Chapter 13 Sticky Notes

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Millicent's POV Man, this house is a little chaotic at the moment.. tons of people are walking and talking as the football game plays in the background.. Only some are watching the actual game, but most are snacking and talking like this is their getaway for at least the day. I keep refilling what I can as I weave in and out of the people currently taking over my house. I keep mingling amongst the crowd, trying to stay pleasant even though I don't know most of these people.. I keep throwing smiles all around, keeping my eye out for my husband and Aiden.. But both are nowhere to be seen. I can't help but wander around as I continue to reminisce about the amazing moment with Aiden earlier.. So I feel the strong need to talk to them to get this off my chest.. I don't like keeping secrets and hate lying so this is hard for me. I know I told Aiden he could talk to Wyatt.. but I don't want him to take the brunt of his anger when I was involved to.. it's not fair. I feel awful about kissing Aiden while being married, but I don't feel bad about the fact that I like him.. I have liked him for a while too and the fact that my husband won't give me the time of day to even work on our relationship is the deal breaker for me. I don't feel even remotely important to Wyatt.. It's the little things that show how much you matter to someone.. But Wyatt is giving me nothing.. He has invited all these people into our house and won't even introduce me to any of them.. He won't claim me in public.. which hurts. But for me what hurts worse is that he demanded I do all this for him and he didn't even thank us for the time or hard work put into this food. He is so selfish.. and the longer I think about this situation.. the more I just want out of it. So his automatic reaction today, for me, shows he all around doesn't even care that I'm here at this moment. I'm just useful to him and I won't be used if I have anything to say about it. I feel like for once I'm finally seeing clearly.. and things are going to change because I'm going to change them. Yes, Wyatt won't even come near me today.. But the curious thing to me, is that I have noticed how much he has been hanging out with this young blonde I have never seen before. They smile back and forth, laughing as if they might be flirting.. and the strange thing is that I don't feel bad or jealous. I know I should hate this sight but honestly, I don't. That's what has shown me how much I don't care anymore.. and it's sad but true. I feel mad at myself for how much I have checked out. But the truth hurts sometimes. You would think the last straw for me would be his flirting with this girl, or not remotely acknowledging me, or the kiss from before.. but I have honestly been on the edge of the divorce factor for a while now and all of this together makes me want to leave this without hesitation.. Making me feel better about that decision the more I think about it. But I do wish I would have kissed Aiden while single, I don't want to start, whatever this is, off on the wrong terms.. How is it going to go, if it doesn't start right? So I feel bad about that fact. The kiss from Aiden was just the deciding factor, or cherry on top as some might say.. With Wyatt not giving me the love at attention I desperately want, it really makes me want to run straight into Aiden's arms. They make me feel safe and wanted and I know that Aiden is a good man.. I have known him for too long to think otherwise. But I need to do this the right way.. I don't want Wyatt to find out from anyone else but us.. I don't know how he will react. I feel almost like a bad wife honestly.. but at the same time I'm tired of being pushed to the side and ignored.. and I have been thinking about divorce for a while so this isn't anything new. I was just trying to force my relationship to work and obviously that's not going to work for either one of us. I'm just worried Wyatt's anger will get the best of him and he will try to fight Aiden.. I don't want to come between their friendship at all.. but I know that Wyatt won't be happy about this.. it's his best friend that I want to be with.. I don't know anyone who would like to hear that. I keep looking around, not seeing any of them, but I need a moment to myself. So I wander through the house and to our bathroom in our bedroom.. we have a second bathroom that's out by the crowd, so I'll use this one to take me away from the chaos. I stand in front of the mirror anchoring my hands to the sink to hold me up as I let out a deep breath. When I look up I notice that things have been moved around. We have a 'him and her' sink.. and Wyatt never touches my things.. and yet they are not where I left them last. I start looking at my things on top of the counter. I rearrange them to where they are supposed to be, feeling weird about this. I notice that my drawer is not shut all the way.. I reach down and pull out my main drawer.. it holds my makeup and hair items. What's the first thing I see? the jewelry box that was given to me.. and it has a sticky note on it. This is strange because I left the jewelry box out on top of the counter and now it's in the drawer where I would never put it.. with a sticky note attached. I nervously reach down and pluck the note off of the box. It's blank on the top but when I flip it over it simply says, 'You look stunning today.' What the hell? I instinctively look around the bathroom that I'm closed in and instantly feel stupid.. it's not like whoever left this would still be in here.. right? I push open the shower curtain and look in the only spots anyone could hide to find nothing out of the ordinary. I used this stuff today before everyone arrived and it wasn't like this.. so does that mean someone at this party was in here, sent me this box and wrote me this note? I don't understand. I shake my head and turn to the closed door to see at eye level is another sticky note. I swallow the lump in my throat feeling as if this scene is getting spooky once again.. I slowly reach up and peel the note off.. it's blank on the top again but once I flip it over I read. 'naughty naughty.. kissing him.' I swallow again feeling even worse.. was this the work of Wyatt? Does he already know? Does someone else know? Wyatt didn't know about the box and yet the note is with the box making me think it was the same person who left it.. but none of this makes sense. I crumble up the sticky notes and throw them into the trash as I quickly open the door and leave the bathroom. I'm startled by a woman with my husband in the room. "Oh hey, Milly.. what are you doing here?" he asks as my eyebrows scrunch together. "Using the bathroom.. what are you doing here?" I ask knowingly as he clears his throat. "Oh um.. this is Lacey.. She had questions about the house, since she is looking at places.. she moved here recently.. so I was showing her around." He explains as I wipe the concern off my face and quickly walk up to her with my hand extended. She stares at my hand for a longer moment then expected before she takes it and barely shakes my hand. " Um.. yes nice to meet you, Lacey.. Wyatt.. may I talk to you for a moment?" I ask him as he shakes his head. I notice his hand on the small of her back as he pushes her toward the door. "We have guests here.. I don't think this is the time to talk." He says running his hand through his hair to fix it. I nod knowing he is probably right. "Ok.. yeah sure. I was just wondering why you left me the sticky note in my bathroom." I try to quickly explain as the quizzical look on his face lets me know he doesn't know what I'm talking about. "I didn't write you a note." I suck in a sharp breath because this freaks me out.. but maybe it was Aiden. "Ok.. yeah sorry.. Um.. do you know where Aiden is?" I ask as he shakes his head. "No, but he asked to talk with me so I told him we could after this house tour with Lacey.. But since the party won't last too much longer then probably after the game.. you know when everyone leaves." I nod again. I don't want to ruin this party with friends and especially my husband's coworkers.. that could put a riff in the waves of working properly if so.. There is only an hour or two for this party so I'll just let it run it's course and we can talk about everything after so there isn't drama for everyone to see. I watch the two of them walk out of the room and for some reason, the urge to not trust that woman is almost overwhelming. I always go with my gut and for some dumb reason, my gut says it doesn't like her. But she is a guest so I'll be nice.. especially since I have no reason to like her. I turn into my closet as look at the mirror to see another sticky note.. another one? ugh.. I grunt out storming over to the note as I swipe it aggressively off of my mirror. It doesn't say anything on the top again. I flip it over to read. 'What a sexy naughty girl.' What the f&#k?! who is this?! who would write this?! I quickly crumble it up as I look around for any more signs of a sticky note. I don't see anymore as I quickly storm out of the closet just to run straight into Aiden. I yelp out in shock as he quickly takes hold of me to steady me. "Milly it's me.. are you ok?" I'm frazzled and I think he can tell this. I shake my head as I lift the crumbled note in my hand. "Why are you leaving little notes for me? was the present and rose from you too?!" I accuse him of this as he looks confused about that comment. "I didn't write you any notes or give you presents.. what are you talking about?" He asks reaching for the note. I let him take it as he reads it but obviously doesn't understand. "Maybe it was Wyatt." He declares as I shake my head and crossing my arms across my chest. "I asked him and he said it wasn't him.. but there were other notes in the bathroom.. they said I was naughty for kissing you.. someone knows what we did and if it's not us and not Wyatt.. then who?" I blatantly ask as he looks almost sad about that reaction. "Are you embarrassed by that?" He asks as I shake my head as I explain. "No it's not that.. it's either Wyatt is lying to me or someone has been in my house.. does that not sound creepy?" I ask him as Wyatt walks into the room to see us talking. "What's going on in here?" "I was asking Aiden about the sticky notes." I declare as that same girl follows Wyatt back into here.. why is she still with him following him around like a little puppy dog? "Milly.. I think you need to go to that therapist more than once a week.. I think you need help.. do you know how crazy you have been sounding lately?" Wyatt spats at me as Aiden declares, "That's not ok to say.. stop it, man." I roll my eyes as I huff out. "I'm not crazy.. someone has been in our house aren't you concerned about that?" I spat out in frustration as he states. "Yeah, lots of people are in our house duh.. we are throwing a party." His reaction is frustrating. "That's not what I'm meaning.. there was someone before." I try to explain as he rolls his eyes and huffs out. "And you know this because of a note? You're so crazy.. no one else has been in our house but us.. get your sh*t together.. We have guests over and you're sounding crazier than normal.. if you can't handle this then maybe you need to go." "Where would I go?!" I ask him feeling offended at his tone and accusation of my sanity. "Just outside.. get a breath of fresh air and maybe have a drink or two.. maybe smoke with Aiden I'm sure he has weed on him." Wyatt declares as I huff out to explain more, but before I can he rolls his eyes and says, "Get it together.. I'm getting tired of this nonsense." He turns around without even giving me a second glance. I feel my eyes watering up at this. He never believes me or even gives me a chance to explain. I'm always wrong in his eyes. Once they leave the room I look up at Aiden who looks concerned for me. "I'm not crazy.. I'm not imagining shit.. I swear." I try to explain as he hushes me. "Shhh.. don't worry about him.. he is an assh*le.. I know you're not imagining anything.. I believe you.. just don't overthink this either. You could really overwhelm yourself if you do. You have so much going on that your mind might be over stimulated with everything.. give yourself a break." He says as I nod. I think he can still see the tears in my eyes as he pulls me into his chest. I sniffle and try to breathe as I feel his lips touch my head. "Hey... Milly.. everything is going to be ok.. how about we go outside and smoke a little.. like he said I do have some weed on me." I nod at him letting out a deep breath as I wipe the stray tears from my cheeks. "Sure.. thanks Aiden."
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