom this time around?" Lacey asks as I get the most disgusted look on my face. "I would never.. You're disgusting." I glare at Lacey then turning my anger to Wyatt, talking to him as if this woman isn't here. "What the hell are you doing bringing her here?" I ask again as Wyatt plainly states. "It's a football party for coworkers. She is a coworker." I scoff at that saying through clenched teeth, "She is not just a coworker to you.. and playing this game in front of your wife and bosses is walking on thin ice.. and stupid, even for you." They laugh at my concern as if I'm some sort of i***t. "She is clearly a coworker because we work at the same company.. who cares that she is a coworker that I f*#ked the s**t out of earlier.. No one will ever know." He says in a bragging tone as I feel my anger building up at his cockiness. I feel that I need to get myself under control before I explode at his disregard for his wife and even job. "She is not just a coworker and you know you can lose your job for this.. you might not care about your wife but you have to at least care about your job right?" I try to talk some sense into him but this just makes the both of them laugh louder. But with how loud it is in this house, I don't think we are that noticeable. "He cares about me and nothing else that's why he f*#ked me so good all around their room and on her side of the bed too. He did so much to me that he even ripped my shirt apart in the midst of the lovemaking.. it was so sexy," Lacey states as I roll my eyes hating this entire conversation. "Yeah, she's right about all of it.. and it was amazing.. but then Milly was came home earlier than we thought, so I told her she could take one of Milly's shirts just to make sure she didn't have to leave out the window naked!" He declares as if it's the funniest joke ever. I huff out as I state. "Wyatt man, this is ridiculous and we need to talk.. now." He laughs, shaking his head, and replies. "I know what this is going to be about, and I'm not doing that right now... I have more important things to worry about, and it's not my wife... it's this sexy little minx." He declares pushing her back into the house as he follows. I run my hand through my hair, not knowing if I should try to follow and talk with him.. because if I do attempt that, I know they would try to involve me, and I don't want that at all.. maybe I should go tell Milly and help her find him in the act.. and then what? Break her heart after finally getting her attention... I don't want that either.. she still hadn't even decided if she wants to be with me.. So considering pissing her off might just send her further away from me. I don't know what to do.. this sucks.
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