Chapter 11 Cooking Something Up

1880 Words
Aiden's POV Since I'm still in close proximity and loving every second of it, from her sweet scent to undeniably stunning beauty to behold only inches away. I don't fight the strong urge to say softly into her ear. "I know you, I like you.. and I'm not running." She turns her head back to face mine instantly, putting our faces only inches apart. Not just startling me, but herself as well. But we both don't move from our position, keeping us close like we probably shouldn't be. It feels so right even though I know this should feel wrong.. but it somehow doesn't. Her eyes are panning all around my face, along with her mind running, thinking about my big but quiet confession. She shakes her head as if she convincing herself otherwise of my feelings I was barely brave enough to say outloud. Why would I just say something like that if I didn't really mean it? "You.. you don't have to lie to try to make me feel better, Aiden." She nervously stutters out, but this causes my body to just react before I lose the little bit of confidence I have. To hopefully prove to her that I'm not just telling her this to ease her mind. I lean in quickly, pressing my lips to her luscious ones while my hands wrap over her cheeks, pulling her in to me more. Her lips feel so amazing pressed into mine that I just wish I could do this forever. As she kisses me back, I feel my heart hitting the clouds, and it may never come down after that amazing high. She breaks the kiss just to slap me across the cheek. It's not loud and doesn't even hurt as much as it should. It stings only slightly, but mostly to my heart. I feel bad at what I just did. Feeling absolutely mortified that I probably ruined the relationship we had that it took me years to built in one split second. I should have been just happy with what I had, and here I am just jumping the gun and betraying the woman I love and my best friend in the same moment.. I'm the worst kind of scum. I know Wyatt is cheating on her, but that doesn't give me the right to betray him when he is trusting me with her.. I'm not that kind of man, and it sucks that I let the temptations of my love consume me like this. It was probably the best kiss of my life just because it was with her, the one woman I have been dying to be around for every second possible. but I only want something amazing like that if she wants it too.. I won't ever force anything with anyone ever. The guilt filling my mind is almost too much to handle, quickly bringing me right back down to earth. "I'm sorry.. I'm so so sorry.. F*#k Milly.. I'm so sorry. I have just liked you for so long.. and I let my feelings get the best of me." I whisper, shaking my head, hating myself for these feelings that I can't seem to help but feel, let alone control. I'm a grown man. I should be able to control myself.. what an i***t I am.. this is not fair to her.. She is probably going to kick me out of her life forever for this. "Who do you think you are? I'm a married woman." She whispers to lecture me as she looks back to observe that her husband hasn't noticed any of it. She pushes me by my chest back, so we are out of his line of vision.. and I go with it, not wanting to offend her anymore than I already have. If she doesn't want me near her, then I won't force her. I feel awful for overstepping my boundaries while possibly taking advantage of her vulnerable state. "Why would you do that?" She asks me as she keeps pushing her fingertips into my chest as I start to feel worse and worse with every step back I take. "I'm really sorry for offending you, Milly.. I.. I have honestly liked you since the day I met you, and I thought the feelings would go away once you got with Wyatt, but they didn't.. and I thought that they would definitely go away once you got married.. but they didn't and just got stronger the more I got to know you." I declare as she grabs my jersey that's over my chest and pulls me in until her lips crash to mine. Sending my heart into overdrive. I'm in shock at these actions but not too much of a shock to object. Once I realize what's really happening here, I pull her into me by her hips until there is no space between us. We kissed with a hunger I never expected but always wanted from her. After who knows how long, because time had ceased to exist for me in this moment. She pulls away as she asks, "Why didn't you say anything until now?" "I was a chicken sh*t.. and trying to be respectful." I say into her lips as she gently pecks my lips with her soft ones once again. "You're so sweet, and I like you too.. but I'm still married.. and I'm sorry for doing this.. I shouldn't have.. ugh.. I'm such a sh*tty wife.. I shouldn't have kissed you back.. but I have thought about that a thousand times over." She says nervously, looking from me to the little bit of wall separating us from her husband. A thousand times over, huh? It sounds as if I have been on her mind almost as much as she has been on mine.. No.. That's probably not possible. "Hey, don't worry.. I won't say anything, ok? It's our little secret.. and don't beat yourself up.. You're an amazing wife, and I mean that.. But I'm sorry I pressured you into this.. I shouldn't have, because you're married.. but I won't lie, I don't regret it... It was as amazing as I always imagined." I make sure she knows this because I don't regret anything I have with her.. But I never, and I mean, never want to make her feel uncomfortable around me. "I don't regret it either.. But I swear I'm not that kind of girl.. I'm not unfaithful." She says to me as I sadly nod at her. "I know." There is a silence in the room as I think about this for a moment. "If you want me to leave, I would understand, just say the word." I sadly say, trying to respect her boundaries as much as possible after crossing that line with her. She quickly bounces up on her toes, making our lips connect once more for a second peck. When she separates, she softly replies. "We have some cooking to do handsome." I smile at her as I nod and ask. "Ok... so tell me what we're working on so I can help." The big smile that appears is my favorite and absolutely gorgeous, plus contagious beyond belief.. but what's even better is the fact that she grabs my hand tightly into hers, just to pull me behind her to show me what needs to get done. By these actions after my confession, I can only conclude that she really does like me too. Luckily for me, that hopefully means I haven't ruined anything between us.. I don't care if I ruin things with Wyatt, honestly.. I just care about her. She squeezes my hand before leading me directly to the main counter. "Can you please grab my a mixing bowl and Sautee pan from that top shelf?" She asks me as I quickly nod, doing just that without a moment to lose. "No offense Milly, but why would you have these all the way up here? When you obviously can't reach it?" I ask her as she sadly states, "Wyatt puts things up there to make me mad because he knows I can't reach it.. So, since he broke my step stool, I just climbed on the counters to get everything I needed down.. But when I come back later to use them, it's right back up there.. So I would assume it's him because I have seen him do it multiple times while making fun of me." I clench my jaw thinking about just that. I hate knowing that he bullys her like this.. I understand a playful relationship between a couple.. But to intentionally make someone mad daily for no reason is almost malicious. .. and probably takes a mental toll on her since it's been years of this torment. hearing things like this makes me want to beat the hell out of him. I think she can tell I'm getting mad at that comment. Both of her hands wrap around one of mine just to hold it tight, with her thumb rubbing over my hand. This slightly calms me down but only slightly. "Dont let it get to you.. I'm fine.. and used to it." she declares as I shake my head. "You shouldn't have to get used to bad treatment.. That's not ok.. and I'll beat the hell out of him for everything he has done to you. You deserve the best, not the worst." I say as she quickly hushes my tone that's getting louder with irritation. "Shhh.. Aiden.. I'm ok.. I swear.. he is just playing jokes and trying to get better with me.. but we will see how long that actually lasts." she says as I get sad thinking about that even though I should be happy that they might be getting better.. even though I know they probably won't be.. But there is no way to tell her that without hurting her. "I.. I hope he is getting better." I painfully retort as she points at the bouquet of flowers on the counter in front of us. "his car broke down yesterday after he went to the store to get me flowers for our thwrapy session to say sorry.. so he sadly missed the therapy session, but he promises to be at the next." She says as I hold my tongue, knowing now that he obviously didn't tell her his true intentions about yesterday and especially didn't tell her that those flowers were for another.. he practically regifted those things. I just want to chuck that whole vase at his thick skull. "That's what he said, huh?" I ask through clenched teeth as she smiles up at me so innocently. "No time to talk about all that.. we have some things to take care of." She says so lightly before showing me what she needs. I quickly start to mix as she starts to cook, and we work so well as a team that I can't help but wish this could last forever.. but apparently, that will only be a wish.. but luckily for me, I will have that kiss to hold onto for the rest of my life and she doesn't hate me for it.. So I guess I have to take my wins where I can.
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